Losing While I Can and Must (comment away!)

Wow Bekki, you must be feeling better! Those are some great workouts lately!

Yes, you know what to do with the food. It'll all fall into place. Just keep journaling!
I've been catching up with your journal and I was sorry to hear of all the troubles you've been experiencing. I agree with the others - you have PHENOMENAL determination! I'm ashamed to admit that when I have so much as the sniffles, that's enough excuse for me not to exercise. I really need to follow your lead! AMAZING job with the exercise again. The food will come. It's a tough time of year isn't it? As I write this, I'm staring at all our Halloween candy. Oy! Have a great week!
Thank you for the cheerleading :cheer2: I need it! It's funny, while the bike and walking is painful, I'd soooo much rather do that than skip dessert. I'm doing both, but it's much easier to say yes to the bike than no to the cookie :rotfl2:

Yesterday was good in the sense that I did avoid the treats that are around. I could have made a smarter choice at lunch, but over all, it was a fine day.
Breakfast: (I woke up so early b/c of daylight savings--so a two part breakfast like 2 hours apart!)
Small bowl of cinnamon toast crunch
slice of sourdough w/marg.
1 c. OJ

Grilled steak burrito w/ whole beans, guac and cheese. I meant to order without cheese, but forgot. It was at a local "healthy" mexican food place, so the food is very fresh and good.
A few chips w/salsa

1.5 servings of low-fat pancakes (made w/ heart healthy bisquick and eggbeaters) and apple butter on top (no real butter though!)
1 glass of milk

No snacks

16 minute walk w/ the dog
30 strong minutes on the bike, 6.95 miles (almost 7!)
bekkiz said:
It's funny, while the bike and walking is painful, I'd soooo much rather do that than skip dessert. I'm doing both, but it's much easier to say yes to the bike than no to the cookie :rotfl2:

Why do you think I run?? To burn off the bad food I eat!! :rotfl:

I think we're all in that same boat!
Not a bad day, if I do say so myself. It's days like this that remind me that getting healthy isn't easy, but totally achieveable.

1.5 homemade apple/carrot muffins (lowish in fat, but not totally awesome)
1 cup of milk
1 cup of OJ

Lean Cuisine (sweedish meatball)
caouple handfuls of baby carrots

Turkey and stuffing lean cuisine

1 slice of sourdough with PB
1 bite of a chicken strip
1 M&M and 1 candy corn

23 minute walk w/ the pup
30 great minutes on the bike. I was feeling crappy but I got on and went 7.65 miles :cheer2: I was pretty stoked :cloud9:

In other news, it got crazy cold here today. Which wasn't so bad when I was in my nice, warm house, but really sucked for my outdoor 7-9pm practice at the pool (I coach water polo). The pool covers and chairs were icy--it was about 32, but with the breeze (and it's really clear) it felt closer to 28! I had so many layers on, but I def. not used to it yet!
A good day followed by a not so good day. It doesn't take much to throw me off course--Halloween, coaching outside in 30 degree weather and waiting at the doctor's for more than 2.5 hours!

Bagel w/ small amount of cream cheese

Chicken Ceasar wrap w/ about 6-8 french fries

taco bell burrito

halloween sized butterfinger
5 m&ms/candy corn

24 minute walk with the dog
No bike :(

It's ok though--it could have been MUCH worse :) And we have officially scheduled my surgery for January 8th. I'm happy to have some things to look forward too between now and then (T-day, our trip to WDW and going "home" for Christmas) but it is a little scary. I have moments where I feel little-no pain and I wonder if surgery is really the best option. But then I remember days of not being able to do anything, and I convince myself again!
I had such a fun day, and I was able to keep reasonably on track :) Not enough veggies, and a little carb happy, but not too bad.

I spent the day finishing the new Stephen King book, and then we went to see him speak in Seattle. Afterwards, we went to my favorite Seattle restaurant (which happened to be right across the strees) for a late dinner. This day made up for all of the bad days I had around my birthday. it was like my birthday, part 2 :rotfl:


bowl of cinnamon toast crunch

Ham and swiss w/ honey mustard
1 serving baked dorritos

1 beef skewer
1 steamed bun w/ duck and plum sauce
1 scoop of kung pow chicken (not deep fried, stir-fried w/ peppers and onions)
1 scoop of white/brown rice mix

1 halloween size butter finger
1 peanut butter cup :)

23 minute walk w/ pup
30 minutes on the bike (7.5 miles!)
Yeah, down 3 more pounds! Even though I haven't been great, I'm glad to still be losing.

bagel and marg.
1 cup OJ

Lean Cuisine Chicken Pannini
Couple handfuls of baby carrots

Dinner (team dinner)
Spagetti and 1 meatball (w/red sauce)
ceasar salad
2 pieces garlic bread
1 slice of peanut butter pie (the moms were goading me into it! and it was delicious)

more OJ
a few strawberries

It was pouring, so no pup walk--he was mad
30 minutes on the bike (7.35 miles)
So, can you and I just agree that the last week didn't happen? Let's just pretend it's still last friday and I lost three pounds and I'm still happy, excited and committed to losing more.

That'll be great.

I will check back in tomorrow.
Okay, last week didn't happen. ;) I didn't lose weight lost week myself, so I'm right there with you. I hope this week is off to a good start for you. I know it must be scary to think about your surgery now that the day is booked, but I'm glad to know you've got a lot of fun stuff between now and then. Hopefully after your surgery you'll finally be rid of the pain. You deserve it. Have a great week!
Last week seemed to be a tough week for a lot of us. I think this week will be a great week for us all.
I'm back. I can't believe I let myself off the hook for 22 days by not posting. Obviously my commitment level was low. My short term goal is to post each day between now and next Friday (we leave for WDW on Sat.). If I can do that, then I'll be able to enjoy myself on our trip.

The great news is during my lapse in posting, I've been doing great on excercise. Biking and walking nearly everyday (And at least one of those) My eating hasn't been as fantastic :(

Small bowl of lefter over butternut squash soup
english muffin w/ margerine

2-3 oz of left over steak
1 cup of mashed potatoes
1/2 cup of sauteed mushrooms

Whole wheat pasta w/ turkey marinara sauce

1 slice whole wheat bread w/ pb and jelly
probably will have a small amount of apple crisp w/ low fat vanilla ice cream

2 24 minute walks w/the dog (trying to get ready for wdw)
30 minutes on the bike
Yesterday (11/26) was interesting. We got SNOW! I haven''t lived somehwere where it snowed at my house since I was 4, so it was def. a novelty. We got about 2-3 inches from 1 pm to 7 pm. Then the power went out :( Boo, that wasn't fun and messed up my plan for a Lean Cuisine dinner, but that's ok.

Medium bowl of cinnamon toast crunch

Ham and swiss on whole wheat (bigger roll) with honey mustard and a Sierra Mist

Chicken pesto and motzerella sandwich and potato chips
Hot chocolate

No snacks!

15 minute walk with the pup (Caught a break in the weather and had to hurrry!)
30 strong minutes on the bike (7.7 miles)
Hi Bekki!

Sorry I haven't stopped by in a while. Looks like we've both been M.I.A. :teeth:

You're doing REALLY great with your exercise! You'll be fine at WDW. That energy kicks in from somewhere and allows you to walk all day and night there. Have a WONDERFUL trip, and I can't wait to hear about it when you get back!
Thanks for the cheerleading--we all need it!

Another snow filled day--about 8-10 inches in the last 36 hours! My pup is loving it. I'm not loving cleaning snow off his paws everytime he comes in the house :)

med. bowl of cinnamon toast crunch

bowl of broccoli cheddar soup
small french baguette
blueberry muffin

1.5 cups of mac and cheese
root beer
Not my best dinner ever, but after the power outage yesterday and my lack of wanting to drive in the snow, we were lacking other options!

Excercise :yay:
15 minute walk in the one sunbreak we had all day :rotfl2:
30 good minutes on the bike (7.6 miles)

It should be dry (but FREEZING) tomorrow, so hopefully I can get a longer walk in. I also have a ton of housework to do over the next couple of days. That counts as excercise, right? :rotfl:
More fun in the snow today! We leave for WDW on Saturday, I am so excited, but there's so much to do between now and then.

1.5 servings of low-fat pancakes (low fat bisquick, egg sub and milk) w/ whole berry cranberry sauce (left over from t-day and warmed up)
1 c. OJ

a little more than 1/2 of a chicken quesadilla w/ some sour cream and guac
1/3 c. of whole pinto beans

Grilled brie and apricot chutney on whole wheat

No snacks yet, but I may have one in a bit.

20 minute walk in the snow with the pup, it's a LOT harder to walk in the snow. I had no idea :rotfl2:
30 minutes on the bike (7.81 miles)

ETA: I did have a handful of peanuts before bed last night!
Burrr, it's cold here. Escaping to FL is looking mighty fine!

1 low-sugar granola bar
1 non fat green tea latte (starbucks)
1 low-fat berry muffin

Chicken ceasar wrap w/6-8 french fries

Chinese food: potstickers, kung pao chicken, beef w/snow peas and combo chow mein. I took smallish servings of each (except the pot stickers!)

I was too scared of the ice to walk outside. I'm a klutz and would have fallen :rotfl2: But I did play for a bit in the snow w/ the pup so he could run around
30 minutes on the bike (7.9 miles)

I'm hoping to find a break in the weather today to walk outside, but we'll see!
Hey Bekki!

Just wanted to say have a GREAT trip, and I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!!

Sort of a medicore day yesterday, but some good news this morning

1 cranberry muffin
1 glass of milk

ham and swiss on whole wheat roll w/ honey mustard
Sierra mist

Dinner! Ack!
I met a friend who was in town for a conference and who I hadn't seen in a while. We went to a fabulous Seattle restaurant and ate, ate, ate! The good news is that the portion size was inversaly porportional to the price. Our $8 tempura fried pear dessert included less than 1/2 of a pear (probably about 1/4) and a scoop of ice cream about the size of a large marshmallow. It was DELICOUS though, and I don't mind tiny portion sizes :rotfl2: Then I can eat the whole thing and not feel bad. W/ dessert I also tried their hot chocolate. It was very rich and I had maybe 3 or 4 sips.
I also a tiny priece of a brie like cheese served with an arugala salad and a tiny little apple dumpling.
For main course, it was pork loin (I ate about 3 oz of meat) served with mustard greens (a little bitter for me) and some amazing roasted Delicata squash.
Ok, so that was more like a dining review than a food journal--sorry. I'm warming for our trip :rotfl:

20 minute walk with the dog
No bike, took a break for my back:)

Now, the good news. I finally weighed in and I'm down another 2 lbs! It's not much, but it's something. We'll see how I do on the trip. I can't believe we leave tomorrow :cheer2:


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