Let's Get to know each other.....

Hi everybody

I'm Diane from Central Maine.I've been married for 23 years and we have a 21 year old daughter who does not share our enthusiasm for Disney. She thinks we are nuts. My husband and I enjoy Disney World and the other Orlando Parks now more than ever.

I don't post very often but truly enjoy reading the forums when I have the time to do so. I started almost a year ago with SuzyKats and really enjoyed earning points for Disney Dollars. I just recently started to do Blink and Milesource.

Our last trip to the World was in Feb. of this year and our next trip is in December of this year.We are going the last two weeks during my school vacation. It will be our first time at Disney during the holiday season.

I'm also a dog trainer in the evenings and weekends for the local clubs and I'm down to two dogs and two cockatiels.

....and now a man's perspective.

Am I the only guy on this board who is going to intro himself? Maybe just the first.

Hi, my name is Dave and I'm a Disneyaholic.
group response: "Hi Dave"

I never really thought that I had a problem until I found myself complaining to the local store clerk..."What do you mean you don't have Mickey undies in size 42?". My wonderful wife (DWofjdads2) keeps on elbowing me at night. Not because I snore but because I keep humming "It's a Small World" in my sleep. All my hamburgers and pancakes look like mouse-ears. Every Halloween I play all the scarry tracks from the scarry rides for the kids to trick or treat to. Please, as I tell you this, realize that we have never been to WDW. I have been to DL but that was in 1977. Will my problem be cured or will it become more intense with our first visit?

Alright already.....We, DW of 13 years, 2 DS's 10 & 7 and a DD 4, live just south of Buffalo, NY. Home of wide right, no goals 1 and 2, great food (not just wings and roast beef on weck), great weather (no matter how much snow we get, we just shovel out of our way and get on with our day) and great people. The kids and I love to fish, so does my wife as long as she doesn't have to touch anything "icky"and we love to spend as much time as possible doing outdoors stuff.

Most importantly...I don't mind typing, usually, or talking. Boy, I bet that surprised alot of folks!!! Lots and lots more about me...I am a complex guy....but I waste valuable space.

My name is Jen and I've been on the DIS for a loooooong time.....still wear my DIS Tshirt every now and then too. I've been married almost 13 years and have 2 sons....8 & 11 years old. We live in northern IN among several lakes. Our whole family is involved in skiing and scouts so that keeps us pretty busy year round.
Right now I'm doin lots of rewards.....Milesource, Blink. Start Sampling, Creation, Millers, SuzyKats, All Things, and MyPoints. ohhhh and etour till the 17th then I'll convert my points there to Qool. Hopefully I'll have my stock of certificates built back up by February-March when we are thinking about going to FL again. We've been to WDW as a family 3 times so far and are *shivering when I say this* thinking about only doing WDW 1-2 days this trip.
Hi!My name is Kelly(bet ya couldnt tell that from my screen name,huh,LOL)I live in Southern Ontario on the tip of Lake Ontario half way between Toronto and Niagara Falls.I am married(for 14 years,also married on Valentine's Day)and we have 2 boys,12(soon to be 13,ack a teeneager and a 10 year old)Most of my summer is spent on the soccer pitch where we are involved in three teams.Outr most recent trip to WDW was this past December and we are planning a December,2002 trip in which hubby wants to drive down.I started rewards in January and have managed to get $70DD's through Beenz,a $25 gc for the Rainforest Cafe and almost $40 thorugh Searchcactus.I have just started Netflip.The nice thing about these rewards is that they are in American bucks so compared to our crummy looney these are worth the time.I have visited WDW 13 times in my life and my kids and hubby twice(deprived things,hehehe)My favourite character is Winnie the Pooh.I have almost 150 Pooh and friend beanies in our bedroom(hubby just shakes his head,but i just blame him because he buys them for me)Tjat's about all for me.NEXT...............
Hey Everybody,

My name is Truby (no, I didn’t spell it wrong). It’s 9:00 PM on a muggy Friday night in Pittsburgh, and I’m still at work. Trust me, I’m not doing any work, just doing my reward programs (please don’t tell my DH of 14 years - he thinks I’m still working). I’ve been visiting the boards for about three months now. I started when I was planning this year’s trip to WDW. I have a DS who just turned 6. Last year was his first trip to WDW (stayed on-site for the first time at Caribbean Beach). DH and I went there on our honeymoon and a few year’s later. DH was not all too excited about WDW until last year. He and DS loved it. DH was the one who encouraged me to plan this year’s trip. We are going in September and are staying at the Boardwalk Villas (purchased someone else’s points in a timeshare). Besides WDW, I enjoy playing with my DS, golf, ice hockey, golf, hockey, golf, eating out, golf, going to our cottage in the woods, and golf. I work way to much (but still have time for golf) and can’t wait for vacation. I used to do more rewards but right now I’m only doing Milesource, Blink. Net Flip, Silverclicks, and MyPoints. I’ve only cashed out points once – I have a long way to go.

I would like to thank everyone who posts the milesource trivia, netflip words, search cactus words, and Max whereabouts. That is such a great help and time saver.
Hi everyone!

Well after a week MIA it is nice to come back and read everyone's introductions!

My name is Shannon and I live in Langley, British Columbia (about 30 minutes outside of Vancouver) with my DH of 9 yrs. and our three kids (DD 7, DS 5 and DD 1) our dog and two cats. My husband is a software developer for a local company and in his spare time and mine (when I am not being a mom) we also have our own consulting company. Between the kids and running our own business I am very busy....add my addiction (yes I think addiction is the right word ;) ) to rewards programs and spare time is a thing of the past! Right now I do 18 rewards programs including Netflip, Searchcactus, Suzykats, Gremlor's World, Prima Rewards, ATR, CR, MRS, Milesource...and the list goes on :rolleyes: It doesn't take me too long each day as I have doing multi programs down to a science. We are heading to WDW for the first time this fall where will attend DIScon (staying at the BC) and then take a cruise on the Wonder and then spend a few more days at the AKL. Thanks to rewards programs we will have extra spending money on this trip!

I found the DIS from a link on its sister site Laughingplace.com last year and it has been my "home" ever since. Thanks to you wonderful people on the rewards board I learned all about how I could make extra money for our Disney trips (we go to Disneyland every year) and I love visiting with you all every day.
What is gremlor's world?? I have never ever heard of this program. Can you give the details??

Hi all my name is Sherrie and I too am a Disney addict!

I'm 28 years old and I live in Keyport, New Jersey. I've been married for 3 years to a wonderful man named Paul.We have a 2 and 1/2 year old son named Sean (you do the math, LOL........ can you say shotgun!!! HAHAHAH)

Hm.........well since my screenname is a little odd, i'll tell the story behind that one too. My mum's family is from Wales (she was the first one born here in the United States) and Rhiannon is a popular name there.Also it was a famous Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac song and I am a big fan of theirs too.

I just found the dis back in january of this year when i was looking for info on a upcoming trip to WDW in September. I am on mostly the Resorts Board and here on the Rewards board, but I can sometimes be found on restaurants and disney for families.

Thanks Mal for starting this thread, as Dan Murphy says in his byline.....
We Are Family

Blessed Be,

here is a pic of me and the little guy:

I'm a little lurking pixi...
who doesn't post much, and I don't get much time to visit the board or even do much in the way of rewards programs anymore, but I'm doing some research to figure out what everyone's doing now, since my next trip is coming up in June 2002.
My name is Rhonda(33), married to Matt (34) for almost 13 years now. We have 2 wonderful children, DS Sean (14) and DD Danielle (11). I work as an Instructional Aide for an autistic boy who is now entering 4th grade.
I have been "interested" in Disney since childhood, however I never actually made it until late Oct 1999 to WDW. Planned (in my dreams) many trips before then, but it just never materialized. The rewards programs helped us to afford our first & second (Jan 2001) trips, and now we are planning our 3rd visit!!!
I hope to be frequenting this board more often now that I am ready to get back into rewards after going through a burnout-recovery period! However, I will most likely still remain a lurker except for the many, many questions I have a tendency to ask.
Thanks for offering this thread, Mal, it's been wonderful to read about so many others with a common interest!
I'm Karen, and let us not talk about being older than dirt. I am past 50, but I am grateful for those years.
I've been married for 31 (32 very soon) years. He is a wonderful bear of a man. Think Grizzly Adams. We have 2 DD and 2 DS. (ages 27,25,19 and 12)
I teach geometry and algebra. With back to school work, I have really slacked off on rewards. I will be snowed under for several weeks now.
I do check in daily to make sure there isn't something I need to know.
The rewards helped out greatly last Christmas. They have also given me GC that I have given my children to the Gap and Old Navy for their birthdays.
Having just finished educating two in college,with one still in college, and youngest in parochial school, this little bit helps.
Of course, each day I check the contest thread. As a math teacher, I am aware of the odds of winning. But, if you never enter you never win.
OK, My turn!

I am Karen (31), married to DH (35) for 9 1/2 years and we have a 4 1/2 yo DS. Last Sept. was our first trip ever to WDW & we are soooooo looking forward to our second trip this Sept. We are taking along my DM who will be 65 yo later this year & has never been to WDW or even to FL!

I run a licensed daycare in my home (took loads of time off this summer though-lol) & DH works in the forensic field. We live in Rochester, NY-home of not so much snow as Buffalo (LOL Dave & Jackie!) , Kodak and tons of great towns and villages. DS is an avid hockey player & will be starting to play on a team this fall. He is a great ice-skater & at 4 1/2 can skate the pants off most people--can you spell p-r-o-u-d m-o-m?

Starting doing rewards in late December and have DH & DM doing them as well, we have accumulated some nice GC's and D$ (thru webbies) to spend on our trip. I think I started checking out the DIS right before our last trip, and have been here ever since. I keep up the September list thread over on the resorts board & am counting the hours until we leave.

Who's next?
Howdy All -

I'm Lauren from Richmond, VA (12 hour ride to Orlando from here - done that once, flown the rest). I have been married for 10 years & have 2 DS (7, & almost 4). We've been to WDW twice as a family, stayed at Dixie Landings both times & loved it. My youngest went for his first trip when he was only 9 months old, so he's off to a good start. We are clicking away now for our next trip (June 2002 - Polynesian). My mom always goes with us & I have managed to recruit my brother, sister-in-law, & niece for our next trip.

My husband & I both work for the local school system, but neither of us are a teacher. He is a counselor & I'm an occupational therapist. Since pay is not much we need all the help we can get with financing these trips & thus that is how we ended up here (only been here a few months, but I'm addicted to this site). The DIS is great & all of you are such wonderful people.

As far as rewards programs go, I only do milesource right now. Not much time with two active boys!

The name Pink Flamingo?!? - not really sure how I got that. Seems that all the guys in the family had nick names for each other & I somehow came up with this for myself.

Well, guess that's enough for now. Have a great day everyone!
I'm Lisa. I live in beautiful Colorado Springs! I have been married to DH for 16 years & we have 2 beautiful DD ages 9 1/2 & 5 1/2. I am a nurse & DH is in the electronics field.

I discovered these boards almost a year ago & spend most of my time on the Rewards Board. Our first ever trip to WDW was December 2000 & we are hoping to return some time next year or in 2003.

I am an avid Colorado Avalanche & Denver Bronco fan & also spend a great deal of time being a "soccer mom", with both DD playing on separate teams (lot's of running, but I love it!)

Right now, I do MyPoints, Blink, Milesource, & Go Collect. I have recently given up on Suzykats--too darn slow!

Okay, who's next?
Wow! What a great thread, Mal! A little about me: I'm a 20 (soon to turn 21) year old full time college student, and a huge Disney nut! I graduate from the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey in the spring, and hope to be working in WDW by next spring. I'm single (but looking!), with only one "baby," an eight-year-old black labrador/husky mix named Denny. I nanny for a 10-year-old neighbor who I often refer to as my "little sister." I've been watching her since she was in preschool, so her and I have become very close!

I've been with the DIS for ages (since June 1998), became a chat host that August and a moderator the following February. Wow, how much the DIS has grown in the last three years! My Disney addiction has only grown, and thanks to all of you, the rewards programs have really helped me afford my trips! What started as an annual trip to "The World" is now up to 3 per year, and growing!

Who's next?
Hello, my name is Kelli. I was beginning to think I was the only one from the west here (Hi lisalynn). I found the DIS in May of last year, and located the Rewards board after my return from our trip to the World in June. I am mostly a lurker, only occasionally posting. I was actually off-line (horrible, huh?) for awhile due to a Qwest problem, but now I'm back. I have accumulated about $400 of cash, DDs and GF since I started. I have slacked off a little this summer, but I am back at it. My DH of 21 years and I are going for our first "no kids" trip in September. Both DD's are in college this year, so they must study. Bummer for them, but I'm looking forward to a romantic trip. I am a legal secretary, and I work for one attorney. It's just her and I in the office, so it's really great. I am totally addicted to The DIS, and all things Disney. My family just grins and bears it. My DDs think it is so silly to see a 40 y/o woman wearing a shirt with Pooh on it. They just don't understand. I love doing rewards (right now just milesource and mypoints), and I love getting to know all the people that post here regularly. I'll try to post more often.

As for my screen name? Well, when my DH was a little boy, he used to read Tom Corbett, space cadet books. He began calling me TC shortly after we were married, when my space cadet tendencies began to surface. I may be spacey, but I'm cute. :D
Hi everyone! :wave:

Guess it's time for me to take my turn. As you see by my signature, my real name is Nancy. I am a "mature" newlywed, soon to celebrate our 1st anniversary at WDW. DH, Barry, and I were married last Sept. at Disneyland in an intimate Disney wedding. DH has 2 daughters, 24 y.o. twins from his previous marriage who are out on their own. We have 3 cats, max, Cougar, and Button who run our lives, or at least think they do!
We love Disney (of course), rollercoasters, and bowling (where DH is the skill & I am the handicap LOL). Neither of us had ever been to Disney before we got together 6 yrs. ago, so we're making up for lost time by going as often as we can now! We're just a couple of big kids at heart! :D
I started doing rewards after our trip to WDW last Dec. and so far have gotten about $325.00 towards our next trip in webbies, DD's, and restaurant GC's. I've also met some really wonderful people here on the DIS and have evn had the priveledge of meeting some of you in person.
So, who else here will be going to DIS CON? What do you think of having a Rewards Board Meet? I'd love to be able to put faces to some more of the names I've come to know here. We will be at the World 11/24 to 12/1. Send me a PM if you're interested. :D

WOW! I just noticed that this is my 500th post! I'm glad to have reached that milestone here on the rewards board, since this is what I consider to be my home here on the DIS! :D
Come on now, I know there's lots more of us out there!!!

Jump on the bandwagon & tell us about yourselves!

Who's next?

P.S. Hello back to tc, my fellow Coloradan!


:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
hi everyone!! nice to meet all of you... i thought i checked this board this weekend for updates but guess i must have missed this thread. :p

anyway, on the DIS and some other online communities i'm known as disneyberry ;)
the story behind that is somehow i ended up with the nickname "berry" in real life, i can't even explain how that happened, hehe.

right now i live in NJ literally right outside the border of NYC ( shhh... "New Yorkers" are not proud to admit they aren't technically in NYC anymore :p ) prior to this, i did spend over 4 years living right in the middle of all the action in downtown manhattan.
i grew up the suburbs of Boston, MA though... so sometimes i still have a tendency to want to answer "Boston" to the question, "where are you from?"

i'm not married (yet) even though my bf of 5+ years and i practically act like we're an old married couple (we're still babies... in our early 20s). he has been getting irritated with my Disney obsession lately, despite the fact that he was once a Disney fanatic years ago. i think what it is is that he's claimed that he's "grown up". of course, that doesn't mean that we don't still go on at least 2 trips to WDW a year. WDW is one of the easiest places to vacation, especially if you've been a regular. it's practically a second "home".

as for my profession, i've been incredibly confused on that one of late.
i currently work in the IT industry... you know... just another suit in bureaucratic Corporate America.
i'm extremely unhappy with my career, despite the fact that i have not been laid off yet in this horrible economy, and i have a stable, well-paying job.
not much is worse than staying in a job that makes you unhappy just because you want to have some sort of "stability" in this economy. i've been tossing around the idea of leaving my job this fall, and going back to school to prepare for a career in a completely different industry... like architecture, or animation. (i dream on... )

oh and just another random tidbit... i'm considering adopting a cat or kitten :D i have never had a "real" pet (goldfish only as a child) in my life though, so i have been trying to do research on what it's like to have a cat and care for it properly.

anyway, ttyl!
Guess it is time for me to post. I am from Charleston, South Carolina. (Not too far from Moncks Corner - MrsDash!) I have been doing rewards for about two years now. Started when they were alot more profitable... Magic Bus, MyPoints, etc... but hey, they are still good sometimes. About all I do now are MyPoints and various coupons and test drives. I have been on DIS since late 1999, but spend most of my time on the collectibles board. That is why I need the rewards - to finance my purchases! When we went to WDW last year in June, I had accumulated over $300 in gift certificates to Marriott, Rain Forest Cafe and other places to use on the trip. Man that helped alot!
Hello Everybody!

My name is Wanda, (gasp!) 40 years YOUNG, married to dh for 6 years. (He's 10 years YOUNGER and that does keep me young!!!)
We live in central Missouri in a rural area on a farm!
I've always loved Disney anything, but my Mom gave me a Mickey trinket (I can't even remeber what it was) and that flamed my love into an obsession.
I've since "inflamed" my dh and this summer did my best to "inflame" 2 of my sisters and their families.
Found the DIS last summer when we were trying to plan LAST years vacation! I immediately fell in love with this site.
Started rewards programs last fall in order to pay for this summer 's trip. Originally, dh and I were going to take our 2 nephews and 2 nieces and thus the rewards would help defray the costs. Then, my 2 ds and bils wanted to tag along and I knew that my rewards would not help defray anything for 10 people! (Nope, couldn't convince them to join the reward bus, even though they both have cable high-speed internet access and I'm stuck in the dark ages!)
So, my rewards will help with Xmas. This will really help because I was laid-off last January. My job went "south of the border", LOL! I've since stayed home w/ my Dad who is unable to care for himself.
Since I've lost my job and my "at work" support system you guys have been my lifeline. I'm not a prolific poster but I am a faithful lurker!
I am now only doing milesource and mypoints and still need about 40 cents more to cash out of Searchcactus. I am going through MAJOR rewards burnout right now and am only doing the programs on a catch as catch can basis.

*Thankyou, Thankyou* to everyone who posts their finds, contests, trivia answers and answers all the questions on this board!


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