Make a wish family files complaint

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As a CM who was working in the Emporium when this incident happened I can tell you that this is nowhere near the whole story. Much was left out and the manager that supposedly said the offending comment is NOT the type of person to say that.

When we pick up our door assignments (the CMs who have the unfortunate duty of standing outside of the doors informing guests that the store is now exclusive to party guests) we are reminded that there is to be NO entry into the store without a wristband. Period. If there is a guest who wants one specific item that we know we have then one member from the party will be allowed in with a CM escort to purchase the one item and immediately exit the store, and that is on a case by case basis.

This story leaves out the swearing of the mother and father directed at the college program CM that was attending the door before the managers arrived. The swearing that happened within earshot of your children lining the street for the Boo to you parade. It leaves out a member of the party threatening to run our manager over with their ECV. The story leaves out the family stopping other guests walking by to tell them how Disney hates MAW children. The story leaves out the family telling the manager and CP CM that they are terrible cast members and the repeated use of the "we're make a wish" line.

This family was given two alternatives to shopping at the Emporium like shopping at Downtown Disney which was open for 4 hours beyond that point or Epcot which was open for 2 hours beyond that point.

I love my job as a CP at the Emporium but the one thing none of us like (though you will never hear us admit it in person) is door assignments for the party. On a nightly basis when we will get these assignments we are yelled at, told that we 'are what's wrong with Disney', that we are bad CMs, that we 'lack Disney magic, and that we need to have a heart all because we won't let them shop. And through all of that we still stand there, smile, wave our Mickey mitts, ask for high fours, and hand out stickers.

Please, if you attend a party and we tell you the store is closed unless you have a wristband, do not argue. We HATE telling you no and we want nothing more than to help you find the things you're looking for.

I'm sorry for this rant but this story made all of us at the Emporium furious at its one-sidedness.

So, are you saying that the CM/manager didn't say what she's been accused of saying, or that it's not something she would normally say but did?
So, are you saying that the CM/manager didn't say what she's been accused of saying, or that it's not something she would normally say but did?
I think the poster is saying, it's not the kind of thing the manager would say, period.
leeg229 said:
As of last night she hasn't been fired. We've all been going out of our way to tell her that's she's awesome. She even joked about her situation when I asked for her "autograph" for a GSF she said "Ok but don't put it on the internet because I'm already famous enough."

I am very glad to hear this! And thank you for giving us all the full story (because I had a feeling that mom wasn't telling the truth). I loved my job as well and miss it greatly and I understand the pains if door duty on party nights. (I was across the street at TST with photopass) Hopefully the rest of the Christmas parties run smoother than that Halloween party. :)
So, are you saying that the CM/manager didn't say what she's been accused of saying, or that it's not something she would normally say but did?

I'm saying that it is not in her personality to say something like that. I wasn't close enough at all times during the hour+ that this happened to hear everything so I can't definitively say that "No she didn't" or "Yes she did". What I posted was what I saw/heard myself with the exception of the mother talking to the guests on the street/sidewalk. That one I got straight from the CP who was assigned to the door.

I am very glad to hear this! And thank you for giving us all the full story (because I had a feeling that mom wasn't telling the truth). I loved my job as well and miss it greatly and I understand the pains if door duty on party nights. (I was across the street at TST with photopass) Hopefully the rest of the Christmas parties run smoother than that Halloween party.

It was a combination of she wasn't telling the truth, A LOT that she left out and worded her story in a way that makes all of us look like the bad guys and her, a saint. I'm loving my second program and I hope to stay on seasonally here while I finish school here. As for the Christmas parties... from everything I heard about our first party last Thursday the doors were good with no major incidents. I didn't have a door assignment because I was stocking the party exclusive merch. (Btw, if anyone is attending tonight's party and you want a party pin, buy it early. We're already low on 2 of the 5 styles)

Also, thank you everyone for the well wishes and considerations and for letting me vent a little bit here. :)
1) I typically let things run off my back, like water on a duck.
2) But, this one is hard to leave sit.
3) Your remark assumes others have not had MAW-type events/circumstances.
5) Put it this way, I have intimate knowledge of being a MAW Family.
6) Therefore, I do "get" it.
7) WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, of course.

My family was also a MAW family and we obeyed the rules and times. Park hour are park hours for everyone. If you don't have tickets for the event then you leave and not make a fuss!!! What a way to show your kids how to act!!!!
I'm disgusted that the money I donated to Make a Wish could have gone to such an entitled witch! I also feel very sad for her child who had to endure this big scene. And the cast member. Just awful. It really makes me not want to donate to MAW anymore.
I would continue to donate to MaW. Don't let a good thing be ruined just because of one bad family. I met many amazing and grateful MaW families over the years. And overall it is a good organization. Don't let this crazy mother ruin it for all the other deserving kids and families.
Regardless of what may or may not have been said, the family was clearly out of line. Considering even the article says that they were having a good trip up until that point, there's really no reason for the parents to get that out of control. I really hope the kids don't learn the same behavior (or are around enough other people to balance out). It's really just sad for everyone involved.

I also think it's unfair to blame MAW for one family's behavior. We hear far more positive MAW stories both in terms of families' experiences and how MAW families act than we do stories like this. I'm sure there are other MAW families who've had the entitlement attitude, but it's far from the majority. I do hope MAW and GKTW take this as a learning experience. If they tell families that they should ask for anything, they should probably also add in "but don't expect to always get a yes response". Even if they don't, countless other families have managed to hear the same thing without then behaving like it excuses them from being completely out of control.
I would continue to donate to MaW. Don't let a good thing be ruined just because of one bad family. I met many amazing and grateful MaW families over the years. And overall it is a good organization. Don't let this crazy mother ruin it for all the other deserving kids and families.
I know...I know. It just makes me sick that this rotten, entitled woman was spending money that people like me donate out of the goodness of our hearts. I love Disney and I feel like MAW should make some kind of statement against this woman's antics. Disney has always gone out of its way to make trips special for the MAW kids (as they did on this trip).
I can't be the only one who feels this way. She has tainted MAW for me, I can't help the way I feel. It will be on my mind when I am writing out checks this season. The only thing that would sway me is MAW standing up in support of Disney. Their statement was very wishy-washy. If the cast member does get fired, I will truly be done with this organization for good. They need to step up and support Disney, who has been wonderful to them.
Regardless of what may or may not have been said, the family was clearly out of line. Considering even the article says that they were having a good trip up until that point, there's really no reason for the parents to get that out of control. I really hope the kids don't learn the same behavior (or are around enough other people to balance out). It's really just sad for everyone involved.

I also think it's unfair to blame MAW for one family's behavior. We hear far more positive MAW stories both in terms of families' experiences and how MAW families act than we do stories like this. I'm sure there are other MAW families who've had the entitlement attitude, but it's far from the majority. I do hope MAW and GKTW take this as a learning experience. If they tell families that they should ask for anything, they should probably also add in "but don't expect to always get a yes response". Even if they don't, countless other families have managed to hear the same thing without then behaving like it excuses them from being completely out of control.
It's also unfair for MAW to not stand up for Disney, who has been wonderful to them. Until then, I won't be making the annual donation (which is pretty sizeable) to them. They need to support Disney if they want my money.
I know...I know. It just makes me sick that this rotten, entitled woman was spending money that people like me donate out of the goodness of our hearts. I love Disney and I feel like MAW should make some kind of statement against this woman's antics. Disney has always gone out of its way to make trips special for the MAW kids (as they did on this trip). I can't be the only one who feels this way. She has tainted MAW for me, I can't help the way I feel. It will be on my mind when I am writing out checks this season. The only thing that would sway me is MAW standing up in support of Disney. Their statement was very wishy-washy. If the cast member does get fired, I will truly be done with this organization for good. They need to step up and support Disney, who has been wonderful to them.

I understand how you feel. My daughters birth mother spent a lot of time at a Salvation Army homeless shelter. She was abusive and neglected my daughter and the Salvation Army knew what was happening but didn't want to get the state involved. It wasn't until someone else reported the situation that my daughter got help. It took a lot for me to continue to donate items and do the angel tree each year. I had to think about my daughter only getting donated items and gift when she was a baby/toddler. Of only having a roof over her head at night because of the shelter. So yeah bad things happen but I try to concentrate on the good.
I will continue donating to maw and think about the families who cherish the time they have there.
Regardless of what may or may not have been said, the family was clearly out of line. Considering even the article says that they were having a good trip up until that point, there's really no reason for the parents to get that out of control. I really hope the kids don't learn the same behavior (or are around enough other people to balance out). It's really just sad for everyone involved.

I also think it's unfair to blame MAW for one family's behavior. We hear far more positive MAW stories both in terms of families' experiences and how MAW families act than we do stories like this. I'm sure there are other MAW families who've had the entitlement attitude, but it's far from the majority. I do hope MAW and GKTW take this as a learning experience. If they tell families that they should ask for anything, they should probably also add in "but don't expect to always get a yes response". Even if they don't, countless other families have managed to hear the same thing without then behaving like it excuses them from being completely out of control.
I understand how you feel. My daughters birth mother spent a lot of time at a Salvation Army homeless shelter. She was abusive and neglected my daughter and the Salvation Army knew what was happening but didn't want to get the state involved. It wasn't until someone else reported the situation that my daughter got help. It took a lot for me to continue to donate items and do the angel tree each year. I had to think about my daughter only getting donated items and gift when she was a baby/toddler. Of only having a roof over her head at night because of the shelter. So yeah bad things happen but I try to concentrate on the good.
I will continue donating to maw and think about the families who cherish the time they have there.

My college age niece gave up her Spring break and paid her own expenses to volunteer at Give Kids the World earlier this year.
It was a wonderful experience and she saw many wonderful and appreciative families.

It's important to remember that MAW and GKTW are there for the kids who have life threatening conditions.
Like the rest of life, some of the parents are super sweet and nice. Some were at one time, but became bitter, confrontive and nasty in the 'pressure-cooker' life of being the parent of a child with a disability.
Some were like that to start with.

But, the child can't choose their parents and MAW gives wishes based on the child's life threatening condition, not on how nice the family is.
I know...I know. It just makes me sick that this rotten, entitled woman was spending money that people like me donate out of the goodness of our hearts. I love Disney and I feel like MAW should make some kind of statement against this woman's antics. Disney has always gone out of its way to make trips special for the MAW kids (as they did on this trip).
I can't be the only one who feels this way. She has tainted MAW for me, I can't help the way I feel. It will be on my mind when I am writing out checks this season. The only thing that would sway me is MAW standing up in support of Disney. Their statement was very wishy-washy. If the cast member does get fired, I will truly be done with this organization for good. They need to step up and support Disney, who has been wonderful to them.

It has to be a difficult situation for MAW either way. As soon as they stand up for Disney, they are then admitting they gave this wonderful trip to a family that was out of line... so now people question their integrity and processes... as happened earlier in this thread. Can you imagine a sudden spike in media stories about MAW right before Christmas debating their worth as an organization? Any attention to this is bad for MAW. We are noticing and focusing because we are on the disboards. Your average MAW donor is not and most likely have not heard of this. The last thing they need is more press as it could literally cost thousands of other kids their wishes for this to get a huge spotlight. That is likely exactly why MAW hasn't said anything bold and I can't blame them.

Don't let one jerk who isn't even part of the organization change your view of the organization. If this mom worked for MAW, it might be a reason to take it out on them. MAW with all of their good intentions is a victim here just like the CM's who got caught in her wake. It cost them a lot of money that could have gone to somebody grateful.
It has to be a difficult situation for MAW either way. As soon as they stand up for Disney, they are then admitting they gave this wonderful trip to a family that was out of line... so now people question their integrity and processes... as happened earlier in this thread. Can you imagine a sudden spike in media stories about MAW right before Christmas debating their worth as an organization? Any attention to this is bad for MAW. We are noticing and focusing because we are on the disboards. Your average MAW donor is not and most likely have not heard of this. The last thing they need is more press as it could literally cost thousands of other kids their wishes for this to get a huge spotlight. That is likely exactly why MAW hasn't said anything bold and I can't blame them.

Don't let one jerk who isn't even part of the organization change your view of the organization. If this mom worked for MAW, it might be a reason to take it out on them. MAW with all of their good intentions is a victim here just like the CM's who got caught in her wake. It cost them a lot of money that could have gone to somebody grateful.

I guess I'm just tired of hearing people blast Disney lately. Between this and the people protesting the GAC-DAS at Disneyland, I am just tired of hearing bad media stories about Disney. Disney has done so much for MAW and the disabled community, it would be nice if they received some support in return. I really hope this CM does not get fired for this.
The conference center I work for in ny is next to a make a wish office. So one if are company's that case gave us 500 as a thank you most the time thy out it in a fund that they give us at the end year but they gave are department the money. So they said we have to decide on what it do with it we could have a party but everyone voted to donate the money and we picked make a wish to get the money. Are managers was very happy and the gm matched it so we have 1000 so some of us went down gave them a check they took a picture we hung it up and then are company heard what we did and threw us a party so we invited make a wish to the party. They was very happy and we all was very happy to do it because it is a great organization and they so all of great things. So as other said don't blame make a wish they can't screen the parent and it is unfair to punish the kid just because the parent don't know how to act in public.
It has to be a difficult situation for MAW either way. As soon as they stand up for Disney, they are then admitting they gave this wonderful trip to a family that was out of line... so now people question their integrity and processes... as happened earlier in this thread. Can you imagine a sudden spike in media stories about MAW right before Christmas debating their worth as an organization? Any attention to this is bad for MAW. We are noticing and focusing because we are on the disboards. Your average MAW donor is not and most likely have not heard of this. The last thing they need is more press as it could literally cost thousands of other kids their wishes for this to get a huge spotlight. That is likely exactly why MAW hasn't said anything bold and I can't blame them.

Don't let one jerk who isn't even part of the organization change your view of the organization. If this mom worked for MAW, it might be a reason to take it out on them. MAW with all of their good intentions is a victim here just like the CM's who got caught in her wake. It cost them a lot of money that could have gone to somebody grateful.

Your right I think the gktw and make a wish are handling it right. Their not blaming Disney their saying Disney will take care of it and that's it keeping it simple. First off Disney would never hold gktw and make a wish in a bad spot light due to this one incident they have to much respect for them to do that. I just hope that parent don't see this and get worried about their maw trips and understand that the women was not telling the whole story.
I feel sorry for this women's children. If she behaves in this manner at the end of a trip gifted to her family, I do not imagine she is any picnic to be around during regular routine life at home..

I recognize the family from their picture. I was there at the same time they were and let's just say I'm not the least bit surprised to see this story.

Her poor husband and kids looked miserable. I really wish I could remember where I saw them to give more details.
I don't care who you are if they did not have tickets for that party that night why should they be let into shop?
It has to be a difficult situation for MAW either way. As soon as they stand up for Disney, they are then admitting they gave this wonderful trip to a family that was out of line... so now people question their integrity and processes... as happened earlier in this thread. Can you imagine a sudden spike in media stories about MAW right before Christmas debating their worth as an organization? Any attention to this is bad for MAW. We are noticing and focusing because we are on the disboards. Your average MAW donor is not and most likely have not heard of this. The last thing they need is more press as it could literally cost thousands of other kids their wishes for this to get a huge spotlight. That is likely exactly why MAW hasn't said anything bold and I can't blame them.

Don't let one jerk who isn't even part of the organization change your view of the organization. If this mom worked for MAW, it might be a reason to take it out on them. MAW with all of their good intentions is a victim here just like the CM's who got caught in her wake. It cost them a lot of money that could have gone to somebody grateful.

I guess I just don't agree that MAW should stay silent about this. And, no, they don't have to admit that giving this child a trip was out of line because of the mother's behavior, they couldn't know what she would do, but they can do the right thing now.

What would be so hard for them to stand 'beside' Disney in this? No one is saying they could know how this ungrateful woman would act. But, let's face it - this family WAS there in THEIR NAME. They should at least speak up and apologize to Disney and the CMs. I, and probably others, would respect them far more for doing the 'right thing', and be more ready to give to them in the future.

As it is (and like a PP) there are so many deserving charities out there, my $$'s are limited, and I will remember the ones that stand behind their actions and Name. Sorry, but this is cowardly on their part - sure, Disney is BIG, but it's the principle of the thing.
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