Mostly Off Topic - if that is ok!

Hello I just read this entire thread and I'm sorry that I didn't read it earlier and tried to help (although living on the other side of the country I'm not sure how much help I could be). But I just thought I'd say welcome to Australia, hope the Canberra winter isn't too bad :wave2:
Hello again! :goodvibes
I apologize for taking so long to check-in! We are here and happy in Canberra! It is rather wonderful :)
Our internet took over 3 weeks to set up and has only recently starting being consistent (we have DSL and the phone lines have some problems that need to be fixed).
We are still waiting on our furniture (hopefully it will arrive on Tuesday).
Thank you for all of your advice! We finally made it :)
Yayayayay Chesire. Glad to hear you are here and getting settled. Where did you end up renting a house?

Have you started work yet, what are the kids thinking of it all?

If you need anything don't hesitate to contact me.
Thank you :goodvibes

We ended up in Evatt very close to the shops. I have never had a little shop for groceries so close and I am already spoiled by it!

I start school on 8 August and my oldest started at the primary school 2 weeks before the break (4 weeks ago). He loves it!

My husband is looking for a job (our visa doesn't allow him to start working until 8 August).

We are still getting settled and very happy to be here :goodvibes
Oh Chesire - You're here! Welcome! (to what has to be a pretty miserable winter day)
Evatt's good - reasonable price, family atmosphere, close to the Uni and the Belco Westfield. YAY for you! and I hope it all works out. Congrats on having a new experience for a while!
Hi Cheshire, glad to hear you made it and are settling in, especially that your son is loving school. My (and Heidspidi's) brother is actually moving to Canberra from Sydney in a few weeks, he got a new job there, I can't remember what suburb his house is in though. Hope it all goes well with the studying and job hunting.
Welcome Chesire! I am also a fairly recent import to Australia. It's an awesome adventure and nearly three years later the novelty hasn't worn off!

Have you seen any kangaroos yet? We most often see them as roadkill where I live. We have koalas though just a few hundred metres from our house!

May I just say, steer clear of that Vegemite stuff. Marmite is what you want. :rolleyes1 :rotfl:
Chesire, Welcome to Downunder - Glad to hear you have settled in and adapting to your new environment :wave2:
Hi Cheshire,
Welcome to Canberra, did you get in an extra Disney Fix on your way over?
NO! :sad1::sad2:
My husband talked me out of it and I still think we made the wrong choice! I did tell him that we would HAVE to go back on holiday though! ;)
Chesire, what type of work does your husband do?

Most of his background is in customer service (he has awards in it) and supervision and management. He has bit of other things, but mainly those two. We also don't have permanent residency, but a 2-year visa that leads to permanent residency after I graduate (which we are planning to do!) :)
Well I would imagine those type of skills will see your husband find a great job here in Canberra in no time. It really is a wonderful city for employment and good incomes.

I think it is so exciting that you have made such a big move and that it is all working out.

We really all do need to arrange a Canberra Dis meet. Would anyone be interested?
Okay well that is four of us. I know that Marvel is in Canberra, not sure if anyone else is, most people don't have Canberra in their details under their Dis name so a little hard to be sure. Maybe I will start a new thread?


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