Let's Introduce Ourselves - How Long Have You Been on the DL Board


Staff member
Dec 15, 1998
We have such a wonderful community here on the DL Boards. I remember when the boards first started back in 2000. Back in those days you could visit the Disneyland Board maybe once every few days. We had a handful of posters and I think they mostly posted on other forums, and came to the DIS sporadically.


Then the Disneyland Resort was born, which caused more traffic, and the Disneyland Board turned basically into a planning board. Unlike other forums, mostly made of locals, that scrutinize Disneyland very closely, this forum turned into a "Help Plan for a Fun Disneyland Vacation" board, where people who visit Disneyland would help other "out-of-towners" with advice.

Our next big growth came with the 50th anniversary. There was so much excitement generated by the anniversary that our little board became very busy. I wondered if it would stay that way, and I think it is even better, with people who have been here for a long time, and people who are new, just looking for information. Some have stayed, some have gone, and some have gone, and come back!

Since we do have such a close-knit community here, I thought it would be nice to get to know each other a little better (even though some of us have met).
  1. When was the first time you visited Disneyland?​
  2. When was the last time you visited Disneyland?​
  3. How often do you visit Disneyland?​
  4. Are you a local, within 2-3 hour drive to Disneyland? Or a non-local?​
  5. For the non-locals, how long do you stay?​
  6. Do you visit Disneyland more often or Walt Disney World more often?​
  7. When was the first time you came to the DIS, why did you come to the DIS, and how did you find the DIS?​
  8. How often do you visit the DIS?​
  9. Have you ever met anyone from the DIS? Who was the first person you met. Have you ever been to a DIS Meet?​
  10. Tell us a moment that sticks out in your mind - funny, embarrassing, or touching - at Disneyland.​
  11. Tell us a little bit about you.​
  12. Do you have any pictures you'd like to share with us?​
  13. Add whatever you'd like.​
Thank you for playing!!​

OK, I'll go first. Lol

When was the first time you visited Disneyland?
I don't even remember the first time, but there is a picture of my brother and me in the early 60's. I must have been around 4, and my dad thought it would be really funny to take a picture of us sitting on the curb in Town Square with cigarettes in our mouths - so terribly un PC in today's world.

When was the last time you visited Disneyland?
Easter Sunday

How often do you visit Disneyland?
It varies. Sometimes I go months without visiting, and sometimes I seem to go every week, but just for a few hours. It's rare that I go for an entire day - only when we have guests.

Are you a local, within 2-3 hour drive to Disneyland? Or a non-local?
I'm local. With little traffic it takes me 20-25 minutes to get to Disneyland, and then another half hour to get from Mickey & Friends to the parks. lol

For the non-locals, how long do you stay?

Do you visit Disneyland more often or Walt Disney World more often?
Disneyland. I've only been to WDW for one big vacation (9 nights), and then two more times for a couple of nights. I sometimes feel like I practically live at Disneyland.

When was the first time you came to the DIS, why did you come to the DIS, and how did you find the DIS?
I started lurking on the DIS back in 1998. I remember being so nervous about asking any questions. Back in those days there were probably four or five boards. The Community Board was really scary, and it took forever to get the courage to post on it. I came to the DIS when we were planning our WDW vacation, and started on another board that no longer exists (went out with HUGE drama), and a poster there named Ahnalira told me about the DIS, so I came over, and stayed.

How often do you visit the DIS?
Um .... daily.

Have you ever met anyone from the DIS? Who was the first person you met. Have you ever been to a DIS Meet?
Yes. In 2000, I met Judy from Boise (and boy was I NERVOUS!), Tink33 on Disneyland's birthday (pretty appropriate), and some of the webmasters when they were first starting Dreams Unlimited Travel. Since then I've been on a lot of DIS Meets here, lately the ladies meet - DIS Divas. We've had two meets and are planning the third for next year :woohoo:.

Tell us a moment that sticks out in your mind - funny, embarrassing, or touching - at Disneyland.
There are so many ... I remember I was supposed to meet a DISer at the flagpole once. Went there, and then saw a lady that I thought might be a DISer, but we didn't tell each other how to recognize we were from the DIS (before the days of lime green ribbons or Mickey heads), so I was too shy to go up to her and we ended up not meeting each other. :rolleyes:

Another time, my daughter & I were walking down Main Street and passed a group of ladies wearing funny glasses (A vision of the Divas in their 60's ha ha)

Another time was during a DIS Meet when we ate at Ariel's Grotto and had fun with Goofy -- we adults danced the conga (back before it was a Princess Celebration meal). Goofy had a blast, we almost made Minnie snort -- good times. We also played Millionaire, and out of the top 10 our group was 1,2,3, 7, and 8. It was so much fun.

So many more -- the little girl who threw her arms around her father thanking him after a Fantasmic show for bringing her to Disney, watching the characters with a little boy in our group who was a little autistic - that brought tears to my eyes...

Tell us a little bit about you.
I'm a divorced mom - since my kids were 3 and 4. Had a bad marriage, and decided to concentrate on my family, so never got involved with anyone again. I work full time at an aerospace company near LAX airport, and have been there since '85. Next year I will have my 25 years in, AND I will be 50 (yikes, where has the time gone!!) I'm kind of toying with going back to school to finish my degree, and will probably be more serious about it next semester. I enjoy volunteering at my church, and am on a bunch of committees, and stuff. Thinking of becoming a catechist, but I can't do that and go to school at the same time, so maybe that will wait. I used to be a Dreams Unlimited Travel agent, but basically gave it up because of everything else going on in my life, and I enjoy volunteering on the boards as a moderator. Also, I love to travel and go tent camping to Sequoia and Yosemite -- anyone up for that?

Do you have any pictures you'd like to share with us?

My family when I first joined the DIS, and what we look like now...



Nick is 21 now, and Kelly is 20. :)
When was the first time you visited Disneyland?

My first visit was October 2008, added on to the end of a 3 day work conference in Seattle.

When was the last time you visited Disneyland?

Ditto the above - I've only had one trip so far, though I'm planning my second for December 2009 :goodvibes

How often do you visit Disneyland?

This is quite a tough one to answer - my only two trips so far are listed above (I'm 24 now for anybody who wants to work out my average visiting rate), but I've fallen in love with the place so it's likely I might be visiting a lot more often.

Are you a local, within 2-3 hour drive to Disneyland? Or a non-local?

I'm most definitely not local - I live on the south coast of the UK, so it's about a 2 hour train journey to London (LHR), plus an 11 hour flight to LAX, plus 3/4 hour transfer time to DLR for me :sad1:

For the non-locals, how long do you stay?

Last time, I visited for 2.5 days as I didn't want to push work too much as they kindly booked be different flights home from my conference and even paid for my internal flight from Seattle to Orange County for me.

In December, I'll be visiting for 8 days total (land saturday, leave saturday), of which I'll be spending 5 days at DLR and 3 days at other parks.

Do you visit Disneyland more often or Walt Disney World more often?

Disneyland I guess - I did WDW once when I was 12. I visit Disneyland Paris far more often than either of these though, mainly due to my location. I visit DLRP about twice a year normally, but I'm an Annual Passholder now (as of January 2009) so I'll probably go a little more often now.

When was the first time you came to the DIS, why did you come to the DIS, and how did you find the DIS?

I came to the DIS in May 2008 - I used to lurk a lot and play the quizzes on the DLRP board for fun, then I finally decided I wanted to join in, so I registered

How often do you visit the DIS?

Every day when possible.

Have you ever met anyone from the DIS? Who was the first person you met. Have you ever been to a DIS Meet?

One person - A Small World from the DLRP boards, who has become one of my best friends now - we're now very good friends outside of the DIS.

Tell us a moment that sticks out in your mind - funny, embarrassing, or touching - at Disneyland.

I think for me, it has to be walking past the fire station at night - seeing the light left on above it and knowing exactly what it represents.

Tell us a little bit about you.

I'm Rob, I'm a computer programmer by trade and I'm 24, though I'm closer to 10 in spirit - I love almost all things Disney, adore theme parks and roller coasters (kind of goes hand in hand really) and I also seem to have a reasonable sized collection of soft toys. I live on the south coast of the UK with my brother and parents, though much of my traveling recently has been solo.

I spend my time fairly equally between the DLRP and the DLR boards at the moment - I'm starting to feel quite at home on the DLR boards, though I still think of the DLRP board as my "home" board because I visit that park more often and therefore know more about it - plus most of my posts have been made on that board, so I know a lot of the other regulars very well there.

Think that's everything for now - I might add some pictures later, but won't be doing that right now as it's 12:45am here so it's about time I headed off to sleep :rotfl:
So, I'm going to do this is phases this time so I don't lose everything again!

When was the first time you visited Disneyland?

My first trip was spring break, 1979. It was a school trip and Disneyland was one of our last stops. I was dead broke...the teacher driving our van ran out of cash in Mexico and borrowed money from everyone in the van. She never paid me back, so I spent a whole day at Disney without a single sent to spend. Despite that, and having to wear dress slacks due to school rules, I still had a great time! I paid for the trip myself, using money I'd earned the previous summer. It was the first real vacation I ever went on.

When was the last time you visited Disneyland?

My last visit was late May/early June 2005...just in time for the 50th celebration!

How often do you visit Disneyland?

Our upcoming trip will be my third visit...in 30 years. :rotfl:

Are you a local, within 2-3 hour drive to Disneyland? Or a non-local?

Non-local. At the time of my first trip I lived in CO. Last trip I lived in MO. This trip I'm back in CO again.

For the non-locals, how long do you stay?

First trip: 1 day. Second trip: 5 days. This trip: 6 days.

Do you visit Disneyland more often or Walt Disney World more often?

We alternate trips.

When was the first time you came to the DIS, why did you come to the DIS, and how did you find the DIS?

I first came here in 2005 when I was planning our DLR trip that year. After the trip I hung around for about 4 or 5 months...until I figured any input I had was obsolete. I came back to the DIS last year when I started planning our WDW trip and have been around ever since.

How often do you visit the DIS?

I'm here 4 or 5 days a week...usually during my lunch break.

Have you ever met anyone from the DIS? Who was the first person you met. Have you ever been to a DIS Meet?

Nope to all of the above!

Tell us a moment that sticks out in your mind - funny, embarrassing, or touching - at Disneyland.

On my first trip it seemed as if every ride I went on left me soaking wet. That wouldn't have been bad, except, due to school rules, I had on khaki dress pants and a dress shirt...gauzy white with pink roses. I somehow think that the nuns forgot to take in the effects of water rides when they made jeans and t-shirts off limits, lol!

Tell us a little bit about you.

I'm a single mom who has had a Disney fixation since I was 8 years old. That year my teacher had a routine I loved. While we were out at recess on Friday afternoons she would place a Weekly Reader on our desks. I still remember the story about the grand opening of WDW.

I had my boys fairly late in life, so I was in my mid-30's before I had a child of my own who was old enough for a WDW trip. All my relatives kept telling me, "It's too bad you're wasting your money taking him on a trip like that now. He'll never remember it!" I didn't bother to tell them that, while I wanted him to have a grand time, the trip was really for ME!

Our upcoming trip is our 4th family Disney vacation in 10 years. My older one is already talking about wanting to go to Ireland on our next big trip, so I know the days of Disney being our prime destination are coming to an end. Ah, well, if they get to the point where they are too busy to want to go with me I can always go alone!

Oh, and, I'm here at work tonight for a parent night. My room is off by itself in the middle of nowhere, so only one group has come by so far. That means I actually have had time to sit and play here, which is great. The bad news is, they've put a warning on this site, so every 2nd or 3rd page I go to it sends me back to the warning page...and deletes everything that hasn't been saved. Argh! I really need to get internet at home again!

Do you have any pictures you'd like to share with us?

Here's one of my boys from last summer. This was taken at the Studios. You'd never know they were running on about 5 hours sleep. We'd been at MK that morning until 3 a.m. for EHM. There's something in the air at Disney; my kiddos who usually need a good 10 hours sleep can get by on half that...and still be in a good mood...if we're at Disney!


Here's one of all of us in front of the castle at midnight.


Add whatever you'd like.

Mary Jo, thanks for starting this thread! I look forward to reading everyone's replies!
  • When was the first time you visited Disneyland?​
    1. First visit was when I was 5 in 1967...don't remember a ton about it but did find a couple old pics of me in the most god-awful outfit with Goofy.

  • When was the last time you visited Disneyland?​
    2. Just got back from 2 trips: March 7-14 & April 5-8

  • How often do you visit Disneyland?​
    3. I'd live in DL if I could...... don't get there as often as I'd like, but we're working on moving down to that area.

  • Are you a local, within 2-3 hour drive to Disneyland? Or a non-local?​
    4. Non-local, 715 miles to the North

  • For the non-locals, how long do you stay?​
    5. We usually do at least 5 day parkhoppers, but the March trip we got 6 1/2 days in & the April trip was a short.....let's try our sensory-challenged twin girls to see how they do

  • Do you visit Disneyland more often or Walt Disney World more often?​
    6. Disneyland....never been to WDW...but always dreaming!

  • When was the first time you came to the DIS, why did you come to the DIS, and how did you find the DIS?​
    7. Think I found the boards in February this year. I was researching anything & everything for our trip & ended up on the Disneyland site & clicked the forum button & wa-la...... an addicted DIS'er

  • How often do you visit the DIS?​
    8. Daily, multiple times during the day....sometimes I hardly get off....think I'm joking....look at how many posts I have in only 2 months!!!! lol

  • Have you ever met anyone from the DIS? Who was the first person you met. Have you ever been to a DIS Meet?​
    9. Our March trip overlapped the DIS Girl's Only Trip, so I made it a point to go & meet them for the Dole Whip for Bawb picture.....in fact my hubby took the group shots. Can't remember who I spoke to first, but did spend a bit of time talking to Bumbershoot. I also ended up on the Walk in Walt's Footsteps tour with a DIS member Walt1967. I ended up running into LavenderPeach on the April trip...which was great, since we had been conversing prior to our trip.

  • Tell us a moment that sticks out in your mind - funny, embarrassing, or touching - at Disneyland.​
    10. In 2005 after a magical trip, we had realized our soon to be adopted son had not seen Woody yet, so my hubby saw on the schedule he would be in Frontierland (last time for the day), so they ran over to find him. A CM saw them & started to talk with them. Mike told her who they were looking for & she said, he won't be doing the meet-n-greet because he has to get over to DCA for the Block Party Bash. She could tell my son was disappointed so she went thru a cast door & came back out with Jessie. Even Jessie could tell, that Anthony really wanted to see Woody. When Woody walked by, Jessie grabbed my sons hand & drug him thru the crowds to reach Woody. The CM's cleared everyone away & posed for a picture with him. As soon as my hubby gave them a thumbs up they were on their way, leaving a ton of people behind them. Anthony beamed from ear to ear for the rest of the day, because he had seen his hero!!!! Mike & I beamed because we knew the CM's involved had been the true heroes that afternoon!!!!!

  • Tell us a little bit about you.​
    11. I'm a full-time mom. I have 3 grown boys (only 1 doesn't live at home) ages 23, 22 & 19. We've done foster care for 8 years & have adopted 4 kids that came to our home as babies. We have Anthony who is now 8, Adaleah who is 3 & twin 23 month old girls (Michayla & Shyann). They all have some emotional issues & the twins have a number of medical....so it keeps me pretty busy. But I wouldn't want it any other way.....we feel blessed to have them all!!! Also just celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary!!!

  • Do you have any pictures you'd like to share with us?​
    12. I have tons of pics.....but I'd suggest spending a few days looking at them on my TR...... there are 1222 pics on my first report & not as many on the mini TR. If interested, click on the link in my signature below.

  • Add whatever you'd like.​
    13. Add what I'd like: Disneyland is an extension of who I am..... built on strong family values.

    14. Thank you for the topic!!!
How fun!! :goodvibes

1.When was the first time you visited Disneyland?

In March of 1987, shortly before I turned 17. A friend and I saved our own money and flew in (from Redding, CA) and stayed at the Disneyland Hotel for two nights. It was awesome and magical.

2.When was the last time you visited Disneyland?

In March of this year....22 years after I first met the mouse. My family and extended family (nine in all) stayed at Hojos. It was awesome and magical.

3.How often do you visit Disneyland?

When I was young, unmarried, and still lived in Cali, I made it once a year, and sometimes more. I moved to Oregon in 1992 and I made it ONCE in fourteen years! :guilty:

4.Are you a local, within 2-3 hour drive to Disneyland? Or a non-local?

LOL! Compared to some, I am "local" - only an 19 hour drive away!

5.For the non-locals, how long do you stay?

We do the three-day hopper thing.

6. Do you visit Disneyland more often or Walt Disney World more often?

Well, I have only been to WDW once (in 1988) but I would love to take my kids - when they are a little older. However, if we only ever make it to DLR I think we will all survive....:rotfl:

7. When was the first time you came to the DIS, why did you come to the DIS, and how did you find the DIS?

A little over a year ago, a friend who knew that we were planning a trip gave me the link. One visit and I was hooked!!

8.How often do you visit the DIS?

Pretty much daily. I am really enjoying the new Community Board!

9.Have you ever met anyone from the DIS? Who was the first person you met. Have you ever been to a DIS Meet?

Alas, no to all.

10.Tell us a moment that sticks out in your mind - funny, embarrassing, or touching - at Disneyland.

There are many, but the one that jumps to mind is our recent visit to Ariel's Grotto. They were doing the dance training with the kids and I was up front, taking photos and thinking how cute my daughter looked, etc. Then suddenly, the music started up, with the familiar tune that they have been using in the commercials "It's the time of your life...." and from out of nowhere I started crying. Don't know why, it just seemed like the thing to do!

11.Tell us a little bit about you.

I am a part-time Ed Assistant in a small coastal town, married to a Grumpy but wonderful man who is learning to love Disney in a proper way. We are raising three children who, at least so far, are Disney freaks like me. I am SO proud!!! :cool1:

12.Do you have any pictures you'd like to share with us?

My family on our recent journey. We had a magnificent time!!

We can't wait to return again, it is the topic of every dinner conversation LOL!
When was the first time you visited Disneyland?

The first time I visited Disneyland was in June 2006

When was the last time you visited Disneyland?

Too long ago; it was back in August of last year :sad2:

How often do you visit Disneyland?

Ever since 2005 my family has gone to Dinseyland once a year

Are you a local, within 2-3 hour drive to Disneyland? Or a non-local?

I am a non-local

For the non-locals, how long do you stay?

We've stayed 4-7 days in California. This year we are spending 6 days in the park (because of that darn black out day :mad:)

Do you visit Disneyland more often or Walt Disney World more often?

Disneyland is my god :worship:

When was the first time you came to the DIS, why did you come to the DIS, and how did you find the DIS?

I think I joined the DIS in 2006, my dad told me about it who has been a member since 2006

How often do you visit the DIS?

I try to visit the DIS daily

Have you ever met anyone from the DIS? Who was the first person you met.

Even though I've never met anyone (not including my dad) "technically" I've seen and waved to someone wearing their LGMMH last year.

Have you ever been to a DIS Meet?


Tell us a moment that sticks out in your mind - funny, embarrassing, or touching - at Disneyland.

(Technically this was DGCA)
Last year my younger sister and my dad went to ride the Maliboomer and I was in charge of video taping it. When the ride was over my sister was not happy :-)scared1:) and refused to ever ride the Maliboomer ever again. I turned the video camera off and handed it back to my dad. Days later when we arrived home; we plugged the video camera into the TV and realized that I had never pushed the START button on the camera. There is no evidence of her or my dad ever even setting eyes on the Maliboomer...my bad. :rolleyes1

Tell us a little bit about you.

I'm Kelsey I just turned 15 I have a younger sister and dad who are obsessed with Disneyland just like me, and a mom who "wants to go other places" next year :eek:
I am a "large roller coaster boycotter" The only ones I'll ride and be happy on are BTMRR and Space Mountain.

Do you have any pictures you'd like to share with us?


This is a picture of my sister, dad (IASWAM), and me
Mary Jo: What a great idea! Thanks for starting this thread. I've heard your name mentioned several times on the podcast and I'm thrilled to have finally made my way to these boards.

1. When was the first time you visited Disneyland?

June, 1997

2. When was the last time you visited Disneyland?

Early 2008.

3. How often do you visit Disneyland?

I like to go 1-2 times a year, but haven't been able to go lately as I was laid off from my job towards the end of last year.

4. Are you a local, within 2-3 hour drive to Disneyland? Or a non-local?

We live in the San Francisco bay area, so it's a 4 and a half to 7 hour drive depending on traffic and how fast I drive, etc!

5. For the non-locals, how long do you stay?

Usually 3 to 4 days if I'm just doing Disney. I've stayed longer to visit other southern california attractions as well sometimes, but have always "based" myself across the street from Disneyland.

6. Do you visit Disneyland more often or Walt Disney World more often?

For sure, Disneyland, since for me there is no air travel involved in getting there.

7. When was the first time you came to the DIS, why did you come to the DIS, and how did you find the DIS?

About 2 days ago! I'd been listening to the DIS Unplugged podcast for a couple of months and finally decided to check out "the boards" that everyone always seems to be talking about!

8. How often do you visit the DIS?

I think I just live here.

9. Have you ever met anyone from the DIS? Who was the first person you met. Have you ever been to a DIS Meet?

No but I would absolutely love to. I have truly been blown away by the incredibly warm welcome and amazing responses I received to my first posting.

As far as Disneyland moments and a little about me, etc... see my "What Disneyland Means to Me" thread. No need to double-post here, but again, I just can't express enough how truly amazing it is that I could share my story and get such warm feedback. I've really appreciated everything that everyone has said.
When was the first time you visited Disneyland?
I've never been - THis will be our first trip

Are you a local, within 2-3 hour drive to Disneyland? Or a non-local?

Definitely non local - We live in New Zealand

For the non-locals, how long do you stay?
We are staying 14 nights

When was the first time you came to the DIS, why did you come to the DIS, and how did you find the DIS?

1 1/2 years ago - using Google - Searching for tips on how to plan a fun trip for the kids - and I actually found the disboutique sewing thread on the family board first and we were already planning our trip

How often do you visit the DIS?
It changes - somedays I come on all the time - sometimes its a week between visits - and when I think we aren't going to be able to go on the trip (stupid recession adding doubt) then I stay away completely.

Tell us a little bit about you.

I'm a mama of 2 young girls (2 and 4) I've been a disney nut since forever. I love sewing and knitting. I live in New Zealand and in October this year we will be going on our first trip to disneyland (actually our first trip to the US). There will be 7 of us in our group - My friend and her mum (disneyland regulars - well regular for people who live on the other side of the world), my sister, my DH, our 2 girls and myself - all first timers. We chose October as my DH will be turning 30 while we are away so this is a big birthday trip for him (and I'm hoping that he'll return the favour when it's my 30th in a couple of years)

We just booked our accommodation at the Hojo's last week and will be staying in one of the new pirate kids suites (I'm almost as excited about these as I am about disneyland). When I spoke to the lady I almost cried - my dream is actually coming true.

When was the first time you visited Disneyland?
Umm, I was 21...so, do the math, it was 16 years ago...lol

When was the last time you visited Disneyland?
Last time was March 6-9, we've been 4 times already this year. :)

How often do you visit Disneyland?
As often as we can....seriously, DL is our happy place and we love to visit!

Are you a local, within 2-3 hour drive to Disneyland? Or a non-local?
Non local, 6 hrs away

For the non-locals, how long do you stay?
Depends, our first trip this year in Jan was 5 days, the next 3 trips were long weekends, leaving early on Friday and coming home on Monday but our next trip is only Sat & Sun. We prefer the long trips but we will do shorter ones if we feel like it.

Do you visit Disneyland more often or Walt Disney World more often?
Never been to WDW so DL it is! :)

When was the first time you came to the DIS, why did you come to the DIS, and how did you find the DIS?
I found the Dis doing a google search for Disneyland forums. I found more than one forum but this one is my favorite so here it is I make my home. :) I came because we were planning a family vacation in 07 and I wanted to learn tricks. I learned a lot!!! I'm not sure when I first came but you can see my join date by my name.

How often do you visit the DIS?
daily, except on weekends...I have an addiction. LOL

Have you ever met anyone from the DIS? Who was the first person you met. Have you ever been to a DIS Meet?
YES, we did a mini meet in Jan...OMG, it was sooooooooooooooo fun!!!! I met Mary Jo, Zoemakes5, Jazzy, Shyboy, TheAxiom, Disneylove, I think Wendylady was there and I know I'm forgetting others.....there are photos in Jas's trip report. :)

Tell us a moment that sticks out in your mind - funny, embarrassing, or touching - at Disneyland.
Well, one my favorite memories is watching my girls play musical chairs with Alice & the Mad Hatter. They looks on their faces when they asked if they could play with ALICE was amazing....I'll never forget that. And the feeling I get when we all walk under the bridge is great.....I just love it. Holding the girls hands as we walk in and read the plaque, there just something there. :) Funny, playing with Chip & Dale while at Minnie & Friends breakfast, those 2 were hilarious!!!! They had us cracking up without saying a word. :) And another funny one is the time we did the Jungle Cruise (one of DD9s faves) and she was joking with the skipper, they had so much fun bantering back and forth those two. :) Seeing Aladdin's musical for the first time, having Jasmine (DBF favorite Princess) pose for a photo with our "King" LOL So many fun moments....

Tell us a little bit about you.
I'm a Mom of 3 and a Gma to 1, my granddaughter was born in Feb and she's gorgeous. :) My girls are my life, when I went back to work (due to a split from their Dad) I made sure my company understood that and they have worked me thru it all. I work for a musical accessory manufacturer and love love love country music. I've met a few famous people in my line of work, favorites being guys in Trace Akins band, all of Hootie (Darius Rucker) and the Blowfish, Jewel, Big & Rich and I have a lot of rock friends as well. I'm trying to figure out if I can go to a smaller venue to see some friends of mine play later this month...a little band called Rev Theory, they are currently on tour with Avenged Sevenfold (or A7X as some of you may know them) but that's enough name dropping. :) I've been with my DBF for almost 7 years now, that will be in August. We have no real plans to get married, we are happy as we are and in no rush. BUT if he was to propose I would want him to do so on the Storybook Canal ride under the arches that Jasmine & Aladdin flew under at night, when the lights are on. :) I'm a major reader, I love Sherrilyn Kenyon, Piers Anthony, Mercedes Lackey and many more. I am very outgoing on the boards but while at DL I'm very unsure of myself. I do look for LGMHs but I've only seen them at our mini meet, I'm not sure I'd have the guts to walk up to someone to introduce myself but if I did I'm sure whoever I met would be wonderful.....:)

Do you have any pictures you'd like to share with us?
For some reason I have a really hard time posting photos. You can see me in Jasmine's trip report......but I'll see what I can do for you guys because you're all worth it! :)

Add whatever you'd like.
I'm so glad I decided to make this my home away from DL. I've met some of the nicest people on this board and made some great friends....SOMEday I will get to meet them all....and someday I'll see others I've already met yet again. :) I love how the DL boards are so friendly and open with each other. There is definitely Disney Magic happening in our little Land!! :hug::cheer2::flower3:

Alex Mouse, where in our Bay Area do you live?
Oh, what a fun thread!

Here I go, there's bound to be things I'll say that people didn't know about me.

1. When was the first time you visited Disneyland?
I first visited, according to home video, in April of 1991. I was a small toddler, so what can I recall? Nothing. But from the video, the Skyway, Peoplemover, and motorboats were in them, so that was a bit of nostalgia!

2. When was the last time you visited Disneyland?
April of 2006 with my high school band. It was for, you guessed it, Magical Music days. I had such a blast, but took DL for granted, and wasn't hit with the snowball quite just yet.

3. How often do you visit Disneyland?
This is an answer I hope will change. In the past, it was maybe once every 2-3 years at best. Now, I hope it will be inverse: 2-3 times per year!

4. Are you a local, within 2-3 hour drive to Disneyland? Or a non-local?
Non-local. But DL runs in our family blood! Back when my parents used to live in CA, they used to go DL all the time! I intend to continue the tradition!

5. For the non-locals, how long do you stay?
On average, we did about 4 days, 3 nights. But watch that grow. :goodvibes

6. Do you visit Disneyland more often or Walt Disney World more often?
Whaddya think? :lmao:

7. When was the first time you came to the DIS, why did you come to the DIS, and how did you find the DIS?
Oh boy, this is great. So over winter of last year, I started rewatching old classic Disney films. Saw Cinderella, fell in love with her, bought the platinum DVD, which led me from a movie-euphoria to the park-nostalgia, so I googled 'Disneyland' forums (we were planning a trip anyway), and tada! Disboards. So I joined, and the first post I ever made: "Where can I find Cinerella in the parks?" :lmao::lmao::lmao:

8. How often do you visit the DIS?
Here's a clue. When I open up my internet browser daily, the first three sites are my email, facebook, and the DIS!

9. Have you ever met anyone from the DIS? Who was the first person you met. Have you ever been to a DIS Meet?
No, I haven't been back to DL since I came here, but I hope to meet some faces in June!

10. Tell us a moment that sticks out in your mind - funny, embarrassing, or touching - at Disneyland.
Well, I can't think of anything at DL, but when I was at WDW last last winter and waiting at HS for F!, I was eating an apple, keeping to myself. And a group of high school youths was nearby, circled, in conversation. They seemed like a social and gregarious bunch. I was reminiscing the days of high school, and was nearly done with my apple, when I took a particularly large bite, and the core snapped out of my hand, and rolled while vigorously into their circle, right in the middle. Well, a few of them jumped back and looked at me, and I think I said something along the lines of: "Great apologies" or "My mistake" or "Oh dear" or something like that. So, I reached in and retrieved my apple while they were still standing there staring at me. And quickly shuffled away.

11. Tell us a little bit about you.
Here goes! In the past, some DISers mistook me for a lady, so I had to explain that the reason I couldn't go on the Divas trip was... :lmao: Anyhoo, I'm almost one of the younger generation. Currently studying for my BA in architecture, hope to go to grad school and music school in down in Southern Cal in a few years, while hopefully landing a job as a CM musician. I love playing music, envisioning DL, researching random things, studying real estate, skyscrapers, going to church, failing at making food, listening to DL park music, being a drum corps fanatic, and everything in between.

12. Do you have any pictures you'd like to share with us?
Not now, but you will get plenty when I come back from my trip in June.
Another time, my daughter & I were walking down Main Street and passed a group of ladies wearing funny glasses (A vision of the Divas in their 60's ha ha)
:lmao: That is so great!! I can totally picture that. Love it. :goodvibes
1) When was the first time you visited Disneyland?

Summer 1980. I was four that trip so my recollection of it is a little vague but it definitely started a lifelong love of DL.


2) When was the last time you visited Disneyland?

We just got back a week ago. BTW, I seem to be the only person over the age of 12 who wears a goofy hat in the park so if you see a grown man with a goofy hat, there is a good chance its me.


3) How often do you visit Disneyland?

We seem to be in a routine of going two years in a row and then taking a year off. It changed some when I moved out and on my own but I have gotten back into the rhythm now.

4) Are you a local, within 2-3 hour drive to Disneyland? Or a non-local?

Non-local: As a kid growing up in the Bay Area, it was a half day drive down to LA. I'm a little further away now :(

5) For the non-locals, how long do you stay?

As a kid: 3 Days
Now: 5 days

6) Do you visit Disneyland more often or Walt Disney World more often?

Disneyland - I've moved around a lot and lived in Florida for a couple years so I took the chance to visit the east coast resort twice. It was fun and I had a great time but it just wasn't Disneyland.


7) When was the first time you came to the DIS, why did you come to the DIS, and how did you find the DIS?

Around March of last year. I had been lurking around Mice chat and other sites and was looking for something a little less intense to keep my DLR spirits alive in between visits. I found the DIS through your average google search.

8) How often do you visit the DIS?

Daily now.

9) Have you ever met anyone from the DIS? Who was the first person you met. Have you ever been to a DIS Meet?

Not yet

10) Tell us a moment that sticks out in your mind - funny, embarrassing, or touching - at Disneyland.

This is actually a WDW story but who's counting, right? ;)

Right before my DW and I got married, we took a pre-honeymoon to WDW. We got the Mickey and Minnie wedding hats and wore them for most of our trip. As we were in the Queue for POTC and just about to get on the boats when the CM at the front told us to step to the side. I was not sure why but we did it. they then continued to load the boat with people from behind us. I was really starting to wonder what we did wrong when the next boat came up and the CM gave the whole boat to us. It was my DW's first time on POTC so it was even more cool that we got a boat to ourselves.


11) Tell us a little bit about you.

I joined the Navy out of High School and sailed half way around the world twice. I met my DW (Who is also in the Navy) while I was in. I got out of the Navy, and we got married. We've lived on both coasts and overseas for a couple years. We have now settled in the Seattle area where I work for a Computer Software company. We have two kids. DS has been to DLR twice now and DD will get her first trip to DLR next summer (We have a rule that you must be 5 yrs old before you get to go to DL but we try and make that first trip as special as possible and on their birthday as well).
What a fun thread!!

When was the first time you visited Disneyland?
I think my parents took me when I was very young, but I'm not sure. The first I remember was when I was a teenager - I went with my dad, his new wife, and her two kids. My job was to watch the kids, so I didn't go on many rides.

My first "interactive" trip was when my kids were little - about 10 years ago. I was instantly hooked!!

When was the last time you visited Disneyland?
August 2008

How often do you visit Disneyland?
At least once a year.

Are you a local, within 2-3 hour drive to Disneyland? Or a non-local?
Not local - I live 450 miles from DL. We used to drive, but now we fly.

For the non-locals, how long do you stay?
The trips just keep getting longer! For the first few years, it was 3 days....then for a few years it was 5 days.....now we average 6-7. This allows us to take it slow and relax a bit!

Do you visit Disneyland more often or Walt Disney World more often?
I've never been to DW.

When was the first time you came to the DIS, why did you come to the DIS, and how did you find the DIS?
I was a lurker for around 3 months. Earlier this year, I joined and started posting.

How often do you visit the DIS?
I try to make it once a day.

Have you ever met anyone from the DIS? Who was the first person you met.
I haven't met anyone yet, but am trying to organize a meet in September! :cool1:

Have you ever been to a DIS Meet?
Not yet.

Tell us a moment that sticks out in your mind - funny, embarrassing, or touching - at Disneyland.
My favorite memory is of the first visit with my kids. My oldest daughter was 8, and my youngest was 5. DD8 was so excited! She rode her first roller coaster (in ToonTown), and truly loved the Hunchback show.

My youngest daughter was very shy! (We didn't know it at the time, but she has Aspergers). She observed everything, but said almost nothing for 2 1/2 days. She smiled a lot, and was happy to go on the gentle rides throughout the park. Finally, right before we left the park to go home, we stopped to watch the parade. We all sat on the curb, waiting for the floats to trickle down main street. My older daughter was explaining to her sister what a parade was, and what to expect. The parade was delayed, and you could see kids around us getting restless. DD5 sat quietly with her hands in her lap. After 2 days of silence, she slowly stood up, faced me, and with her hands in the air said "mama, are they coming yet?" I don't know why, but it was the cutest thing I'd ever seen! Lucky for us, we have it all on video tape....Our mother's day tradition is for the girls to make me breakfast in bed and we watch the video of our first DL trip!

Tell us a little bit about you.
I've been a single mom since my youngest (now 15) was 9 months old. I've worked most of those years, but this year was placed on permanent disability due to an autoimmune disease I've been fighting for decades. Through the ups an downs of single parenting and illness, planning Disney trips has been our family's outlet.

Do you have any pictures you'd like to share with us?
I'd love to, but I can't seem to get it to work :sad2:

Add whatever you'd like.
Thanks for the fun thread!!
When was the first time you visited Disneyland?
According to my mother it was October 24, 1960
When was the last time you visited Disneyland?
6 hours ago
How often do you visit Disneyland?
Until I get my ECV it will be once a month but lately I been averaging 4 to 6 times a month and paying for it, lol.
Are you a local, within 2-3 hour drive to Disneyland? Or a non-local?
11.3 miles is pretty far but I am local.
For the non-locals, how long do you stay?
Do you visit Disneyland more often or Walt Disney World more often?
Last official WDW trip is 1998 in September but I think I went in 2003 but cannot remember anything so I just stick to 1998.
When was the first time you came to the DIS, why did you come to the DIS, and how did you find the DIS?
Probably because of VMK but not sure and it was June, 2006
How often do you visit the DIS?
Hourly it seems. I keep a Disneyland window open and refresh when I am bored or if there is a heated debate.
Have you ever met anyone from the DIS? Who was the first person you met. Have you ever been to a DIS Meet?
The Divas, BillSears who is such a darling, Mary Jo at Yamabuki. The Divas was the first disboards meeting with anyone from boards. Just the Divas meeting, nice ladies.
Tell us a moment that sticks out in your mind - funny, embarrassing, or touching - at Disneyland.
So many like Dad working hard to stay below the weight on the mule ride. Mom nearly losing me on the buckets. Puking in the bushes at the Jazz Kitchen because of food allergies. Dancing with Chip and Dale at WDW. Splitting my pettipants and mom stuffing my yellow undies in a popcorn container, lol. Mean pin traders who called me names. Begging a CM and her boyfriend to not take my picture. Shaking the foot of a special needs child named Joshua. BillSears meeting was so magical, he is so compassionate and kind. Dinner at Yamabuki with Lara, Chris and Mary Jo.
Tell us a little bit about you.
My mother was born with hypersensitivity to the max and I have that SID. I need lots of angels to watch over me. I hate being shunned and ignored. I need human contact and lvoe hugs. I get overwhelmed easily and lately stress is causing me to nearly shut down or worse get gas and chest pains. I have celiac and food allergies, many aches and pains and disintegrating back where the bra is located as best I can explain.

I fight unfairness and help too much. People do not like my religious beliefs and that has caused me to get banned elsewhere. I am disabled and do not work though I would if not for pain and nasty people who cannot have the compassion and understanding of neurovariants.
Do you have any pictures you'd like to share with us?
\Divas have some pictures when I was at the event as rather run down from food allergies. I have posted somewhere the photopass number for the picture of mom and me.
Add whatever you'd like.
Disneyland board needs a disability thread like Sue made for WDW.
If anyone needs local calls made just ask, park research and other help for free though I usually charge one hug or smile.:lmao:
I am willing to do meet and greets.
I am a neurovariant not something to shun but given nudges and help I can play too. I am a neurovariant so my twisted broken brain loves puzzles and sleuthing. I think the Tag Fairy may be around so I will stop before
i loose the pretty tag i have.
When was the first time you visited Disneyland?
I was about 4 years old, sometime around 72 or 73.

When was the last time you visited Disneyland?
Jan 1st and 2nd of this year. :scared1:

How often do you visit Disneyland?
I've gone off and on for my entire life. Mostly with several years inbetween. This was our first year with an AP.

Are you a local, within 2-3 hour drive to Disneyland? Or a non-local?
About 8 hours away.

For the non-locals, how long do you stay?
Usually 3 days. This next trip will be a week.

Do you visit Disneyland more often or Walt Disney World more often?
Never been to WDW but I'm currently plotting how to get there in a few years.

When was the first time you came to the DIS, why did you come to the DIS, and how did you find the DIS?
Last summer before our trip I googled "Disneyland tips and tricks". I've been here ever since.

How often do you visit the DIS?
Everytime I walk past the computer it sucks me in and makes me check the DIS. :rotfl:

Have you ever met anyone from the DIS? Who was the first person you met.
Just my sister, LavenderPeach, but then I already knew her! ;)

Have you ever been to a DIS Meet?

Tell us a moment that sticks out in your mind - funny, embarrassing, or touching - at Disneyland.
When I was 4 I remember riding POTC and I hid on the floor of boat during the scene where the ship is firing the cannon. I thought they were really shooting. It is now my favorite ride.

Tell us a little bit about you.
DH and I can't wait to celebrate our 20th anniversary at DLR this June. I will have been married half my life. :lovestruc We have twin boys 15 years old we are trying to put through private school. We are not rich and do without in a lot areas to make this happen. I have my heart set on going to WDW when they graduate high school as a reward for finally getting them through school. :rotfl: DH is a math teacher and I'm a pre-k teacher. I taught before my boys were born, stayed home with them, and then went back to teaching everyday last year.

Do you have any pictures you'd like to share with us?
Not right now.
2. When was the last time you visited Disneyland?
April of 2006 with my high school band. It was for, you guessed it, Magical Music days. I had such a blast, but took DL for granted, and wasn't hit with the snowball quite just yet.

I got to do this too in 1993. Closest thing I'll probably ever get to being a CM at DL. I was in marching band and we were featured in the mid day parade. Got to be backstage when we started and ended the parade. Very cool experience.
When was the first time you visited Disneyland?
I can't really remember. I grew up going to Disneyland. First with my family and other relatives. Then with friends in school, and my high school boyfriend who is now my husband. And now with four kids of our own, it's one of our favorite places to go.

When was the last time you visited Disneyland?
I was there with the DIS Divas last month! (March '09) :yay:

How often do you visit Disneyland?
Depends. When we have annual passes we go about every 3 months. Without it's more like once a year.

Are you a local, within 2-3 hour drive to Disneyland? Or a non-local?
Non-local. I live in Vegas.

For the non-locals, how long do you stay?
At least 3 days.

Do you visit Disneyland more often or Walt Disney World more often?
Disneyland, definitely. I've been to WDW four times and to Disneyland more times than I can remember.

When was the first time you came to the DIS, why did you come to the DIS, and how did you find the DIS?
I first found the DIS in October 2005. We were planning a trip to WDW and I did a Google search that linked me to a thread on the DIS. I stayed on the WDW sections and the Community Board section for a long time, until coming to the DL area of the DIS.

How often do you visit the DIS?
Every darn day!!! LOL

Have you ever met anyone from the DIS? Who was the first person you met. Have you ever been to a DIS Meet?
I have met many, many people from the DIS!! :cool1:

I planned a ladies only trip to WDW in 2006 that had over 40 DIS ladies in attendance. And in 2008 I started the ladies only trips to Disneyland. We just had our second trip and both times we had over 40 ladies, half of them were new the second time around. So I've been lucky enough to meet many wonderful ladies and make lots of new friends. There's always room for more! :thumbsup2

Tell us a moment that sticks out in your mind - funny, embarrassing, or touching - at Disneyland.
Hmmm, there are so many over the years. It's hard to pick just one. I think that's why Disneyland is so special to me. It's more about the memories and what it means to me personally, than just being an amusement park.

I do remember in the months after the twins were born, things were hectic around our house with two newborns, a 3 year old and a 5 year old. One night my husband arranged for my mom to watch the kids, and he surprised me with a night out at Disneyland.

It was drizzling, and a little chilly. We grabbed some hot cocoa, sat under some umbrellas at one of the outdoor eateries, and just talked. It was so magical. The park was empty, the trees and castle were all lit up, and it was just so nice to have some couple time with my honey.

Also each time we brought each of the kids for their first visit in the park was so exciting and special. There is nothing better than seeing the park through the eyes of a child. :goodvibes

Tell us a little bit about you.
Oh boy. I'm pretty boring. Nothing much to tell. I am a SAHM with four kids. Married to my high school sweetheart. And I love Disney. That's it in a nutshell.

Do you have any pictures you'd like to share with us?
I have several from over the years that are very special to me especially of my kids.
I like this one of the kids with Jack and Sally:

And this one of me (in the middle), Pluto and some of the DIS Divas dining in Club 33.
When was the first time you visited Disneyland?
When I was about a year old. My family has always lived in the area so we went all the time.

When was the last time you visited Disneyland?
About nine days ago. Went with DBF, my DD and her friend.

How often do you visit Disneyland?
At least once or twice a month. Sometimes more.

Are you a local, within 2-3 hour drive to Disneyland? Or a non-local?
I am totally local. Just down the street actually. Can see the fireworks from my house.

For the non-locals, how long do you stay?
I'm local.

Do you visit Disneyland more often or Walt Disney World more often?
I visit DL much more often than WDW.

When was the first time you came to the DIS, why did you come to the DIS, and how did you find the DIS?
The first time I came to the DIS was when I was researching for my first time to WDW. I did a google search to find information for the trip, and the DIS came up. When I came back from the trip is when I joined.

How often do you visit the DIS?

Have you ever met anyone from the DIS? Who was the first person you met.
Ive met quite a few people from the DIS. I can't remember who was the first exactly. I met random DISers who had lime green on. Lots of them actually.

Have you ever been to a DIS Meet?

Tell us a moment that sticks out in your mind - funny, embarrassing, or touching - at Disneyland.
DD and I have a tradition that we always make a wish at the well. We have done that ever since she was a baby.

Tell us a little bit about you.
What to tell? I work in health care and I also go to school full time. I have an amazing 13 year old DD. She plays softball, catcher. She also is quite intelligent and goes to a "school of choice". We have two dogs, Harrison and Izzie. I have a DBF who enjoys Disney, and even more so since he has been with me. We've been together for 2 years, but have known each other for over 20.

Do you have any pictures you'd like to share with us?
DBF and I at my cousins wedding

Add whatever you'd like.
I will be participating in my first Mouse Adventure on 4/26!
When was the first time you visited Disneyland?
I had to have been around 3. This is the earliest picture I can find of me at DL.


My Mom actually went to DL pregnant with me. I found a picture of her riding the carousel if that counts!

When was the last time you visited Disneyland?
Last week Friday and Saturday.

How often do you visit Disneyland?
We've been going every couple months. Once we renew our APs we're going
to go every month. ;)

Are you a local, within 2-3 hour drive to Disneyland? Or a non-local?
Local. At the most it takes 2 hours.

For the non-locals, how long do you stay?
We still stay in a hotel. The longest we've stayed is 4 days.

Do you visit Disneyland more often or Walt Disney World more often?
I've never been to WDW. I plan on it one day. I want to go to all the Disney Parks.

When was the first time you came to the DIS, why did you come to the DIS, and how did you find the DIS?
I signed up November 2007, but I was lurking on here long before that. I googled Disneyland message boards and the Dis and some others came up. I was frequenting another board more than the Dis, but this felt more like home to me. :goodvibes

How often do you visit the DIS?
Everyday! Even at work! (Shh! Don't tell my boss!)

Have you ever met anyone from the DIS? Who was the first person you met. Have you ever been to a DIS Meet?

I've met 2 Dis'ers who have spotted my LGMHs. The first Dis'er was lilallybean.
DBF is the one who spotted her LGMH while we were on GRR. Her whole family was on our raft and they all had LGMH's pinned to their shirts. I was too busy trying not to get wet I didn't even notice. DBF leans over and goes "don't those green Mickey things have something to do with your message board?" :)

Tell us a moment that sticks out in your mind - funny, embarrassing, or touching - at Disneyland.
I have so many. Probably going on mine and DBF's first solo trip in March of 2007 has been the most touching. It took one trip together for us to realize that DL is "ours".

The most funny is probably when my parents took me on BTMRR and POTC as a kid. I remember just be terrified! My Mom was wearing this bright highlighter green and pink windbreaker, and I remember just holding on for dear life as we were going down the flumes on POTC. I will never forget that. :rotfl:

Most embarrassing had to have last year when we were on Splash. We went down the biggest drop and I went to duck and just banged my head so hard on the seat in front of me. I had a big red dot and bump on the left side of my forehead. I should have went to first aid. But man, everyone was looking at me when we came back in to unload the log. People kept staring at my head. :headache:

Tell us a little bit about you.
I'm 21 years old and will be 22 on May 1st. I've been with dear (Disney?) boyfriend Jesus for 6 years this coming August. I work full time for a worker's comp insurance place as a receptionist. My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast and my favorite princess is Belle. I'm a geek with braces and I like them because they fit my geeky personality! :)

Do you have any pictures you'd like to share with us?

My Dad buying me a balloon on Main Street.


My Mom and I (in a geeky hat) on the carousel.


Jesus and I with Mickey on our first solo trip ever.


Jesus, my parents and I at DCA.


Add whatever you'd like.

Big :hug: :hug: :hug: to everyone! :lovestruc :yay:


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