Just Found Out about GAY DAYS!!!

why is it that we have to make a big deal out of these " gay days " who cares, why even announce that this is a "special" time. I'm confused, what are they trying to tell us??? Is there a "special" well announced "hetero" days. I personally don't care what your life partner is, thats your choice. I am much more concerned w/a criminal element rather than someone who is gay!!:confused:
Man, I hate to jump in on this subject, but.....you see, I have a 3 yr. old and don't want to expose her to the gay culture, just like I don't want to expose her to other things that are outside of MY value system. What you want to do is your decision, but it does not make it alright for me and my family.....
now, to change gears....going to WDW on just any old day and seeing that 3-6% of the folks are gay (not necessarily wearing red or rainbow) is fine with me....but I would not take my daughter on THE day, just like I wouldn't take her if a day was set aside for "black pride day" or for another other day that celebrates the individuality of any group that I am not a part of. Simply because I just don't fit that group so it kind of takes the politics out of it for me (and keeps me from explaining to my daughter)


2 things: *what* connection is there between 'Gay Days' and any sort of 'criminal element'? I'm just not sure I understand what in this thread has anything to do with anything criminal.

I really don't subscribe to the argumentative question "Is there a "special" well announced 'hetero' days?" I mean, come on. Does there *need* to be?

From that question, which is a fairly common viewpoint within our society, by the way, I would guess (and of course, I really don't know) that you are not a member of a minority group. I think that people who are part of the majority and do not know what it is like to be on the outside of that simply cannot grasp how hard it is for those who *are* on the outside.
JonHM...as a member of one minority that is often overlooked, I want to say I get it. When are they going to have the "freakishly tall chicks(6'1) who can't keep their mouths shut and lives to love others who are different" day? LOL I see a need...they could sell tshirts long enough and I for one would be thrilled!

Folks, it is "announced" because it is a gathering of like minded people vacationing in a place together sharing common interests, they advertise "Grad Nights" for example, because the parks will be teeming with hormonal teenagers on a happy bender because they finished school, but I don't see people avaioding the parks on those days. Personally, as the mother of a teenager, I can unequivicably say that teenagers scare me much more in this day and age then gays do. :) (Please see that my tongue is firmly planted in my cheek.)
johnhm, I think fanofwalt was just saying that he/she is more worried about things like theft than about gay people. I didn't see that a connection was being made, but rather the opposite. Why worry about lifestyle choices when there are worse things out there? I didn't take the post as negative at all!

And maybe the other point, about the special day, is Why do we need to have a special day for gay people if they just people after all? Again, NOT negative.

Anyhow, like I said earlier, I'll probably be there some year in June. I'll forget about "the event" and wear a red shirt (my favorite color) and I'll have a great time! My family won't be able to find me in the crowd, but we'll use our 2-way radios :D
Gillian...I love your attitude! It is people like you with your warmth and calm that keep life fun! What a gift! Red t shirts for everyone! LOL
As you can see I'm no writer, sorry you missed my point. I believe Gillian straightened it out!!
Gillian : thanks for the clarification on the previous post on criminal behavior - that just hadn't made sense to me - I see what you're saying. The only thing you said that bugged me was something very innocent from your perspective, I would guess, but something that I think is extremely significant and that I commented on earlier. PLEASE don't use the words 'lifestyle choice' - there ain't *nothing* about being Gay that's a choice - any more than being black, or jewish, or latino - people who are gay simply *are*.

As for your quote, "Why do we need to have a special day for gay people if they're just people after all?" IMHO, that's a little silly. EVERYONE, and I mean *EVERYONE* on the whole planet are 'just people after all' - and we have LOTS of special days for LOTS of different groups. Why begrudge them that? You might as well say "Star Wars Weekend? Well, *why*? Do they have 'special' weekends for NON-Star Wars fans???"

Thanks again for the clarification on FanOfWalt's post. I really appreciate that.

Jen80370 : LOL! I wouldn't say 'freakishly' tall - now if you were *7*'1"... I used to have a friend Sandy in college who was 6 feet but whenever she had to say her height to someone she would say she was five foot twelve... :D
I have a few gay friends who go to gay days each year and they've told me that other than large crowds that they don't see any difference than at any other times at the parks. They said that Disney regulars shouldn't notice a difference really except maybe an enormous amount of red and that it's easy to avoid the larger crowds if you skip the "park of the day". I even considered trying to take my son there last year while they were there but I couldn't get off of work during that time. They said that some of the parties that I believe are posted on the website can be a bit wild though but you shouldn't have any problems avoiding those!
JonHM... :) It took me until I was 25 to be able to say six feet and not five twelve! LOL...Now that I can actually find clothes online, I beam 6'1 with pride...and it doesn't seem freakish until I try to sit on some rides and feel like Gulliver! LOL

As for Gay Days, I'm jealous...I wish I could go. I'm going in late June...maybe I'll pack red t-shirts and tell people I'm fashionably late! :) Or I could pack all yellow t-shirts and tell people it is freakishly tall chick day! :)

To each their own. If you feel uncomfortable...don't go...if you do decide to go though, and you are truly open, you will discover (for the most part...no group of people is all kind, but none are all bad either) a group of people with more acceptance of others then any one group I have ever been around. There's a stereotype I wish could make the rounds...because I see it time and time again...

Happy Wednesday!

Not exposing your children to gay men and women? Okay, how about not exposing them to ... (select your favorite group you don't care for). I feel sorry for your kid(s)! They need every ounce of education, experience, and advice you can instill in them. Kids don't become gay because they encounter gay people and see them interacting: people are generally either born gay or not, as has already been pointed out. If you say you don't want to expose your child to gay people, that really means you don't want your child to see that as a lifestyle choice, because you're afraid your kid might turn out to be gay. It isn't going to happen, so get over it.
Having grown up in New York City, I don't know why someone felt it necessary to apologize for taking their 12 year old son to Greenwich Village. You don't think they're doing nasty things in the streets, do you? Please. Kids get experience and diversity growing up in Manhattan.
Now, I will tell you that I made it a point to stay inside most of St. Patrick's day when I lived in Manhattan because of all the drunken Irish folks drinking, peeing, and vomiting in the streets. Not a joke, just an observation. Anyone who has lived there has seen the same thing. Same as Halloween: watch out for eggs if you're walking around in Manhattan on Halloween--they have a habit of dropping out of the sky or getting tossed at you from moving cars.
Since I don't think gay people are tossing eggs, or drinking, peeing, and vomiting on Main Street, I wouldn't worry about going to Gay Day this year.
We have never been to WDW for Gay Day, but last year during the Toronto Gay Parade (one of the biggest in North America) we were at Paramount Canada's Wonderland (our local theme park) and I noticed lots of great looking guys. It finally occured to me that they were visiting for the Gay Parade. Once I clued in, I noticed at least 100 gay fellas. They were at the park for the same reason I was there, to have fun!

I don't think I would worry too much about gay guys messing around at the pools or in public. I mean, you don't see hetrosexual couples making out all over the place, why would gay folks be any different?
You do realize that no one is having orgies in Fantasyland, right? Think about this, I mean really. Have you explained heterosexuality to your 3 yo?

Three year olds hug and kiss anyone they care about; irrespective of gender. A healthy 3 yo has no understanding of sexual context. In their minds, holding hands is something that you do so that you don't get lost. They will not question two adults kissing one another, anymore than they will question a little boy kissing his daddy; they just don't notice these things at all.

A child who is old enough to be aware of sexual context should also be old enough to understand that it has nothing to do with him/her. It is just like any other public situation: it is impolite to stare/point at strangers or make comments on their behaviour.

That was exactly what I was thinking! This shouldn't be a big deal....think about it every trip you go to Disney they have some type of groups there! wouldn't it be nice to have a schedule so you can avoid the crowds? So what if this is a group with different sexual orientation? Just think if you going during the DIS CON then you will have a see of lime green! I have been around many gay men and women and I have never once been uncomfortable.
Think about it do you see hetrosexual people making out at Disney world? NO! so why would that be any different with same sex couples!?!?!I hold hands with my mom, put my arms around her in public...so what people could wonder... she is a very young looking mom....
3 year old don't care about any of the people at Disney unless of course they are dressed as POOH!
If you feel this strong about it then go another time Personally if I had the opportunity to go to Disney any time I would go...couldn't care less who was there! And think about it, if it is a sea of red then wear yellow! That way you can find your family easy!
To get back to the original post...we had our trip scheduled last year and then found out
about gay days. I did a little research and discovered that MK on Saturday was to be avoided
(because of the crowds). So we went to another park that day. I consider myself very
tolerant of any lifestyle but did have concerns that my 5 and 8 year old MIGHT ask a question
or two. We had a character breakfast in the Crystal Palaace that morning and were going to head over MGM after that. Well, let me tell you was it crowded at the entrance to MK---in all the years I have been going there, I have never, never seen that many people trying to get into MK. I also found out about the red shirts. My husband, a KC Chiefs fan, decided not to bring any of his favorite shirts on the trip that year. My daughter mentioned as we were walking out of the park to get on the bus for MGM that there were sure a lot of Chiefs fans here today. We just said yes, it sure looks that way.

My concerns really turned out to be a waste of my time. My son was at disney and that is all he cared about, my daughter, the same.

Rock Chalk Jayhawk, GO KU!
"My daughter mentioned as we were walking out of the park to get on the bus for MGM that there were sure a lot of Chiefs fans here today. We just said yes, it sure looks that way. "

Jennifer_Jayhawk...I have not laughed that hard in weeks! Oh thank you! I really need to reiterate that story, but I promise to give it proper credit.

I am thrilled to see so much tolerance...that to the majority, it just isn't a big deal anymore. Yippee! Now if I could only get parents to stop their children from saying...gee lady, you sure are tall. You must play basketball. I want to answer...gee you are short...you a jockey?

Moooobooks, people outside of metro areas tend to think I am insane for bringing my son into the city...espeically the village on weekend nights. I personally see no reason to apologize, just explaining that while some might expect one, there is no need BECAUSE of the lessons learned in the city. And as for the St. Pat's Parade...AMEN! I won't go near the city with a ten foot pole on parade day.

Happy Friday Folks!
Sky first of all, at 3 your child will not care what is going on aside from seeing Mickey and Minnie. There is nothing you will have to explain. Your child is not going to be uncomfortable.
Second you don't want your child exposed to those outside of your values. Ok so you aren't comfortable with those different from you. I guess you would have a problem having me as your child's teacher. You see I am not the same as you. I am deaf and physically handicapped. I am different. But I am a teacher.
Your kids will be exposed to those who are different from you. You can't wrap them up and hide them away. It just doesn't work.
Don't worry about Gay Day. I have been the last 3 years and have never seen behavior that was out of line. I have seen more obnoxious PDA from heterosexuals. Last year my daughter meet a wonderful deaf man at the Adventurers Club and we hung out with him later at MK on Sat. I also bumped into the choreographer of my old church's Christams Pageant and one of my ASL teachers the same day. There are really a vast variety of people there. Some gay some not. The only problem with Gay Day. IT IS CROWDED! Very crowded/
We were in WDW during Gay Day on our last trip. We did avoid the MK on that Saturday only because we heard it would be so busy. I have no problem with people who have a different lifestyle. All we noticed during Gay Days was several large groups of people with matching t-shirts on. They were all having a lot of Disney fun, just like my family and some groups even added to the entertainment value as they were pretty silly and made everyone laugh.

I just have to say that I have seen plenty of 'get a room' situations at WDW between opposite-sex couples and same-sex couples and they were not during Gay Days. I don't really think it's appropriate for ANY COUPLE to be touchy-feely at WDW - save that for Mardi Gras or other 'adult' celebrations (then I have no problem with it.)
My boyfried and I will be in Disney 5/31-6/8 and are looking forward to it just as much as everyone else is gay or not. Disney World is the Happiest Place on Earth, I really think that people are forgetting that. Who cares who is there as long as you are with the people you love and care about. I may wear a red shirt just because I look good in red. IMOH I think the people that are thinking about changing their dates of travel are to concerned with their own self image, find a better way to spend your time. Like trying to get a PS at Cinderella's Royal Table. What is your worry! Are you afraid if you have a good time at Disney durning Gay Days you might be thought of differently. If I go to an action movie people might think i like them. Maybe you should change you dates of travel and maybe you should come to your senses.



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