Marathon Weekend 2018

@camaker So sorry! So frustrating to be thwarted by something out of your control. Feel better soon!

Had a fun time on the course today, especially the MK mile. That split has ridiculous with the character stops. Not sure how much I’ve saved in the tank for tomorrow, though. I definitely haven’t raced as smart as I should have.
@camaker I did London 2016 coming off of having pnuemonia. I was mostly recovered (off the antibiotics) but between it and the surgery two months prior I was undertrained. It was the most difficult 26.2 I’ve ever done. But I did do it. I went into London with a finish or go down swinging mentality. 8 hours later I pulled off what should really shouldn’t have been able to pull off in hindsight. I would say if your not feeling too horrible maybe start tomorrow
@camaker i got sick on New Year’s Eve day, I was totally having my own pity party because that was a big reason I came down so early. My family went to Epcot and had fun and I watch fireworks from the hotel railing. Luckily it was a 24 hr bug and I was better the next day but I was really worried about being sick through to race day too, or at least feeling the remnants of it. As a fellow Pity party person this week I send you all my healing vibes and hope you feel better! Whatever call you make tomorrow remember it is the journey when it comes to these races, and you have done fantastic! Keep your head up!
Congratulations to everyone who had a great race today!

I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer, but I'm flying solo this trip and could really use a shoulder to cry on.

I've had issues with getting to WDWMW injured the two times I've run it in the past. So Billy and I set up a plan designed to get me healthy to the starting line this year. Everything went just about as well as it could have and I came into the weekend planning to take it easy in the first three races and then take a shot at a marathon PR.

The 5k went great. Then Friday morning I got up with a cough that had settled into my chest. The 10k was run at one of my easy training paces and felt like the effort of a tempo run! Uh oh! I haven't been sick in years! I can only imagine that it was the combination of the stress of travel, my wife's surgery right before Christmas that didn't go well, and the abnormal cold and crowds here I'm not normally exposed to.

I hit the cold with everything they had in the gift shop here and didn't leave the resort yesterday. I came up with an energy conservation plan for the half using intervals I've had good luck with in the past. They worked. Right about to the MK. Fatigue started to set in and I couldn't forestall it. My stomach, abs and ribs ached from the cold air and coughing. I couldn't get warm. I fought it til the end, walking a lot of the last 5 miles. Hands down, the worst race of my life.

I don't have anything left in the tank. I'm drained. I don't want to risk another cold morning start and turning this cold into pneumonia if I don't have a realistic shot at finishing. I was supposed to support a coworker running her first marathon with her nerves in the corral. I'm going to let her down.

Now, I'm sitting in the room just down. This weekend was the culmination of anticipation that started with last year's cancelled half. A training plan of 522 miles executed to perfection to get me here and ready. All for nothing.

I shouldn't say all for nothing, I guess. I've enjoyed the morning pre-race meet ups. I was really looking forward to Hurricane Hannah's yesterday. And at least I'm here. Not everyone who signed up made it. At any rate, thanks for reading my pity party. I really needed to get it out to folks who would understand. I hope everyone running has a great marathon tomorrow!

Bummed to hear you're not feeling well. Get plenty of rest today and tonight, and don't make any decisions about the full until you wake up tomorrow morning.
Well that race was a lot slower than normal, which is already pretty slow, but you know... I don’t care! I had fun, enjoyed my surroundings and I am happy I finished upright and basically in one piece! Ha! Once running the temp was actually comfortable for me. It did solidify my thoughts that I am going to take a nice break from running to heal up and get my head back in the game. I will be back though!

Great to meet everyone this morning, made the pre race time go by quick chatting with you all!!!
Woody and a donkey (sorry donkey, I don’t know your name). Cinderella and Rapunzel (plus their princes) were switching out. The Queen of hearts was with the White Rabbit when I went by. The penguins from Mary Poppins. There was also a Mickey hot air balloon at the beginning, but it was being deflated by the time I saw it on the way back.
It’s a horse named Bullseye.
I don't have anything left in the tank. I'm drained. I don't want to risk another cold morning start and turning this cold into pneumonia if I don't have a realistic shot at finishing. I was supposed to support a coworker running her first marathon with her nerves in the corral. I'm going to let her down.

What corral? I am a solo runner in D with no plans or expectations. I would be happy to help her if she needs a buddy to get through her first full.
I’m here for the rare characters soooo....

Why were they all bunched up at MK? Don’t get me wrong. Loved them and the photo ops but sheesh. I stopped basically from mile 5-6 and was even threatened with balloon lady talk. Ha!

Starting at G + stopping for characters = running on the grass with walkers on the course from mile 8-12. Ah well. My bad.

Soooo cold!! Great costumes and attitudes by everyone!

I was surprised to see that many from Tomorrowland to the Castle too. Seems like more than I remember for that area.
What corral? I am a solo runner in D with no plans or expectations. I would be happy to help her if she needs a buddy to get through her first full.

Thanks for the offer! She's in B, though, and her thing is that she gets so anxious she throws up before the race. I was just going to be there to distract her and hopefully avoid that unpleasantness.

ETA: She'll be fine once the race starts.
8312B43F-3369-42DE-B6AE-2458067CC7CD.jpeg I remember seeing someone posting getting their medals signed. So I’m puttering my way through Epcot doing just that. And getting my 5k/10k bib signed in the same go.

On a different note Nine Dragons is officially the fastest I’ve ever been seated for a meal at Disney.
Also anyone else see the runner with 14 costumes?

I think I broke MDE when I tried changing my FP the other day. I somehow ended up with 5 FP. Two for the same ride. One for a different park.


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