@~Losing Weight for Mickey~@

Whats the hardest about dropping a few pounds?

  • Miss Food

  • Just thinking about it

  • Working out

  • Finding support

  • Knowing what works

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That's my current diet Motto. Been dieting just over a month, and so far only lost 2 pounds, but I'm still at it. GOt lots of time before September. Trying to increase the amount of walking I do each week so even if I'm not getting lighter, I should be in better shape to survive 6 full days at the parks!
I gave up the 6 c's for lent (Candy, Cookies, Cake, Ice Cream, Chips, Caffine) so that's been a good help to get me thinking about what I need to give up while still allowing myself an occassional indulgence (Like a cinnamon roll on Sunday!)

My starting weight: 228 lbs
Current weight: 226 lbs
Walking Goal: 90 minutes a week

:yay:Keep up the good work. It has always helped me to exercise before I eat. I find that I am not as hungry. And yes treats every now and then do help. Especially today with the 100 cal. snacks etc. Plus they taste good. It is so important to count calories. Cutting calories and exercise really is the key. If you really want to have one of the 6 c's have it, but in a small portion. Good luck.:thumbsup2
That's my current diet Motto. Been dieting just over a month, and so far only lost 2 pounds, but I'm still at it. GOt lots of time before September. Trying to increase the amount of walking I do each week so even if I'm not getting lighter, I should be in better shape to survive 6 full days at the parks!
I gave up the 6 c's for lent (Candy, Cookies, Cake, Ice Cream, Chips, Caffine) so that's been a good help to get me thinking about what I need to give up while still allowing myself an occassional indulgence (Like a cinnamon roll on Sunday!)

My starting weight: 228 lbs
Current weight: 226 lbs
Walking Goal: 90 minutes a week

I like yo 6 C's I'm gonna join you on the no 6 c's (except I have to have one piece of sugar free candy a day to keep my cravings away)
I have been really good so far I'm gonna weight in tonight! :scared1::scared1:
I have the Wii fit and am going on in a few mins. to get some exercise in:confused3. I was planning on going for a long walk today. However the weather in New York is pouring rain, so that's out. Also what I try to do is not eat after 6pm if possible. I find I sleep so much better not being full. Plus when I cook for my family if I eat what they are having I just take a smaller plate and eat smaller portions. Keep moving and have a good day:cool1:.


Its pouring here in TN too! So I am gonna jump on the WII FIT!
I am gonna try to do 30mins of FREE STEP then before bed 30mins of YOGA!
I'll see if I succeed! Today is DH work day so I usually do a lot of cleaning today! And hey that's exercise to
I read a nice quote this morning about weight loss

In all your adversities there lies the seeds of equivalent advantages. [FONT=Times New Roman,Times,serif]In every defeat there is a lesson showing you how to win the next time."

:goodvibesWell this time I am gonna WIN! Let's go ladies WE CAN DO IT! After all we are DIS'ers We can do it all!:yay:
hello everyone! As I am reading this thread, i am sitting here eating my WW yougurt (Key Kime Pie flavored and half frozen so it tastes almost like ice cream!) yummy!
My story:
5'4" If I stand really straight :thumbsup2 56 years old. Decided Januay 1 that i was going to get my weight under control (weighed about 205 pounds) See, our family (adult DD and DH) went to DW June 2007 and we were all miserable due to weight problems. They mainly laid by the pool while I huffed and puffed by myself popping pain pills in the parks! BYW, we stayed at BWI so our stay was not cheap so i shelled out good $ to lay by a pool when they could have been laying by a pool at Holiday Inn :lmao:e
I decided we weren't going back until we lost weight! So, this January, I joined WW and we started. Well, I lost a few pounds and stalled. Husband kept losing. Fast forward, he has now lost 40 pounds, i have lost 15. Still cooking mainly WW but not going to meetings. Long story there too!:surfweb:

here is my real problem with getting my weight under control (well, one of them, anyway! :rotfl2:): back problems. I had surgery march 2008. Some relief but not 100%. Then developed nerve problems in left leg. Had nerve blocks for that pain. Now, that pain is better but back is worse - much worse. Also tried water aerobics (Dr said it would be good for my back) wrongo! Instructor put us in the deep end and it killed my back. Shallow end I did okay and really felt good the days we stuck to those but some instructors only do deep end!:sad2:
So, I hate the way I look, hate the way I feel, hate myself for getting in this shape and hurt so bad it takes all my energy to focus on getting out of bed!
Thanks for reading. Sorry to be so down:sad1:
Oh, and as you can see, we have an upcoming trip!
. Also tried water aerobics (Dr said it would be good for my back) wrongo! Instructor put us in the deep end and it killed my back. Shallow end I did okay and really felt good the days we stuck to those but some instructors only do deep end!:sad2:
So, I hate the way I look, hate the way I feel, hate myself for getting in this shape and hurt so bad it takes all my energy to focus on getting out of bed!
Thanks for reading. Sorry to be so down:sad1:
Oh, and as you can see, we have an upcoming trip!

First never feel like a downer that's why i started this thread you are prime expample. You need to vent and here's the place.

Second anytime you do water aerobics is always good for injuries, older, people, and pregnancy. Try the water aerobics again but if the instructor pulls the class to the deep end explain "I have a back injury that prevents deep water aerobics." This should key the instructor to keep the class where you can either see from the shallow end or if they are nice (like I was) keep the whole class in shallow.
Some exercises are more beneficial in the deep end but not always.
So the instructors should benefit you (you're paying em)

Please something good for back pain is just plain swimming or try Low Impact Yoga/Stretch
This will still work you out but may even relieve some back issues.

Prior to having my daughter I taught Yoga, Pilates, Dance, and some Water Aerobics at our local "Y". However a new manager came and taught a pregnant instructor was just :scared1: so I got fired! Short story from a long one I gained lots of weight after losing my job and being pregnant but got a yrs worth of salary from lawsuit :laughing: Guess they should watch who they hire as a manager next time.

Come and VENT anytime
:thumbsup2Hey ckdsnynt good for you losing 15 pounds. You should be very proud. Just think that's 15 pounds you have taken off and not put on. It does take a lot longer as we age and we all know men lose twice as fast as we do. So keep up the good work and try to exercise as much as you can. Even if it means turning on the radio and dancing around. The first time I lost nearly 100 pounds I use to do laps around my yard. My mother in law is on WW for about 2 1/2 years now. She's 72 and has lost about 33 pounds. She feels stuck at this point, but I say at least she hasn't gained any weight. Always think of it as I have to lose just 1 pound. It really isn't a matter of a diet. We must change the way we live. That's why I think WW is great. You can eat regular food while counting points. Keep up the good work.

:yay:Lisa: I did the Wii Fit this morning. Did about 30 mins. Tried the step thing, but am no good at it...lol. I like to do the balance things and the running. How about the soccer? Every now and then I get hit in the head with a sneaker...lmao. I did really good today with my calories and am hoping once my boys go to bed I can get some exercise bike time in. :confused3
:yay:Lisa: I did the Wii Fit this morning. Did about 30 mins. Tried the step thing, but am no good at it...lol. I like to do the balance things and the running. How about the soccer? Every now and then I get hit in the head with a sneaker...lmao. I did really good today with my calories and am hoping once my boys go to bed I can get some exercise bike time in. :confused3

I hate the soccer :mad: I always get hit by either a shoe or a dang "panda" head by the way whats a panda gotta do with soccer.:lmao:

I love the step the trick is to find the rhythm and count 1,2,3,4 or say left, right, side, side, etc.:dance3:

I have the balance game where you sit and try not to blow out your candle (my fav sitting :lmao:No I really like it cause it helps to relax till the dang candle blows out cause your silly :dog2:doberman:dog2: decides to move.
ckdsnynt, good job with the 15lbs. That's great. and my Dh could just think about giving up soda and lose 30 lbs. It's very unfair.

Water aerobics is great. It really works you out without putting stress on your joints. Good luck to you.
:rolleyes1Okay :rolleyes1 So I'm gonna come clean we had some of those little ice cream cups and well I ate 1 :sad1:
I am so :mad: mad at myself because I knew I wasn't hungry but boy was it good.
Hopefully I can keep myself from eating anything else tonight!
:confused:Man I wish dieting was easier... Maybe if I stop thinking it as a Diet and instead thought of it as just eating good stuff!:idea:

Well ladies ya'll keep up the good work and I'll catch back up :yay: here i go jump 2 3 jump 2 3 :yay:
Are you y'all wearing a pedometer? I've been trying to and even if I don't get the 10,000 steps (which is equal to 5 miles) it's a gauge to me about when I am not being active (read lazy)! If I don't have 5,000 steps by around 1:00 or 2:00 in the afternoon I know I have to hustle and do myself some extra walking. The guys in my life love it because I'm always willing to get them that drink of water or anything that will give me extra steps! Just my small step to keeping myself and family happy!:goodvibes Sorry for the pun!
Okay Lisa,

I'm in this with you too!. Going 8/16 and would love to lose 40lbs by then as well. I have no excuse but laziness. If I could lose even 30lbs by then it would truely be a magical vacation.
Okay Lisa,

I'm in this with you too!. Going 8/16 and would love to lose 40lbs by then as well. I have no excuse but laziness. If I could lose even 30lbs by then it would truely be a magical vacation.

Well join in love and here we go!

Okay I setup a poll just curious what ya'll find the hardest.
Mine is finding the right support.:hug:

I think if I had like a "Weight Loss" Buddy :confused3someone who's in the same boats and I can check in with once a day. To discuss what I ate, what she ate, what exercise we did or should have done. I don't want a drill sergeant just someone who will listen and have something for me to listen to too. I hate:mad: having a trainer they don't understand the struggle so I want some one who's needs me just as much as I need them.

:grouphug:Because helping someone can always helps yourself.:grouphug:
So how did you ladies do today? Me, not so bad after all...I resisted eating the 3 pieces of pizza that we had at open house tonight. Instead I did eat one small piece for dinner (it's a local pizza place that makes the pizza & it's delicious, way better than Pizza Hut or the like).
I've decided I'm going to get my weight under control, I may not make it to my "ideal weight" by October, but I will have lost a few pounds by then & I will be healthier because I'm starting to work out. I had orginally wanted get to what I weighed when I got married (my husband & I will be celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary in September) but I have recently decided that might be too unreasonable. I weighed somewhere between 103 to 98 lbs when I got married 10 years ago (remember I'm 4'11 so that was well within the normal range for a 22 year old woman). I now weigh 150 lbs, so I don't think I'll make that goal & I think I'll cause myself too much stress trying to get to it. So, my goal now is to just work out & get healthy. If the numbers on the ol'mighty scale go down, well that's just icing on the cake!:):)
Well, I'll check in tomorrow, it's time to put the kiddos to bed! Good night all.
I did well today. I resisted the raspberry dark chocolate 3 muskateers bar someone offered me. It was hard because I love raspberry dark chocolate anything. And I have not stuffed my face full of junk this evening. Night time is the worst for me. I just want to gorge in food. Horrible, I know. Not much exercise this evening. Rain and just cold. Tomorrow too. Blah!
I did well today. I resisted the raspberry dark chocolate 3 muskateers bar someone offered me. It was hard because I love raspberry dark chocolate anything. And I have not stuffed my face full of junk this evening. Night time is the worst for me. I just want to gorge in food. Horrible, I know. Not much exercise this evening. Rain and just cold. Tomorrow too. Blah!

Well today I did pretty good minus the ice cream cup. Did some exercise more cleaning than actually working out hardcore. I did whats called "One Hundreds" its a pilates move that'll have your abs screaming "NO NO MORE"
I did 30 mins of step on the WII FIT and planning on doing some yoga before bed to with my WII FIT.

:woohoo: So all in all I did okay :woohoo:

:hug:Well ladies here's another Inspirational Weight Loss quote:
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=Times New Roman,Times,serif]"Anything is possible, It's your choice whether or not you choose to make IT happen."

[/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=Times New Roman,Times,serif]pixiedust:[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=Times New Roman,Times,serif]So come on with me DIS'ers and lets "make our Wishes come true" and "CELEBRATE IT"pixiedust:
Hi ladies,

It's nice to know that I am not alone. I would love to drop 50 lbs before our upcoming trip. For me the hardest thing is my sweet tooth and I miss certian foods when I am trying to diet. It seems like I lose and gain the same 25-30 lbs every year, then I stop losing and fall off the wagon so to speak. Good luck to all of you. :goodvibes
Hi ladies,

It's nice to know that I am not alone. I would love to drop 50 lbs before our upcoming trip. For me the hardest thing is my sweet tooth and I miss certian foods when I am trying to diet. It seems like I lose and gain the same 25-30 lbs every year, then I stop losing and fall off the wagon so to speak. Good luck to all of you. :goodvibes


If you get hungry find a way to eat that food you miss but only eat like one or two bites.
popcorn::I LOVE POPCORN popcorn::so I got some of those 100 Calorie Smart Pop Popcorn and its YUMMYpopcorn::


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