Live Trip Report!!!! (UPDATED to add pictures!!!)


Travel Channel's Ultimate Disney Fan
Jul 6, 2001
Headed to Orlando on Allegient Air ..... checking in to PBH and then straight to Hogwarts!!!!! :)

I'll report back this evening!!!!!
We are here!!!! Our room at PBH is amazing!!!! We have a beautiful bay view with a giant covered balcony that is as big as our room. :)

Hubby and kids already headed to US to see the TNA wrestling with ringside seats. I'm heading to Hogsmeade, I can't wait!!!!!!
How exciting! I can't wait to hear more. Did you request this awesome balcony or just get lucky???
Good morning!!!! :)

Last night we got to WWoHP around 6:00 pm. We had dinner at 3 Broomsticks with about a 10 minute wait. Then we went to all the shops, the waits for those ranged from 5-15 minutes. Except for ollivanders, it was very long. We didn't ride any rides but the wait times were: 10 mins for dragon challenge, 10 for hypogrifff, and 60 for forbidden journey. We just walked around and soaked in all the atmosphere. :)

For dinner I had the Shepards pie and a butterbeer. At honeydukes I had a cauldron cake, soooooooooo yummy. :)

On the boat and headed back to parks now........
Hey everyone!!!! :)

We had another great day..... we hit the studios, with the room key we walked on everything, did jimmy neutron, twister, ET, the mummy, MIB, Simpsons, then came back to PBH to rest. Tonight is dinner at the kitchen, my favorite. :)
Wow, we just got back to the room and we are beat. Finally got on the Forbidden Journey and WOW it was amazing. We got in line around 8:50 and exited at 9:35 I thought that was pretty good.

Now I must sleep ........ :)
Happy to hear you're liking PBH. We have reservations to stay there for the first time in December. What room number do you have? We have a bay view too, and I'd love to request a specific room with a nice balcony.

Looking forward to reading more!
Sounds like you're having fun! :)

I have to definitely recommend the Horror Make-Up Show (tomorrow/Saturday especially) if you don't think your kids will be afraid of it. :) I think you'd enjoy it!

Hope you continue to enjoy your vacation.
I'm sorry I haven't written the last two days, we have been in a nightmare here at PBH with ants. Yesterday morning I found several ants in the bathroom and killed them with kleenex. Then when the maid came to clean (I was here in the room) she found ants in the sheets. Engineering was sent and they sprayed the perimeter of the room and barhroom with ant killer and also replaced the mattress. The manager on duty (Bill) said the hotel was completely sold out and we couldnt change rooms. Last night when we returned to the room we found more ants, so the spray evidently didn't work. Today we have seen many more ants in the bathroom and bedroom, my mom was napping and woke up to find ants crawling up her arm. This set my husband off and he called again, this time talking to Natalie. We asked if they could leave a can of ant spray in our room (we don't have a car to go purchase our own) and the manager said she wasnt sure she could do that. :( Needless to say the last two days have been ruined because we'be had to spend so much time dealing with this, not to mention our youngest son is afraid to sleep in the bed.

So what can we do????

I honestly feel we shouldnt even have to pay for the room, I told the manager we have stayed in every disney resort and never had a problem this horrible. Even a Days Inn or Comfort Inn would be better.

I am really upset ..... advice would really be appreciated!!!
Oh my! And your trip had had been wonderful to this point!!!! First off, I'd be high-tailing it out of there as fast as I could because I am itching all over just thinking about it. I would refuse to pay for the room for the 2 days that the ants were present and head to Lake Buena Vista! I guess I'd actually politely insist that I shouldn't be paying for a room when I am waking up to ants crawling on me and I have a child who is terribly cranky because he's afraid to go to sleep! Did they happen to spray under the bed because I'm guessing that the ants are under there, not at the perimeter. That is completely unacceptable in my book.

Are you just talking to the Manager on Duty or are you getting the actual hotel manager. I would ask to speak to the person who runs the entire hotel...not just a shift manager. See what happens.
Wow.... that is just awful and is completely unacceptable. Obviously there is a serious problem with ants and PBH should do whatever it takes to accomodate your family. If they are truly "sold out", maybe they can move you to the HR? At least it would get you away from the situation. If you have not already spoken with the manager, I think is your best bet and if need be call Loews Hotels (if they are still a Loews Hotel).

We stayed there a few years ago and also really liked the resort. But clearly there is a problem that they can not seem to correct and it sounds as if you have been patient and understanding in their attempts to try to fix things. At some point enough is enough - I have found that being nice and not overly nasty works best - even though I am sure you are beyond frustrated.

Good Luck and try to enjoy the rest of your vacation.
It sounds like they are trying to fix things!:confused3 maybe that is the downside to that really large balcony you were bragging about!:scared1:
If they are truly sold out, they should be able to "walk you" to a different hotel.I worked in the hotel industry during college and would receive calls from other hotels to do this. Hotels have the ability to call up neighboring hotels and get a room for a discounted rate. Like now that Opryland Hotel is flooded out, all of those people who had reservations in that immediate week or so following the flood were likely "walked" to an area hotel. You should not have to pay a thing at this point, either to your current hotel, or the one they move you to. I agree with PP who said you need to ask not just for the manager on duty but the GM of the hotel. Good Luck!!
I just updated the other thread..... I'm standing here in my pajamas completely exhausted waiting for them to bring the spray. I am about to give up. we have moved everything off the floor as best we can, our suitcases are zipped up, I checked the beds before the kids got in them, and now I'm watching ants scurry in and out of the baseboards just wishing I had some raid. If I had a car I'd go buy some.

I believe she said all three hotels are full because of the big harry potter conference going on this weekend. We just have to suffer until sunday morning and then we are out of this place.

Update!!!!!! A very nice maintenance man just came and sprayed, he saw all the ants and said he was going to tell the manager we need to be moved and that the room needs to be exterminated!!!!


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