Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes Part 5

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I don't know why my camera is taking wonky picures.

The color of the roses I made match almost exactly to the fabric I used, but it doesn't photograph well.

Anyway, here it is.


I still have a peasant top to make, and possibly a pair of embelished jeans to go with this. But otherwise I think it turned out pretty Belle like!

Off to start and finish the other 4 projects that I NEED to get done this weekend!:laughing:

Tom!! This is exactly what I had in mind for Belle, but I have no idea how to gather up the skirt! It is beautiful! Now, how do you do the gathers at the roses? I like the yellow stripe fabric.
You are gonna LOVE that machine! Woo hoo for you! :banana: :banana: :banana:

Thanks! I hope I love it! I am so leary, thinking I won't like it, but I am comparing apples and oranges when comparing that one with my other brother, it really isn't even probably allowed to be compared!

Have you tried doing towels yet? I am trying to figure out how to put it in the hoop with stabilizer. It is really just too thick I think! If any one can explain how to do this, I would appreciate it!

I use the sticky too! SO much easier. I have hooped one or two before, but so worth it to buy sticky.

The best way to embroider any towel is to hoop sticky back stabilizer paper side up, once it is in the hoop score the paper a bit to take of the paper on the part inside the hoop exposing the "sticky" side. Stick the section you want to embroider on to the sticky side (wrong side of the towelto the sticky side) put the hoop on the machine. Then put a water soluable topping on the towel (pin this on in the corners away from where the needle will hit) This keeps the little toweling loops from poking out of the embroidery. Easy shameezey...Nana

Yep, exactly what I do! To the tee! Nana really is all knowing!

Ok, Nana, here's another question for you. Do you use a basting stitch on most of your designs? I did that with this shirt, and it seemed to help. Maybe it's in my head?

I don't baste much at all, I think I basted the towels the first few times and that was it, if it was easy enough then I would probably do it. Mine is on a disk and I never remember to save it to the machine and never know where th disk is!

I don't know why my camera is taking wonky picures.

The color of the roses I made match almost exactly to the fabric I used, but it doesn't photograph well.

Anyway, here it is.


I still have a peasant top to make, and possibly a pair of embelished jeans to go with this. But otherwise I think it turned out pretty Belle like!

Off to start and finish the other 4 projects that I NEED to get done this weekend!:laughing:

That is gorgeous Tom!

When I first got my disney machine I joined a yahoo group, it was for the 2002D, but I think it has kind of fizzled out. I am going to see if there is one for the more recent machine released. I learned SO much from reading the posts. At first I had no idea what most were talking about it! But everyone was so kind and helpful. It did help that the machine hadn't been out for too long at that time, so us newbies were welcomed warmly.

There are also tons of digitizers who offer free designs on those type boards. A couple a month and usually super nice.
I don't know why my camera is taking wonky picures.

The color of the roses I made match almost exactly to the fabric I used, but it doesn't photograph well.

Anyway, here it is.


I still have a peasant top to make, and possibly a pair of embelished jeans to go with this. But otherwise I think it turned out pretty Belle like!

Off to start and finish the other 4 projects that I NEED to get done this weekend!:laughing:

Tom!! This is exactly what I had in mind for Belle, but I have no idea how to gather up the skirt! It is beautiful! Now, how do you do the gathers at the roses? I like the yellow stripe fabric.
I don't know why my camera is taking wonky picures.

The color of the roses I made match almost exactly to the fabric I used, but it doesn't photograph well.

Anyway, here it is.


I still have a peasant top to make, and possibly a pair of embelished jeans to go with this. But otherwise I think it turned out pretty Belle like!

Off to start and finish the other 4 projects that I NEED to get done this weekend!:laughing:

Oh my goodness - that is GORGEOUS!!! You did another amazing job! I love it!!!!

Thank you. I think that I might redo the roses in the striped fabric. For some reason, to the eye, the colors match, but in different light, it doesn't.
From my past in the paint and wallpaper business, we called the term "metamorism". I guess I should have checked the colors in different light before I grabbed the dot out of my "stash" and went with it!.
Oh well... easily fixed!

Redo the roses??? Wow...well, if you need someplace to throw your old roses away, I have just the address for you. Hahahaha. How do you make roses like that anyway??? Is it hard?:confused3
Ok, those with embroidery machines, I'm hoping you can help me out. When you're working on a shirt (or anything that has a "back" to it - if that makes sense?), how do you keep the back side of the fabric out of the way so that it doesn't get caught in the stitching? Is there a trick?

By the way, Nana - I checked out that link you listed. Thanks so much! I read her tip about stick stabilizer, and gave it a shot. Wow, that seemed so much simpler. Do you do this all the time? If so, where do you buy the stabilizer?

Hoop the shirt where you want the embroidery. Then, turn the shirt inside out and put the hoop onto the machine. Push the shirt away from the embroidery hoop, and roll/pin as necessary to keep the shirt out of the embroidery area. embroider at will. ;)
For the first question various sizes of Aligator Hair clips work really well, or in a pinch clothespins the kind with the spring.

Second question: Sticky Back Stablizer!!! LOVE it! USE IT ALOT! Works great when you want to embroider something that can't or is difficult to hoop. Namely like towels!!! Readily available at Joann's either on a roll or in a package. It is usually kept on the notions wall. The first time I bought it I bought the ppkg to see if I would like it and went right back and bought the roll. Pricewise you definately use a 40% off coupon on it. Another good thing to have on hand is water soluable stablizer. like Super Solvy or Ultra Solvy it works great to hold the loops down when you are embroidering something with a nap like towels, velvet etc. you put it on as a topper. I also use UltraSolvy hooped to embroider hairbow ribbons. You hoop the Ultrasolvy, spritz it with water (it get sticky 'cuz it is dissolving a little) lay on the ribbon you want to embroider and let it dry. Nana

I have more water soluble stabilizer than is healthy. :thumbsup2

But, I almost never use the sticky stabilizer. How do you keep it from gumming up your needle?? :confused3 I almost always use a temporary quilt basting spray, like YKK or something.

nd for tee shirts for kids, I use something called "fusible no-show mesh" It is VERY soft, and doesn't tend to irritate baby's and kids' skin like cutaway stabilizer can.
The best way to embroider any towel is to hoop sticky back stabilizer paper side up, once it is in the hoop score the paper a bit to take of the paper on the part inside the hoop exposing the "sticky" side. Stick the section you want to embroider on to the sticky side (wrong side of the towelto the sticky side) put the hoop on the machine. Then put a water soluable topping on the towel (pin this on in the corners away from where the needle will hit) This keeps the little toweling loops from poking out of the embroidery. Easy shameezey...Nana

Another suggestion (I hope you don't mind!!): use fine tulle the color of the towel instead of the water soluble stabilizer, and trim it very close to the stitching. It will disappear intot he terrycloth, adn when you wash the towel, there is no worry about any of the terrycloth loops working their way through the embroidery.
While I was sewing DD took the time to dress herself up.

I ran out of thread while sewing and had to go to Wal-Mart. DD went to Wal-Mart dressed like this. Luckily is no longer cold outside.

Here is what I was making.

and another pic.

She is wearing the tiara that was in my hair when I got married. In the ballerina pic she is wearing a necklace that I got for Christmas. She is such a digger.
I don't know why my camera is taking wonky picures.

The color of the roses I made match almost exactly to the fabric I used, but it doesn't photograph well.

Anyway, here it is.


I still have a peasant top to make, and possibly a pair of embelished jeans to go with this. But otherwise I think it turned out pretty Belle like!

Off to start and finish the other 4 projects that I NEED to get done this weekend!:laughing:

WOW. Must remember to keep DD away from computer....must remember to keep DD away from computer....:lmao:

No walmarts near us. :(
Thanks for all the comments.

This is how I did the gathers.

The top skirt length was 10 1/2". I figured about 1/2" for gathering and attatching it to the bodice.

I measured where I wanted the gathers to be and ran 2 rows of stitches 5" up. I made sure to bring all the threads to the back and tie them off. I pulled the bobbin thread as tightly as I could to gather. (I used upholstery thread!). I tied those off securely and then cut the threads.

To make the roses, I cut a piece of fabric 4" x 22". Folded in half right sides together and sewed up the sides. Turned that right side out and ironed flat.

I surged the raw edge of the fabric together, and then ran a straight stitch along the surged edge. I pulled the bobbin thread, and rolled the gathered piece into a rose shape. I tacked the edges and then securely sewed it in place.

Clear as mud?!:goodvibes
Thanks for all the comments.

This is how I did the gathers.

The top skirt length was 10 1/2". I figured about 1/2" for gathering and attatching it to the bodice.

I measured where I wanted the gathers to be and ran 2 rows of stitches 5" up. I made sure to bring all the threads to the back and tie them off. I pulled the bobbin thread as tightly as I could to gather. (I used upholstery thread!). I tied those off securely and then cut the threads.

To make the roses, I cut a piece of fabric 4" x 22". Folded in half right sides together and sewed up the sides. Turned that right side out and ironed flat.

I surged the raw edge of the fabric together, and then ran a straight stitch along the surged edge. I pulled the bobbin thread, and rolled the gathered piece into a rose shape. I tacked the edges and then securely sewed it in place.

Clear as mud?!:goodvibes

I don't know why my camera is taking wonky picures.

The color of the roses I made match almost exactly to the fabric I used, but it doesn't photograph well.

Anyway, here it is.


I still have a peasant top to make, and possibly a pair of embelished jeans to go with this. But otherwise I think it turned out pretty Belle like!

Off to start and finish the other 4 projects that I NEED to get done this weekend!:laughing:

Okay, my quotes are all out of order :rotfl: I have a big old multi-quote going upstairs on DHs computer but now I'm downstairs on my computer. I am trapped here trying to get my printer to work. Tom, I LOVE this! DD2 and DS5 just watched Beauty and the Beast last night FOR THE FIRST TIME!! I know, what kind of mother am I?:rotfl2: But seriously, it was lost for a very long time. I tried to buy it but could only find it for $89, so I'm glad I found my old copy! I couldn't even find it to rent! Tonight DD2 was eating dinner on her princess placemat. I pointed to Belle and said "who is that?" She said "Belle!" then a pause, then "TinkerBelle" This Christmas she also thought Jingle Bells was "Tinkerbell" and that is how she sang it every time! :lovestruc Okay, sorry, veered off topic there. So when you first posted your photo I could see that the roses looked a little darker, but now for some reason in the photos they look like they match perfectly :confused3 Did you run off, find a better matching yellow dot fabric, whip up new roses, take new photos and update your post? :lmao: Thank you for the directions! They actually are very good! Since my printer is not working I'll have to email them to myself! I would love to make a dress like this (but not as perfect) someday! :worship: :worship: :worship:
Whoo hoo! We went to costco and I got the new brother machine today. I totally do not need it but what the heck. I have an old brother from walmart that I never touch and the big disney embroidery/sewing machine which is a dream, but now I have one that I can easily take with me wherever I go! I am so excited!


Thanks everyone for your kind comments! :goodvibes
We had a great day.....we all went to see Enchanted was better than I expected and we all really enjoyed it! Every outfit she put on, we kept I have to sew this...or I want that one mommy....:rotfl:
Then we went out for DD's birthday dinner....yummy! Tomorrow we are having her Spongebob cake and presents! (Did you hear that Spongy???!!)
We LOVED that movie!! I promised Lydia to make her a dress like the first one Giselle cuts out of the curtains (the tealish one). I have been desperately searching for fabric that will work, but can NOT find any anywhere! I was about in tears today from the frustration of it! Who knew it would be so hard to find??? I bought some, but then I realized it just isn't right at all, so I'll use it on something else. The search continues....
Ok, here it is!

close up of design
That looks great!! Nice job!!!
I don't know why my camera is taking wonky picures.

The color of the roses I made match almost exactly to the fabric I used, but it doesn't photograph well.

Anyway, here it is.


I still have a peasant top to make, and possibly a pair of embelished jeans to go with this. But otherwise I think it turned out pretty Belle like!

Off to start and finish the other 4 projects that I NEED to get done this weekend!:laughing:

Tom!! This is exactly what I had in mind for Belle, but I have no idea how to gather up the skirt! It is beautiful! Now, how do you do the gathers at the roses? I like the yellow stripe fabric.
Great job Tom!!! I really like that style for the bottom. I was thinking of making my neice something similar to this.
While I was sewing DD took the time to dress herself up.

I ran out of thread while sewing and had to go to Wal-Mart. DD went to Wal-Mart dressed like this. Luckily is no longer cold outside.

Here is what I was making.

and another pic.

She is wearing the tiara that was in my hair when I got married. In the ballerina pic she is wearing a necklace that I got for Christmas. She is such a digger.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Love it! The outfit she wore to Walmart is very similar to the Dora leotard Lyddy wore to our Walmart the other day! However she accesorized with leapard print shoes, a pink sweater and a sparkly purple furry shawl!

That dress is great!! What kind of patter is that???

Your daughter is so adorable! How old is she?

Thank you. I think that I might redo the roses in the striped fabric. For some reason, to the eye, the colors match, but in different light, it doesn't.
From my past in the paint and wallpaper business, we called the term "metamorism". I guess I should have checked the colors in different light before I grabbed the dot out of my "stash" and went with it!.
Oh well... easily fixed!

That is beautiful Tom. I definitely understand what you mean about the colors looking great under one kind of lighting but different under another. I'd say it's a close enough match that no one else will notice. Some colors seem much harder to match than others - like red.

One thought I had, though, was that it would look pretty with red roses instead (wasn't the Beast's rose red?). It would make the roses stand out. Another option is to get silk roses and make them into pins.
All of this embroidery machine talk is giving me a headache :rotfl: a) I'm jealous and b) I'm confused! :confused3
While Dh is on a boys weekend hunting, I'm surfing & hunting for DIS fabric. Can anyone help me out, where o where, was this fabric? Is it discontinued or where can I buy some?....

TIA, to those in the know. Thanks for supporting my obsessions girls, and Tom.

I bought some of this at Hobby Lobby a couple of months ago... my store had it on clearance for $2 a yard.
I don't know why my camera is taking wonky picures.

The color of the roses I made match almost exactly to the fabric I used, but it doesn't photograph well.

Anyway, here it is.


I still have a peasant top to make, and possibly a pair of embelished jeans to go with this. But otherwise I think it turned out pretty Belle like!

Off to start and finish the other 4 projects that I NEED to get done this weekend!:laughing:

This is absolutey GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see what your final outfit looks like. I am soooooooo gonna have to CAB this dress!!!
Also, who does this belong to again?.....

I'm pretty sure that's Glorib's. It's really cute, isn't it!

Hi! I don't know if you already know this, but there is a futura group on yahoo. I just joined the and they have been super helpful with all of my one zillion questions about this machine! So if you haven't joined, it is really a great group! I hope I can soon start playing more with my machine, as soon as the baby gets well!

I meant to quote you before, but it got all messed up! I hope you baby is doing better. I'm sorry to hear you had to take her to the emergency room. Try to get some rest yourself. And, here are some hugs for you and your little one. :hug: :hug: :hug:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Love it! The outfit she wore to Walmart is very similar to the Dora leotard Lyddy wore to our Walmart the other day! However she accesorized with leapard print shoes, a pink sweater and a sparkly purple furry shawl!

That dress is great!! What kind of patter is that???

Your daughter is so adorable! How old is she?

It's not a pattern. I used the peasant shirt link from your links and the apron was a copy of an old pattern that I saw online.


This is the pic that was online. I made it longer than what is on the pattern, but I need to shorten it some because it is longer than the dress.
Okay, here's my Nemo outfit I made the other day. It is pretty much a CASE from someone on here (took me forever to find the little orange dots fabric) It may be forever before I get photos of her in it. I haven't even made bows yet and I can't decide what to do for pants/bottoms/leggings since it will likely be too chilly in DW to go bare-legged. I have a t-shirt from Wal-Mart that perfectly matches the lighter aqua blue color, but do they have the matching leggings? Of course not. Anyhow, I like how it turned out. I used 4 different Nemo fabrics, two non-Nemo, and the little iron-on Nemo on the bodice.


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