Marathon Weekend 2023

SAFD: I can get unmotivated pretty easily if I don't have a race on the calendar. Right now I'm highly motivated because I'm doing the Goofy AND I basically had to take off between October 17 and this past weekend. I ran 6 yesterday which was the longest since 10/17. So NOT being able to run for so long due to an injury, has caused me to be very motivated. It's not an ideal training cycle, but it is what it is.
This time of year is tougher to stay at it in training, after 12+ weeks on a plan, still several 20 milers left, end of semester stress at work, holidays upcoming, travel for holidays. I do well for having races scheduled and a plan in place for what to run each day. Mark off on the spreadsheet daily and weekly goals and see getting closer to MW weekend.

It is getting close!!
I am so unmotivated. So much that I am considering skipping the marathon part of Dopey and just spectating it with a friend. This could be burn out from two marathons in October, being sick all the freaking time because I haven’t had time to properly recover and breaking my toe. I also have an autoimmune disorder which is rearing it’s ugly head. I see my specialist next week for a routine visit so hopefully I’ll get some med adjustments and my health and attitude will improve.
I am so unmotivated. So much that I am considering skipping the marathon part of Dopey and just spectating it with a friend. This could be burn out from two marathons in October, being sick all the freaking time because I haven’t had time to properly recover and breaking my toe. I also have an autoimmune disorder which is rearing it’s ugly head. I see my specialist next week for a routine visit so hopefully I’ll get some med adjustments and my health and attitude will improve.
Dont skip it! you paid too much and have trained too hard to give up! At least start it, take it easy, enjoy some character stops and see how you feel. Hopefully your adrenaline will kick in and give you some extra motivation to make it to the finish line.
Runners Without Limits is speculating that they'll change the course around the TTC parking lot/Bear Island Rd (I think....if i'm understanding correctly) because of the road construction. But I have no idea how they would do that after you exit MK and then go down cone-alley and the golf course edge. There's no good way around it that I can find on google maps.
Runners Without Limits is speculating that they'll change the course around the TTC parking lot/Bear Island Rd (I think....if i'm understanding correctly) because of the road construction. But I have no idea how they would do that after you exit MK and then go down cone-alley and the golf course edge. There's no good way around it that I can find on google maps.

Heather's video tour of all 4 courses from last year was the one I loved - super straightforward & helpful, and got me really motivated. Was trying to visualize possible landmarks during my 20mi last weekend so I knew how I'd feel. Didn't do a very good job of it lol
Dont skip it! you paid too much and have trained too hard to give up! At least start it, take it easy, enjoy some character stops and see how you feel. Hopefully your adrenaline will kick in and give you some extra motivation to make it to the finish line.

I agree! Don't skip it! At least start and see how it goes. I'll be doing Dopey as well, but I'm not racing it, so I'm happy to hang out and run if you need a partner who can commiserate with how much four early wakeups / four races / tired legs suck, or you know, provide endless motivation and positive encouragement (ok, you'd have to find another person to do that! ha!).
Runners Without Limits is speculating that they'll change the course around the TTC parking lot/Bear Island Rd (I think....if i'm understanding correctly) because of the road construction. But I have no idea how they would do that after you exit MK and then go down cone-alley and the golf course edge. There's no good way around it that I can find on google maps.
I do not think they will do this, but they could start at TTC and run the course in reverse toward epcot, then continuing in to hs and ak. They'd have to find another 4 or so miles, could mean the return of ESPN! I think we could also moreorless keep the same park order and take world drive south for longer but I don't have a good understanding of current construction projects or how this impacts park logistics.
Dont skip it! you paid too much and have trained too hard to give up! At least start it, take it easy, enjoy some character stops and see how you feel. Hopefully your adrenaline will kick in and give you some extra motivation to make it to the finish line.

I agree! Don't skip it! At least start and see how it goes. I'll be doing Dopey as well, but I'm not racing it, so I'm happy to hang out and run if you need a partner who can commiserate with how much four early wakeups / four races / tired legs suck, or you know, provide endless motivation and positive encouragement (ok, you'd have to find another person to do that! ha!).
It’s not giving up! I have run Dopey twice and Goofy once so its not like I’ll be missing out on the experience. I have run three marathons this year so I’m pretty tired and burned out from that. I am also burned out on RunDisney.…..

I usually run with the Goof Troop during MW. I’m sure they will have plenty of shenanigans planned to make me forget how much I dislike running right now 😂
Runners Without Limits is speculating that they'll change the course around the TTC parking lot/Bear Island Rd (I think....if i'm understanding correctly) because of the road construction. But I have no idea how they would do that after you exit MK and then go down cone-alley and the golf course edge. There's no good way around it that I can find on google maps.

I'm not sure where exactly the construction is happening. My impression from Heather & Jen is that it is on Floridian Way over by GF and Poly, so I had a thought that the course would be re-routed to run down Main Street twice. Go in from the side and make the turn up Main Street, through Tomorrowland and Fantasyland and through the castle, like usual. Then either going back down Main Street after going through the castle or going through the other lands as normal and back out to the hub and back down Main Street. Or I'm sure that there are backstage roads that go back to the front of the park and then could go back down World Drive until you can cut over (maybe Seven Seas Drive, depending on where the construction actually is) and go back to Bear Island and continue on.

Problems I see with that are course congestion and if they managed to go down Main Street twice, there's not really room for spectators too and I would cry more without spectators than I already do. And can they actually go back to World Drive if MK is later in the race like it's been for a few years and still get everything open and cleared for day guests?

But like I said, I am not 100% sure where the construction is, and this was more of a thought exercise while out on a long run to kill time. All I do know is that they need to have at least the marathon running through the castle or people will riot.
Runners Without Limits is speculating that they'll change the course around the TTC parking lot/Bear Island Rd (I think....if i'm understanding correctly) because of the road construction. But I have no idea how they would do that after you exit MK and then go down cone-alley and the golf course edge. There's no good way around it that I can find on google maps.
I’ll be over that way soon and will try to take a better look at what’s happening then, but a couple weeks ago there wasn’t any construction that would have interfered with the marathon course.

The bigger question to me is WHY IS THE TTC/FLORIDIAN WAY CONSTRUCTION STILL GOING?!?! It’s been yeeeaaars now. This is as bad as FDOT on I4 lol!
I'm not sure where exactly the construction is happening. My impression from Heather & Jen is that it is on Floridian Way over by GF and Poly, so I had a thought that the course would be re-routed to run down Main Street twice. Go in from the side and make the turn up Main Street, through Tomorrowland and Fantasyland and through the castle, like usual. Then either going back down Main Street after going through the castle or going through the other lands as normal and back out to the hub and back down Main Street. Or I'm sure that there are backstage roads that go back to the front of the park and then could go back down World Drive until you can cut over (maybe Seven Seas Drive, depending on where the construction actually is) and go back to Bear Island and continue on.

Problems I see with that are course congestion and if they managed to go down Main Street twice, there's not really room for spectators too and I would cry more without spectators than I already do. And can they actually go back to World Drive if MK is later in the race like it's been for a few years and still get everything open and cleared for day guests?

But like I said, I am not 100% sure where the construction is, and this was more of a thought exercise while out on a long run to kill time. All I do know is that they need to have at least the marathon running through the castle or people will riot.
I think it's near the Car Care Center/Bear Island Rd on Floridian Way right by the Poly/TTC, but I haven't been there since January, that's just what google maps is telling me. I think there's 0 chance they send people 2-ways on Main Street. The only thing I can see them doing is using the back-stage/overflow exit behind the stores if they go that route.
I think it's near the Car Care Center/Bear Island Rd on Floridian Way right by the Poly/TTC, but I haven't been there since January, that's just what google maps is telling me. I think there's 0 chance they send people 2-ways on Main Street. The only thing I can see them doing is using the back-stage/overflow exit behind the stores if they go that route.
Oh, I 100% agree that they're not sending people 2-ways down Main Street. Can you imagine the chaos? I do think it's an idea that's fun in theory though.


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