Lisa's Wish Journal - Now we have gone Dopey.

Today was another great, crazy day. :upsidedow

Today I ran one of my used book sales at work. I made $519 in 3 hours. :woohoo: I love doing them. Lots of work, but a lot of fun. I'm big on reading and love to promote literacy. All books are donated, so this is one fundraiser that is completely 100% profit. :woohoo:

Roo has discovered Chex cereal. I was eating some dry and of course she showed up. I shared and now she is hooked. :lmao:

I am very upset about something that I never thought would happen. I am a member of several different non-profit groups. A two I am the treasurer and one the secretary. The one I am the secretary of hasn't been active for a couple years now. Another officer called me to say that almost all of the money is missing from the account and the treasurer couldn't give an explanation. It was also discover that the treasurer had cashed a check with only her signature on it. All checks are to have two signatures. Today the treasurer brought cash to cover the missing $$ to the one who made the discovery, still offering no explanation. The treasurer had taken all of the money to the tune of $1700. I am just sick. I never thought this person would do something like this. I just don't understand. Since all of the $$ was replaced we have agreed to keep it quiet and not do anything. But this person will not be trusted again in this organization and that makes me sad. I guess you just never really know.

I am hoping for a good day tomorrow. My off day and I am hoping to stay around here for some quiet. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.
Congrats on the used book sale!:cheer2: That is a nice profit!:thumbsup2

I am so sorry to hear about the situation with the treasurer. :( It's hard to understand why people do what they do sometimes. I'm glad to hear that the person returned the money. I'm kind of surprised that no apology or explanation was given though. I'm so sorry that you had to deal with this, my friend. :hug:

How was your day off yesterday? I hope it was a good one!:goodvibes

Have a wonderful weekend!:hug:
Wow, that is a lot of money for used books, good job!

As for the treasurer, I can't say I am surprised. Sadly, this sort of thing happens all too often. I saw it with Girl Scouts and I have seen it at church too. Its always very disheartening. You want to believe nobody would do such a thing. And in this economy, people are so desparate but still. Just so sad and so maddening too!

Daisy loves chex cereal too! :rotfl:
Hi Lisa, I've been away for the WISH for a while but I just caught up on your journal. Sorry to hear the issues with your Gram as still draging on. I hope you get some good resolution later this month.

Congrats on the book sale. You must have sold a ton of stuff for such a great profit! The weekend away with your kids sounds nice. Sometimes it is nice just to relax with a change of scenery.
Hello Ladies! Welcome back Lola.

I have a few minutes and wanted to check in. As of this past Saturday, Gram now lives with me. The harassment got so bad, she couldn't take it anymore. The guy wanted to her to leave so bad and then once we started packing up to move her, he switched gears and tried to keep her from moving. :confused3 There is something seriously wrong with the guy. Beginning a week ago this past Monday, the deputies were called to her house every day to try to keep this guy away from her. Finally on Saturday, when we had everyone scheduled to come and completely move her out, the deputies had to make him and his wife leave the property and told them they would be arrested if they came back over before we were done. They had to wait for the deputies to tell it was okay to go back over. I was very pleased with how professional our sheriff's department is. We were successful and got her completely out of there. My garage and a storage unit is full and I have no idea where anything is. Let me tell you, a person can accumulate a lot in 45 years. There is a family here that lost their house to a fire a couple weeks ago and they have 8 children. I am going to contact them and see if they can use some of the furniture. April and I have a yard sale planned for the beginning of May, so we should be able to get rid of a lot of the household stuff then. DH is happy that he won't have to go over and mow her yard anymore and I am happy that come hurricane season we won't have to worry about her not being in a safe house. Trying to look at all the good things that can come out of this.
Something I wanted to tell you all about. God does answer prayers. I was nothing but a bundle of nerves last week. On a side note, I did lose some weight. Barely ate and worked like a dog.

Friday night I knew there would be problems Saturday morning as a Captain with the Sheriff's Department had warned me. At first I prayed that I just wished the house would burn down. When DH's fire scanner went off, I just knew that was it, but it wasn't. I started praying again, just asking God to please send some angels to protect us. All night I didn't sleep, I prayed. All the way driving out Saturday morning, I prayed. When we arrived and had to immediately call for a deputy, I prayed. The dispatcher was so nice. She said she was expecting my call and put someone in route as soon as she saw my number. The deputy arrived and was so professional and nice. The sargent that arrived a bit later was the same way. They took care of us and were the angels I prayed for. Then the army arrived. An army of angels who packed up and moved everything, doing anything and everything I asked, cheerfully and willing. It was a wonderful day even if it was such a sad situation.
I'm glad that your Gram is safe with you now and that so many people came to your aid when you needed them. I'm glad you can see the bright sid of the situation. It is so sad and infurriating that a terrible man got what he wanted by harrassing an elderly person. I'm sure he will get what her deserves in the end.
Oh Lisa! :hug: I am so sorry for what you and gram and your family have been through. :( I am so grateful that the deputies were there to help keep you all safe. :grouphug: What a blessing to have an army of angels to help you move everything!:goodvibes I wish I could have been there to help you, my friend. :hug: You and your family have been in our thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:

Is this completely behind you now or do you still have to go to court? I just can't understand why this man would act like this towards gram and your family. :(

I hope that you all can get some rest and relaxation in over the next few weeks. You have been through so much. :grouphug:

Sending love and prayers your way!:grouphug:
Oh Lisa, I am so sorry I have been such a lousy friend and I have not come on here to check on you!

God does answer prayers and I am so thankful the law enforcement in your area was there for you. That guy is totally insane, I am so glad Gram is with you now where she can be safe and loved and not in danger and harrassed. I cannot believe what you have been through!

Do you still have to go back to court? I hope this is already or close to being, a finished chapter in your life!:hug:

And that is so sweet of you to see if that poor family can use some furniture. And not a bit surprising to hear given the way you live your life.

Happy Easter, I am really thinking about all of you in this time but know your love and faith is gonna see you through!:hug:
I'm sorry to hear about all the problems with your Gram. There are a lot of JERKS in this world. I'm sure this guy is related to my ex-husband in some way. ;) I hope it gets settled for you soon, I know how stressful legal issues are! :wizard:

All I can say is WOW for the missing $$. Some people think they can get away with whatever they want as long as they don't get caught! :mad:

Have a Happy Easter!
Lisa I am glad your Gram is safe and you don't have to worry anymore- as pp mentioned he will get his-remember Karma I do believe it will come around.

Enjoy your Easter!

Sending a gentle :hug: your way, my friend. I pray that things have settled down for you and your family. You guys have been through a lot the past few weeks!:grouphug:

Have a blessed Easter, WISH sis!:hug:
Hello All. I hope everyone had a very blessed Easter weekend. We were busy as usual.
I want to apologize for not posting for so long. Things are very caotic around here and right now, my time is not my own. I have very little quiet time, and some days, none at all. I occasionally try to DIS and as soon as I do, someone needs something. I am really trying to do all of this with a good heart and not complain. You all are absolutely wonderful friends and I know that you would let me vent, but I was so afraid that I would begin pitying myself. But here I am now.

Garage is still full of boxes which I am trying to go through. I am finding some amazing stuff. As in, I can’t believe I am finding this stuff. A snake bite kit, (never opened thankfully), a pack of paper doilies from 1958, nail polish remover from 1981, dishes I never knew she had. ….. The first day I began packing her house, I tried to go through stuff and throw out, but that was taking too long. Then I began the scope and run theory. Got us out of there quick, but my goodness. A yard sale is set for May 7. April and I will have our hands full.

Things have been very quiet with regards to the neighbor. We go to court this Wednesday, and it should be interesting. The cameras, for sale sign and hand written “No Trespassing” sign were taken down within a couple of days of us leaving. To me that means the items were put up just to upset her and not for protection of the property. I will let you all know how that goes.

My DN has done well so far. She was busy with a school play that she did the lighting for. We went to the first performance and it went rather well. The cast was first year drama students and I was impressed. They practiced a lot and it showed. DN has spent the past week with her family (Spring Break) and comes back tonight. Four weeks to go until graduation. I am so proud of her and she has kept up her grades despite what we have been dealing with. This is a HUGE accomplishment for her.

Middle DS got his driver’s license last week. :scared1:He has driven by himself twice and is very proud. He does fine, but I am much more nervous with him driving than his older brother. Thought it was suppose to go the other way and I would be less nervous. :confused3

April and I participated in a 10K this past Saturday. The Crescent City Classic began in the French Quarter, went through part of downtown, through an older residential area and finished at City Park . The route was great, but the event was rather loosely organized. We enjoyed it and will probably do it again next year. The next one we are looking at is a ½ marathon in October in Mandeville, LA, where oldest DS lives. Middle DS wants to do it also and I told him only if he agrees to train with me. DH told him “good luck”. April and I also signed up for Disney in January. We are officially on our way there again. :banana:

April, she had another miscarriage 2.5 weeks ago. She was farther along this time and her levels were good, but… :sad2: The doctor suggested that they wait about a year before trying again. She thinks that all the stress A is under with her Dad might be a contributing factor. Physically she is fine, but this one got to her a bit. She is doing good and did great at the walk Saturday. I was watching her and told her we would stop whenever she needed to, but she was fine.

I have kept off some of the weight I lost. People are commenting on it, so I am taking it as a good thing. 10 more to go and I will be back in most of my old clothes.

Finances are coming along. I have one bill to go……as long as I can keep DH on track. We are working on it. There is a very dim light at the end of the tunnel. Very faint, but I know it is there. :goodvibes

Oldest DB is coming Tuesday night to be here for court Wednesday and then he and DH are driving over to FL to hopefully see the shuttle launch on Friday. DH and the kids were supposed to go when it was going to be last week, but then it got pushed back and now the kids can’t go. DB has a pass to get on the Causeway (good viewing site from what I understand) and is taking DH as a thank you for all he has done for Gram over the years.

DD is doing great with the current living arrangements. She tells anyone who ask does she mind sleeping in our room “This is what I have wanted my WHOLE life!” :rotfl2: She is on :cloud9: right now. Getting her back to her room may take a bit of doing.

In addition to everything with Gram, we were also concerned about our jobs and whether we were going to have a furlough. I am happy to report that the budget was signed for the rest of this fiscal year and for a few months we are okay. Come October 1, it’s starts all over again though. But for right now we are good. So the trip for DD may actually happen. I still have all of the reservations made and a loose plan. I am hopeful, but realistic until all of this court stuff is over. Four weeks, I can’t believe that in four weeks we may actually get to go. Oh I hope and pray it all works out. :thumbsup2

Well, that’s everything with me. Once again I want to say what wonderful friends you are and how I appreciate your love and support. :grouphug:
Oh Lisa, I am praying court went well today. I have been thinking about you so much. You are so busy with so much going on, never apologize for not getting on here as often as you'd "wish". Life is busy and we can only have so many top priorities. I am so proud of you for keeping this weight off, what an accomplishment.

Great job on the 10K!:thumbsup2

But I am so very sorry to hear about April's miscarriage. I am going to keep her in my prayers, I can only imagine how hard this must be for her. I had a friend that had two and she said the first one was hard but she though "its just an isolated incident" but then the second one was devastating. She did go on to have a healthy baby girl but it was hard to stand by helplessly with what she went through with those two miscarriages. I know you are being a good friend in spite of all you have going in your own life.:hug:

Yay for your dd trip to WDW and that is wonderful your husband and db will see the shuttle launch. Something for them to remember always!

Hang in there you are an amazing woman and you always inspire me with your attitude, strength and energy!

Were you affected by the weather in the south the past couple of days? I pray this finds you and your family doing well. :grouphug:

I am sending a gentle :hug: your way. You have a lot going on right now. How did court go?

It sounds like you are finding some interesting stuff in those boxes. :) Sending lots of :wizard::wizard: for your garage sale.

I am so sorry to hear about April. :sad1: My heart goes out to her and her DH. How are they doing?

That is so cool that your brother and DH will get to see the last shuttle launch!:thumbsup2

Great job on your 10K!!!:cheer2:

I am glad that they passed the budget and that you didn't have to take furlough. :goodvibes

I am hoping and praying that you and your DD get to take your WDW vacation!:wizard: Just think...In four weeks, you could be in the world!:cloud9:

Sending a :hug: and prayers your way, my friend. I hope things settle down for you and your family soon.
Amy :hug:, Tracy :hug:

Court went okay. The judge dismissed the eviction case against Gram. Even though she has already moved out, he wasn't happy to hear about the harrassment. By dimissing the case, this help should we decide to pursue harrassment charges. The neighbor was not there. He and his wife sent a letter to the court stating that she moved out voluntarily and they had settled the issue. The judge and lawyer both think we have a very good harrasment case and strongly urged us to pursue it. We are thinking on it. We are just not those kind of people, but in this instance..... I hate to think they would do this to someone else. At least if we took them to court and got some kind of judgement I think I would be satisfied. I don't know, DB and I are tossing the idea around.

So we found more stuff. :cool1::rolleyes1 Gram had some stuff in a storage unit that she was sharing with my youngest DB. Just a sewing machine and a few boxes was all she said. So she said. Try a sewing machine, a desk, two dresser mirrors (I had wondered what happened to those) two coolers, a fake Christmas Tree (can never have too many of those), a wheelchair, a walker, camping stuff and 25 boxes. Oh yes, and the flags from Girl Scouts. DB said it was good I had made such great progress in the garage. It is completely full again. I'll never go through it all by next Saturday. Oh well, what doesn't go now will be saved until the regular November one. DH just thinks I am going to take it all the the thrift store. There is lots of $$ out there.:rolleyes1

We went out to lunch today and Amy, I thought about you. We went to Olive Garden. It was my annual "We love you and can't make it without you lunch". :thumbsup2 The breadsticks came and I only had one. I have absolutely no clue on how you resisted them. But girl.....:worship:

April is doing okay. The first one didn't bother her, but she said this one did. It was worse for one thing. But she is doing good, trust that God has a plan and realizes that this probably isn't the best time for her. She is young, has Chloee and knows she has plenty of time.

Tracy - the storms barely bothered us thankfully. We had LOTS of wind for over 24 hours and just a little rain. My heart goes out to those who were so devastated by it and it's not over. I was thinking about you when I heard of the flooding. You all are okay I pray?

Yes, I am very excited about the very real possibility of going to WDW. So much so, but now I have a new worry. Gram fell again tonight. We are doing everything we can to make the house safe for her, but she just lost her balance and then had a very hard time getting up. She would not let me help her. She is rather over weight and thinks I am a little weakling. She would not listen when I tried to help her at all. I finally left her for a few minutes and told her to just calm down and think about what she wanted to do and then I would come back. That seemed to help and she finally got up. It was rather frustrating that she just wouldn't let me help her. Now I'm thinking what if it happens while we are all gone that weekend. I realize that I can't control everything and I have to trust that she will be okay, but I do worry a bit.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday. :goodvibes
Hi Lisa, I am so thankful you were away from the storms, I have been thinking about you. What a terrifying and tragic situation. I suspect that all our unseasonably cold weather and snow started moving towards the east and collided with warmer air. I feel like this time of year everytime we get snow and cold, somebody far away is going to be put in harms way. Crazy weather, so out of all our control. But I am so thankful you are safe!:hug:

Do not take that stuff to a thrift store! And I know you won't.;) There is some money in that sort of stuff and with all you have been through that will come in handy.

As for pursing the harrassment case, just follow your heart. I can see why you would want to just be done with this guy but as you say, maybe he needs to learn a lesson now so the next person is spared his pure evil and meaness.

Do you have a niece, friend or cousin, maybe someone who has a college aged daughter who could stay with Gram while you are gone? Honey, you know I have been there in the place where you can't leave home easily for worry over your senior loved ones and I so pray you get to go. You all need this. I am praying it all works out for everyone in involved.

I am betting once Gram is there a bit longer, she'll do better with not falling. I always worried about that with my mom, she knew how to maneuver at her house but when she came to mine, it was all new and different.

Lots of prayers comging to you Wish Sister, your plate is full but your heart and faith are way bigger!
Sending a :hug: and prayers your way, Lisa. Everything will work out. Just keep praying and believing, my friend!:hug:

I'm also sending :wizard::wizard: for your garage sale this weekend!!! I hope you get lots of customers and sell lots of stuff!:wizard:


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