New Info on VMK Newsletter Page - Pay for play rooms are no longer allowed in VMK.

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With that said, VMK Staff should be treated like you would treat a school teacher: with respect. Because although the VMK Staff is there to help and keep you safe, they also must step in when you're not playing safely or following the VMK Values or game guidelines.

I'm an elementary school teacher, and, believe me, they do NOT want people to treat VMK Staff like they treat school teachers. (unless they want to be yelled at, cursed at, etc.) I think they need a better example. lol
pooh: I agree, to a point.

Why was it suddenly against the Values to be in someones room when they are not there? Have you ever had a friend over your house and went to work or school and told them they had to leave because you werent there? It is the same thing. If I am on VMK and have a bunch of people in my room and have to go, why should my friends leave? That makes no sense, it isnt against common courtesy. If I wanted them all gone before I left I could have booted them all, but I didnt.

That is what is called an "arbitrary" rule, they made it up to appease a situation. It, in fact, has no real value other than pigeonholing things even more. And then, to top it all off, the very next day, someone got a message saying it WASNT against values!
Yesterday somone ask Fin about the No Owner rule:
I'm an elementary school teacher, and, believe me, they do NOT want people to treat VMK Staff like they treat school teachers. (unless they want to be yelled at, cursed at, etc.) I think they need a better example. lol

That's what I thought, lol.

I've read the VMK Values and didn't see anything that says you can't be in a room when the owner isn't there.
Well, when VMK WAS open, I got banned for a day for the most idiotic reason!

If you would have waited 12 more days, there would have been a gap of exactly one year between your post and the one before it. That's quite fascinating to me.

What did you get banned for, anyway? Certainly not anything more idiotic than saying you were a member of Congress?

VMK Staff said:
ZOMG personal information he's a member of congress BANBANBANBANBAN!!!!
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