(MNSSHP) YES, I would LOVE to build a snowman!!! Frozen Summer Fun Done Differently

Poor JJ and the heat. I never have seen a worm that looks like that.

We never did either. Kind of freaky, huh? The heat hits him quick and hard. He's even having trouble inside.

Hi! I'll be following your TR.:thumbsup2
Wishing your little guy the best of health.

Welcome! Thanks for the good wishes.

Looks like such great Frozen fun!!! Love your report. How exciting that JJ got to see snow for the first time.

It has been lots of fun. Yesterday morning he woke up super early and ready to go. He wanted to play in the snow again. He's said he's had enough for now.

Just a few pages back I was telling you this & it came to fruition before I even got to the snow today. Last night at MK I was playing with my son and "ran" like 3 steps towards him- slipped and caught my flip flop and busted it good. I actually think I might have broken my toe- it is good and purple and painful today. Oh the life of being clumsy. Thanks again for sharing all this great information.

Oh no. I hope your toe isn't broken. I think I broke mine a couple years ago when I stubbed it. I keep re-injuring it. For a couple years, I could only wear sneakers. I can finally wear flip flops again after 2 years.

I think we're going back tonight for fireworks. If you see us, say hi!

I hope your toe feels better soon.
Hi Sue! I just noticed what you are counting down, lol, LOVE it!

Welcome. The whole Frozen thing is very well done. The Sven picture is JJ's favorite. The next day we found more magic shots.

We had an amazing time at SWW this year too. Went to all 5 weekends and the Rendezvous. But I didn't do a TR. JJ is already counting the days til next SWW.

Hehe, thanks! I'm driving my friends crazy. It's one of those things that I can't wait for the new movie... but a part of me is still on the fence as to whether or not I'm 100% behind the idea. It's weird.

Yay!!! So glad you guys had another fun SWW adventure!!

Sending hugs, prayers, and pixie dust about the whole seizure thing.

Behind her was this great door.



The idea of snow at Disney World makes me downright giddy and I'm so glad JJ got to experience it! Woohoo!!

I think those Frozen Magic Shots are incredible. From everything I've seen, they're doing an amazing job with this!

That's awesome that Kristoff talked to JJ. I'm kind of in love with Kris.
Hehe, thanks! I'm driving my friends crazy. It's one of those things that I can't wait for the new movie... but a part of me is still on the fence as to whether or not I'm 100% behind the idea. It's weird.

Yay!!! So glad you guys had another fun SWW adventure!!

Sending hugs, prayers, and pixie dust about the whole seizure thing.


The idea of snow at Disney World makes me downright giddy and I'm so glad JJ got to experience it! Woohoo!!

I think those Frozen Magic Shots are incredible. From everything I've seen, they're doing an amazing job with this!

That's awesome that Kristoff talked to JJ. I'm kind of in love with Kris.

Have you considered going to Anaheim for Celebration? We thought about it, but it's looking less and less likely. Especially if SWW will be the next month after that.

We played in the snow again yesterday. I wore my sneakers this time and didn't make a total fool of myself. Just partially did, lol.

Aurasma pictures are coming up soon. They end up looking a lot like magic shots. Expect for the person taking the picture. You get to watch the characters get into position. It's pretty neat.

Kris changes his appearance a bit the last couple times we saw him. You'll see. ;)
I think we're going back tonight for fireworks. If you see us, say hi! I hope your toe feels better soon.

I thought I saw you sitting at a table over there earlier and got my family settled into the dessert party and went to say hello but I couldn't find y'all again. Maybe I'm seeing things though. Would've loved to say hello- hopefully JJ is okay.
I thought I saw you sitting at a table over there earlier and got my family settled into the dessert party and went to say hello but I couldn't find y'all again. Maybe I'm seeing things though. Would've loved to say hello- hopefully JJ is okay.

So sorry, it wasn't us. We ended up staying home.

JJ is doing well. Thanks for asking. He went swimming this afternoon. And worked on some of his homework for OT. Between the two, he was too tired to go to Disney this evening.
The Premium Package: Doing it Differently​

This package was very difficult to get. It took 4 phone calls, two days before the event to secure. The 4th phone call was after 9pm on Saturday (July 12) for Monday (July 14), and that was the lucky call.

The circumstances for this package were different than our first time. The biggest thing was we knew JJ's VEEG results. We weren't resort resort guests this time. Therefore, we didn't have the luxury of heading back to the room for a break. For the package, we'd be there all day. We had to find air conditioned ways to fill in our time. I made our FP+ attractions, all indoor attractions.

We checked in for the package just shortly after 10am. The set up was different than when we went on July 5th. There was only one podium, a check in podium. A few feet behind the cm at the podium was another cm holding a box. This was the box of sing-along times. We chose 2:30pm.


We were directed over to the far left where the disabled viewing of the parade was. Half of these spots were in direct sunlight and the other half were partially shaded. On July 5th, this viewing area was to the far right, in the shade. The children were seated to the left, but closer towards the stage. They also were in sun or partially shaded.

Til we got our snacks, we knew JJ couldn't make it 45 minutes outdoors waiting for the parade. CM offered to help him get more shaded viewing, but no matter where they suggested, there it was still only partially shaded. We thanked them, but took our snacks and went down the Backlot Express Restaurant and sat at a table in the air conditioning.


Often for SWW, this was "our" viewing area. We'd pick a table and hang out here until just before parade time. A few days before, I had confirmation from Yullinin3 that this would work just fine. She had done the same thing. "Her table and viewing area" are several feet away from "ours".

She had tried this Saturday and told me the parade came through at 11:10. So at 11:05 we went outside and waited. We could hear the music in the background! As always, her advice worked perfectly.

Here is "our" spot. Yullinin's is down around the corner from us, near the glass room. Both have great views and are shaded. However, our spot is a little door way area, so it's a small area. It can fit about 6 to 8 people. This day, there was only the 3 of us and a cm.


We were sitting and had to strain a bit forward to see around the cm to see the parade coming. But as soon as they rounded the corner, the skaters were doing their routines. And as they passed us, they began a different part of the routine. It was great, because there was a lot of action.



We also got to see them exit to backstage.


I don't think Anna and Elsa were expecting anyone where we were. For SWW, this was the area that only the 501st and Rebel Legion marched. Often family or friends would be in this area snapping pictures of them. So they knew to expect people here. Anna and Elsa not so much.

We were cheering, but Anna was totally sidetracked behind her. Elsa did glance and smile though.



So many in the parade were dragging by the time they got to us. Not literally, but you could see they didn't have the energy they have at the beginning of the parade. Through the smiles, nods, and winks, you could tell these performers were HOT and exhausted. We cheered them all on. Let them knew we appreciated that extra effort at the end!





It looked like the children, or perhaps it was guests in general, followed the parade to the beginning of the Star Tours stage. Then they were stopped.



This was the perfect way to view the parade. 5 minutes waiting outside and 5 minutes for the parade to go by. Just 10 minutes total!!

We went back inside after the parade. Even after eating a snack before the parade, we were still a bit hungry for lunch. DS and I got kid's meals. I got the half of a veggie sandwich, fries, a cookie, and Power Aid.


We waited much longer for lunch than we did for the parade. The restaurant didn't open until 11:30am. During SWW it opened at 11. We'd quick eat lunch, then head outside to see the 501st and Rebel Legion. So we were just doing this in reverse for Frozen.

By the time we finished eating, the queue to order food was all the way up to us. I had NEVER seen the restaurant this crowded when it wasn't Christmas time.

Queue to order food wrapped around where you order, came backup towards us and and the glass room. My suggestion is don't wait until noon to eat there, if that's where you plan to eat lunch.


Without a doubt. I found the Backlot Express area to be ideal for parade viewing. Granted we did not really get the attention of A&E, but it was a price to pay for comfort and no hassle. We chose this area for parade viewing again on Saturday, 7/19. Will A&E notice us there then?

just got caught up! had a busy week!

really loving all your frozen photos! seeing JJ's face with the snow is priceless :goodvibes
had a little giggle with picturing you sliding back down the hill, happy you didn't fall!
so cool Kristoph talked to JJ!
fireworks are so pretty!

hope our little buddy is having a great day!
just got caught up! had a busy week!

really loving all your frozen photos! seeing JJ's face with the snow is priceless :goodvibes
had a little giggle with picturing you sliding back down the hill, happy you didn't fall!
so cool Kristoph talked to JJ!
fireworks are so pretty!

hope our little buddy is having a great day!

I hope your week was busy fun?

He is really enjoying the snow. He popped out of bed today and asked if he's going to build snowman. I told him, "no, you're going to voice lessons."

On the 19th we went back to the snow, and I wore sneakers. I did NOT make a fool of myself that day! Though I saw many others in flips, doing the slide.

He should have a good day until Thursday. Then he has to get his dreaded blood work done.

His neurologist appointment was cancelled by the office. The doctor's schedule changed at the hospital. Now he doesn't go back to him until September. Long time away.

Coming up soon, we are meeting friends at POR and going to see Yeehaw Bob with them.

It's been years since we've seen Yeehaw Bob. I think JJ was an infant or toddler then. So this will be a totally new experience for him! I can't wait until he sets his eyes on that rocking piano.

Plus we are meeting old DIS friends. So it's a reunion of sorts since the kids haven't been together in years. We've been with my DIS friend a few times since, but not her family. In fact, last January she took us up to Top of the World to see Wishes!! Good times!

We had Take-Along-Olaf with us. We didn't want him turning into...well you know... We wanted to keep him a happy snowman. So Oaken's made the most sense.

While dh and ds played in the snow, I tried to figure out the Aurasma App photo ops. I was wearing my flips again and didn't want to demonstrate my great flip sledding skills.


I asked a cm for assistance. She had trouble getting it to work. She said that Androids were having problems that day with the app. We gave up and decided to try after playing in the snow.

Finally the purple swirl appeared and I was instructed to get in the scene. I had no idea what was happening. But the cm said it was trolls. How do you pose for trolls? I didn't know what to do. I looked lame, but the app was very cool and the trolls look great!


The other app picture had Sven.


At 1:15 we thought we'd watch the professional skaters. But after the Zamboni came out, it was another guest skate 30 minutes. Apparently there are no figure skaters at 1:15pm. They take a break then. Headed over to the trading post. Ds was considering buying an Olaf magic band. We ended up looking at the goodies in the cooler case. I might just try a reindeer cookie sometime.


The cm in the trading post were all bundled up with sweaters and hats. I swear the cm at Oaken's are so much fun. The last time I saw cm so proud of their costumes was when New Fantasyland opened. It was easy to find someone willing to show off their new duds!


There was one more Aurasma photo-op. This was located where Darth Maul met during SWW. Olaf was with this one.


Across the street from Oaken's was another photopass magic shot scene.


While staying cool, we ended up in the store at the exit of the Backlot Tour. DS loves Spy Kids 2. He saw this costume and was beside himself. Out of the blue he went up to a cm and asked if it's really magnetic. The cm had no idea what he was talking about.


1:45 we headed over to the Sing-along for the package seating. The return window started at 1:50. By 2pm we were let inside! That really surprised us.

We enjoyed seeing this show for the 2nd time just as much as we did the first time. We noticed some different, but familiar faces.







After the show we needed to make a run to First Aid to get ice for his vest. James was working and took great care of us. The vest was new for him. We thanked him and headed away. If memory serves me right, it was time for our TSM FP+.

After TSM it was raining, ds was hungry for supper. We knew it had to be something small because we had the dessert. We walked over to the ABC Commissary. Dh and I split the fish and shrimp. Ds got a turkey sandwich.

One of the girls from a tourist group sat down at the table next to us. JJ greeted her as if he's known her all his life. Her English was perfect with only a slight accept. He asked her if she did this or that from Frozen. She didn't know anything about it. I gave her an extra times guide and she was hoping to do those things.

She asked about the sing-along. Her group was to meet very soon to go to it.

She also told JJ that all the girls at the table were celebrating their 15th birthday with a trip to WDW. She said it was a very special time.

JJ wished her happy birthday and we went outside. He needed to go to first aid again. So he and I headed there.

We had too many thawed bottles that were frozen water bottles when we started the day. He took them out to the car. They weren't doing the icepacks any good.

By the time dh returned back to us at First Aid, it was pouring. Thunder crashing, lightning. We waited it out there. It finished just in time to head to our FP+ for Idol.

We got seated and JJ was really into the getting the crowd ready part. So much so, that he got over stimulated. He began with his motor tics. He thought a drink would help. He downed 1 bottled water, then a 2nd, then a 3rd. We were out of water. The first singer came out, and we had to leave.

We sat outside the exit for a while for him to calm down. While waiting, I walked over to the dessert area and asked if the dessert was going to be inside. They said yes.

For a while, we thought the dessert was going to have to be skipped. He couldn't stop ticking. Once he was able to move on, we walked over towards Disney Jr. for the dessert.

I loved your report! We have 1 day in Florida and were lucky enought to have booked the VIP experience! I am so excited!!! :cool1:
I loved your report! We have 1 day in Florida and were lucky enought to have booked the VIP experience! I am so excited!!! :cool1:

Welcome and thanks! I hope you enjoy your Frozen day too! Please eat a strawberry shortcake and some POG for me, yum!
I'm getting behind. Still have the dessert to finish. Then onto another day of FSF and then switching to the MK where we got to check out the "No Standby Line Test". Gotta love summer in central FL! It's been almost 60 days, and tomorrow is finally time for our FP+ for the 7DMT! Topping it off with dinner at the Plaza and FP+ at ETWB and VOTLM. Should be a fun evening!

How fun! Thanks for sharing!

Welcome. Thanks for joining in!
Dessert and Fireworks​

There were so many things different this time around. The venue was the same. It was raining, so we were sent to Disney Jr.

Last time, we got there after it started. This time, we were the 2nd family in line to enter. It was raining and the Disney Jr. outdoor queue was covered. We met a very nice cm from Sommerset, PA. Just listening to her talk, you could tell she loves Disney AND she enjoys working for Disney. Her enthusiasm was contagious. JJ made friends with the little girl in front of us.

We were in line at 7:30ish, but it didn't seem like that long of a wait. We sat on the ground because we knew the rest of the evening would be standing.

Shortly after 8pm, the doors opened and we had our pick of tables. Being a creature of habit, we chose the exact same spot we had before. As we snagged the table, a cm took off the HP sign and placed it on another lower table.

I had parked JJ sideways to the table. Didn't give it much thought because that's how we had parked him for FTF. Once he had his food, that sideways sitting somehow messed with his head. He was making a total mess of his food and clothing. So we switched him around to being placed head-on into the table with his legs under the table. That made all the difference in the world for him.


This time, the cupcakes were bitesized.


Elsas disappeared from the cupcakes.


The Anna push-ups didn't have the sugar sprinkled on top. And you could see the "ball things" better this time. Itinkso said she believes they are tapioca balls.





Last time, the Olaf was just a piece of fondant. This time, it was mounted on a nice white chocolate candy.



This time, the Key Lime tarts had merengue on the top. It tasted so much better this way, than without the first time!!


My favorite, the strawberry shortcake. YUM!!


Rice Krispie Treats were good too.


The Fondue Table



Another difference between the first party and this one, there were Frozen cut-outs decorating the tables.



My favorite table with the POG


For those with food allergies, these were your choices for dessert.



Shortly before the fireworks began, cast members escorted package guests from Disney Jr. to the viewing area. We decided to hang all the way to the back, but this time on the right side of the viewing area instead of the left side. This made a huge difference in viewing the stage!






Here is video that dh took. It shows our view from the back of the package area, but the quality isn't that great and he didn't use a tripod.

Frozen Fireworks Video Part 1

seems like quite the difference in the desserts...some look better, but not liking the change in the cupcakes :confused3

you had a much better view of the fireworks!!

so Megan has broken me down and we are heading over to the Dark Side to do the Harry Potter stuff our first day. Figure we will do both parks and ride Despicable Me and get out...nothing else really appeals to me there. So going to arrive a day earlier than planned so we don't cut into our Disney time!
Welcome, and thank you!

It was hot. How did you like the sing-along?

Thanks. The Sven magic shot is pretty cool.

Have you ever seen the Disney Memories HD app? You can do the same type of thing with your own pictures. (The adding characters.) However, they don't have any Frozen character options yet.

Yes, priceless memory.

I liked the sing-along, but we mainly went for my sister as she is the biggest Frozen fan in the Family and she loved it so that's all that matters!
I think I did see this app when we were in the park, but I didn't think I had the write software/company on my phone to download it, so I didn't!! That's a bit annoying not having the characters from Frozen on it yet, when they're advertising the app at the Frozen Summer Fun!!!

That view you had for the last parade you wrote about, would probably be the view I would choose as there seemed lots of shade and hardly any people!!!
Also the offerings seemed nicer at the second dessert you went to, they seemed much easier to eat!!
Don't you just love there outfits the cashiers wear at Wandering Oaken Trading Post, so cute!! haa
seems like quite the difference in the desserts...some look better, but not liking the change in the cupcakes :confused3

you had a much better view of the fireworks!!

so Megan has broken me down and we are heading over to the Dark Side to do the Harry Potter stuff our first day. Figure we will do both parks and ride Despicable Me and get out...nothing else really appeals to me there. So going to arrive a day earlier than planned so we don't cut into our Disney time!

The smaller cupcakes were dry. Maybe because they did not have wraps on them and were sitting out?

Definitely better view of both stage and fireworks.

Yay for another trip! Are you going to stay at both resorts? I would definitely stay at Universal to get fotl pass. The newest universal value resort doesn't include that though.

We still have Universal/IOA annual passes, but I don't know for how much longer. We haven't been there in over a year, but still paying for them monthly.

I liked the sing-along, but we mainly went for my sister as she is the biggest Frozen fan in the Family and she loved it so that's all that matters!
I think I did see this app when we were in the park, but I didn't think I had the write software/company on my phone to download it, so I didn't!! That's a bit annoying not having the characters from Frozen on it yet, when they're advertising the app at the Frozen Summer Fun!!!

That view you had for the last parade you wrote about, would probably be the view I would choose as there seemed lots of shade and hardly any people!!!
Also the offerings seemed nicer at the second dessert you went to, they seemed much easier to eat!!
Don't you just love there outfits the cashiers wear at Wandering Oaken Trading Post, so cute!! haa

That was nice that you went along for your sister's love of Frozen.

The Disney Memory HD APP isn't the one for the frozen stuff. It's just a cool new app. Aurasma is the one that works with the guide map and backrounds at Disney.

We really like that last parade spot too. There is partial shade, but the fact that we can wait indoors at a table until the parade is a definite plus!

I love the costumes at Oaken's too! But I really feel for the cm walking to and from there. They've got to be sweltering. In the beginning there were a lot of sweaters worn over shoulders or around waists. But I haven't seen anyone wearing it that way since the first week.
That was nice that you went along for your sister's love of Frozen.

The Disney Memory HD APP isn't the one for the frozen stuff. It's just a cool new app. Aurasma is the one that works with the guide map and backrounds at Disney.

We really like that last parade spot too. There is partial shade, but the fact that we can wait indoors at a table until the parade is a definite plus!

I love the costumes at Oaken's too! But I really feel for the cm walking to and from there. They've got to be sweltering. In the beginning there were a lot of sweaters worn over shoulders or around waists. But I haven't seen anyone wearing it that way since the first week.

Yeah and I think my mum just wanted to sing 'do you wanna build a snowman'! haha:rotfl2:
Oh I see, no I hadn't seen this app! I will have to look into it!
Staking out a place for a parade is sometimes the most annoying part of the day as it can take so much time out of your day, so sitting at a table indoors beforehand sounds much better!
I can understand why they would be wearing their sweaters around their waists and over their shoulders, as it was unbelievably hot the two weeks I was there, and I would never dream of wearing a sweater in that heat, even at the moment in England I would never think of wearing a sweater!!!!
No we are going to take the red eye in on Thursday night, check into POR Friday am and then get the shuttle (part of ticket package we are getting) over to Universal just for the day, figure since that's all we want to ride/see we should have enough time
I know that you said there were some changes but everything still looks delicious! It sounds like you made a great viewing spot choice. You had a good view of the stage and the fireworks.


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