My, What an Interesting Carpet Bag~A Dec. 2013 TR!*Remember Me?!*PTR for May 2015 Link, pg 23!*

Yay for a new TR! I just happened to check the list of trip reports today since I normally just go to what I have bookmarked. Even then I'm so far behind on reading, but I just had to start yours and comment!

I CRACKED UP about the whole getting a razor at CVS thing and the "grow a beard" comment! It was so funny that I had to read it out loud to Howard too! I completely agree! It's DISNEY WORLD! It's time to get goin'!

Yum, the holiday sandwich! If for whatever reason we can't make it to DTD during our next trip, I saw that they have a turkey sandwich at Pop. I know it won't be the same, but it's also a ton of carbs on a sandwich, and we might have to try that one!

Yay, glad you're here! I'm so behind on TR's too, and I'm afraid I'm never going to get caught up! :( I'm reading the ones I'm subbed to, but I just don't have time to comment on all of them, but I do read them!

Haha, yeah, seriously, he was driving me crazy with the razors! It wouldn't have been so bad if we didn't wait so long for our bags and then the car, but it felt like we'd never get there! :laughing:

I almost tried that sandwich at Pop, but I figured if I'm going to eat a sandwich, i'm eating at Earl's! I hope you get to try it, it's so good!

Yay you've arrived. I'm sorry you had to wait so long for your luggage and that the car rental counter was so busy. I've noticed that about Alamo in the past...they always seem to have the longest lines (I know we've stood in one for 45 minutes once).

Too funny that you had to stop for razors. I would have told my husband to get them at the gift shop at the resort if he had to have them.

Glad to hear your room was ready and your MB's worked. You crack me up with Stacy. I purposely do NOT turn on the TV the entire trip because she annoys the heck out of me. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I'm glad that you finally got to your favorite park. I'm with you on Starbucks...delighted that they are now in Disney.

Can't wait to read more.

Yeah the line at Alamo is always annoying. I wish I could use the kiosks, but it won't let you add a driver so I can't! I think from now on we'll just go right outside...:rolleyes1

I didn't even think about the gift shop! And honestly, I'm not even sure if he ended up shaving the whole time we were there! He might have once, but I don't think so! Ugh! We wasted so much time!

Aww, I love Stacey! :lovestruc

I love that Starbucks is in Disney, it's perfect! I miss the Main Street Bakery a little, but not enough to not want Starbucks in it's place! :rotfl2:

Man, I thought I didn't get much sleep the night before our trip, but you have me beat! I don't know how you fly out SO early in the morning. Even with Disney as the destination, I don't know that I could be excited that early.

Ah, we have pictures of the airport Christmas tree too. I think you are obligated to take a picture of it if you're writing a trip report! :rotfl: And good point about the palm trees next to it - never noticed that.

We passed a really long car rental line on our way to the Magical Express area (I don't think it was Alamo, though). I was so glad that we didn't have to do that. I'm glad you found a shortcut (thanks, DIS!)

I like the blue of your cute little car! Good color.

Ha ha on the "grow a beard!" :rotfl:

Huh, we had Stacy. Glad you found her in some form!

Cute window decorations!

I didn't know there were special Starbucks flavors at Disney. That sounds good!

I love that feeling of the whole trip being ahead of you. Moments to savor!

Haha, I don't know, I just like getting there early! I like having the whole day ahead of me! I keep saying we should fly at night, get there, do all of the annoying things like check in, unpack, and then go somewhere to dinner and go to sleep early our first night of a trip, but I end up changing our flights to early! Why waste a whole day!

I wish we could do Magical Express, but I like the freedom of having a car. I did enjoy the buses when I went with my sister in Feb. but I know Brandon would never put up with them, he has no patience! :confused3

Yeah I don't know what was up with Stacey, but thank goodness I found her on the Spanish channel, and that she was speaking English! :laughing: I seriously would have asked for a new room!

I didn't know there were special Disney Starbucks flavors either, but I'm glad there was, because it was SO good!

I love just arriving in Disney and having the whole trip ahead of you, it's the best! :love:

I'm here! I'm in! (And I love Pop's new bedding!)

Yay!!! :banana: It's really cute, isn't it!

Oh my! Crazy you had to wait so long for luggage!! And holy cow, long lines suck at rental car places!!! Good to know you can go outside if needed!!!

That frap looks and sounds delicious!!!!

Yay for getting started!! Can't wait to

I know it was annoying, I almost started crying out of frustration! :rotfl2: And then the rental car, ugh! I've never seen a line that long at Alamo, and they take SO long, we would have been there for hours!

It was delicious, I love Starbucks at Disney! :banana:
Yay! You arrived at Disney! :goodvibes

So, I literally laughed out loud at your thought process when Brandon was buying razors. "Grow a beard!" :rotfl2: It was almost like he was intentionally stalling....that's something Alex would do.

Ugh, I'm kicking myself for not messaging you on facebook asking what resort you were staying at! We were right next door to each other. I was in the 60's section at Pop....:rolleyes2
How we did not run into each other in the food court or along the sidewalks is beyond me. Although, if you ever heard a kid yelling just for the sake of yelling while you were around Everything Pop, that was probably Landon. He just likes to make noise. :rotfl2:

It's weird that nobody had to scan your bands at the checkin desk...:confused3

Epcot! :love:
I agree about Starbucks being a first stop once inside the parks. It was extremely nice to have one right by the entrances both there and in the MK.
And a chocolate covered cherry flavored frapp....that sounds delicious!


Ugh it was so annoying! He probably was intentionally stalling, because he thinks it's amusing when I get all crazy about Disney! :rotfl:

OMG you were at Pop? I just assumed you were at the All Stars because that's where you always stay! We didn't spend a lot of time there, we never even ate in the Food Court, but I did run in a few times to buy drinks and stuff, maybe I did see you! That's so weird!

I know, I thought it was weird too...they scanned one of them when we first got there, the guy who lets you in to the resort scanned one so maybe that activated them? Who knows, but at least they worked! :thumbsup2

I love Starbucks at Disney, it's so perfect! :yay:

Can't wait to hear how your trip went! We were there Dec. 5-10. Our magic bands worked perfectly the whole time - I was pleasantly surprised. One evening we took the boat from MK to Fort Wilderness and took a carriage ride. It was awesome! Thanks for including that tip in your TR. Our first "real" Disney trip was back in the 80's with our 2 boys - we stayed in Fort Wilderness in the cabins. So, that place has lots of good memories.

Yay, glad you're magic bands worked perfectly! We had a few issues with ours, but only at first, I'll get to that in the next update! Isn't the carriage ride at FW awesome? I'd love to do that again someday! It's fun going back to a resort that has a lot of memories, isn't it? :thumbsup2 That's why we always visit the Wilderness Lodge, we just love it there!

Yay! That's the best feeling waking up the morning of a trip to realize it's finally time to go to Disney!

What a yucky experience at the airport! I think that's part of the reason I like the Magical Express so much. No need to wait for your bags or in a line for a car. I know you like having a car though.

Sounds like Brandon was a little bit Grumpy that morning. :rotfl2:

I love Pop Century! It's my favorite value although I haven't stayed at AOA yet.

I knew you were headed to Epcot! I don't drink coffee so I could care less about Starbucks but my SIL is extremely excited for when we go in February. And we are doing a meal plan so she can use snack credits to get her fix.

It is, I love waking up on Disney Day! :dance3:

I've only used Magical Express once, and I loved it! But I know Brandon would never go for a whole trip using the buses, if we even had to wait 5 minutes he'd be complaining and I don't want to hear it on my vacation! :rotfl2: So it's easier for us to get a car, but if I ever do a solo trip or go with my sister again, I'll definitely use the ME!

Pop is cute, AOA is also really nice, but you can't get discounts for the LM rooms, which is why we ended up at Pop again! I do love it there, but I would prefer a deluxe! :rolleyes1

Haha, yeah, I always have to start my trips at Epcot! I love that place! And there are other things you can get at Starbucks if you don't drink coffee! They have a vanilla bean frappucino that's really good, and if you add raspberry syrup it tastes like cotton candy, and turns it a really pretty pink...they also have lots of different teas and stuff! :thumbsup2

That must have been such an aggravating feeling thinking you had to wait in that huge line for the rental cars. I personally would've felt so trapped. Good thing your idea worked!

Omg, they have special Disney Starbucks drinks? That's amazing!!! That makes me even more excited to be able to get Starbs at Disney! BAHHH. Yeah, if you couldn't tell, I am also pro-Starbucks at Disney. Hahaa

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I did feel trapped, so I'm glad we tried the counter outside, and it worked! I'm not sure if they are really supposed to do that, but I think they felt bad for us so they just checked us in and sent us on our way! :thumbsup2 I'll definitely be doing that again!

Apparently! I didn't know they had special Disney drinks, but it was on the menu and it said only at Disney or something, so of course, I had to get it, even though I went in with the intentions of getting a salted caramel mocha! It was SO good! :cool1: I love Starbucks at Disney, I can't wait til more of them open!
Disney and seeing all the beautiful Christmas decorations...I'm in! :santa:

Yay, welcome!!! :cool1:

Joining in and looking forward to reading another one of your trip reports.

Yay, glad you're here! :banana:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

OMG I laughed so hard and so unexpectedly that I spit on my hand! I can just picture your face while you were waiting for him! :lmao::lmao: ETA: That should have been the name of the whole TR hahahaha!!

Aside from the waiting for luggage thing and the rental car line, it sounds like a pretty awesome start! Brandon's pit stop at CVS probably wouldn't have been so irritating if you hadn't already waited at MCO for so long!

Seriously, who can we petition to bring EoS to CT? Milford Mall or Westfarms...I don't care. Preferably both. Let's make this happen! :hyper:

Haha, that would have been a good TR title! Too bad I didn't think of it until I did this update! :rotfl2: It was obnoxious, let's just get to Disney already! Ugh!

It wouldn't have been annoying at all, going to CVS for a few minutes, but the airport was so agonizing, I just wanted to get to Disney! I don't know what the problem with the luggage was, but that never happens in Orlando! :confused3

I know, we need an EoS! I think Downtown New Haven would be a perfect place, it would be packed! :cool1:

Enjoying another TR from you as always! Can't wait to read more! :)

Yay, so glad you're here! :woohoo:
I am. The link is in my siggie. The mickey, minion one.
We rented from Alamo and used Costco but had no line but other issues.
I had trouble finding Stacy also.
I could sit all day watching the fountain.
Love your trip report so far! you and your husband sound like me and my husband!! I love Disney and he is a good sport. Your comment about grow a beard cracked me up. Your excitement and anticipation, I can relate too! haha and your husband wanting to nap and all you want to do is get to a park! I have a feeling in February I will have a very similar start to the trip! Can't wait to read more!
Speed reading before work so I'm missing some stuff.

But YAY :cool1: you made it there on 2 hours sleep. The sky really does look pretty from the plane.

Ugh to the rental car. Denny and I do the divide and conquer - he gets in line and I get the luggage. Which is a pain for me, but a time saver. Thanks for the tip about going to the window - did not know that.

I like that cute blue little car.

The Pop room is cute and nice job with the window!
Oh - and having to stop at a drug store is SO something Denny would need to do. :rotfl2:
I am. The link is in my siggie. The mickey, minion one.
We rented from Alamo and used Costco but had no line but other issues.
I had trouble finding Stacy also.
I could sit all day watching the fountain.

Oh, ok, awesome, I'll definitely join in! :banana:

Yeah we never really have a huge line at Alamo, I don't know what that was about! And it was so early in the morning too, it was just weird! :confused3

I almost freaked out when I couldn't find Stacey, thank goodness for that Spanish channel! :thumbsup2

Me too! I'm obsessed with that fountain! :cloud9:

Love your trip report so far! you and your husband sound like me and my husband!! I love Disney and he is a good sport. Your comment about grow a beard cracked me up. Your excitement and anticipation, I can relate too! haha and your husband wanting to nap and all you want to do is get to a park! I have a feeling in February I will have a very similar start to the trip! Can't wait to read more!

Thanks! Haha, oh, that's so funny! Yeah my husband loves napping in Disney...but he was good about it this time, usually he wants at least 2 hours, but he was ok with 20 or 30 minutes on this trip! On long trips I don't mind, but on these shorter ones, there's just no time! :rotfl:

Speed reading before work so I'm missing some stuff.

But YAY :cool1: you made it there on 2 hours sleep. The sky really does look pretty from the plane.

Ugh to the rental car. Denny and I do the divide and conquer - he gets in line and I get the luggage. Which is a pain for me, but a time saver. Thanks for the tip about going to the window - did not know that.

I like that cute blue little car.

The Pop room is cute and nice job with the window!

Yeah I would do the divide and conquer but we both like to be able to drive, so they usually need both of us at the counter, so we can't. I'm sure that would be much easier though! :thumbsup2 I'm glad going outside worked, because that line was crazy! :eek:

Wasn't it cute? I liked it too, but Brandon complained about it the whole time...not seriously, he just kept saying it was a "girl" car. :confused3:rotfl:

Thanks! I love that you can decorate windows there!

Oh - and having to stop at a drug store is SO something Denny would need to do. :rotfl2:

Usually we go to Walgreens after we get settled but I was hoping not to have to do that on this trip, since we had such a limited amount of time...but no such luck! I just wanted to get there! :yay:

Following along!! :)

Yay, welcome! :dance3:
That Time We Didn't Do Anything in Epcot...

Hi Everyone! Before I start my update, since I'm not sure if I'll have the time to be on here tomorrow, I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

Saturday, 11/30 Part 2

Now that I've had my Starbucks (IN DISNEY, which I still kind of can't get over!) and Brandon was off the phone, we were ready to go explore Epcot! Except for one small problem...while Brandon was talking to his family, I was trying to link his Magic Band to My Disney Experience so I could maybe make us some FastPass+ reservations. I linked mine with no problem, but I couldn't get his to link. So we first had to go ask a Cast Member what to do, and they told us to go to Guest Relations. So that's what we did.

Guest Relations is right near Spaceship Earth, which I had no idea even existed! I mean, I know I've walked by it a million times, but I never had any reason to go in there since I've never had a problem at Disney World! The CM's in there were super friendly, one of them just took my phone, erased Brandon's park ticket and gave us a brand new one (even though we just bought them maybe 45 minutes before!) and linked it right there! It only took about 15 minutes, but it seemed like we wasted so much time! But whatever, I was happy I could finally make FP+ reservations! Of course, there was nothing available for that night, so I figured I'd just play around with it later for tomorrow or something!

We walked over to the World Showcase, and just like every year, I was amazed by the tree!

It's just so pretty! And it's even better at night, I love how it sparkles!

We took a left because I was contemplating getting a margarita in Mexico, but for some reason, I didn't think it was the best idea. As much as i wanted one, I skipped it, I was terrified of getting a migraine and having it ruin my first day (spoiler alert...I made it through this ENTIRE trip migraine free! :banana: I think that's a Disney first!) so we just kept walking to Norway.

It was super crowded over there, which was giving me kind of a bad feeling...I knew it would be crowded, since it was Thanksgiving weekend, but I didn't expect that level of crowds, so I was hoping they would thin out. I tried to just ignore it and focus on being in Disney.

Brandon wanted to stop and get a beer from the cart in Norway, so I went over to the side and took some pictures of the lagoon. The sun was blinding, and I could barely see what I took pictures of because it was so bright, but when I looked at my camera later, I was surprised at how beautiful they turned out!

Brandon was taking a long time to get his beer (they had to replace the keg, so it took longer than normal!) so I just wandered around Norway a little.

I saw the line to meet Anna and Elsa, which was insane! I've heard it gets up to 3 hours, which is just crazy! If characters are that popular, they should have them in other parks, so that one place isn't the only option! Imagine wasting 3 hours in line to meet a character? And I thought 45 minutes for the Dwarves was bad! :rotfl:

Anyway, Brandon finally got his beer and I wanted to ride Maelstrom, but it was a 40 minute wait! So we skipped it and moved on!

We just leisurely strolled around the World Showcase for a little while. The Candlelight Processional was starting in an hour or so, and Brandon wanted to see some of it, since Gary Sinise was narrating. Forrest Gump is one of his favorite movies, so he just wanted to see him in person I guess!

We looked around in Japan a little

and Brandon was thinking of getting sushi while we were there. I didn't want to eat until we left Epcot and got to a resort near the Magic Kingdom, so I suggested to him that maybe he should wait and he could get sushi at Kona Island, that little place right next to Kona Cafe. He agreed, and it turned out to be one of the best decisions of the night (however, I'm not sure if I'll get there in this update, so you'll have to stay tuned to see why!) :thumbsup2

I didn't want to go too far away from America, so we wouldn't have to come back once the CP started (we weren't trying to get in to sit, we were just going to watch from the back for a little while) so we just hung out there. I got a jalepeno pretzel from this little pretzel area they now have in America, but it just wasn't as good as the ones from Animal Kingdom!

While I was eating, I sat near the tree and took a ton of pictures! I just love the tree in America for some reason, I think it's so beautiful, and the American pavilion looks perfect!

Once I finished my pretzel, we went in the new bathrooms in America...which is like, ok, great, new bathrooms, but these bathrooms are insane! I couldn't take pictures, because honestly, I didn't want to be that creep taking pictures inside the bathrooms, but they are beautiful! :scared1: Even when Brandon came out, he was impressed, and he never cares about bathrooms! :rotfl:

Once we got over the amazement of these new bathrooms and composed ourselves, we went over to the fountain. The fife and drum guys were out, and they were playing Christmas music! It was awesome, I love those cute little extra things you find in Disney that just make your trip extra special! So we listened to them for a while, and then watched the ducks swim around the fountain

and then finally it was time for the CP to start!

It was beautiful, we watched the first few songs until we decided to move on. If we did the longer trip that I wanted to do in the first place, I would have done the dinner package, I even had it booked for that night, but I had to cancel once we had to shorten our trip. But Brandon was happy he got to see Lieutenant Dan in person, haha!

The sun was starting to go down, which is my favorite time to be in Epcot, because everything just looks so amazing, and there's really nothing better than a Florida sunset!

At this point, it was pretty obvious that we weren't going to do any attractions in Epcot that night, because I wanted to go to the Poly and the Grand to see the Christmas decorations, and then hop over to MK, so we decided we should probably head out. I didn't mind, I didn't think we would really do much that night, but I thought maybe we'd get to do a few of the less popular attractions! It was ok though, just being in Epcot, listening to Christmas music and seeing the decorations was good enough for me!

We stopped in France for a few minutes, because I wanted to check out the bakery, which was just packed with people so I couldn't even see if they had what I wanted (macarons...which I think they did, but I only wanted one and I think you had to buy a whole package or something?) so we left and went back outside.

France is always decorated beautifully for Christmas, but this was the first time I saw these snowflakes!

I thought they were cute, simple but Christmasy!

We also stopped in the new ice cream shop, and I was so tempted to get some ice cream with vodka poured over it, but I again, I wasn't sure how much my stomach would like that combo, never mind not getting a migraine from it! So again, I skipped it, but I was hoping I had time to go back in the next few days. I love that they give it to you in a martini glass, so classy! :lovestruc

We walked through England, and I think Brandon stopped for another beer here, so I had to entertain myself like I always do and take pictures...I loved this Mary Poppins topiary, so cute!

Sadly, it was super crowded, you can't really tell from these pictures, but it was crazy that night, almost Food and Wine crazy, so I was kind of happy to be leaving Epcot, which is strange for me to say, considering it's my favorite place ever! I was so happy to be in Disney, but this wasn't the way I envisioned our night going! We only had 4 days and I was nervous we wouldn't get to do anything because of the crowds! I started whining to Brandon about it and he just told me to calm down and relax. I didn't even realize it, but we ended up right near the Fountain of Nations, so maybe that's what made me snap out of my almost bad mood can't really be upset near this fountain, it's not allowed! Especially when there are palm trees in front of you.

Almost bad mood vanished, we were on our way out of Epcot and ready to go see some Christmas beauty at the Poly and the Grand! And eat! I was starving by that time, so I couldn't wait to get to the Poly! But first, I had to have a little photo shoot with my love, Spaceship Earth, the colors from the sun made it look even more beautiful than ever:

Yeah, and I've got like 20 should see my phone when I get home from Disney, there are hundreds of Spaceship Earth pictures. I think I take more pictures of it than Cinderella Castle. It's a problem. :rotfl: It's just so pretty, and so perfectly Epcot!

I probably could have taken more pictures, but we were really starving by that point, and we knew what a pain it was to get to MK, park, and then get to the Poly, so we had to hurry!

Bye Stitch! See you next time!

Up next...Christmas at the Grand and Poly!

I think most people who visit Disney have now discovered that Guest Relations building by Spaceship Earth. :rotfl:

Beautiful evening shots of the WS. Love the ones of the Christmas tree in the American Pavilion. :goodvibes

Oh, the crowds....I know how that story is going to go. It was pretty nuts. We tend to have a knack at going during unexpected times.
May of 2012 it was unbearably hot, this past month every person on the planet decided to go to Disney....we really have to stop that. :rotfl2:
You know me, slacking on the DIS, so what do I discover? Your TR is done and you started a new one! Crazy, but crazy good!

Waiting for the luggage is the worst. When we take short trips, we just pack two carry-ons and deal, just to avoid the wait. I hate dealing with the rental car people, I always get so much anxiety about it. We have Alamo booked for February (Disney Cruise/Clearwater beach vacation. Kyle is sticking to his no WDW trip in 2014, but DCL is OK :lmao: ) so maybe we will just head outside.

That's funny about the razors! Did he forget to pack them or does he just prefer shopping in Florida? LOL

Love Epcot! MK is still number one to me, but Epcot is at a very close second. We had trouble with our Magic Bands and Fastpass+ in October, I hope it is better for you.
great update and beautiful pics.

Sorry you had troubles with the band.
Glad you got Brandon 's magic band fixed!

Great update!!! :)
Can't wait to hear about the rest of your night!!
Beautiful pictures, Jen. I'm sorry it was so crowded; we had crowds too and decided if we go again next December to go a week later.

So glad to hear you didn't get a single migraine this trip.
It's always just so nice to be in a park on arrival day, I have found I really don't care if we don't even get to do anything. :goodvibes Taking it all in and realizing you are FINALLY THERE is just so exciting all in itself! I'm glad you got through your whole trip migraine free. :thumbsup2 Just too bad you had to miss out on all those delicious sounding things for fear of one.

Looking forward to your MK night!
I totally understand how crowds can bum a person out. On the very first day of my trip in September, the crowds were nonexistent and I was so excited because I thought the rest of my week would be the same. I was wrong - they weren't super bad, as it was September, but I kept thinking "this isn't supposed to happen!" :rotfl:

Can't wait to read about your next segment of the trip! :goodvibes
I had to go to Guest Relations in Epcot once. They were wonderful then too!
What a gorgeous tree. I'm so sad that it wasn't up when I was there!
(And what an awesome spoiler, no migraines!! :thumbsup2 )
3 hours to meet Anna and Elsa??? Whoa! That's craziness!
You can never have too many pictures of the same thing in WDW! I take like 20 shots of everything just in case! You never know when one will be blurry, or someone will blink...or a bird will fly through the frame just as you click the shutter. Yes, it's happened to me! And your pics from around Epcot came out great! Sometimes, it's nice to just wander around Epcot and NOT do anything! It's a good park for that! I'm the same way with AK...I could easily spend hours there just walking around and taking pictures without riding a single thing.

Can't wait to see pictures from The Poly! :lovestruc


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