Max Occupancy in DVC Resorts

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Originally posted by Happy Birthday Cat
We are a family of 6 and DVC has created somethinhg for us that is just perfect for us. The 2BR. It sure beats how we used to have to get connecting rooms.

LOL, I almost added that above but was trying to be tactful. However, I do have little patience for those that feel DVC "owes" them something cheaper than a 2 BR just because they have 5 or 6 in their family. I do understand people wishing for something less but it is an unrealistic request, IMO. And to be clear, the industry standard for a 2 BR is 6, even when a unit will accommodate 8 with the bedding.
Originally posted by Dean
... I do have little patience for those that feel DVC "owes" them something cheaper than a 2 BR just because they have 5 or 6 in their family....
I certainly don't fee DVC "owes" my family something, a one bedroom meets the current needs of our family just fine. They don't need to come up with a new room configuration, new bedding requirements, or need to do anything differently than what they currently do in my conversations with MS, which is allow 5 in a one bedroom. We are perfectly capable of determining our family's needs and choosing the correct currently available DVC accomodation to fit it in cooperation with MS. As the boys get older, a two bedroom will certainly be in order.

I guess the real point I'd like to make is that startng to use antagonistic phrases like "little patence" and "those that feel DVC "owes" them something cheaper" is starting to take this thread in a polarizing direction that I would hope it wouldn't go in seeing as many threads on this subject have been closed. This thread shares new information from a very reliable guide, Judy Kaufman, a guide whom I have posted many complimentary statements about in the past. This issue isn't going to be decided in this forum, we can only present information to each other. Please -- there is no sense falling into old habits and beginning a comative tone on this issue.

Thank you to everyone for keeping this thread open and in a positive and information sharing tone.
In a word: YES. Since the issue was raised, any time that an owner, guest, or renter knowingly violates the terms of the ownership contract it hurts the value of my ownership since I purchased based on the terms of that ownership, abide by those terms, and expect all other members to abide by the terms of the membership. However, I think that the policy of allowing five without providing bedding concessions is something that appears to be a consistent policy, has not changed the true rule (so it could be enforced if it ever becomes a problem), and appears to be primarily used by families with "younger" kids from what I can tell and therefore probably is not unreasonable. However, biased as this may be, I have much less problem with members having the benefit of this policy than I do people who pay cash or renters. (Let the flames begin, LOL!)
"Knowingly violates" is a matter of opinion. Most of these families of 5 were told they could have 5 in a 1 bedroom when they bought. In their minds, DVC gave them permission for an exception to this rule, so they are not knowingly violating the rule. DVC continually used this sales tactic and now they are standing behind it, which I think is the right thing. If they wanted to hold to the letter of the contract, they should have done that from day 1.
Dean(and others), it is not that I feel DVC owe's me anything. We have 3 DD's 8, 5, 1. I am in no way comfortable letting my children sleep 2 rooms away, in a strange place on vacation. Especially, if that room has its own door to the hallway. I wouldn't want to wake up and find that one of them had wandered out into the hall, instead of the bedroom. I have read reports of this on this board. I'm glad that DVC will allow me to be up front and honest, and book a 1 bedroom, without feeling like I'm breaking the rules. When we bought DVC we only had 2 children, so I never asked the what "if" questions to my guide. When we had our third, I was glad to read reports of others that had discussed this issue with their guide. If it is just our immediate family, we will do the 1 bedroom, because it suits our needs just fine. My girls don't mind sleeping together, and we can live with just 1 bathroom!( Oh the horrors! :teeth: ) This in no way affects others stays. I'm sure that others will argue that it's an extra body at the pool, higher maintenance, ...., but for every family of 5 in a one bedroom, there are many studios with only 2 guests, or Diane with her 2 bedroom and only 3 people!:teeth: Do we credit these situations with less fees, lower occupancy at the pool?;) Anyway, I'm glad to get the nod from DVC, it will make my vacation planning easier when DD1 turns 3 and we really have to start thinking about these things. JMHO
Originally posted by ErinC
(snip) . I wouldn't want to wake up and find that one of them had wandered out into the hall, instead of the bedroom. I have read reports of this on this board.

I have no problems whatsover with you and your girls in a 1BR. And I don't mean to make anyone anxious. But if you're in the Bedroom and the kids are in the LR couldn't one of the girls still go out the wrong door into the hall without you knowing?

I'm all for increasing comfort levels for parents but I am not sure why the kids being next door in the LR vs next door in another bedroom is much of a difference.

However, having said all this, if it feels better to you psychologically I can understand that.
Originally posted by Dean
guides are not a reliable source, period.
I agree that this is most likely the case. And yet, doesn't it bother people that the guides are out there telling potential DVC owners unreliable information sometimes? It's really opening DVC up for claims of "false advertising" one of these days on some issue that the guides told someone. It seems that DVC would want to make an extra effort to see that guides are well-aquainted with current policies. Just my two cents.
Originally posted by idratherbeinwdw

I'm all for increasing comfort levels for parents but I am not sure why the kids being next door in the LR vs next door in another bedroom is much of a difference.

Being next door in the living room lets you bolt the living room door, not to mention the children know you are in a bedroom. If they are in a totally different unit, they would need to go in the hall to get to your room, causing anxiety for a parent.
We have 4 kids and have stayed in adjoining hotel rooms, 2 bedroom condos with doors to the hall in both bedrooms, and the like. I have never seen a hotel door that did not have one of those high up locks so that little kids would really have to pull a chair up to get the latch open, then move the chair, to open the door and get out into the hall. And, in a 2 bedroom which is not a dedicated, the kids most certainly do not have to go out into the hall to get to the living room/kitchen and master bedroom. That would only happen if you booked 2 seperate units, and it is against the rules in most hotels if no one in the room is 18 or over. Anyway, many of you with little kids will change your mind as the kids get older. They need privacy and get on each others nerves in close quarters. As far as the bathroom thing, once they hit puberty they will not bath together and dress in front of each other. We would take hours to get out in the morning if we all had to wait in line for one bathroom. When your kids are little it is hard to imagine that things will ever change, but believe me they do FAST!!! I agree with HBC, the 2 bedroom unit is heaven sent:)
Originally posted by Simba's Mom
I agree that this is most likely the case. And yet, doesn't it bother people that the guides are out there telling potential DVC owners unreliable information sometimes? It's really opening DVC up for claims of "false advertising" one of these days on some issue that the guides told someone. It seems that DVC would want to make an extra effort to see that guides are well-aquainted with current policies. Just my two cents.

There's no way guides are telling potential members that 5 in a 1 bedroom is OK without DVC Management's knowledge. If it was just isolated reports, I would believe it. But new members have reported it frequently and consistently over the years, so mangement has to condone it and I'm sure instructs guides on how to answer this question.
Originally posted by pplasky
Being next door in the living room lets you bolt the living room door, not to mention the children know you are in a bedroom. If they are in a totally different unit, they would need to go in the hall to get to your room, causing anxiety for a parent.

I'm not trying to start an argument here, but I respectfully disagree. You can bolt the living room door (and any doors that would lead to the hall) no matter what the accomodations. And as already been pointed out by laceemouse there is certainly no need for kids to go out into the hall to get to their parents! Laceemouse also made another point I agree with, it would take a LOT for a small child to open any locked exit doors.

I think it's a personal thing, some parents are evidently more comfortable with the one bedroom set up. And that's certainly fine, if it gives you peace of mind I am all for it! I don't see any more "danger" in a 2BR, but that's just me, everyone is entitled to live their lives the way they see fit.
I don't want this to degenerate and I do want to keep this civil, however, remember that each and every purchaser must sign documents, directly or indirectly, that acknowledge no oral representations have no meaning and that the only binding statements are those in the POS and the Multi-site POS. Unless it is in writing and unless it is in the POS or other documents we sign, it ultimately has NO standing. This is one of the basic principles of the contract law upon which real estate transactions are based--oral statements by the guides may not be good practice, but they certainly aren't false advertising given the contract we sign. As many have said before, ask the guide to put any promise upon which you rely into writing.
As many have said before, ask the guide to put any promise upon which you rely into writing.
They have put it in writing, as reported by BrentKohl:
Originally posted by BrentKohl
I have a written response from Member Services that 5 people would be allowed in a 1BR at all DVC resorts, and it doesn't matter what the age of the kids is. If anyone wants the text of that response, I'd be more than happy to include the full response to you in a private message or via e-mail.


They have made their positon clear. Why keep beating a dead horse.
Originally posted by idratherbeinwdw
I have no problems whatsover with you and your girls in a 1BR. And I don't mean to make anyone anxious. But if you're in the Bedroom and the kids are in the LR couldn't one of the girls still go out the wrong door into the hall without you knowing?

I'm all for increasing comfort levels for parents but I am not sure why the kids being next door in the LR vs next door in another bedroom is much of a difference.

However, having said all this, if it feels better to you psychologically I can understand that.

You are right, one of them could go out the LR door, but I think I would most likely hear that, whereas, I don't think I would hear the door in the 2nd bedroom. I know it sounds really paranoid, but I guess that it somehow makes me feel better. The times that we had the 2 bed. so far, my parents were with us, so they were in the studio portion. I could deal with a dedicated 2 bed easier, but some resorts don't always have them available, and BWV doesn't have them at all.

Laceemouse, I understand about the dead bolts on the door, and my DD5 would probably go through that exact process to open the door!:eek: I can actually picture it in my mind (she must have gotten those genes from DH"s family!:teeth: ). You are probably right about my attitude changing as my kids get older. Right now, we have 2.5 bathrooms in our house and the only one that gets used is the master. My kids will come downstairs to use our bathroom, when they have their own upstairs! Go figure.
We also were told by both our guide and MS that 5 in a 1 BR was fine. MS also stated that bedding for that person would be given for a small fee. Before buying DVC, we (and our 3 young children) have always stayed in Deluxe rooms that allow 5. These rooms are much smaller than a 1 BR and we never had any problems with space. If a family with three children wants to stay in a 1 BR and MS allows it, I just don't see why other members would have a problem with this. In fact, it always baffles me that these threads get closed. We are friends with 2 DVC families that both have 3 kids like us. For several years they have been staying in 1 BR'S and bringing an aerobed. They always tell MS they have 5, always get 5 keys at check-in and have no problem getting additional bedding and towels when requested. I just don't see how their two 4 year old daughters raise members fees and affect any other member's vacation. I mean it's not like the 4 year olds smoke in a NS/1 BR or play loud music until all hours or anything! Our youngest is 2 and I think she barely weighs 28 pounds. She probably will sleep in the MBR with us for the next couple of years anyway. I also think "5 in a 1 BR" is a sales tactic that DVC guides have used for sometime and they should stand behind it, even if it's not in writing. For the life of me, I can't understand why this issue works up some members on this board the way it has in the past. I'm so happy to see a nice thread on this issue :D :D :D
erin c - I have 2 kids, boy and girl, so far the 1 bedroom is great of us, they either sleep together (they are 12 and 4), or they don't!!! The dedicated 2 bedrooms are great, but the non dedicated I don't think I am crazy about with the little guy. He would probably be fine in the room in the other bed with his sis. But as a Mom, (I am usuing VWL for example, as we stayed in a 1 bedroom and the studio was through a door in the livingroom), I would feel to0 removed from them for comfort.

Maybe what they need to make next is an "oversized family" 1 bedroom that sleep 6, 2 beds and a sleeper!!
(that was a joke!!):crazy:
There are some specific perils with the 2BR layouts at some of the DVC resorts, especially BCV. Their is often a patio off the 2nd BR. At BCV, the enterance to the 2nd BR is by the hall door of the unit. That makes the 2nd BR quieter and more private. If the kids are in the 2nd BR, there is no way effective way to monitor that 2nd BR patio door from 2 rooms away. My 7 yo can open the balcony door and my 2 yo would be standing on the plastic patio chair/table on the balcony. Not a good or relaxing set-up for me. Not to mention the potential waterfun that may go on in the extra bath. Now, the same things can happen in a 1 BR unit, but it is more easily monitored by the grown-ups.

On a related topic, on one trip to VWL we were in the pool view rooms (the part of the DVC building that is "L"shaped). I could see on the other side of the "L", a toddler pushing the plastic chair up to the patio railing and climb up on top of the chair. While I stood and watched, the kid had his "king of the world" moment on the chair at the railing. :eek: :eek: :eek: I could see mom through the window ironing in the room next door. I did not know what to do!!?? I wanted to run over to their unit, but I knew I wouldn't be able to figure out which one it was. about the time I thought about calling security the kid climbed down and went back in the unit. Mom came out a few minutes later and closed the patio door without ever knowing what had transpired. Disney may be kid friendly, but new surroundings often encourage a kids curiosity.
Erin, I smiled when I read about all of your kids coming into your bathroom! I remember those days very well (and fondly!) Now only my DS9 comes into the master bath. It seems that his 3 sisters have taken over the kids bathroom! He can't stand the hairy brushes, smelly concoctions, and the toothpaste globs (DD13 is an extreme slob!) :) Lacee
Originally posted by idratherbeinwdw
I'm not trying to start an argument here, but I respectfully disagree. You can bolt the living room door (and any doors that would lead to the hall) no matter what the accomodations. And as already been pointed out by laceemouse there is certainly no need for kids to go out into the hall to get to their parents! Laceemouse also made another point I agree with, it would take a LOT for a small child to open any locked exit doors.

I think it's a personal thing, some parents are evidently more comfortable with the one bedroom set up. And that's certainly fine, if it gives you peace of mind I am all for it! I don't see any more "danger" in a 2BR, but that's just me, everyone is entitled to live their lives the way they see fit.
Actually, our three boys sleep in our bedroom while on vacation, we don't even use the pullout in the living room. I agree, we wouldn't care for them in the second bedroom while they are still so young. They are very content in sleeping bags on the floor. Actually, that's what I always did as a kid on vacation too. This will certainly change as they get older.
Originally posted by Johnnie Fedora
There are some specific perils with the 2BR layouts at some of the DVC resorts, especially BCV. Their is often a patio off the 2nd BR. At BCV, the enterance to the 2nd BR is by the hall door of the unit. That makes the 2nd BR quieter and more private. If the kids are in the 2nd BR, there is no way effective way to monitor that 2nd BR patio door from 2 rooms away. My 7 yo can open the balcony door and my 2 yo would be standing on the plastic patio chair/table on the balcony. Not a good or relaxing set-up for me. Not to mention the potential waterfun that may go on in the extra bath. Now, the same things can happen in a 1 BR unit, but it is more easily monitored by the grown-ups.

Great points. Even if we got a two bedroom, we wouldn't use the second bedroom. It is a safety issue for us too.
More often than not, we all set up camp in the second bedroom, and make the Master the walk in closet/ daddy's sports cave. The girls in one bed, dh and I in the second bed and boy in the PnP. As the week progresses sometimes DH and I slip back into the Master. But we are happy in the second bedroom.

When the kids get older, we will take some 1 bedroom trips.... But DH would miss his cave, and I would miss my closet... ::yes::
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