Kids Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange Sent/Recieved

GoofyGolferGirl said:
Carly recieved cards from Daisy and from England (?) I am sorry I did not get the names, our house burned Wednesday morning and we have been trying to find a place to live and getting life going again. If anyone else has been through this I would welcome all advise!

OMG! I am so sorry. :guilty: If I can help you with anything, please let me know.
GoofyGolferGirl said:
Carly recieved cards from Daisy and from England (?) I am sorry I did not get the names, our house burned Wednesday morning and we have been trying to find a place to live and getting life going again. If anyone else has been through this I would welcome all advise!

:grouphug: I am sorry to hear about your situation.
If you have an address where we can send your daughter cards, could you provide it to us so that if anyone else would like to send her cards, we could do so.
I hope everything works out for you and your family. Please keep us updated.
Matt received cards from

Morgan, Jack & Robyn
Ryan and Ashley

Thank you all very much, we need to have some sort of card exchange for the kids after the holidays, he is loving coming home to mail!!! :) :)
Stacey received a card from Isabella--love the drawing on the front of the envelope.
late due to death in family. sorry to all.

He received cards from David Loadman, Taylor Godbold, Amanda Freda, The Westbury Family; Kayla Centrone, Daisy Kreider, Stacy Gonzalez, and the Pinson Family.

Thank you all so much.
My kids have received so many cards I can't keep up!! I gathered up envelopes and what cards I could find and this is the list I could come up with:
My 3 kids received from:
Goofygolfergirl's child/children
Pinson Family
Amanda and Sabrina
Morgan, Jack and Robin
Ryan and Ashley

My kids want to thank all of you and if I've missed anyone I'm sorry!! We got home from WDW on Tuesday night and my kids grabbed what was theirs and went to their respective corners, so to speak. I know I'm probably missing some, so if I didn't mention your child's card I apologize!! Thank you all! My kids were so thrilled to come home from Disney (depressing as that is) to find all this mail for them!
kimbac3 said:
My kids have received so many cards I can't keep up!! I gathered up envelopes and what cards I could find and this is the list I could come up with:
My 3 kids received from:
Goofygolfergirl's child/children
Pinson Family
Amanda and Sabrina
Morgan, Jack and Robin
Ryan and Ashley

My kids want to thank all of you and if I've missed anyone I'm sorry!! We got home from WDW on Tuesday night and my kids grabbed what was theirs and went to their respective corners, so to speak. I know I'm probably missing some, so if I didn't mention your child's card I apologize!! Thank you all! My kids were so thrilled to come home from Disney (depressing as that is) to find all this mail for them!
I am glad they received them, I hope you had a great time at Disney. I am planning on taking Stacey for 4 days after Christmas. It is a surprise :ssst:

Merry Christmas to you all.
wdwlovers5 said:
late due to death in family. sorry to all.

He received cards from Stacey.
Thank you all so much.
I am sorry about your sad news. Don't worry about being late.

I am glad Michael recieved his cards.

Merry Christmas to your family.
Only 6 of the 10 sent appear to have been received from Morgan, Jack and Robyn :confused3
Cyrano said:
Only 6 of the 10 sent appear to have been received from Morgan, Jack and Robyn :confused3

I'm still waiting to hear confirmation that 3 of the cards Daisy sent arrived as well. :confused3
Thank you to Michael from NY, from Ilse, Shawny and Noel, they loved the cards.
Do any of you kids or parents like to cook and bake?
If so come and join us for the recipe exchange. :)
It's another fun way to recieve mail. :thumbsup2
Kayla got a card from Michael too. She calls him her little buddy. He had her for the Halloween candy exchange and sent a photo. She just thinks he is too cute! Tell him Kayla said "Thank you very much!!! Have a Merry Christmas!!"

Well, we send to all the kids on our list,(but not all were reported) :confused3 and we reported all cards we received, so I dunnno!!


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