Marathon Weekend 2023

SAFD: I am not sure what qualifies as "old-school" when it comes to Disney movies, but my pick is Mulan! It has the best animal sidekicks (Mushu and Crickey), the coolest princess (Mulan), and of course the best song which inspired the name of my training journal.


And hey, that gives me an idea - ranking Disney soundtracks as a potential future SAFD question? I have thoughts 😅
SAFD: Does the Rescuers Down Under count as old school? Dunno why but the soundtrack makes me really nostalgic. Heard it in the Soarin' queue last Sunday
I count it. Under rated and fun story: I took a comedy in film class in college and our dark comedy film wad Dr. Strangelove. A couple weeks later Down Under was on and OMG does McLeash look like George C Scott! I know they incorporate something from the voice actor but they put everything in.

My favorite old school movie is the AristoCats. The only character stop I've ever done was for Marie.

Oliver & Company was the first movie I ever saw in a theater and will always have a special meaning for me because of it. Thinking about it reminds me how much I still enjoy the theater experience. I hope Disney and all these other companies don’t completely abandon it in their rush to hemorrhage cash on their streaming services.
Good morning runDIsney All-Stars, it is time for SAFD. For today’s question share your favorite old school Disney movie, what is it and why?

What are we considering "old school"? Anything made while Walt was still alive? Anything in the 20th century, which would include the Disney Renaissance?

The first Disney movie that really stuck with me was The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. I had an old VHS tape of it, and it wore out from my watching it so many times as a child.

The first movie that really had me appreciate where Disney animation was going has to be Beauty and the Beast (does 31 years count as old school?). It really showed that Disney Animation was finally breaking that mold of "WWWD?" and had a good story and very catchy music.
SAFD: I think old school needs to be defined. After all, there are 6 year olds for whom Frozen (released 9 years ago) would now be 'Old School'!

For me it would be Mary Poppins. Classic songs, a mix of humor and pathos. I really enjoy media that I engage with on a different level as an adult versus as a child.

I start avoiding all dairy 2 days before the race, and then the night before I try to have a high carb/high sodium/some protein mix. Usually this falls under one of 4 cuisines; Mexican (nachos), Japanese (sushi/udon noodles), Vietnamese (pho) or Mediterrean (cous cous bowls).

Morning of, my preference is to have a couple of waffles and an egg. The real game changer for me in not being ravenous during my races was incorporating solid foods (pretzels & honey stinger chews) at regular intervals.
SAFD: I think "old school" is relative and anything you saw as a young kid.
For me, I'd have to go with Robin Hood. It's the first Disney movie I remember watching in a theater that was "new" rather than a re-release of something older. As a solid Gen Xer, all those 70s Disney movies are pretty close to my heart, though -- especially Fox and the Hound and The Rescuers (that crazy lady was SO SCARY).

I'm honestly always trying to figure out nutrition. Thankfully, I have a pretty forgiving digestive system so I focus more on pre-hydration in the days leading up to the race, especially since the only two marathons I've done were in extreme heat. I usually have peanut butter toast and coffee when I get up and rely on Tailwind concentrate for the bulk of my needs, but I do find I get hungry since I'm a 6+ hour marathoner. I usually carry a bag of sugary candy (Sour Patch Kids are my go-to) for when I need a quick boost and Honey Stinger waffles when I want something more.
Morning of, my preference is to have a couple of waffles and an egg.

I love this idea! At home, we always make a bigger breakfast on Sundays with eggs and sometimes bacon or waffles, so I really should attempt to replicate that better. We have a full DVC kitchen for the races, too. 🤔
1. Movie: Lion King
2. Nutrition: I took some very bad advice my first marathon and ate and drink things I never did in my training. HUGE MISTAKE!!! Now, many years later, I change nothing and eat the same as always. I pretty much stick to water during the run because that’s what I train with. Maybe sip a little Powerade but not too much. And in all honesty, Jai Alai is my recovery drink. Water and carbs for reloading during Dopey week.
SAFD: I'm going "oldest school" with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Indicative of the creative genius of Disney Studios and the technological advancements in animation that were introduced with that movie.

As for nutrition, I just eat regularly leading up to a race. On the morning of a race, I go for something fairly bland--usually oatmeal. I will have a coffee (although I am a decaf person). My main focus is to make sure I get in some carbs, but I also want to make sure I clear out my GI system as much as possible before the race starts.
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SAFD: if we define ”old school” as Disney movies from our childhood, Beauty and the Beast—it’s the first movie I can remember seeing in theatres. If “old school” means “from the Walt days” I’d say Sleeping Beauty.

As far as nutrition, I try to avoid things the night before a race that have a higher chance of “digestive speediness” if you know what I mean. During the race, I don’t bring anything on 10K or shorter, but for longer races I‘ve figured out that gummy bears keep me from being hungry without causing any problems.
SAFD: Robin Hood is my pick, but it’s also my favorite movie, period. Warms my heart to see it mentioned by other people. I’m sad it has less attention/merch in general though- I have an ornament, beanie babies, and mini poster but that’s it (I also have a homemade Maid Marian Halloween costume, shocker no one in the bars recognized me in it 😂). I almost cried when I passed Robin Hood on the course last year.

Nutrition: I’m not strict leading up to it, though I aim for more intense pre-hydration because I don’t drink much during the race. Last year I brought my own toaster (thank you Southwest 😂) because I think I can get my peanut butter toast down easier that way. I pack something for the corrals and try to time it like my regular runs. During the race I eat a handful of beans/salt chews while sipping water. Afterwards is my real struggle- I’m not hungry that day and have to do tricks to force myself to eat. I know how important it is, but I also make up by eating 3 breakfasts at Sanaa the next morning.
SAFD: My old school favorite (insert your own definition here) is Dumbo. Up until Toy Story, Dumbo was always my favorite Disney movie.

As for nutrition, I guess I'm lucky in that I have never had a lot of issues eating before, during or after and (knock wood) have not experienced cramps during the marathon or long runs. I trypially try and buy bagels to eat the morning before the races or get a honey stinger waffle and tend to carry a small gatorade around with me as I wait to start the races. I am always anxious before we start and having something to sip on helps calm my nerves, I also almost always go to the open food tent in the corrals (since race retreat is gone) and buy a cup of coffee to drink before heading out on the long walk to the corrals.
SAFD: I guess I'm showing my age but my favorite old school Disney movie is Bedknobs and Broomsticks. This is mainly because it was the first movie I was ever taken to, as a very small girl. My parents had me when they were still in college, so there was very little money for extras in the early years. Things changed as I got older, but I still remember those times when splitting a Twinpop popsicle with my brother was a treat, and going to the movies was a really big deal. So that movie will always loom in my memory as a wonderful occasion.

As for nutrition, I'm the one who asked the question because I want to do better than last year. Last year I had a BCAA drink in the morning because it was recommended by a friend of mine who owns a nutrition store. I brought a cup of hot tea with me and sipped it as I waited for the bus, and I brought a plain bagel that I nibbled in the corral. I also brought some Honey Stinger chews in my running belt, but I should have trued them in advance because I ended up not liking them at all. I ate all the bananas that were handed out; those really appealed to me (I resisted the urge to make a pun there). I even--and I suppose I should be ashamed to admit this but I'm not--picked up a banana that someone left intact on a guardrail (I guess they changed their mind) and ate that too. But I'm planning on trying the Honey Stinger waffles on my long run next weekend and seeing how they go. If I like them I may carry a few for the marathon, because I don't want those fruit chews again. Those just seemed to stay on my teeth forever.
SAFD: I resent this question because I am a Disney fan primarily because of the animated films… and it is very very hard for me to choose a favorite. I’m going to have to say Alice in Wonderland for “truly” old school and… Beauty and the Beast for renaissance era. That is such a hard choice though. But Belle is given a library in the film and what could be better than that!? (Also I really relate to her, for good and bad reasons lol. Plus the music is A+.)
SAFD: So many great choices! I know I watched a TON of Little Mermaid (which is definitely not my favorite movie these days.) I remember my parents being really excited about our family viewing of A Goofy Movie (and my dad doesn't get excited about much of anything.) BUT. I'm going rogue with "Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken." Oh man. I'm pretty sure my cousins and I watched that movie 100 times. It had everything young girls dreams were made of: adventure, independence, HORSES, drama. If it has to be animated, then probably Aladdin or Lion King.

Nutrition: I've actually been experimenting a tiny bit with this because I know that all of the sugar from the gels and gummies will get old during the 7+ hours of the marathon. I've had a packet (prepared, of course) of maple brown sugar instant oatmeal about 10min before going on my last couple of long runs, and with that I'm able to push off feeling like I'm needing to take a gel until about an hour to 75min into the run. And yes, I know that waiting until you feel like you need it is probably too long, but I also feel like I can handle the gels a lot easier because there's something (theoretically) in my stomach besides just a gel. Otherwise it's stroopwaffles, pink lemonade honey stinger gummies, and huma gels for me. All of which are a pain to carry in my SPI because the gels are on the bigger side, and the gummies and waffles are a bit larger as well and just bulkier in general to carry. In the days leading up I just try to be a bit more "carb-y" in my food choices and focus on making sure I'm drinking plenty of water, and a liquid IV the day (or 2 days if it's really hot!) before a race.
Last year--my first marathon--I just ate whatever they handed out and drank at almost all the hydration points, whether it was water or that unpredictably-mixed sports drink they were serving. I don't think I have enough experience yet as a runner to do anything more this year.

But all this talk of nutrition has me wondering: what do you all eat in the days leading up to the race? The day before? The morning of? Right before the run?

Last year I was sitting in my room googling "what to eat before a marathon," the day before the race, when my options were a bit limited. This year I want to be better prepared. I drive up from Tampa and will be staying at a studio at Old Key West, so I can cook in advance and bring food up with me. I can make anything that can be heated in the microwave or toasted in the toaster.

I know just like everything to do with running, food is an individual thing and I need to find what works best for me, but I'd love to hear what some of you eat leading up to and the day of the race.

Day before I have my usual breakfast (oatmeal w/ berries), lunch (sandwich and small salad), and snacks (Greek yogurt in the AM, Clif bar + banana PM). Dinner is either homemade margarita pizza, pasta, or chicken and rice. Any of those work; just depends what I feel like. I avoid anything too high in fiber or greasy fat to avoid uncomfortable bloating… so I basically avoid eating out and prepare my own meals (which is also why I rent place with a full kitchen). If it’s going to be a hot race, I drink 16oz of Nuun later in the day to top off my electrolytes.

Morning of is a slice of toast with peanut butter and a banana and milk-laden coffee in my room. I get to the race early, so I bring a granola bar to eat around 45 minutes before starting. I carry my own water bottle and start with it full of Tailwind, which I sip a bit of while waiting to start, and it also helps top off my glucose and electrolytes over the first few miles. After that, I do a gel every 45-50 minutes, and add Nuun to my water if it’s hot out.


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