Losing While I Can and Must (comment away!)

Meh, a so-so day.

A medium bowl of cinnamon toast crunch

Mac and Cheese (I had about 1.5 servings so more cals than I like to have, but eh, what can you do)

Strawberry/Pineapple smoothie
Blueberry/bran muffin

Granola bar
I also made my birthday cake yesterday, so I had some tastes of the frosting here and there :blush:

:guilty: Only a 16 minute walk with the pup. I wasn't up for the bike. :sad2:

Today is my birthday, and I did make a pumpkin cake and I'm allowing myself a slice. The rest is going to the neighbors :rotfl:
Unfortunatly, nothing too fun for me for the next few days. Tomorrow, I'm going to the hospital for most of the day (from 11 am to maybe 8 pm) for a CT Myleogram and I'm not supposed to eat until after the test, so I'm REALLY not looking forward. The test part doesn't bother me, but I get cranky when I'm hungry :rotfl:

Then my team has a tournament all weekend, so no fun stuff!

I really need to get on the bike today, as I probably won't tomorrow. I hope I'm up for it.
party: :bday: party:


Hope you have a wonderful day, and that cake sounds wonderful!! I don't think I've ever had pumpkin cake!

(and a belated Welcome to WISH!!)

I'm just catching up on journals and reading how well you are doing despite the pain is AWESOME! Congrats on being so disciplined!

Hope you have a GREAT day! Post your pumpkin cake recipe sometime - sounds YUMMY!!!
Thank you all so much for the good thoughts. It's so nice to have all of the support!

It was a pretty good day, I woke up to flowers on my nightstand and my best friend sent a bucket of treats (mostly stuff that isn't too bad, like popcorn, pretzels and trail mix).

Small bowl of cinnamon toast crunch
1.5 c. OJ

Panera-cup of broc. cheese soup, small bagette and 1/4 of a chicken ceasar sandwich. I ate until I was uncomfortably full, which I hate doing. I tookt he dog for a walk right after so that helped me feel better

about 4 oz of chicken breast teriyaki and 1 c. rice
1 small slice of my birthday cake. I didn't make it very far as it's very rich and I knew if I ate anymore, I might feel really sick. My stomach isn't used that stuff anymore!

Here's the recipe if you're interested. I only made a 1/2 cake (so 2 layers).

Non-fat Green tea latte from Starbucks (medium) and a couple handfuls of nuts and dried cranberries

24 minute walk w/ the pup
30 strong minutes on the bike. I went 7.13 miles!

Tomorrow will be a weird day. Because of the dye they're using for the myleogram, I can't eat after 6 am until about 3 pm, so I'm going to try and get up really early and have a pb&j or something, or I'm going to be REALLY cranky around 3 pm :rotfl:
Good luck today! I'll be thinking about you!

And, what were you thinking putting a picture of that cake in your journal?? Don't you realize I'm weak?? :rotfl: :rotfl: (just kidding). Seriously, that looks GREAT!
Happy Belated Birthday!!! That cake looks very good!!!!

Good luck today with your test

Keep up the good work, you're doing a great job :)
I just needed to brag before I head to the hospital!

I got on the scale (eek!) and I'm down 7 lbs in almost 2 weeks. I know that's faster than one really wants, but at the same time, I'm eating (as you can see :rotfl: ) enough calories to prevent any sort of starvation mode. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to sustain that kind of loss every week, but I think it's a good first weigh-in!

I even went and got a ticker.
Congrats on the weight loss. It really is great to see your work paying off. I hope everything went well at the hospital.
Blah. I hate hospitals.

Yesterday wasn't awful, but now, I'm sort of messed up. The procedure went fine, but just after (when I tried to stand up) the pain in my back jumped from a 6/10 to a 15/10! :furious: Laying on my stomach puts my my spine in an unhappy position (I have a fracture in a vertabrea, and it cause it to slide around) and I had to lay on my stomach for about 25 minutes or so. When I tried to stand up, my back was VERY unhappy with me! The I got really dizzy and lightheaded etc. Not too fun.

I'm still in a lot of pain (again, not from the myleogram, but from laying on my stomach) and walking is really painful (usually isn't too bad). I feel better from yesterday, so I have a feeling another day or so, and I should be back to normal..whatever normal is :teeth:

Foodwise, I don't really care about yesterday, it was fine in terms of caloric intake. But I'm going to hold off on biking/walking until I'm feeling better.

Thanks again for the words of encouragement. It helps so much in the rough times!
Congrats on the loss...that is awesome!!!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :banana: :banana: :banana: :cheer2: :cheer2:

I am so sorry that you are in so much pain....take it easy which I am sure you are doing and then start working out when you can. You are doing a great job!!!

Keep up the good work!!!

Have a great day :)
Hey there! I'm sorry your back is hurting. But hopefully it's better soon!

Wanted to ask (and you don't have to tell)...what is your first name? Although I'm bad at remembering names, I like to put a name with a screen name, you know? Totally up to you!

Have a good day, and hopefully a less painful one!
No prob, it's just bekki :)

Unfortunatly, it was a bad weekend and an even worse monday! Icky medical stuff below, properly warned ye be!

I ended up back in the hospital today with a spinal headache (the puncture wound from the needle on friday didn't heal, and I was leaking spinal fluid) and they had to fix it (you don't want to know what that entailed) :( I seem to be recovering, but need to stay off my feet for another day or so. Walking is hard due to what they had to do to my spine.

I have to admit, this being my food journal, that this weekend was bad. I didn't eat very much ( nausea is a side effect), so when I got my appitite back this afternoon, all I wanted was Jack in the Box and a milkshake :(

Still, I can't be too hard on myself, right? I have to be good to myself :)
Trying to get back in the swing of things. I'm still having a bit of a headache, but it's not nearly as bad as it has been. Now, I'm just waiting for my back to feel better (it's pretty sore from all of the manipulation and tests)

bowl of connamon toast crunch

ham and swiss sandwich (on a huge roll, so much bread!) with honey mustard
baked doritos

pineapple/strawberry smoothie
apple cinnamon pretzel

No excercise, but I did go to coach my practice/game today and that's a big step compared to the last few days!

I'm hoping to feel up to getting back on the bike by the end of the week. For the time being, I'm just going to focus on my eating and worry about the other stuff when I can :)
Hey Bekki!! You have SO much determination!! You know how many people would feel the pain you have and just be a bump on a log??? I think A LOT!!!

You've got the drive, you've got the positive outlook....and the exercise will kick in again when your body allows.

Take care!! :wave:
I'm going to channel Stephen Colbert for yesterday's wrap-up (Apologies if you're not a fan of the show :) )

Tip of the Hat:
Yeah for getting back on the bike. I was feeling good yesterday, at least compared to how I have been doing, so I did an EASY 20 minutes on the bike. And when I say easy, I mean it :) Usually I go somewhere around 5-5.5 miles in 20 minutes. Yesterday I went 2.5 :rotfl2: But that's ok, I didn't want to push myself

Wag of the finger:
My eating royally sucked yesterday. I had a salad with chicken strips (yeah, the fried kind) for lunch and :scared1: Taco Bell (a soft taco, burrito and full-cal Sprite) for dinner.

I also had a few pieces of chocolate caramel corn I had gotten for my birthday. I didn't like it very much (thank goodness) so eating just a few pieces was easy.

Today will be much better. I did another 20 minutes on the bike and I'm going to attempt a short walk with the pup.

I'm also making apple butter (basically thick, spiced applesauce) so the house smells really good. I found a recipe for a low fat applesauce cake, so I might try making that in the next few days as well!
Hey Bekki. I'm so glad your back is feeling a little bit better. Great job taking it easy on the bike. Getting in some exercise is a good idea, but not if it's going to further aggrevate your injuries.

That applesauce cake sounds good! Let me know how it is!
So, one of the biggest problems with baking is then I have stuff in the house to eat! Also, I haven't hit the store in a while, so I'm low on veggies.

2 slices sourdough bread w/ marg.

Lean cuisine chicken pizza
apple butter/carrot muffin (made these instead of applesauce cake)

Mac and Cheese
baby carrots

2 :sad2: more muffins. I had one after dinner as "dessert" and like 30 minutes later had another. The good news is they're not terrible (used apple butter in place of some of the real butter, so cuts back on fat) but still a lot of carbs/sugar :rolleyes1

20 easy minutes on the bike (about 2.6 miles)
15 minute walk with the pup
Ahhhhh...finally (slowly) getting back on track.

1/2 serving (about 1/4 cup) of oatmeal made with milk and with apple butter as the sweetner
1 slice sourdough toast with marg.

Chicken ceasar salad w/flatbread (dressing on side, dip every 3rd bite)

Thai food, which is pretty high in fat (the coconut milk!) but I ate very small portions of the curry because it was very filling. We also had stir-fried garlic shrimp and veggies (pretty healthy) and beef skewers w/ peanut sauce (ate a small amount of this as well). I had been craving Thai for a long time, and was happy I was able to limit myself to just enough to satisfy the craving.

1 small bag (serving size) of baked doritos
3 peanut M&Ms and 3 pieces of candy corn (when eaten together, it tastes like a snickers!) I was making littel gift bags for the nieghbor kids, and I had to have a little taste :)

15 minute walk with the pup
20 solid minutes on the bike. I picked up the pace and went 4.5 miles. Not too much pain, so today I might try a full 30 minutes.

Hopefully, I'll have another good day!
I am giving myslef far too much leway in my choices. I need to get my act togther--today! No more of this eating whatever I want crap.

Small bowl of cinnamon toast crunch
Caramel apple square (I made these for the team I coach and the excuse I gave myself was "I wanted to make sure they were ok before bringing them to other people)

Chicken quesadilla w/ sour cream and guac-->I have no idea what I was thinking when I ordered this, other than it sounded good! That is NO excuse

1/2 bowl of broc. cheese soup, small salad with balsamic dressing and a small french baguette
1/2 small coconut bubble tea: I'm pretty sure this is terrible for you but who knows?

another caramel apple square (no excuse this time, except there was 1 leftover, so I should eat it :sad2: )
3 peanut M&Ms and 3 candy corn

Exercise :yay: Something good, at least
16 minute walk with the dog
30 solid minutes on the bike, 6.5 miles

I plan to weigh in again next friday, I better do a much better job with my eating until then or I'm going to have to put myself on notice!


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