My, What an Interesting Carpet Bag~A Dec. 2013 TR!*Remember Me?!*PTR for May 2015 Link, pg 23!*

Just found this and joining in. We were there the same time.
Joining in!

The shorter trips can be the most exhausting, IMO. Can't wait to read all about it.
Joining in! I've read quite a few of your TRs but I don't think I've ever commented. :confused3

I can't wait to read about this one because I decided to do the Halloween stuff in October so I didn't get to see the Christmas stuff this year. Now I'm just reading as many Christmas TRs as I can to get my fix. :thumbsup2

Yay Welcome! That's funny, I've lurked on your TR's too! Glad you decided to join in! :banana:

Yeah I think I might skip the Christmas stuff next year...we'll see what happens when it gets to be that time of year though! :rotfl: I missed the Food and Wine festival though...and then there's also Disneyland to consider...we'll see! :thumbsup2

Just found this and joining in. We were there the same time.

Yay welcome! Are you doing a TR for your trip, I'd love to read it if you are! :thumbsup2

Joining in!

The shorter trips can be the most exhausting, IMO. Can't wait to read all about it.

Welcome! :banana: It was SO exhasuting! I think I'm still catching up on sleep! :rotfl:

Following along! :)

Yay, glad you're here! :dance3:

Saturday, November 30!

Time to finally get started with this TR! And of course, we have to start with one of the most exciting parts of any Disney trip...arrival day! More specifically, getting ready to go to Disney! That anticipation the day and night before you leave for a Disney trip is the best feeling isn't it? :yay:

I was excited the night before, and full of anticipation...but I was also stressed. I had to work that day and left all my packing to the very last minute, and then I had to wait for Brandon to get home so we could go buy a few things that I forgot. Oh and did I mention it was Black Friday? Luckily getting around wasn't too bad, but still, it took me forever to get everything, get home, and finally pack!

I thought I could maybe get to sleep around 9 or 10 that night, but no such luck...I think we finally went to sleep at 12? And guess what time my alarm was set for? 2 AM! It didn't matter though, because when I heard that alarm, I was up! I was going to Disney World!!!! :yay:


I woke Brandon up, and we both got dressed, got everything together and were on our way to the airport! Our airport is only an hour away, so I want to say we got there before 4 am. Unfortunately, the Southwest Counter didn't open until after 4:30 so we had some waiting around to do, but soon our luggage was checked, we were through security, grabbing our breakfast at Mc Donald's and before I knew it, we were on the plane, on our way to Disney!

Didn't the sky look pretty that morning? It's strange watching the sunrise from a plane!

Our flight was great, no turbulence, no screaming children (or adults for that matter :rotfl2:) and I think I even slept...for maybe 15 minutes, which I guess is a lot for me, considering I just cannot sleep on a plane!

We landed in Orlando early, so I was excited! I figured we could just hop off the plane, get on the fake monorail, grab our luggage, get our car and be in Disney before 10 am! How wrong I was!

We did get off the plane and on the fake monorail with no problem! I even paused for a minute to take a picture of the airport Christmas tree, like I did in 2011, and just like on that trip, I was ridiculed by my husband!

I don't care, it's a nice tree, and it was the official start of our Disney Christmas trip! And where else am I going to get a picture of a Christmas tree with palm trees right next to it?

We went downstairs to get our luggage and waited for our carousel to start moving...we waited...and waited...and waited some more. 9:00 came and went...9:30, which is when we were supposed to pick up our rental car...seriously, what was going on? I was trying to stay calm, tell myself we still had the whole day in front of us, but...I kinda thought we'd be on Disney property by that point...

Finally the carousel started moving and our came the bags...luckily ours were some of the first ones out, so we grabbed them and flew down to the Alamo counter...only to be greeted by the longest line in the history of lines at car rental counters.

Brandon insisted we could use the kiosk, but I knew we couldn't because I always rent through Costco, which lets us get a free additional driver, and for some reason, the kiosk doesn't recognize that, but he wanted to try. After a few failed attempts, he gave up...I mentioned that I read on the DIS that you could go outside to the counter where the cars are and check in there, but I wasn't sure if it would this point, Brandon was really annoyed, the Alamo line was not moving (if you've ever rented a car, you know how long it takes) and with 2 million people ahead of us, we would be there all afternoon. So whatever, we went outside and tried our luck...and thankfully, the person out there checked us in with no problem! We didn't even get asked about upgrading or get pressured to get the insurance, we just got our rental agreement and were free to get our car!

(Sorry, that's a long paragraph about rental cars...feel free to just skim that if you want!)

There were maybe 5 cars in the compact row, so I picked a cute little Nissan Versa for us...which Brandon didn't like at all, but since he always picks the cars, he let me have this one! It was so cute and fun to drive, I don't know why he didn't like it!

Aww, so cute! And it's blue!

We loaded up the car and we were off to Disney World after what seemed like being in the airport FOREVER! Seriously, that was probably one of the most annoying airport experiences I've ever had there...usually it's so fast and efficient! Oh well, it didn't matter anymore, because we were almost in Disney!

Until Brandon remembered that he needed we had to stop at a CVS on the way. OMG we were so close to Disney...I could see the Characters in Flight balloon from the CVS parking lot and he's over here, debating with himself about what razors to get! Who cares, it's a 5 day trip, grow a beard!!! UGHHHHH!!!

Before I could have a heart attack, we were back in the car and FINALLY driving under the most wonderful sign in the world...

AHHHHHHHHH WE'RE HERE!!!!!! :dance3:

As much as I just wanted to get to our resort and check in, we were starving, so we had to go to Downtown Disney first to go to my beloved Earl of Sandwich! :lovestruc Parking was a nightmare, and I assumed there would be a huge line at Earl, but there wasn't! I claimed a table while Brandon ordered, and soon, I was reunited with THIS:

The Holiday Sandwich. It's probably the best sandwich in the world. It's basically Thanksgiving on a sandwich, if you haven't had one yet. I waited over a year to eat this sandwich, and every bite was better than the last. Yum.

I don't remember what Brandon got, sorry! I was too immersed in my Holiday Sandwich...I'm guessing he got a tuna melt, but honestly, I have no clue!

When we finished eating, we looked around Downtown Disney a little, which had really cute Christmas decorations

but I assumed we'd back another day, and I was anxious to check into our resort, so we just went back to the car and drove over to Pop Century!

The last time we stayed at Pop, we were in the 50's section, so this time I requested a room in the 60's or 70's area. We went in and there was no line, and the lovely CM who checked us in informed us that our room was ready, and it was in the 70's section, yay!

She was nice, but she didn't tell us anything about our Magic Bands, which we had with us. She didn't tell us that we no longer needed Key to the World cards, OR that Pop was part of a test where even if you requested a KTTW card, you couldn't get the old Fast Passes with them anymore, so if I didn't read the DIS, I would have been really confused! :confused3 Even knowing how Magic Bands worked, I still had to ask her if they would get us right into the room, because she didn't take them from us and scan them or was just strange!

We went up to our room, which was on the 2nd floor and our Magic Bands worked perfectly, which was nice! I've read some horror stories about them not working, but everything was fine so far!

Our room at Pop was cute, there is new bedding, which is nice!

I have more pictures of the room, but I'm guessing you guys know what a room at Pop looks like by now, right? :rotfl:

As soon as I was finished taking pictures, I turned the TV on...I had to watch Stacey, then I would officially be in Disney World! I put it on...and it was on the channel that shows all of the times and schedules of the parks. Ok, that's strange...where's Stacey? I went up a few channels and they were black...I almost freaked out, because I knew one of those was Stacey's channel...ok, if I can't watch Stacey 24/7, we need to switch rooms. I decided to check every single channel, and finally I ended up on the Spanish channels and found my beloved Stacey! Who was speaking English, but had Spanish subtitles!

Good enough for me, crisis averted!

Brandon was exhausted so he took a little nap while I showered and decorated my window! When I was in Disney for Christmas in 2011, we stayed at Pop and I went all out decorating our window to look cute and Christmasy! I wanted to do it again, but I did it much more simply this year...just lights and a few window clings!

There were a lot of people with decorated windows this year, much more than 2 years ago, which was nice! It's fun coming back to the resort late at night and seeing the window displays!

Finally, I had to wake Brandon because I HAD to get to a park! I made a deal with him that if I let him nap when we got to the room, we were going to the parks and not coming back until the parks closed...usually we go to a park, take a break, go back out, but since we were so short on time, I didn't want to do that! He got ready and we were out the door on our way to our first park of the trip!

On the walk over, he was fascinated with all of the huge Pop icons! I don't think he really looked around when we stayed there 2 years ago, so he had to take a few pictures, he really liked the Big Wheel!

Ok, we can take pictures later, let's get to a park!

If you guys know me at all, I'm sure you can guess which park we went to first...Epcot! :worship: My favorite park in the World! Never mind favorite park, favorite place in the world! We were parked so far away, and the tram took forever, but we finally got to the entrance...and we couldn't go in because we had to buy tickets. UGH. So close, but so far!

And then...I was walking into Epcot! :cloud9: It was perfect! The weather was perfect, the Christmas music was perfect (although I did miss Legacy a little bit, I have to admit) and I finally felt like I was home, that I was IN Disney World!

I didn't have time to stop, because I had something very important to take care of. Usually I walk in, take a billion pictures of Spaceship Earth, check the times boards to see how long the wait for Soarin' was (which, ok, I did that, but it was way too long, like 85 minutes or something) but this time, I had to get to my first destination of the trip.

Where was that? Starbucks! Yes, the first thing I did in Epcot was go to Starbucks. I don't care. I love Starbucks and the fact that they are in Disney Parks now is just fine with me!

I got a wonderful special only in Disney flavor Frappucino, something with cherry, I can't remember the official name, but it was amazing! It was like a chocolate covered cherry in Frappucino form!

Brandon just got regular coffee I think, and had to call his brother, so I took that time to just drink my Frappucino and look at my lovely Fountain of Nations and the palm trees and feel the amazing Florida warmth and daydream about what kinds of Disney adventures were waiting for us over the next few days!

I was just so happy at that moment...finally no more rushing to get to Downtown Disney, or to Pop, or even to our first park...we could finally slow down a little and just appreciate being in Disney World! And we had the whole trip ahead of us! :cool1:

Stay tuned, because we're just getting started! :woohoo:

Up next...more Epcot, eating and resort hopping!
Yay for a new TR! I just happened to check the list of trip reports today since I normally just go to what I have bookmarked. Even then I'm so far behind on reading, but I just had to start yours and comment!

I CRACKED UP about the whole getting a razor at CVS thing and the "grow a beard" comment! It was so funny that I had to read it out loud to Howard too! I completely agree! It's DISNEY WORLD! It's time to get goin'!

Yum, the holiday sandwich! If for whatever reason we can't make it to DTD during our next trip, I saw that they have a turkey sandwich at Pop. I know it won't be the same, but it's also a ton of carbs on a sandwich, and we might have to try that one!
Yay you've arrived. I'm sorry you had to wait so long for your luggage and that the car rental counter was so busy. I've noticed that about Alamo in the past...they always seem to have the longest lines (I know we've stood in one for 45 minutes once).

Too funny that you had to stop for razors. I would have told my husband to get them at the gift shop at the resort if he had to have them.

Glad to hear your room was ready and your MB's worked. You crack me up with Stacy. I purposely do NOT turn on the TV the entire trip because she annoys the heck out of me. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I'm glad that you finally got to your favorite park. I'm with you on Starbucks...delighted that they are now in Disney.

Can't wait to read more.
Man, I thought I didn't get much sleep the night before our trip, but you have me beat! I don't know how you fly out SO early in the morning. Even with Disney as the destination, I don't know that I could be excited that early.

Ah, we have pictures of the airport Christmas tree too. I think you are obligated to take a picture of it if you're writing a trip report! :rotfl: And good point about the palm trees next to it - never noticed that.

We passed a really long car rental line on our way to the Magical Express area (I don't think it was Alamo, though). I was so glad that we didn't have to do that. I'm glad you found a shortcut (thanks, DIS!)

I like the blue of your cute little car! Good color.

Ha ha on the "grow a beard!" :rotfl:

Huh, we had Stacy. Glad you found her in some form!

Cute window decorations!

I didn't know there were special Starbucks flavors at Disney. That sounds good!

I love that feeling of the whole trip being ahead of you. Moments to savor!
Oh my! Crazy you had to wait so long for luggage!! And holy cow, long lines suck at rental car places!!! Good to know you can go outside if needed!!!

That frap looks and sounds delicious!!!!

Yay for getting started!! Can't wait to
Yay! You arrived at Disney! :goodvibes

So, I literally laughed out loud at your thought process when Brandon was buying razors. "Grow a beard!" :rotfl2: It was almost like he was intentionally stalling....that's something Alex would do.

Ugh, I'm kicking myself for not messaging you on facebook asking what resort you were staying at! We were right next door to each other. I was in the 60's section at Pop....:rolleyes2
How we did not run into each other in the food court or along the sidewalks is beyond me. Although, if you ever heard a kid yelling just for the sake of yelling while you were around Everything Pop, that was probably Landon. He just likes to make noise. :rotfl2:

It's weird that nobody had to scan your bands at the checkin desk...:confused3

Epcot! :love:
I agree about Starbucks being a first stop once inside the parks. It was extremely nice to have one right by the entrances both there and in the MK.
And a chocolate covered cherry flavored frapp....that sounds delicious!
Can't wait to hear how your trip went! We were there Dec. 5-10. Our magic bands worked perfectly the whole time - I was pleasantly surprised. One evening we took the boat from MK to Fort Wilderness and took a carriage ride. It was awesome! Thanks for including that tip in your TR. Our first "real" Disney trip was back in the 80's with our 2 boys - we stayed in Fort Wilderness in the cabins. So, that place has lots of good memories.
Yay! That's the best feeling waking up the morning of a trip to realize it's finally time to go to Disney!

What a yucky experience at the airport! I think that's part of the reason I like the Magical Express so much. No need to wait for your bags or in a line for a car. I know you like having a car though.

Sounds like Brandon was a little bit Grumpy that morning. :rotfl2:

I love Pop Century! It's my favorite value although I haven't stayed at AOA yet.

I knew you were headed to Epcot! I don't drink coffee so I could care less about Starbucks but my SIL is extremely excited for when we go in February. And we are doing a meal plan so she can use snack credits to get her fix.
That must have been such an aggravating feeling thinking you had to wait in that huge line for the rental cars. I personally would've felt so trapped. Good thing your idea worked!

Omg, they have special Disney Starbucks drinks? That's amazing!!! That makes me even more excited to be able to get Starbs at Disney! BAHHH. Yeah, if you couldn't tell, I am also pro-Starbucks at Disney. Hahaa

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Who cares, it's a 5 day trip, grow a beard!!! UGHHHHH!!!

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

OMG I laughed so hard and so unexpectedly that I spit on my hand! I can just picture your face while you were waiting for him! :lmao::lmao: ETA: That should have been the name of the whole TR hahahaha!!

Aside from the waiting for luggage thing and the rental car line, it sounds like a pretty awesome start! Brandon's pit stop at CVS probably wouldn't have been so irritating if you hadn't already waited at MCO for so long!

Seriously, who can we petition to bring EoS to CT? Milford Mall or Westfarms...I don't care. Preferably both. Let's make this happen! :hyper:


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