Lulu201's Back In Action Journal


used to be Lulu201
Feb 1, 2004
Hi, Everybody! I'm back! I was gone for a few days while I got prepped and then ran our music theater camp, but now I'm back and ready to get rid of some extra pounds that I've been carrying.
Last week was one of unhealthy, stress-related eating, but now I'm back and ready to get on the healthy living trail.

For those of you who don't know me, you can get my whole history by reading the Lulu201 Healthy Living Log.:D Something happened a few weeks ago--the time changed on my computer and I couldn't remember my lulu201 password, so I just "renamed" myself Lulu202. From now on, that'll be the name that I use.::yes::

I joined the WISH on August 17, 2003, and had lost over 40 lbs. since I began to care in June of 2003. Since the end of March, however, I've put some of the weight back on and have slipped back into some bad habits. Today's new journal signifies my fresh start into weight loss. I'm weighing in today at 172 :eek:, but have my fingers crossed for a whoosh tomorrow morning! :drinking:

Tomorrow I'm going to take my measurements and publish them here for all to see.:(

Today's goals:

1. To take my vitamins. Haven't done this yet.
2. To drink 6-8 glasses of water (two down)
3. To exercise by walking the dog in the a.m. and in the p.m.
A.M. walk done.
4. To eat 22-27 points. So far--b: 1 slice of lite toast w/pb; coffee with cream. l: blueberry bagel w/lite cr. cheese. Have to check Dottie's Weight Loss Zone for some point totals. Will get those back in later.

Four weeks from today I leave for the shore. I'm going to walk in my bathing suit without fear!!!!

Starting weight 6/03=200 lbs.
First WISH weigh in=192
Weight 3/28/04=156 (my lowest in 12 years!)
Today's weight=172

I'm onward and downward, everybody! Wish me luck!

Edit: Got the scoop on points:
s--WW banana bread=2, nonfat cream cheese and fruit=1.5=3.5
Total so far: 16
Best wishes, dear WISH-sis, for continued success!!

Let the adventure begin!!

No, no, no: I'm NOT suffering an identity crisis. . .I finally got my name straightened back out!!!! I AM Lulu201! No more Lulu202 unless I have a computer glitch again! Geesh, has this been weird! Everybody, if you need to PM me, please PM Lulu201!

I'm happy to say that I've gotten through today. I won't be eating any more. The final stats are below:

1. Vitamins :D
2. Water :rolleyes: still drinking, only 3 so far.
3. Exercise: still have to get another walk in for Mickey
4. Food: left off at 16. Had veggies w/lite dip for a snack (.5)
Dinner: chicken cacciatore (pasta=6, chicken=2, sauce=1, berries w/lite whipped topping for dessert=1, total for dinner=10)

Total for day 26.5. Let's hear it for me!:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

You know, writing in this journal is very weird. I kinda miss my old one, but I've felt like a broken record on the other one--trying and failing and trying and failing. I just needed to break out and make this a new start. Does that make sense? Thank you, Jodi and Doreen, for coming by and wishing me luck. I need it. :p

Plans for tomorrow:

1. Vitamins; goal for week, 7/7
2. Water, 6-8 glasses; goal for the week, 7/7
3. Exercise--5 miles at the park; goal for week--20 miles
4. Food--22-27 points per day. I'm going to try the old WW system (not the flex points) where you had a range of points that you could use each day. If you don't use up to 27, the rest are banked for use on other days. I won't bank my whopping .5 for today; my week officially begins tomorrow.

I'm going to try to get around to the journals tomorrow morning. I miss all of you WISH buddies of mine, and I need your strength and support.

Love to all,
Monday, 7/26/04

Today's weight: 168 Yay! Let's hear it for the Whoosh!!!
Measurements: Bust--41"
1. Vitamins: not yet
2. Water: none yet:rolleyes:
3. Exercise: did walk Mickey; hope to get out to do my 5 miles around 9:30
4. Food: b--kashi cereal, skim milk, 1/2 cup blueberries, coffee w/cream: 5.5
Food for the day: l--left over chicken cacciatore=8
snacks--WW banana bread w/pb=4
fresh fruit salad=1
veggies w/dip=1
coffee w/cream (D. Donuts)=1.5
d--soup and crackers=6
Total points planned: 26.5 I may have to add food if the 5 miler is intense. lol

For each day this week I also have a home "work" goal. Today I vow to get the laundry put away and to either clean out the linen closet or the frig before I head into work this afternoon.

Off to visit a couple of journals. . .

Onward and downward, 'cause I'm back in action!
Tuesday, 7/27--168 pounds

Ok, let's hear it for another cheat free day yesterday! :Pinkbounc That's a whopping two in a row!:bounce: :Pinkbounc

I have to keep this brief so let me just say that yesterday I met all of goals except for the housekeeping one;) . I walked 5 miles at race pace.:hyper: Drank tons of water. Ate right. Feel good!

Today, I've had 6 glasses of water, my vitamins, and about 12.5 points. I've got to go teach, so will check in later.

:cheer2: :cheer2: Go Erin!

Looks like a new start is exactly what you needed. You are doing great this week. Keep it up princess:
Some days you're just going along like normal and you're hit by
A FLASH FLOOD! Yep, water ankle deep throughout the studio--not a pretty sight. Fortunately no one was hurt or electrocuted and all of the major stuff was saved. Carpets should be ripped out tomorrow and we'll go from there. Hope to be reopened by Monday.

In the meantime, I stayed on program and am now ready for bed and it's only 7:15!:faint: .

Mama said there would be days like these.:rolleyes:

Wednesday, 7/28/04 169 lbs.

Hey, I don't know why that extra pound appeared; all I can figure is that it's from eating baked ziti w/ meat sauce late in the evening for dinner and some water has me bloated. Oh, well, that's the price you pay when you weigh in every day.

I'm on my way to the studio for clean up duty.:( Could've been worse--what if we'd had this flood last week during camp????:crazy:

My plans for a 6.25 walk are on hold at the moment. I'll just have to see what today brings. Natural Disaster overshadows Half Marathon Training in my book!:p

Off into the day,
Wow Erin!
You are doing a great job and I love your sunny, positive attitude!:sunny: :teeth: Keep up the good work!:Pinkbounc

I'm sorry to hear about the studio.:( Thank God that no one was hurt! I am sending you tons of :wizard: to help with clean up today. Where are those brooms and mops from the movie, Fantasia, when you need them? ;)

Have a great day , Erin!:sunny:

OK, it's Thursday, 7/29. . .and I weigh--oh, I forgot:rolleyes: to weigh in this morning, hmmm, imagine that!

Let's just say that after three wonderful days, I fell apart. Today, however, is BRAND NEW and I'm back to walking the healthy road. As always, I realize that I'm NOT happy when I overeat in a binge-like way, I'm much happier and at peace when I stick to the plan. In reviewing the day and comparing it to the days previously in which I stayed on plan, I can see some areas that I allowed to trip up:

1. I was stressed. No excuse, but definitely part of my overeating behavior. I spent the day doing some flood clean up and I seemed to have a need to eat when I got home. Replacing that behavior with some reading or cross stitch would have been more productive. I guess eating for stress management wouldn't be a problem if I wanted to remain overweight, but I don't. I really don't want food to be my therapy.

2. I didn't have a plan. I went into the day without any strategy for healthy living. I didn't do a single thing yesterday to benefit myself and to support healthy habits.

3. I didn't drink my water. Drinking my huge amount of water is truly one of the keys to success!:drinking1 Today I'll bring my enormous WW mug with me everywhere.

4. I didn't take my vitamins or exercise. :( I may not have had the time for a 6.25 walk--which had been my initial goal--but I certainly had the 10 seconds it took to take my vitamins, I just didn't.

Today, though is my day to get "back in action." If you fall off the wagon, you just get back on, right? ::yes:: So, I had a good, filling breakfast of kashi, blueberries, skim milk, and water. I'm going to have a salad for lunch. Dinner hasn't been planned yet, but I'm going to keep it low in points. I'm going to drink all my water and take my vitamins, and I'm going to the park this afternoon and get in a long walk.

So, there it is--my plan for action for today.

Tracy: I had to laugh when I read your reference to Fantasia. At one point during the flood, one of our teachers and I were at the back wall in our barefeet trying to catch the water in empty trash cans as it poured in. We mentioned that we were just like Mickey in the Sorcerer's Apprentice and just wished we could replicate ourselves like the walking broomstick! :p We eventually gave up; it was a losing battle if there ever was one. Thanks for your concern and support. I appreciate it. :D

I'm onward and downward!
Hi there Erin! I've been catching up on your new journal - I think it is a good idea to start a new one. Actually I think I may start one after I've written in mine for a year.

Reading your journal today has given me the inspiration to actually strive to be cheat free. I've been going along just trying to get through the day - but it would also be good to be back on the losing weight wagon. I know what you mean about feeling like a broken record, I feel that way some months as well.

I've missed ya!

Hi, Amanda!:wave2: I'm glad that you could stop by. It's been quite a summer and I'm happy to feel like I'm finally back on the WISH!

OK, noon update:

1. No vitamins yet
2. One glass of water.
3. No exercise
4. breakfast was 5.5, iced coffee w/cream is .5=6 so far

8:35 p.m. update:

1. Vitamins :D
2. Water--tons :D
3. Easy 1.25 walk with Liz and Mick :D
4. Total points so far: 21.7/ will have diet hot chocolate: total 22.7 :D

I'm cheat free again! Yay! One day down!
Hi princess: Lulu!! :wave2:

I just got all caught up on your journal - what a time you've had!! Sorry to hear about the studio and best wishes for the clean up effort!

Your attitude is so :sunny: and just reading your words is helping me to find my :sunny: attitude as well. Thanks for being an inspiration to me!

Friday, July 30, 2004: weight 169 lbs.

Good morning! I made it through the week! The landlords of our studio location are meeting this morning with SEPTA engineers and township officials to discuss the "outstanding issues" around our property and the flooding. Hopefully they'll be able to resolve them so we don't get flooded out again! Another bad rain and we'll look like this :boat: (or this :crazy: !).

I'm sitting deep in the danger zone--fatigue has enveloped me, but I'm trying to just keep plugging right through it. I'm going to try to walk a couple of miles this a.m.; maybe the endorphins will bump me up a notch.

Thanks, Doreen, for stopping by. I know that you've been having quite a time lately, but after reading your journal it sounds like you've turned a corner. :sunny: days are here again for you, princess: Doe-Doe.

The plan for today:

1. Take my vitamins.
2. Drink 6-8 glasses of water.
3. Walk. Total so far this week: 6.25 (way short of my 20 mile goal)
4. Eat within the points. Breakfast was kashi w/skim milk and 1 tbsp. sliced almonds plus coffee w/cream=6

I'm taking DD and her friend swimming this afternoon. I'm looking forward to sitting in a chair with a magazine or my cross stitch for a couple of hours. ::yes::

Well, I guess that's the plan of action for today. I'm kind of discouraged--I weigh the same as I did in January, but then again, I don't weigh what I weighed a year ago. That's a good thing, right?:D All I know is that I'll keep waging this battle day by day every day of my life if I have to. It's worth it--hey, I'M worth it!;)


Edit #1

1. Vitamins taken.
2. Water--1 glass
4. Points-6

Looking kind of cloudy, don't know what will happen to the swimming idea.
Don't you hate that discourgaged feeling? I wish my weight would just magically drop whenever I decide to get back on plan. After all I can gain 5 lbs in a day but it takes me 2 weeks to get it off. The only way to win is to not concentrate on the discouraged feeling and try to remain positive and focused. Remember how great you felt at 156 lbs!!! You can do this - I know you can!

:hug: Erin,

I'm so sorry to hear about the studio. I hope all the issues can be resolved, so it doesn't happen again. You are doing a great job. I am so impressed by your renewed dedication to healthy living. I know that you will be able to push yourself through the current feeling of discouragement. You are back on the walk.:cool1: :cool1:

Hi Erin,
Sending you :hug: today. I hope that all of the issues with the studio are soon resolved. We will be sending prayers your way for lots and lots of :sunny: !

Erin, I am sorry that you are feeling discouraged about the scale, but just think about how far you have come. ::yes:: You are back in action, girl and that scale will cooperate! (Or else the girls and I will take care of it for you with a nice kick.;) :crazy: )

Hang in there, Erin! God is with you through it all!::yes::

:hug: ,


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