Moo'vers 2012 Edition! come on in!

How exciting Moo!!

It has been crazy around here with all the back to school stuff with the kids . Plus Hannah is volunteering more the church youth group so all last week I was driving her here and there.

My brother who has the pancreatic cancer is having a rough time right now too. He had surgery last week to put a stent in between his stomach and intestines. For the last year he has been throwing up almost everyday. But when they got in there the opening was open they didn't need the balloon to make it wider. This was done by laser so thank goodness they didn't have to cut him open just a small cut in the side. Anyway now we are back to square one. They need to find out what is happening , his sugar counts are all over and drops leaving him shaking almost going into shock. This little surgery has now given him an infection too.The poor guy can't get a break. They were thinking it was dumping syndrome but this has been going on for a year and they are really careful what he eats. No one wants to be doing this everyday.

Marita- how are the wedding plans going. Does she have a theme or colour ? Or since it is in Dec a Christmas theme.

We couldn't see the Big moon last night , too cloudy. Hannah and Hubby tried and stayed up hoping the clouds would move. Saw a small glimpse of it but were disappointed that we couldn't see it like some pictures this morning people posted.
Oh my goodness, Nabbie! Sorry to hear your brother is going through so much :( I know how hard it is to have a family member going through cancer. Sending prayers.

Sounds like Hannah is keeping super busy. Next thing we know, she'll be graduating!!! High school goes by SO fast.

We had a clear enough sky to see part of the eclipse. Glad we got to see it.

Marita, I've also been wondering how your daughter's wedding plans are coming along. Less than a month until we're in hour neck of the woods...
HI Nab and Moo,

Nab, so sorry to hear about your brother, that's no fun. I hope they find some relief for him.

We didn't see the moon last night, it was too overcast, sadly. I must say, I have moon sighting envy, LOL.

As for the wedding, she doesn't have a theme that is know of, other than backyard DIY, LOL. Her bridal shower is coming up in 2 weeks, on Oct. 11 (seems kind of early to me). She has nothing on her registry but money for the honeymoon (they want to go to Europe). They have a fully furnished household already. I have no idea what to get her for the bridal shower, I don't want to give money, plus we are going to give her some for the wedding anyway. So if you have any ideas, let me know. Or I may just call her and ask...
Do they possibly need some new luggage for their trip, Marita? Otherwise, I would say if they really just want money for their trip, that is your best bet!

I bought some of the lingerie that my daughter wanted for her shower, along with some Fiestaware dishes and a few other kitchen items -- I went a little overboard...
Moo, I talked to her today and told her I had no clue what to get her. She said she added a whole bunch of things last week. WHat??????? After the invitations went out???? Anyway, I haven't looked yet, im a bit peeved.
In other news, she went (with hubby to pay) to get alterations to her wedding dress. $319 for a $1000 dress, sigh!!!!!!! That's 1/3! And we all said it needed no alterations when she bought it?? Anyway, so it goes and adds up!

Moo, this is your last week, right? Last real work day tomorrow? You must be really excited!
Alterations always get you, Marita!

I wish tomorrow was my last day, but alas it is next Friday. However, this week went super fast, so it'll be here before I know it!!!
Only three more work days!!! Today was a little stressful because I still have a lot of filing to take care of... :headache:

I made a fairly significant dent in the pile today though.
Did someone say party! Moo your on the home stretch now.

This is our Thanksgiving weekend coming up. Nicholas is coming home feels like he has been gone a year. Don't know how people did it with out social media. At least I can talk to him when I want. Can't wait to actually see and feel

Having hubby's family over on Sunday so I am cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. To be followed by cooking, cooking and more cooking.
Nab, how nice to have Nicholas come home, i know that is exciting. I am looking forward to Chris coming for the wedding in December.
Sunday is DD's bridal shower, that should be fun, I hope. I got her a boring gift certificate to Bed, Bath & Beyond for that, she will get money for a wedding gift (plus paying for the wedding,isnt that enough, lol).
Moo's exciting day tomorrow, YAYYYYYYYYY!
Yaaasssssss!!!!! Big time excitement for me tomorrow when the cow FINALLY reaches the barn!!! The party will be epic! My married coworkers who are hosting it are known for throwing fantastic parties. We're expecting over 60 people.

Today's work celebration had a damper on it because we learned that one of my uncles passed away - he had a lung cancer diagnosis recently :( We weren't particularly close, but it was my mom's brother, so there is only one sibling remaining. Sad.
Congrats, Moo, what an epic day! Hope you had fun. I tried to find your old image (not too hard though). I hope this one will do, it looks happy with the sun :)
I have been a total slug since I retired! Sleeping in, reading, watching TV, dishes, a little laundry... I finally did a bit of cleaning in the kitchen today. Mucked out the pantry and am trying to streamline. Getting rid of stuff we haven't used for a while. Dang, it takes a long time to clean the kitchen thoroughly!!!
I have been a total slug since I retired! Sleeping in, reading, watching TV, dishes, a little laundry... I finally did a bit of cleaning in the kitchen today. Mucked out the pantry and am trying to streamline. Getting rid of stuff we haven't used for a while. Dang, it takes a long time to clean the kitchen thoroughly!!!

Congrats on your retirement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your retirement days sound epic. :)
Thanks, MommyP! I finally got out of the house today for the first time since Tuesday (that's how hermit-like I've been!) to do a little shopping to prep for my upcoming Disney trip. Leaving Saturday!!!
Moo. your retirement sounds about like I envision mine, lol. I do have one piece of exciting news. Hubby and I will go to California to visit our son (one week after her was here for the wedding, lol).But the main thing is that gives me an excuse not to have the annual xmas eve party for 20+ people that stresses me out every year. I am soo excited about that, lol. Unfortunately, not going to go to Disneyland this time, but I dont even wont to try over the busiest time of the year, we will go another time. Just going to spend some time with my son and visit a winery or two and just hang tight, although I might try to visit SF for a couple of days.
That sounds like a fabulous trip, Marita! And YAY for not having to do the Christmas Eve party!!! Too bad it'll be too busy to visit Disneyland, but that's a really good reason to return :)

I'm not sure what our holiday plans are going to be. My daughter and son-in-law are going to a friend's wedding in Albuquerque around New Year's, so they're saving their vacation time for that. Hubby is going down to dog-sit for them (without me)... So I'll have a week or so of alone time.
Moo sounds like your enjoying your retirement,

Your weekends will blend in to the week, holidays won't really feel the same since you off anyway....haha. That is what I miss the excitement of an up coming holiday and long weekend.

We don't have plans yet for Christmas, I think my brother is going to take us all on this year. He bought my mom's house so we know he has the I know a lot of people like to entertain people and have parties they are stressful to me , is my house clean enough, do I have enough food , is everyone having a good time ...etc.

Not much new around here other then we have a new elected Prime Minister that scares the crap out of me. We are going to be taxed to death and stuff taken away. But everyone one here wanted a change since our last one was in 10 years already. The new Prime Minister promised to legalize Marijuana and up the already high tax we pay called GST ( goods and services tax) , and run a deficit for three years instead of balancing the budget. I did not vote for this dude so hope we are not in a huge mess after his 4 years in office.

Sorry my vent is over....on the upside my Blue Jays are still in the running , they do give us exciting baseball to watch.
Nab, I'm totally with you on hosting parties, but then you knew that already, lol. So,so so happy we get to escape that this year.

As for the new prime minister, if he is going to legalize marijuana, it may well cover the deficit, LOL. I heard Colorado is collecting so much in extra taxes they don't know what to do with it all.


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