@~Losing Weight for Mickey~@

Whats the hardest about dropping a few pounds?

  • Miss Food

  • Just thinking about it

  • Working out

  • Finding support

  • Knowing what works

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Who wants to jump up and down w/ me??? I went from a size 18 last fall to a size 11, and still have like 2months b4 hubby comes home (2.5 till we go to disney!!!) I havent been a size 11 since b4 I had kids 4 years ago!!!!
:cool1::yay: Great job!!! Keep up the good work.
Who wants to jump up and down w/ me??? I went from a size 18 last fall to a size 11, and still have like 2months b4 hubby comes home (2.5 till we go to disney!!!) I havent been a size 11 since b4 I had kids 4 years ago!!!!

Good for you!! :cool1:

Wait till your husband sees you, he's going to think he's coming home to a new woman!!!! :rotfl:
Alright haven;t slowed down till now been busy with dance starting and then this week actaully Wednesday we lost 4 great friends in the DH's unit in a helicopter crash so between fixes meals for the families who lost, drink with the DH to drown some sadness, and BBQ with the other families in the unit what they call "Drinks to the Boys" I have had a BAD Diet and all around week. Need a big push to get back I was doing great ... but Jack and Coke has got me back on sodas.... :sad2:

Congrats to all doing well way to go LW....

"Today we lose a friend and gain an angel"
Alright haven;t slowed down till now been busy with dance starting and then this week actaully Wednesday we lost 4 great friends in the DH's unit in a helicopter crash so between fixes meals for the families who lost, drink with the DH to drown some sadness, and BBQ with the other families in the unit what they call "Drinks to the Boys" I have had a BAD Diet and all around week. Need a big push to get back I was doing great ... but Jack and Coke has got me back on sodas.... :sad2:

Congrats to all doing well way to go LW....

"Today we lose a friend and gain an angel"

Oh Lisa, I'm so sorry for your loss. When good people are taken so young and suddenly it really shakes you to your core. We are still dealing with the loss earlier this summer of a very close friend. He was young and it was sudden and unexpected. Difficult times like this make you truly appreciate what you have, never ever take one single day for granted.

My thoughts are with you.
Alright haven;t slowed down till now been busy with dance starting and then this week actaully Wednesday we lost 4 great friends in the DH's unit in a helicopter crash so between fixes meals for the families who lost, drink with the DH to drown some sadness, and BBQ with the other families in the unit what they call "Drinks to the Boys" I have had a BAD Diet and all around week. Need a big push to get back I was doing great ... but Jack and Coke has got me back on sodas.... :sad2:

Congrats to all doing well way to go LW....

"Today we lose a friend and gain an angel"


Sometimes you gotta say the HeII with the diet...You're hurting, and having a beverage to help eliminate the pain of your loss is not bad. Sorry about the tragic events. You will get through it, and back into the swing of things again. Ok... that said... here's your big push you asked for..... you've got 3 weeks left, and you can do it.. stick with it, and you'll get the results you're looking for. Do it for the boys.. do it for Mickey... do it for yourself. Think about how great you're going to look in the photos this year!. Be proud of yourself... we can all do it. I gave up on the Wii Active, but have tried the 30 day Shred, and like that alot more. At least I feel like it's working when I feel the muscles ache a little. I haven't been able to do it EVERDAY, but if I did I might be getting the results a little faster. It's better than doing nothing. The best part... my 5 year old son offered to be my "coach". He's says, "you're not doing that bad mom.!"... "You're getting better". (he says.. you're still a little fat.. but not as much). (gotta love the truth.) He also explained to me the "right way " to do a push up... and not the girlie way I do it. He told me. "your ellbows and shoulders are a hinge.. not your knees" Oh I love that kid!
Hey all.... sorry I haven't been around much, too much going on here lately!

Don't anyone give up.... Lisa, I'm so very sorry to hear about your loss.... you certainly deserved to take some time "off" and comfort yourself. During times like that, diets and all the rest just don't matter.

I've been doing pretty well... still bouncing b/w my Shred & No More Trouble Zones dvd's, excercising about 4x's a week. And I'm still watching calories, but have also lowered the carbs, so I'm starting to see more of a loss both in weights and inches. Phew!! Was starting to get a bit nuts about the whole thing. ;)

Hope everyone is doing well -- keep up the good work! :)
Hey, just checking back in, hoping that everyone's doing well...

For those of you doing NMTZ and/or Shred (both are J Michaels dvd's...), did you notice after a couple of weeks that things started getting, while by no means easy, a bit "not so hard" to do?? I'm encouraged by that... I was finally able to do plank rows w/o kneeling (they hurt your hands at first!) and get through some of the quad sets w/o stopping. Yeah!

The scale granted me another gift this morning, not sure why although I have been being careful... since my plateau last week, I've lost 2.5 lbs. Yeah! :rotfl: Now, to just keep it up -- the next 10 days are the New York State Fair, and we're going at least 5 or 6 times, 3 of which involve dinner and a concert. Yipes... :rolleyes: Do you think it would look funny if I went w/ duct tape over my mouth?? :lmao:

Keep up the good work, ladies, and let us know how you're doing... we're all in this together!! (sounds like HSM, doesn't it?? ;))
Hey guys! Long time since I've given an update.

Well...summer is over (I'm back at school) and overall, diet-wise, it was a good summer. I ate right (for the most part) and exercised, losing about 25 pounds. That's the good news. The BAD news is I'm back at school and while I eat well there, when I go home to visit my parents, I eat whatever I can get my hands on telling myself I burn it off by walking around campus (yeah, right! :lmao: I should definitely keep telling myself that :eek:) The worst of it is that my dad just doesn't seem to GET IT. He just came home with two gigantic pizzas and muffins from my favorite bakery. Add to that that my parents INSISTED on taking me out to dinner this weekend and I didn't hold back on the carbs. I couldn't resist and now I'm feeling hugely guilty.

I feel like all my hard work was for nothing all summer and I MUST HAVE gained about 10 pounds since my last weigh-in. I am SO scared to weigh myself. I really should just get it over with and build from there. Another part of me just wants to give up. :sad1: My moral is at a huge low. It's not like I'm obese or anything, I just need to lose about 20 more pounds to feel good (last weigh-in I was at 145---SO scared I'm at like 157 now after binging), I was just feeling so good at the beginning of school, now I feel fat and bad about myself.
Hi all! Haven't checked in in a while but I just had to come here and share my huge accomplishment today. For the very first time ever in my life I ran 3.5 miles without having to walk one single time! I am so proud of myself I can't believe I finally did it! This is such a great feeling I just had to share. :yay:

I've been doing pretty well all summer doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred and have fallen in love with her No More Trouble Zones workout. I try to mix in at least one run a week but I'm realizing that perhaps I'm not getting quite enough hard core cardio. Still feeling pretty jiggly in some spots. So my plan now is to amp up the cardio, do more outdoor runs.

Hope everyone is doing great! Now that things are getting back into the fall routine I'll be sure to check in more often.

Take care!!
Karen, congrats!! That is so great!! :banana: Good luck as you ramp things up... I'm trying to do the same.

Things are going well here, although I'm in a "not monitoring my weight" zone b/c it's that time of the month and I'm also working 4 nights in a row, so my weight when I get up is completely off.

But, so far, I'm still losing, and only have 3 1/2 lbs to go to hit my first goal weight before our trip. (Which is now only 6 weeks away -- :woohoo:)

Like Karen, I love my NMTZ dvd and am now doing Jillian's 3rd level on the 30-day Shred... but I want to ramp it up a bit for the "jiggly" spots. :laughing:

After I hit the 3 1/2 lbs, I'm hoping for 5 or 6 more lbs before our trip, which I feel pretty confident about at this point. I actually don't want to lose more than that, as I'm thinking my "thin clothes" won't fit!! (not a bad problem to have, but I don't want to buy new ones right before we leave!!) So, I'm hoping to mostly tone and strengthen so I feel good... I won't worry about dropping more weight. This is a place I never thought I'd get to, so I'm pretty excited!!

Hope everyone is doing well... now that school is back in session, things ought to "even out" for most of us and get us all back to the gym, etc., right?? :dance3:
I've been working on it for 2 weeks, and have lost 10 pounds! 80 days left before my trip, and 22 pounds left to go to make my trip goal! :banana:
Hi everyone. I've been reading this thread off and on for a bit and am coming out of my lurking shadows to join.

DH and I just got back from WDW and boy did I splurge on everything in sight! There was no holding me back. I'm really in trouble now.

A bit of background on me. I have an 18 month old son who I gained a fair amount of weight with (healthy, I would say). Prior to getting pregnant, I had lost a good amount of weight, and was at my all time lowest weight as an adult. I lost all but 5 pounds of the baby weight within 6 months of having him - lots of running and salads, etc. Then the recession really hit, my job got super stressful (I work in the auto industry, along with more than half of my family) and I started to get depressed and anxious about both my work and personal life. BAM! My weight is back up where it was before I lost weight prior to pregnancy.... I had no motivation, let alone time, to devote to working out and of course, pizza is my comfort food, along with wine, margaritas, martini's, pasta, and mexican food....

Things have finally been starting to look up and I feel ready to work at losing this weight again. I don't think other people (those who haven't tried to lose weight like we do) understand how much focus and energy it takes to stay committed long enough to actually lose weight. But I've been feeling super unhealthy lately, just blah energy and yuck from the bad food and absolutely nothing in my closet fits... So here I am, joining you guys.

For me, counting calories and working out is what works for me. Also low-carb (but still reaching the appropriate amount of caloric intake). I have a formula that I've been using for years about how many calories I need to have to maintain (or lose) if anyone is interesed I can share. Unless I'm writing down what I eat though, I cheat. I also try to figure out what my obstacles are going to be ahead of time and plan what to do to get through them. But now I'm faced with one I've never dealt with before.... feeding a toddler!

I can't cook my low-cal, low-carb meals for him! He's just starting to eat people food, and has few teeth. He LOVES pasta, meatballs, meatloaf, etc. Fortunately for me, he also loves vegetables, like me, so we do get that each meal. But I am a chicken and vegetable type of dieter... how will I get around this and still cook for him? There's no way he can chew chicken yet... Any suggestions would be appreciated. :confused3

My goal is 15 pounds by our December trip, 20 would be amazing and my goal weight to maintain forever. But I'll "settle" for 15 (which is where I was pre-baby). I also really need to do this so I can start trying for another baby sometime next year (maybe).
I am with you with meatballs, meatloaf & pasta & pizza. one thing I have modified is using ground chicken instead of beef for my meatballs, meatloaf and mexican recipes. They taste just as good and I am saving my heart & calories since chicken or ground breast of turkey are so low in fat. try it once you will all love it.:thumbsup2
Are you able to work out in a pool? Or I know someone who is disabled (my grandmother) that has a bad knee and a hard time walking and she does a lot of upper body weights. I know it may not sound very helpful, but she lost around 60 lbs so far (began working out spring '08). She is also eating better and does as much "walking" in the pool as possible. She has built up muscle in her arms and upper body and that allows her to burn more calories. As a bonus, since she has been losing weight, it is less pressure on her knee and she is able to walk more than before (still not a lot but a significant improvement). I would ask your doctor if they could recommend any exercises that you could try that would not upset your disability. Hope that helps and good luck!
Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you but both my hubbie & I are going for treatment, me for bladder cancer & hubbie Kidney cancer. Slowing down now so i am going to try the upper body weights and cutting calories especially carbs. I realy want to be more flexible and thinner for my Christmas trip. Thanks for the suggestions and encouragement.:hug:
Hi Guys! I am back! Planning for my Dec. trip. Since I didn't get the weight off for the May trip, I am going to shoot for the Dec. trip! I can just see me by the volcano pool at the Poly without the use of a blanket coverup! Or at least needing one! My problem is the motivation. I can't seem to find it. I have reached deep inside and it just isn't there! Nope, not there! Don't know where it went! If talking would get it back, hey, it would be right by my side! But I don't see it there either!
One issue I have is with candy! Love my sweets. Offices on both sides of me have it setting out! It calls my name all day long! I literally hear it, I swear I do! Naturally, these two women are the thinnest in the office. That's because we fluffly people are eating the stuff!:rotfl2:

The sad part is, while I was pushing and doing WW, my DH was also losing. He lost about 30 pounds and was looking great. Swimming every day. I don't swim. Can't. Don't know how. Sink like a rock. Fat doesn't always float. Since I have slipped back into old patterns, so has he. Found a receipt in his pocket when I did laundry from Burger King: Double whopper with Cheese and large fry. :eek: So, my failure has a negative impact on him also.
Well, tomorrow is another day. I am back on the wagon, so to speak. Wish me well.
I do hear what you are saying. I feel the same way. It is not there anymore, but I just said I am gonna try so I will. How are you doing?:confused3
I do hear what you are saying. I feel the same way. It is not there anymore, but I just said I am gonna try so I will. How are you doing?:confused3

I gained 25 pounds and I wanted to lose it, but I could not find the motivation until my doctor told me my cholesterol went up 50 points with the weight.:scared1:

That did it for me. I did not want to take the meds so I told him I wanted to try and get the weight off. He put me South Beach and I did lose 10 pounds in the first two weeks. I feel wonderful! Now I may only lose a pound a week, bit the SBDiet detoxed me of the cravings. Now I smell the cookies my kids may eat. So far, so good. I am trying.
What's the best way to lose 10 lbs in 2 days? ;) Oh well.... I didn't quite hit my goal.... I was sabatoged by too many people and events that just kept me going for cake etc!..... (my fault, for not sticking to it.. but I can still blame it on something .. right?) Although I didn't hit my goal for this trip, I know I am better than I was on my the last trip, and that's an accomplishment!... I AM NOT GOING TO GIVE UP!.... I am just going to set a new goal, and hopefully I can get there. I have an old friends' wedding that I am planning on going to in December, and I haven't seen him in a long time, so it will be great to go and look my best... not like a tired old mom who it frazzled with 4 kids... So.. that's my new goal... to look great for old BF's wedding! I've got a lot of packing to do... and a lot of things to finish at work.... what am I doing on the DIS boards when I should be doing other things!! :rolleyes1
Wow, we're a bunch of busy folk... we must be all working out and cooking lots of healthy foods to be so busy & not on here, right?? :rotfl:

Sorry I've been AWOL for so long... getting the girls back to school and getting re-oriented to all the running around for activities has got my a bit crazy.

Plus, only 4 wks 'til our trip, so it's crunch time for the planner in me!! :goodvibes

I've continued to to JM's DVD's and I'm still losing, although not as rapidly as I'd hoped (although I'm not working out as much as I was before, either). I have 2 lbs to go for my "original" goal weight, and then I'd like to lose another 6... we'll see if I can pull off 8 lbs in 4wks, although honestly, at this point, I'll be happy to just see the last 2lbs go.

I've picked up a bunch of OT shifts at the hospital, so sleeping the next day really cuts into my time to either get to the gym or work out. So, it's really been a matter of watching what I eat for the most part, which must be what's carrying me through when I'm not working out.

If I can get at least 3 days/wk in over the next 4 wks, I'm fairly confident I'll get close to my goal... and like I said earlier in the thread, I don't want to drop below that, as then my capris and shorts won't fit, and that'd be bad!! (okay, it'd be great, but still bad, as I can't just go out and buy like 6 or 7 pairs of capris and shorts the week of the trip!! :laughing:)

So, I hope everyone's having a great start to their fall and is starting to feel like they can get back after it... Daisyyy must be in Disney, or on her way back... I hope you had a great trip!!

Karen, how's the running going??

More later... have a good morning everyone, and don't give up!!
Wow, I was feeling badly that I haven't been on here in a while but it seems like everyone has gone AWOL!!

Just wanted to check in and see how everyone's doing. We leave for our adults only anniversary trip three weeks from today! To say I can't wait is a major under-statement! :)

Hope everyone is doing well and staying on track.


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