Make a wish family files complaint

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The lack of compassion and attempt at understanding that I see in this thread is astounding, especially in light of the fact that we are not getting the full story. I'm not saying her behavior isn't obnoxious, or that she was entitled to access something that the general public couldn't. Or even that I wouldn't have handled the situation differently. But without the full story, I'm not willing to sit here and play judge and jury.
Well I say if they were not there for the Halloween Party then they shouldn't be let in the store. The rules should apply for all. People pay to go to the party. For her to stay there for over an hour. She is the one that ruined the last night. I'm sure her kids were crying because she caused a big stink.

Agree here 100%. Here's a thought, if the whole trip was paid and they wanted to be there for the party, buy tickets, OR since it is announced that the park will be closing, perhaps get to the store quicker! And yes the MOM ruined that night by actin a fool!
I agree with pretty much everything everyone has posted, but especially what kellyw8863 said. As I am reading this I am crying, remembering what was to be DD's last trip, and I have to say, the stress was unbearable. I was always able to control myself through whatever upset I had, but it truly was hard. I was trying to pack a lifetime of memories into one vacation, yet mourning her death even before it happened. Untill you have done something similar, I don't belive most of you can comprehend the emotions and feelings a parent experiences. Now, I'm not saying the mother was in the right, because clearly she reacted different from what all of us here agree on. But in my heart I cut her a break, because I'm sure it was a misunderstanding gone horribly wrong. She has my best wishes as I share fellow feelings with her. I have no idea what her little boy's prognosis is, but I'm sure even as time passes, this could be a painful memory for the family with lots of regrets.

I'm sorry that you understand :hug: It's a complex thing, isn't it? And something that I think many of us are afraid to talk about at risk that we'll be accused of being entitled or ungrateful. I think that your observation that "this could be a painful memory for the family with lots of regrets" is particularly poignant. As parents of children with life threatening (and terminal) medical conditions, we all have those moments that in retrospect, make us cringe.
The lack of compassion and attempt at understanding that I see in this thread is astounding, especially in light of the fact that we are not getting the full story.

You're right. We are only getting her story and quite frankly, her story is what is making her look bad.

My problem with this is that she wants the cm "disciplined". What does this mean exactly?.....Fired? Demoted? Loss of pay? Where is the mother's compassion and attempt at understanding toward the cm who was probably only trying to do their job.

When volunteering at GKTW, we were told not to tell a family no, that if you didn't know how to make something happen for a family, call one if the supervisors. It didn't matter if the request came from the Wish child, a parent, or a sibling. They bent over backwards to meet family requests - obviously within reason.

When we were there as a Wish family, I distinctly remember one of the families asking during orientation if there was anyone to help with dining reservations because they had traveled on very short notice. We were all told that if we wanted something, we should mention that we were on a Wish trip in case anything could be done.

Sounds like it's MAW's and GKTW's faults for telling the families that basically anything they want can be had at Disney. I am all for these families getting a break, but not to the extent of not taking no for an answer, and getting everything they 'want'. The children are 'happy' with anything - it's the parents that get greedy. :sad2:

And we don't know this woman's situation or mental state or anything. The point I was trying to make is that going on a Make a Wish trip is more complex than it would seem on the surface.

The lack of compassion and attempt at understanding that I see in this thread is astounding, especially in light of the fact that we are not getting the full story. I'm not saying her behavior isn't obnoxious, or that she was entitled to access something that the general public couldn't. Or even that I wouldn't have handled the situation differently. But without the full story, I'm not willing to sit here and play judge and jury.

Maybe you think that people are not being compassionate, but the story from her home area is that she 'is' that type of person, and this is basically normal behavior for her to be obnoxious.

You are sensitive because of your situation (I'm so very sorry), but this mom was not considering her child (or other children) when she made such a scene - demanding that she not have to follow the rules.

You're right. We are only getting her story and quite frankly, her story is what is making her look bad.

My problem with this is that she wants the cm "disciplined". What does this mean exactly?.....Fired? Demoted? Loss of pay? Where is the mother's compassion and attempt at understanding toward the cm who was probably only trying to do their job.

This makes my blood boil too - they were only doing their job (which Disney taught) and now she wants Disney to 'turn' on THEM when SHE was/is the problem? :confused3

AND Disney seems to be bowing to the wishes of this "poor lady" and apologizing - for WHAT??? She wants her "15 min." for sure and more.
I just re-read the article and I don't see anywhere that the mom has an established history of being unreasonable and demanding :confused3 And of course my perspective is colored by the fact that I have lived it, but I wouldn't say "sensitive". Ali's Wish trip was almost four years ago, and our life in general is more amazing and more difficult than I ever imagined it could be. But I'm over having a sick kid - we deal, and I think we deal pretty well if I may say so. But I get that it's an emotionally charged week. I get that it's hard to come back from what is supposed to be a trip of a lifetime and return to the daily routine of having a sick kid. I get what it's like to have not so shining moments in relation to my child and her illness. I'm also not blind to the fact that she could be a total jerk. I just choose to give her the benefit of the doubt in the absence of additional information.
1) I have stayed out of the fray - - - - - - until now.
2) I am a CM, and also a Volunteer Coordinator at GKTW.
4) However, this "mother" was way off the hook.
5) She used her child's situation to gain special treatment FOR HERSELF.
. . . she was in the park during party hours without a party ticket
. . . people without tickets are n to allowed to stop and view/peoplewatch
. . . people without tickets are not allowed to watch parades
. . . people without tickets are not allowed to shop
. . . when she was denied entry, she pulled the sympathy card
. . . she took an hour to shop, when most could have done it quickly
6) Disney MUST apologize or lose the PR battle.
7) But, in reality, the "mother" should apologize.

NOTE: At both WDW and GKTW, there are situations that require special handling
and care. But, in those occasions, you do what is best for both the child and best
for the organization. I would have also not let her into the Emporium.
With all due respect, you "get" MAW families only to a certain extent unless you ARE a MAW family. Once again - for the last time - I'm not saying the woman was right. I'm not saying that she should've been granted entry. I am saying that a little compassion and understanding as to the emotional roller coaster that Wish families are on would go a long way. Saying that she is "ungrateful" and "entitled" and a "mother" (Really? We're going to put mother in quotes as though she's less of a mother because of this one situation?) MAY NOT BE - may, as in it's a possibility, not a certainty - entirely accurate due to the complexity of the situation.
1) I have stayed out of the fray - - - - - - until now.
2) I am a CM, and also a Volunteer Coordinator at GKTW.
4) However, this "mother" was way off the hook.
5) She used her child's situation to gain special treatment FOR HERSELF.
. . . she was in the park during party hours without a party ticket
. . . people without tickets are n to allowed to stop and view/peoplewatch
. . . people without tickets are not allowed to watch parades
. . . people without tickets are not allowed to shop
. . . when she was denied entry, she pulled the sympathy card
. . . she took an hour to shop, when most could have done it quickly
6) Disney MUST apologize or lose the PR battle.
7) But, in reality, the "mother" should apologize.

NOTE: At both WDW and GKTW, there are situations that require special handling
and care. But, in those occasions, you do what is best for both the child and best
for the organization. I would have also not let her into the Emporium.

:thumbsup2 Thank you RustyScupper!

To me it made her MORE of a jerk by using her child's situation to get her way.

Still don't understand why Disney has to apologize :headache:
I just re-read the article and I don't see anywhere that the mom has an established history of being unreasonable and demanding :confused3 And of course my perspective is colored by the fact that I have lived it, but I wouldn't say "sensitive". Ali's Wish trip was almost four years ago, and our life in general is more amazing and more difficult than I ever imagined it could be. But I'm over having a sick kid - we deal, and I think we deal pretty well if I may say so. But I get that it's an emotionally charged week. I get that it's hard to come back from what is supposed to be a trip of a lifetime and return to the daily routine of having a sick kid. I get what it's like to have not so shining moments in relation to my child and her illness. I'm also not blind to the fact that she could be a total jerk. I just choose to give her the benefit of the doubt in the absence of additional information.
There were comments from people who claimed to know the family and said those (which may or may not be true - they may not even know the family).

People understand the 'last night panic' , especially if she had promised the kids keepsakes at the store. I understand her reporting it to Disney, MAW and GKTW if she really felt she was wronged.
I think the thing people are having son issue with is that after she reported it to all those places, she took it to the media. That is where most people are drawing the line and saying 'not cool.'
And that's fine. I don't think it's "cool" either, and it's certainly not how how I would've handled things. My only argument is that the situation is likely more complex than it appears on the surface. Do we really need to vilify her as "ungrateful," "entitled", "greedy", and less than a mother based on what one article in an obscure newspaper has posted? A little compassion has the ability to go a long way.
sookie said:
Honestly you would probably qualify, and can self refer (if your under 18).

Ask for something good - like the top room available at the poly or something!

Actually we were referred by someone (no idea who), recd the papers asking for medical release, recs papers asking for her wishes, got her hopes up and the Hematologist shot it down because its only life threatening if she doesn't get prompt treatment. I hope we are never in a position where we can't get to her meds quickly enough (or can't afford the $800 12-dose medication that insurance won't cover because it doesn't come in generic), or get to the point where we don't realize the fall or bump needs clotting meds. She has so many nosebleeds and bruises that I fear we have become immune to it. The drs nurse told us that she would qualify when she diagnosed when she was 4 or I wouldn't have pursued it. So instead we will plan that trip for her ourselves -the only thing we can't give her is GKTW.
And that's fine. I don't think it's "cool" either, and it's certainly not how how I would've handled things. My only argument is that the situation is likely more complex than it appears on the surface. Do we really need to vilify her as "ungrateful," "entitled", "greedy", and less than a mother based on what one article in an obscure newspaper has posted? A little compassion has the ability to go a long way.

I'm curious what you think she wanted to accomplish by contacting her local "obscure" newspaper? She had something in her mind when she contacted them.

As Sue said, for me that's were I draw the line. If I walked by that night and saw the meltdown happen, and knew the back story, my heart would have broken for her. I can totally see how she could become irrational. Heck, if I was there for the party, I probably would have offered to go in with my wristband and do the shopping on her behalf. I would have totally understood how the situation could have led to the her meltdown.

But once she had time to go home and pull herself together she should have then looked back and reflected on all the great memories they had made, all the great things Disney and MAW had done for them. And in the cold light of day...... she should never have made the choice to contact the paper.
I'm curious what you think she wanted to accomplish by contacting her local "obscure" newspaper? She had something in her mind when she contacted them.

As Sue said, for me that's were I draw the line. If I walked by that night and saw the meltdown happen, and knew the back story, my heart would have broken for her. I can totally see how she could become irrational. Heck, if I was there for the party, I probably would have offered to go in with my wristband and do the shopping on her behalf. I would have totally understood how the situation could have led to the her meltdown.

But once she had time to go home and pull herself together she should have then looked back and reflected on all the great memories they had made, all the great things Disney and MAW had done for them. And in the cold light of day...... she should never have made the choice to contact the paper.

She did it Hoping a major news story picks it up CNN and other news outlets sometimes pick up the smaller news if it a story they can spin to make a company like Disney look bad. Just look at the post with the abuse to the gac.
And that's fine. I don't think it's "cool" either, and it's certainly not how how I would've handled things. My only argument is that the situation is likely more complex than it appears on the surface. Do we really need to vilify her as "ungrateful," "entitled", "greedy", and less than a mother based on what one article in an obscure newspaper has posted? A little compassion has the ability to go a long way.

Well in the article it states she has filed multiple complaints. :confused3

I hope Disney does apologize to a letter with no form of compensation offered. I hope the cm is disciplined with a "stern talking to". That should be enough.

If that's not enough for the mother, well then, I would say she's pretty greedy.
With all due respect, you "get" MAW families only to a certain extent unless you ARE a MAW family. Once again - for the last time - I'm not saying the woman was right. I'm not saying that she should've been granted entry. I am saying that a little compassion and understanding as to the emotional roller coaster that Wish families are on would go a long way. Saying that she is "ungrateful" and "entitled" and a "mother" (Really? We're going to put mother in quotes as though she's less of a mother because of this one situation?) MAY NOT BE - may, as in it's a possibility, not a certainty - entirely accurate due to the complexity of the situation.

And that's fine. I don't think it's "cool" either, and it's certainly not how how I would've handled things. My only argument is that the situation is likely more complex than it appears on the surface. Do we really need to vilify her as "ungrateful," "entitled", "greedy", and less than a mother based on what one article in an obscure newspaper has posted? A little compassion has the ability to go a long way.

No one is saying that they don't have compassion for her because of the situation that she is in with her child. BUT, again I'll say that is NO excuse to demand what she wanted against the policy, then make a scene when told she couldn't. This child that was so sick SUFFERED more by HER actions by putting him through this experience because SHE wanted her way! She was not thinking of him at all.

I, too, have a situation with one of my children, so don't think I don't understand a mother's suffering, but I DO refuse to use it to get sympathy, nor to get my way when it's flat out wrong, so don't play that card with me about not understanding.
She filed multiple complaints on the same issue with the organizations involved (at least according to the article). That doesn't necessarily speak to a long history of entitled behavior. And again. I get that the sticking point for most is that she came home and alerted the newspapers and appears to be looking for compensation. But maybe they had a crappy week? Maybe she's dealing (and not dealing well) with post-Wish trip letdown. We don't know. And if my biggest fault in this is granting her more compassion than she might deserve, I'm okay with that.
Well in the article it states she has filed multiple complaints. :confused3

I hope Disney does apologize to a letter with no form of compensation offered. I hope the cm is disciplined with a "stern talking to". That should be enough.

If that's not enough for the mother, well then, I would say she's pretty greedy.

"a stern talking to"????? Why? For what Disney taught them to say when someone wants to stay and shop with no party ticket??

By reporting this to everyone, especially the Media, all she wants is her way, and she is enjoying playing the sympathy card - showing big mean ole Disney that they have to bow to her wishes.

kellyw8863, actually a lot of us have 'crappy' weeks, are we all entitled to use that excuse to try to cause trouble?
Thankfully gktw and make a wish are handling this right not stepping in Disney toes. And not rushing to judgement either they understand if some thing did happen Disney would take care of it. But I feel at least with gktw they don't think it happened like she said. I guess then article dose not make it clear it says park employee and she said manager on the face book post. I now both are cms but you lost of the time don't refer to a manager as a employee.
Well in the article it states she has filed multiple complaints. :confused3

I hope Disney does apologize to a letter with no form of compensation offered. I hope the cm is disciplined with a "stern talking to". That should be enough.

If that's not enough for the mother, well then, I would say she's pretty greedy.
I understood it to be multiple complaints about the same incident, but it's not totally clear.
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