Makin' Memories... A PTR for a 2022 Thanksgiving Trip. (hopefully)

Add me to the TPA! We just went in November of 2020 (masks and all!) and had the most amazing trip. However, I am REALLY wanting to go during the F'Arts and so we are eyeing Feb 2023. That seems SO FAR away so I will just have to live through you! We have two daughters, 9 and 12 and have never been in late winter (it's the only "season" we haven't seen) so I can't wait to see what yall find next year with all the celebrations and new rides opening!
Welcome back! I saw you are back to work?

Thank you! Yes sadly :sad2: :sad2: It's made it so hard to have time for anything lol

I mean look how big that thing is! Also, I totaly told Gwen to smile when I took this picture. Oye.

Whoa that is a giant cup lol

Which I of course mentioned to Gwen and she is up to the challenge!


Next Saturday, my sister and husband will be down for a visit! So, Gwen and I can start laying the ground work on the trip!

How'd it go? Lol

I said, it's like the scene in Caroseul of Progress where he talks about the Rat Race. This whole situation will create a new work environment and mentality to commuting. In which Andy replied that Disney needs to change the last scene to a household of everyone working from home with there kids learning from home. And the chaos that ensues with that. But with the Uncle still living there and in the bathtub!

Oo I think this is a genius idea!
Hi Everyone!!!

How is everyone doing? I know it's been awhile but well, there isn't that much to plan...

But a few minor updates...

Getting my sister and Brother-in-law to come: We had my sister and husband here last weekend. But we didn't get to talk too much about Disney with her husband. We are working out a weekend for them to come down with no one else, so we will have to really work on him more than. I am thinking of sending my sister an email with some links right before they come back down to entice them.

I am thinking a link to the hotel and the cabana rental and maybe a few of the restaurants we could eat at. Kind of highlight the non-kiddie stuff for them...

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I mean how could you say no to that view!!!

Special 50th "Thing": The reason my sister came down was because it was my other sister's little girls 1st birthday. She was born on Andy's birthday! So, we celebrated her turning 1 and Andy turning 49! WHICH made me realize that we will be in Disney 2 month before his birthday. So, I should do something special for that! Right?!?!

The only things I have right now are either making the Cabana Rental the special thing. Maybe that and going to the restaurant that he wants.

Or my other thought was to surprise him with a reservation to do the lightsaber expierence. BUT I hate that we can't all do that together. And I know he would really enjoy the expierence. But I don't think he actually want the actual lightsaber.
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Anybody have any other suggestions?

Random Thoughts: I am finally starting to feel like we will actually go on this trip. Things are slowly starting to feel like they are getting better. And I can really let myself think about the trip happening.

I had heard rumors of Disney calling back more CM. So, maybe Hoop Dee Doo will be coming back soon!

And seriously why hasn't Disney said ANYTHING about Space 2020 restaurant?!?!

In non trip news....

Morgan turns 13 tomorrow!!!! 13!!!!! We did presents this morning since she has to go to school tomorrow. And she didn't want to feel rushed. So, we did presents today and will have her birthday dinner tomorrow.
How is this little thing 13?

Yesterday Andy's parents came over and I made upside down pineapple cakes and dole whip for an early birthday dessert.


It's not quiet the prettiest, but man was it delicious!

Morgan and Gwen used there soveigner bowls for authentic taste...
Oh, my gosh, 13!?! Happiest birthday to Morgan!

I saw someone mentioned above maybe a tour for his birthday. Another fun option might be the Highway in the Sky monorail dine-around (if it's running by then!)
Happy birthday to Morgan!!!! Still can't believe she is 13 already.

Hmm, what to do for Andy's birthday. I do think the cabana sounds like a great idea. Maybe just book his favorite restaurant that same day so its all about him. I'm not sure if it is ever going to open back up but the Star Wars VR thing in Disney Springs could also be fun.
Thanks for the Birthday wishes to Morgan! She had her sleepover with her BBF last night. And she was perfectly happy having just that.

We are 271 days away from this trip!!! I know, it's still alot. But now with it being May, summer is around the corner and hopefully that will make things go by faster as we will hopefully be having people over and you know... doing stuff!

So, I was looking at my schedule and was trying to decide if it would be better for my sister and husband to come at the beginning or end of the trip. I am assuming they won't want to do a FULL week at Disney. And I am assuming they would do a weekend into part of the week. I feel like the second half would be better, we can kind of get our feet wet again and then when they show up we would hopefully be re-energized by them showing up?

Or would we be exhausted by the time they show up.

It would be nice to do the Cabana Day with them, and I know they would enjoy that for sure... Maybe I will send that email to my sister... Feel out how she is feeling about it. I was trying to wait till closer to when they come down again, but that is looking like not till end of June possibly.

Happy Birthday Morgan!

Oh, my gosh, 13!?! Happiest birthday to Morgan!
Sometimes I can't believe how old she is!

I saw someone mentioned above maybe a tour for his birthday. Another fun option might be the Highway in the Sky monorail dine-around (if it's running by then!)
Good idea!! I will admit last time, I didn't 100% feel comfortable leaving the girls in the hotel room by themselves. I know they would be fine. But my mom brain just starts coming up with all kinds of strange scenarios that would of course never happen. Maybe if we were at a monorail resort I would feel better about it. By maybe just an evening in EPCOT by ourselves... a mini drink around the world...

Aww Happy Birthday, Morgan! An official teenager!
It's crazy that she is a teenager... I don't know how it happened.

Happy birthday Morgan! 🥳
Wow kids really do grow up so fast...
It is slow and fast all at the same time. But Covid seems to have made things move faster some how.

Happy late birthday to Morgan!

I'm not sure if it is ever going to open back up but the Star Wars VR thing in Disney Springs could also be fun.
He would def like that! But I don't think it's coming back. :(

Hmm, what to do for Andy's birthday. I do think the cabana sounds like a great idea. Maybe just book his favorite restaurant that same day so its all about him.
This will more than likely be what happens.. to be honest.

Happy birthday to Morgan!!!! Still can't believe she is 13 already.
Thanks. She has changed so much since we saw you guys! It's crazy. Well, so has Gwen and I am sure Casey has as well.
I just read through your report and we’re so similar! We always go the two weeks after thanksgiving, but this coming year we decided to change to February in hopes things will be more normal by then. We arrive 1/26 at universal for 3 days and on 1/29 we check into bwv til 2/10. Love that area! Some of our park days are even the same, lol. We’ve also been doing “Disney meals” every week. We do a Disney movie and meal themed to it (last night was Aladdin with middle eastern food) every Friday night. Just saw all the similarities and had to comment!
Happy Mother's Day! To all the moms out there!

My mother's day has been very nice so far. We had yummy breakfast take out. Morgan played video games with me and Gwen for a good amount of time. And I got refill on my Sea Salt Shampoo and Body Wash, so I can pretend I am at Disney while I shower. Ha!

I heard they did finally make an announcement of some sort on that.
Oh! Really!?! I must have missed it.

Just saw all the similarities and had to comment!
I love it! Great minds think alike, right?

We always go the two weeks after thanksgiving, but this coming year we decided to change to February in hopes things will be more normal by then.
Let's hope!!!


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