Marathon Weekend 2018

Thanks everyone on the shoe discussion. I will be bringing 3 pairs, just in case!

On another topic, talked to my sister last night and she and my BIL might not be able to go on our trip due to some unexpected expenses. They were purchasing my and DD27's park tickets for us thru the military discount. So talked to DD27 and we decided that she and I are NOT going to do parks on this trip. This will allow sis and BIL the option to just come down for the weekend (they are only running the marathon) and race as cheaply as possible if they can swing it. (I already have DVC rented on points for the 4 of us).

So... how much fun can DD27 and I have NOT doing parks? Is anyone else doing this or done this in the past and what did you do? We are there from Wednesday thru Tuesday afternoon. :confused:

Pool time, mini golf, resort hopping, POOL TIME, Disney Springs ... you can also check with Give Kids the World and see if they have an volunteer shifts left!
Awesome! Not having done a Disney race before, the anticipation is killing me. I'm sure that all of this moves like clockwork, else there would be a lot of confused people wandering around. I'm probably overreacting to pre-race concerns, but I just don't want to screw anything up. Thank you again, Bryana!
It might not function completely like clockwork, but there are plenty of announcements, signage and long lines of people that you can follow.

More on the shoe talk - Do you guys wear your shoes two days in a row (for Dopey)? @ZellyB you said you use the same pair for the 5k and 10k? For some reason I was thinking I needed to take 2 pairs and use them every other day? I just got a new pair of Nike Zoom Structure's which I like ok. They will be my marathon shoe. My Brooks Transcends still have enough life in them for a half if needed but it would be much better if I could use them for the 5k &10k and save my Nikes for the half and full. Thoughts on this? I didn't know if using them on the two long back to back races would be ok? I don't have the money to get another pair of Nikes before Dopey so the Brooks are my only other option...
I usually bring multiple pairs. Are you doing back to back long runs in your training? If you are are you wearing the same shoes for those runs, it shouldn't be an issue during Dopey. I have heard that shoes need a day to recover as a running myth. It's been debunked though.

"Stephen Cook, Marcus Kester, and Michael Brunet at Tulane University showed that even after a 24 or 48-hour “rest period,” the cushioning of a shoe showed no evidence of recovery following a simulated run on a mechanical impact-testing machine."

Rotating a shoes could be beneficial for you the runner during training because different shoes could cause you to engage different muscles or because they could cause slightly different joint stress.

I'll probably have 3 pairs of shoes. 5k and 10k shoes, half/rain shoes, and Full Shoes. You could probably get by with two. If you only bring two or one, bring newspaper to shove in your shoes between races to help them dry out.
There's a truck selling craft beer and other fun carbonated beverages in the parking lot finish area. :)
WHATTTTT?! That is awesome. Can you charge it to the MagicBand?! :scratchin

@Dis5150 you could do a monorail "crawl". A progressive dinner, like cocktails at the Contemporary, Apps at the Poly and dinner at Grand Floridian.
This thread is full of amazing ideas!
Happy December everyone :)

+1 to rotating shoes (for training as much as for race day). I ordered my race day shoes earlier this week (one pair JUST hit the 500 mile marker... totally coincidence... not in response to any forum peer pressure ;) )
+1 to BYOC (bring your own carbs)
+1 to being anxious pre-race.. esp if this is your first runDisney event. Just remember there are 15+ corrals... that's a 45 minute cushion right there. You can't start in a corral AHEAD of your bib "letter" -- but you can move back (I did this last year). Just saying...

Lessee... the obsession checklist...
Broached: shoes, transportation to the event, fast passes, carbs, pictures, family view areas (and THEIR transportation options)...
Pending: the weather, the course (the marathon better loop through Pandora :: serious face :: ), pace groups, taper madness, the weather, this years medals, are they announcing themed shoes this year?, the weather...

32 days... tick tick tick
Question about Memory Maker: Am I understanding right that if one person in my group bought MM, we can all go in on it as long as our accounts are linked on MDE??

Btw, I love how active this thread is lately with all the excitement. We're going to Disney next month!!!! :mickeyjum
Correct if one person has MM you can link your photos to that one account.
Happy December everyone :)

+1 to rotating shoes (for training as much as for race day). I ordered my race day shoes earlier this week (one pair JUST hit the 500 mile marker... totally coincidence... not in response to any forum peer pressure ;) )
+1 to BYOC (bring your own carbs)
+1 to being anxious pre-race.. esp if this is your first runDisney event. Just remember there are 15+ corrals... that's a 45 minute cushion right there. You can't start in a corral AHEAD of your bib "letter" -- but you can move back (I did this last year). Just saying...

Lessee... the obsession checklist...
Broached: shoes, transportation to the event, fast passes, carbs, pictures, family view areas (and THEIR transportation options)...
Pending: the weather, the course (the marathon better loop through Pandora :: serious face :: ), pace groups, taper madness, the weather, this years medals, are they announcing themed shoes this year?, the weather...

32 days... tick tick tick
I don’t think they will go through pandora being that the race runs through AK when the park is open. That would be problematic.

As for shoes who knows since New Balance doesn’t seem to be coming back.
Lessee... the obsession checklist...
Broached: shoes, transportation to the event, fast passes, carbs, pictures, family view areas (and THEIR transportation options)...
Pending: the weather, the course (the marathon better loop through Pandora :: serious face :: ), pace groups, taper madness, the weather, this years medals, are they announcing themed shoes this year?, the weather...

32 days... tick tick tick
Taper madness is always fun
So a lower leg injury brought my training to a screeching halt. I had some pain in the inside of my lower leg a few inches above my ankle. I felt it during a short run a few days after a long run. X-rays were negative so I’ve been treating it with ice and rest. But now we’re a month out and it feels like I’m starting over. I ran a half marathon in mid October, but my longest run since then was 10 miles a few weeks ago. I did 30 miles on a stationary bike last weekend, but need to get feet to pavement. I plan on easing back into my training this weekend hoping for no pain, but really don’t know what to do to prepare me for the marathon. At this point I just want to finish, so any advice on how to prepare between now and marathon weekend would be greatly appreciated.
Well, it's my first time doing Dopey, so take what I say with a huge grain of salt, but I have one pair of shoes I got that I like for short distances and a different model for longer races. I've never had a problem in running in the same pair of shoes back-to-back though. The only concern might be rain or something where they get soaked and don't have time to dry out before the next day. Is there some reason it's a bad idea to run in the same shoes on consecutive days I just don't know about?
And, of course, if it is like a summer-hot run and my feet sweat a lot, there is the possibility that they won't dry out for the second day's run. And then they start to STINK! So I always like to have two pairs to alternate to be sure they have plenty of time to dry. Or maybe you all don't have stinky shoes?

So... how much fun can DD27 and I have NOT doing parks? Is anyone else doing this or done this in the past and what did you do? We are there from Wednesday thru Tuesday afternoon. :confused:
There are lots of things to do! Wednesday is Expo day, so take your time picking up bibs, tee shirts, and shopping. At the beginning of the week, the Christmas decorations will still be up, so do a resort tour: BC Chocolate Carousel,YC train set, Swolphin lobby trees and huge chocolate Santa scene, WL and AKL magnificent trees, not to mention just watching animals on the savannah in a rocking chair at AKL, etc. Contemporary also has gingerbread display and great stores to look in. Oh, and don't forget the marshmellow roasting and evening movies at most resorts! GF has the life sized Gingerbread House and you can spend an afternoon listening to the pianist and orchestra there. DS will have the Christmas tree trail still up for for the first couple of days, and you can always go up in the balloon or cruise in the amphibicars while you are there. Fort Wilderness has an amazing bunch of decorations on all the RVs and campsites, and you could take in Hoop-de-Doo Review or Mickey's Backyard Bar-B-Que Then there is miniature golf at Fantasia Gardens or Winter/Summerland. If it is warm enough, resort pools are entertaining to sit beside, participate in pool activities, or go down a cool slide. Some even have hot tubs. Visit Scat Cats or Yeehaw Bob at the Port Orleans resorts. Then there is always delicious eating around the various resorts. Check with your resort for what offerings they will have there. Oh, yes, and ride the monorail around or take a ferry/ resort boat to get your "ride fix." And, you might even want to rest a little! Search around the website for ideas! These are some ideas. Others are chiming in too, so I know you won't be bored!
Thanks everyone on the shoe discussion. I will be bringing 3 pairs, just in case!

On another topic, talked to my sister last night and she and my BIL might not be able to go on our trip due to some unexpected expenses. They were purchasing my and DD27's park tickets for us thru the military discount. So talked to DD27 and we decided that she and I are NOT going to do parks on this trip. This will allow sis and BIL the option to just come down for the weekend (they are only running the marathon) and race as cheaply as possible if they can swing it. (I already have DVC rented on points for the 4 of us).

So... how much fun can DD27 and I have NOT doing parks? Is anyone else doing this or done this in the past and what did you do? We are there from Wednesday thru Tuesday afternoon. :confused:
Disney Springs has a ton now. Dining, shopping, experiences, and more.

Definitely resort hop too. The resorts offer a lot to do.

Ft. Wilderness has some stuff to do. You can tour the horse barn, walk around, do archery and more.
All the talk of shoes, here's another tip we do (and some of you may already do so). I pack my running shoes and socks in my carry on. Just one pair of shoes in the carry on (I take 2 to rotate for the race though). I figure if my checked bag gets delayed I could buy some running clothes at the Expo. I know people always say don't wear new clothes on race day as you don't know how it'll rub. But I've never had that problem. Now my socks I'm pretty particular towards so I need to make sure I have those as well as my shoes.

I'm probably taking 3 pairs of shoes but just rotating 2 for the races. I like my running shoes so much that I have a pair that is the same as my running ones but I use for non-running. So I will fly in those and technically have those as a backup as well in the event we have 2 days of races that are wash outs and they don't dry.
So a lower leg injury brought my training to a screeching halt. I had some pain in the inside of my lower leg a few inches above my ankle. I felt it during a short run a few days after a long run. X-rays were negative so I’ve been treating it with ice and rest. But now we’re a month out and it feels like I’m starting over. I ran a half marathon in mid October, but my longest run since then was 10 miles a few weeks ago. I did 30 miles on a stationary bike last weekend, but need to get feet to pavement. I plan on easing back into my training this weekend hoping for no pain, but really don’t know what to do to prepare me for the marathon. At this point I just want to finish, so any advice on how to prepare between now and marathon weekend would be greatly appreciated.

I had a mild tibial stress reaction back in September. I took two weeks off from running and cross trained on a stationary bike and elliptical. I iced every night for 30 minutes for about 4 weeks straight. After the two weeks off from running I eased back into it, just running 3 days a week and continued to cross train. If it became painful again I would back off again for a couple of days. Walking wasn't painful so I did a lot of that too. I also started wearing calf compression sleeves when running for added support. There will be some discomfort while easing back into running, but I was back to half marathon shape after a total of 5 weeks.

It's frustrating for sure, but there's still hope. The hardest part is being patient with your body. Good luck!
So a lower leg injury brought my training to a screeching halt. I had some pain in the inside of my lower leg a few inches above my ankle. I felt it during a short run a few days after a long run. X-rays were negative so I’ve been treating it with ice and rest. But now we’re a month out and it feels like I’m starting over. I ran a half marathon in mid October, but my longest run since then was 10 miles a few weeks ago. I did 30 miles on a stationary bike last weekend, but need to get feet to pavement. I plan on easing back into my training this weekend hoping for no pain, but really don’t know what to do to prepare me for the marathon. At this point I just want to finish, so any advice on how to prepare between now and marathon weekend would be greatly appreciated.
Before 2016 Dopey I got hurt so switched to run/walk intervals to at least get mileage in, it wasn't as fast or as much but I was getting time on my feet which is what I needed. So, now anytime I feel anything off I switch to intervals & may do :90 run/:30 walk or even 2:30 run/:30walk, you can play around and do any ratio that you feel comfortable with. If you already do intervals this obviously won't help, but if you don't it might help you get more time on your feet without overdoing it since running & walking use different muscles.
So a lower leg injury brought my training to a screeching halt. I had some pain in the inside of my lower leg a few inches above my ankle. I felt it during a short run a few days after a long run. X-rays were negative so I’ve been treating it with ice and rest. But now we’re a month out and it feels like I’m starting over. I ran a half marathon in mid October, but my longest run since then was 10 miles a few weeks ago. I did 30 miles on a stationary bike last weekend, but need to get feet to pavement. I plan on easing back into my training this weekend hoping for no pain, but really don’t know what to do to prepare me for the marathon. At this point I just want to finish, so any advice on how to prepare between now and marathon weekend would be greatly appreciated.

I sustained injuries in the lead up to both the 2016 (torn hamstring) and 2017 (patellofemoral chondromalacia) Marathon Weekends that brought my training to a standstill until about a month before the races. Similar to @cavepig, switching to run/walk intervals and getting as much training in as possible with them allowed me to complete and enjoy both race weekends. Try a number of different run/walk combinations to see what works best for your situation. Mine ranged from 1:00/3:00 for the hamstring to 3:00/0:30 for the knee.
So I am finally reaching my pre-injury level. I had a 10k today and finished it in 48:57 (even split this to the second!) - only 12 seconds slower than my PR. I actually held back in this race because of bad planning. I wanted to run fast, but told myself that I should just try to manage a good race and I started slow - plus the hills didn't help and it was a loop so hills 2 times. I finished it and had a lot left - so this is a good race overall. I think my Jan 10k (local) will definitely be under 48:00...kind of hoping to hit 46:00 because my recent 5K times have been around 22:00 - 23:00 and those were not all out races either. So far so good, although I wish I could have reached this level a couple of months sooner so my Marathon would potentially be better. We'll see - my long runs have been poor recently so I might have been focused too much on short speed rather than long endurance. Oh well.


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