new annual passes - short term thinking from Disney?

There might be something to this for some kids. I took my 8 yr old twin nieces for their Birthday
to WDW and Universal. They seemed to have a good time at Universal but end of the day wanted
to go back to see the "princesses". Only one of my kids loves Harry Potter and read the books. Having
teens I always combine WDW trips with Universal because they enjoy it but I always notice they have
never stayed till closing and always call to pick them up early. Yet they seem to enjoy.

Come December we have 16 people for WDW ages from 5 to 70. We are the only ones doing UO also.
There has been major grumblings recently from them about recent changes/ price hikes and misgivings
about going at all. I put it out there we can go to Universal and all I heard was "why would we want
to go there" or "so and so wants to see Mickey and Minnie not Shrek". Or my Uncle stating he and
my Aunt are not going to a park with a lot of "teeny boppers". They want a nice "Family Place". :rotfl2:

We will continue to go and enjoy combo of both when we visit but UO definitely does not appeal to everyone. Honestly we want to take our kids while we can because with the crazy prices trips soon
will be down to zero.
It's a strange on re UO. We like it. But as Disney became more expensive and we became AP holders, we actually stopped spending the money on going to UO. Our last five visits have been simply focussed on WDW and have enjoyed not rushing about in the parks, just taking time to enjoy the atmosphere as much as the rides. And spending time visiting the different resort hotels which is also really nice.
I have gone over to Universal quite a few times. Disney priced us out of their hotels and if we can't find a deal or go to Swan or Dolphin we don't stay over there. Driving over from Universal hotels. Plus my room has been upgraded a couple times at Universal (for free). I've been going to Disney resorts for Decades and never once got upgraded

I have found that many times in the Disney parks I wind up frustrated and having to decamp to a quieter park area so that I don't have a meltdown. Universal is just a lot of less stress. I was Disney crazed when I was kid. Still am to a point but right now I'm actually saying I would rather be at Universal.

Now not being affluent, Do the affluent really want to go to Disney World more than once? Well except for a few Disney lovers, How big is that group? It seems to me that the group that is trying to make ends meet is the bigger group. I once got told my someone I would love to take my grandkids but I don't want to take out of mortgage on my house. So the thought that Disney is too expensive is already out their
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I haven't been since 2016 and IMO the decline started around that time so no I'm not basing it off the pandemic time period. There is a really good thread on the Trip Planning board where members are posting what they've taken away that outlines things that people miss. I have some of the most incredible memories at Disney with my family, ones that none of us will ever forget, but it feels like the experience has just decreased. And look I'm not saying a vacation at Disney is bad, I'm sure if I went today I would have a ton of fun. But for me its not like it was and my vacation dollars are being spent elsewhere.
I can tell you exactly when the decline started happening. It was not long after my magic plus came into being around 2013. That data gave disney a treasure trove of data they used to raise prices on everything and cut services with key precision. Remember touring plans had their own data to know that disney was understaffing intentionally and causing wait times to go up. The trip we took at that time was a fabulous deal with a pin code for free dining and a ton of comparably good food and beverage prices to be had if you knew where to look. That same trip would cost around double today at a "value" resort.
Mostly in agreement with BadPinkTink although as a "DINK" I'm not sure we are the sole target audience. I'd be more than willing to bet Disney has considered the arguments many have made here but they're hedging their bets that their philosophy will win the day and lead to more profit for them in the gains vs losses category. The recent changes across the board are, to me, the biggest changes they'd made, as a whole yet. That said, the changes are not carved in stone and I'm sure will be watched closely by Disney. Keep in mind if they are wrong they can modify, change or add things to mollify what they consider to be detractors. I don't believe the ill will would be so bad that 'throwing us a bone" won't smooth over rough edges for many, especially those on the fence. As many have mentioned however, time will tell.
I don't believe the ill will would be so bad that 'throwing us a bone" won't smooth over rough edges for many, especially those on the fence. As many have mentioned however, time will tell.
It would have to be a pretty big bone with lots of meat on it. People have been declaring "no more Disney" with just about every change that came down the pike for years now. This time it feels different. The backlash has been too loud and has lasted too long.
Has anyone spoken to someone who went on their first Disney trip in the last 12 months? I’d be curious what their thoughts were.

Or anyone on these boards who went for first time? Although, this is a fan site so sometimes hard to get fair evaluation of the first timers here.

I do.
Family was waiting until their kids were at least 5 yo. Went all out with deluxe resort stay , parks, all food onsite
They came back and couldn’t understand what so many people over the years telling them how great the service and experience was - crowded , lines , mediocre food, for the price paid they felt taken advantage of. I doubt they will go back anytime soon. Yes, word of mouth was the reason they went , not a a tv commercial
I think what is missing from this analysis is that 1: the world population is growing rapidly. 2: wealth is being spread world wide as previously developing countries now have large populations of extremely wealthy people. Back in the day, we in the US had a thriving middle class that allowed a focus on the US market to be successful. IMO this is a switch to focusing on the wealthy worldwide. the fact that we in the US have developed a large wealth gap and are now a significantly lesser % of the # of wealthy people is not Disney’s fault. Frankly, if we don’t do something to improve our access to higher education I wouldn’t be surprised if the vast majority of all Americans are priced out by the time the 75th anniversary drops.


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