Kidani, HRH & BLT in 6 nights- Yes! We are THAT crazy!Nov 04-10,2009 OBX 4/16/10

Sorry I didn't get around to updating yesterday as I thought I would...but, unfortunately, i forgot it was Thursday- the dreaded how-can-we-possibly-get-Timmy-to-everything day, also known as the day i am a Timmy delivery service. :drive: Anyway....

We all met up back in the villa, and Pods & I asked Tyler to watch everyone for us for about an hour so we could go up to the TOWL. No problem! So I got to visit my favorite bartender again, and have another of these-


Although it was a bit more crowded here tonight, because apparently all BLT owners are Steelers fans, and that's who was playing on Monday night football.


Ok, well you can't see anyone in that pic, but trust me, they were there in full-force! Since I had no interest in this game, i decided to spin around and have a look at the castle, and lo & behold! They were lighting the icicles for the first time!!



My girl, Holly, was happy to come out and take our pic-


We finished our cocktails, and Pods was going back to the room, I was going to follow him to get my better camera so i could take some nicer photos. While we were waiting for the elevator, the castle went DARK! :scared1: No lights at all!! So I went back to the TOWL to have another


because it was sooo yummy and it was also my last night of vacation, so I was a tad sad about that fact. Nothing like drowning your sorrows in a glass of fruity booze filled yumminess!! Besides, it gave me a chance to spend a little more time talking to-


who REALLY IS all THAT and a bag of chips. :goodvibes Of course, by now, the castle had come back on, but it was regular lighting. I actually felt blessed I had caught the one brief glimpse of the icicles before we left- they were officially going on tomorrow, with the first MVMCP, and I was SO sad we were going to miss it- and the Osborne lights, which were also starting up TOMORROW.

I headed back to the room, where only Pods and Sean were hanging out- T&T had jumped on the chance to go over to the arcade and spend all their winning tickets on a bunch of prizes (that broke as soon as we got home. It was all fairly junkie, unfortunately). I went to see Sean, who was hanging out in the bed. And I touched his head. And I nearly burned myself on him when I did, he was sooooo hot. :guilty: UH-OH....Sean seemed to be sick. Another autism issue, when your kid doesn't communicate all that well, is that it's just like having a big toddler or baby, you have to guess when they aren't feeling well, because no one is willingly going to offer up that information. He may have felt awful all day, I have no idea- I need a big, obvious clue like a fever to know that something is wrong.

Anyway, I ran back over to the CR store to purchase a bunch of motrin, and check on how the two other boys were doing in the arcade-


where the big debate over how to successfully spend 10 million tickets on loads of crap and garbage continued. Back at the villa, Sean took his medicine and fell asleep- as did we all eventually. But I can tell you that Sean and I did NOT get a whole lot of sleep that night- he was doing a ton of tossing and turning, of course I had to feel his forehead every 3 minutes and I was very worried. We had to check out by 11, but the DME was not until 3 or so...where would we go? What we would we do? Would we have to spend four hours in the lobby on a bench with Sean dozing in and out of a restless nap???

Oh ye of little faith in the magic of Disney......pixiedust:

I agree! :goodvibes I was really excited because he was communicating with me. I am hoping that because he is turning 16 he is nearly done with puberty, and will make lots of progress. He has been in a really good place lately- last night he made me cry when he was walking around the yard with this old photo (maybe 11 years old). He just was staring at it, smiling and getting excited. I stopped him to look, and it was a photo from my cousin's 50th birthday party in our backyard. I asked him who some of the faces were, and he was able to tell me (for example, my father, who died 10 years ago and my mother who passed away 6 years ago). Then he told me who was in the whole picture- he said family. And he was SOO happy about it. Well, you know the tears just ran down my face... it was incredibly sweet. :hug:

And my FAVORITE moments at Disney are always ones like this night was- so simple, but so memorable, and always magical. :lovestruc

I'll be back later today with an update!

Okay, why didn't you put in a kleenex alert at the top of this? Awwwwesome!! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2
So we're having a good time in spite of the nasty weather yesterday and the cool temperatures. I'm in a house called Sutton Place in Corolla Light with Timmy & Tyler and my friend, Joan (wannabeadismom) and her family. Then we have 2 other houses of friends, with a grand total of about 30 of us. Lots of fun- we hosted dinner Sunday night, then went to another house for a delicious birthday dinner last night (for one of the kids). Wednesday night is ANOTHER birthday dinner for the twins down the street. Tonight I think we'll go out for dinner. And tomorrow it's going to warm up- mid 70's, followed by mid 80's on thursday. :banana: :banana: :banana: Here's a couple of pics of our view, I can tell you it's MUCH prettier on a sunny day, but still nice for bird watching ( lots of ospreys flying around).



Joan & I are going out for a walk now with Fiona & Darraugh, on our way to breakfast at the Sugar Shack- our friend's house! Talk to you soon!!

Hope the weather gets better for you! I have been there in all kinds of weather....even chased out by a hurricane once! :thumbsup2
Love all of the houses there and it is so much fun with a lot of people! :goodvibes

Yep- you definitely WOULD want to be here!! The sun is SHINING!! We went for a long walk this morning, up to where the horse fence is (the horse fence keeps the wild horses on the very north end of OBX). It wasn't so nice when we started, and the ocean is CRAZY because of the storm. But when we were done, the sun was shining!! WOO HOO!!!!




See ya later!! Time for a bike ride or maybe just a rocking chair on the deck, the boys are running amuck, fishing in the pond and playing all kinds of games- life is good! :goodvibes

The Corolla lighthouse is so pretty I think? I have been up that one and the Hatteras (at both locations.) I do know that I am glad I was never a lighthouse keeper and had to climb that x amount of times a day :eek:

How many trips have you made to the Brew-Thru :rotfl2:

The Corolla lighthouse is so pretty I think? I have been up that one and the Hatteras (at both locations.) I do know that I am glad I was never a lighthouse keeper and had to climb that x amount of times a day :eek:

How many trips have you made to the Brew-Thru :rotfl2:


I've never gone up there- just walked around it.

Brew-Thru? We park our car there just to be safe, LOL!! :rotfl:
And my FAVORITE moments at Disney are always ones like this night was- so simple, but so memorable, and always magical. :lovestruc!

it's not the castle, or the fireworks, or the many attractions that we remember years later. it's those special quiet moments, when you least expect it, that live in your heart forever.

love the pic of sean by the pool, that sums it up quite nicely:thumbsup2
it's not the castle, or the fireworks, or the many attractions that we remember years later. it's those special quiet moments, when you least expect it, that live in your heart forever.

love the pic of sean by the pool, that sums it up quite nicely:thumbsup2

Yes...thank-you for putting it so well. :hug:
Yeah. I am finally getting around to being able to visit the boards again. And for more updates!! I hope Sean was ok and didn't get any sicker. I loved the ToTWL also. i could spend quite a few nights up there hanging out and enjoying the ambiance.

Also love the OBX pics also. I must say that i'm getting really jealous looking at all the trips you get to take. My DH is all up in arms about going to the world 3 times this year and says no for next year. (or so he thinks ;)) He is too much like his dad and wouldn't go anywhere if i didn't make him. That is why we bought DVC. To make him vacation some.

Anyways, always ready to hear more!
Ellen, we're in Richmond, and I can't remember the last time it was this warm in early April. Usually OBX weather is very similar, so I hope you guys are having a great trip!! Looks like you have the place to yourselves, which is so cool. Our kids' Easter break is this coming week, as is most of the area around here. I'm jealous of your trip!! Our farthest trek will be to Busch Gardens next Wednesday.
Ellen - just getting caught up on your TR and wow, what a great report with Sean. I had tears in my eyes. I was so thrilled for you. Those are the moments that you hold dear and near to your heart. I love the picture of him by the pool. Very cool. What a special time the two of you got to share. Thank you for sharing it with all of us.

I just hope that he wasn't too sick for your trip home. I know from experience that traveling with a sick child is no fun, especially on a plane! Blechhhhhhh.

Hope you are not affected by the flooding that is going on out in your neck of the woods.
Hi! i had wanted to post a live TR from my OBX vacation- but due to technical difficulties, that will have to wait- I had a REALLY hard time logging on this week! :headache:

Anyway, i will post some updates when I get back this weekend- thanks for your patience, everyone, and happy Passover & Easter!

Tinks "SS";36087595 said:
Yeah. I am finally getting around to being able to visit the boards again. And for more updates!! I hope Sean was ok and didn't get any sicker. I loved the ToTWL also. i could spend quite a few nights up there hanging out and enjoying the ambiance.

Also love the OBX pics also. I must say that i'm getting really jealous looking at all the trips you get to take. My DH is all up in arms about going to the world 3 times this year and says no for next year. (or so he thinks ;)) He is too much like his dad and wouldn't go anywhere if i didn't make him. That is why we bought DVC. To make him vacation some.

Anyways, always ready to hear more!

Hey! I'm so glad you're back!! :goodvibes I was cracking up at the comment about your DH- so happy you got that DVC!!! :banana:
Have a great time on ALL THREE WDW vacays next year- LOL!! :rotfl: You go girl!!:banana:

Ellen, we're in Richmond, and I can't remember the last time it was this warm in early April. Usually OBX weather is very similar, so I hope you guys are having a great trip!! Looks like you have the place to yourselves, which is so cool. Our kids' Easter break is this coming week, as is most of the area around here. I'm jealous of your trip!! Our farthest trek will be to Busch Gardens next Wednesday.

Well- the weather has been very early spring-like...we have enjoyed it immensly! It has been very, VERY relaxing, and fun, fun, FUN! Oh! I have always wanted to go to Busch Gardens- you are so lucky to live in VA!! What a great state- when I was a kid, I actually loved your state SO much I wrote many reports about it- all because I went to visit Skyline Drive,Luray Caverns, Natural Bridge, and Monticello on a vacation to Alabama- absolutely amazing, all of it!! I always thought I would live there when I grew up....:confused3 guess that plan didn't work out, huh?

And yes- we have the place to ourselves and our friends- love it soooooooo much like this, I can't imagine it in summer (which is so odd, because that's when EVERYONE comes here!).

Ellen - just getting caught up on your TR and wow, what a great report with Sean. I had tears in my eyes. I was so thrilled for you. Those are the moments that you hold dear and near to your heart. I love the picture of him by the pool. Very cool. What a special time the two of you got to share. Thank you for sharing it with all of us.

I just hope that he wasn't too sick for your trip home. I know from experience that traveling with a sick child is no fun, especially on a plane! Blechhhhhhh.

Hope you are not affected by the flooding that is going on out in your neck of the woods.

Oh, Chris!! :hug: Thanks so much... it means alot to me that you were able to share YOUR feelings with ME!!

he was fine on the trip home...mostly because of the generosity of DVC and the Contemporary resort. :worship: I'll explain soon....:rolleyes1

And we have been fine with the flooding- I guess- I'm in NC right now, and it all looks good here in North Carolina to me! :goodvibes
Ok- I'm hoping th ewhole world won't crash as I post these two pics from a bike ride and nature walk Joan & i took this week- FWIW, I have a TON of pics, the internet here just won't let me upload them. And BELIEVE me when I say I HAVE TRIED!!



Sorry- you KNOW what a picture freak I am, and this place is just not letting me show you everything we've done! See you on a better day! :thumbsup2


Thanks for continuing to update, Ellen. The photos look fabulous on my NEW iPad!! :yay:

What strikes me about your trip is how you were able to find quality one-on-one time with each of your guys. I think I try to force too much "whole group" time, and your TR is showing that it doesn't have to be that way. And the whole experience with Sean and the pool must have been so magical! For him to communicate what he wanted, then to be patient (including physically moving away from the place) while you went to change clothes was so great! What a special time.

But now I want to hear about how you dealt with the fever on travel day!
Soo....Sean was tossing & turning and burning up all night long. Not a good night. In the morning, as I was finishing the dreaded packing up, I was really, really worried about what we could do for Sean. He was EXHAUSTED. And he was sleeping the sleep of the dead, completely worn out from his sleepless night. The best solution I could come up with was for one of us to go down to the pool and let him sleep in a lounge chair until the DME at 3:00. On the off chance that our villa was not going to be occupied that day, I called DVC MS and explained the situation. That I had a 15 year old son who was running a high fever and was completely knocked out and immobile. And that he was autistic, so he was in sensory BIG TIME overload. Was there any way they could help? After staying on hold for a bit, MS came back on the phone with the answer to our prayers. So much more than we expected. I mean, I was basically asking if they could direct us to a bench in some back room for a few hours. Instead, she told me, unfortunately our 1 bdrm villa needed to be cleaned and was going to be occupied that night. But would I mind moving down the hall to a studio for the afternoon? Would I MIND???? Seriously. In 5 minutes, the manager of the Contemporary resort was knocking on our door and handing me a key to a BLT studio that we were allowed to use, free of charge, until the DME came for us that afternoon. :worship: Sean would be able to sleep all day, so he wouldn't be a train wreck for our trip home. He would be fine. God bless them. :littleangel: That MGR could not have been more kind or gracious- he also apologized to me for us having to move out of our current villa. I had tears of relief in my eyes as I thanked him profusely for his generosity and kindness. Really. Talk about Disney Magic! So, Bell Services arrived, took our luggage to store, and we moved down the hall to a studio.





The view-


Since Pods is the one who always wants to relax on vacation (and I always want to go go GO!) he said he would stay with Sean, while I headed to our 12:00 ADR at Tutto Italia with T&T. Which we were late for.

The typical, it's my last day at Disney look-


The taco stand STAYS!

The restaurant was completely empty, so it was no big deal that we were so late. This was our first visit to Tutto's- we had never been to this restaurant at all in any of it's incarnations, so I was glad we were able to keep the ADR. I have been to Italy twice, and I have to say...sitting in that restaurant, with all those handsome Italian waiters falling all over us...well, it felt JUST LIKE being back on the boot. Timmy and his I can't-believe-we're-going-home look.


I ordered a MUCH deserved bellini-


We had to get the enourmous antipasto misto-


Which, of course, we brought most of back with us to my hungry hubby, since it's his favorite. We all ordered pasta for lunch. Tyler had lasagne al forno (because if there's lasagne on the menu, that's what Tyler orders. We went out for Easter yesterday, and he ate lasagne- just like he does every year.)


I don't see the next two on the menu anymore. Timmy's was delicious, it was farfalle with a creamy, cheesy sauce & peas and maybe some prosciutto?-


And mine was cavatappi with a sausage tomato sauce-


Timmy & I each were able to bring leftovers back for my hubby, which he thoroughly enjoyed.


Sadly, we had no room for dessert... I really loved eating here, I think Pods & I will have to go back this fall.




All great vacations come to an end, and that's what this one was about to do. We were going to hit TT before we left, but...guess what?? It was broken down AGAIN!! So, no TT for us. It was really a shame we had gotten such a late start on this day, but it couldn't be helped. But that's ok....we all know we're always coming back.


Two sad and worn out boys....



We got a call from Pods...where were we?? The DME was coming! We needed to get downstairs!!! Etc, etc, blah blah, blah...all words no one wants to hear! :rotfl: When we arrived back at BLT, Sean was a new young man- sitting up, eating french fries, drinking water...the all day power-nap had done him REALLY good. For our trip home, he was spot-on perfect. :hug: Once again, i have to say...I LOVE our DVC and major, big time kudos to the management of the glorious Contemporary Resort. They ROCK!

Up next...the grand finale, and Timmy's last daredevil thrill ride of the vacation.

Thanks for continuing to update, Ellen. The photos look fabulous on my NEW iPad!! :yay:

What strikes me about your trip is how you were able to find quality one-on-one time with each of your guys. I think I try to force too much "whole group" time, and your TR is showing that it doesn't have to be that way. And the whole experience with Sean and the pool must have been so magical! For him to communicate what he wanted, then to be patient (including physically moving away from the place) while you went to change clothes was so great! What a special time.

But now I want to hear about how you dealt with the fever on travel day!

Hi Meghan!!

Lucky YOU! How is the iPad? Did you wait on line all night for it? It looks amazing- I hope you are enjoying it. If it were me, i'm sure I'd have trouble doing anything else!

I think one on one time is good, just as group time is good- thanks so much for saying that my TR shows that. It is really nice to spend time alone with each child, to have memories that only we share. :hug:

Anyway, thanks for still reading!! I'm almost done! :sad1:
Hey there Ellen! Glad you had a good time at the OBX :goodvibes
What a wonderful and accommodating manager at BLT! :hug: Wow! I am so happy that Sean got the rest he needed.
I haven't been to Tutto since it was Alfredo's. :confused3 That antipasto sure looked good though....I have a real weakness for cheese! ;)
Ohhh those last day sad faces :sad1:

We are getting so close to our trip.....even though you just got back from one :rolleyes1 hahahaha

Hey there Ellen! Glad you had a good time at the OBX :goodvibes
What a wonderful and accommodating manager at BLT! :hug: Wow! I am so happy that Sean got the rest he needed.
I haven't been to Tutto since it was Alfredo's. :confused3 That antipasto sure looked good though....I have a real weakness for cheese! ;)
Ohhh those last day sad faces :sad1:

We are getting so close to our trip.....even though you just got back from one :rolleyes1 hahahaha


Hi Tracy!!

Ya know, I never went to Alfredo's...I always heard bad things about it, so we stayed away- of course, now I wish I had gone! I did enjoy going to Tutto's...even if i can get better Italian food at home, the atmosphere was spectacular! Loved talking with all those Italian waiters- and hearing about where they were from in Italy, telling them how much i adore their country and how beautiful and delicious it is over there... definitely need to go back and use my pigeon-Italian on them, how uber-charming!! :rotfl:

SOOOO excited to be going back in 22 days!!! :yay: We arrive on Friday, should ne there by 12. You and I need to exchange #'s- when are you arriving again? I know MEK is on Sunday- I think you are, too? So that's the night we (the DISmoms) are eating at Narcoosees and doing the monorail crawl- we need to plan a meet that night. Where are you staying again?


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