New June - Team Hakuna Matata!

Bonjour and :welcome: French Lady!

Margie - I think our zoo is like that. It actually has a really steep hill that goes down into the North American part of the zoo but that trail isn't part of the race. I'm still undecided on the race - it seems like it's going to be a small one (2,000 people) but the fee is pricey since I'm registering so late.

Dave - I finally saw Kung Fu Panda, it was hilarious! I thought of you while I was watching the movie :goodvibes

Erica - Sorry to hear about the massage but it was mom to the rescue!! Hopefully the repairs won't be too expensive.

Connie - He lost the Garmin :faint: Make sure he takes good care of the new one. Or if you bought it on a credit card, check to see if it is insured. My credit card has temporary 90 day insurance against, loss, theft, damages etc.

Scott - The Jibbitz are very cool!

Eva - I would feel creepy too. Definitely mention it to your neighbours, maybe the same guy got into their stuff too.

Lynn - I feel your pain with the weeds. Pesicides are banned here so we've been pulling them from our lawn but it doesn't help when the neighbours don't do the same - they just reappear and some of them are really hearty!
sticker shock!

Just booked 1 way down for the ½ through SWA. The cheapest I could get for 1 way was $175 per person and that’s arriving on Thursday night and having a stop in Baltimore. I’ll pray for a ding but so far it’s not looking too promising. This economy is killing us - thankfully I have DVC and staying using points at BW but boy is sure does put a damper on fun things to do while we’re there. No Christmas presents again this year for the family - the 1/2 will be it!

Diane - Oui Oui Bonjour mon amiee. I too am french, married to a frenchman, which is not unusual living 4 hours from Montreal but we were both born here in NH.

Keep training and hope things turn around since we all want to go to WDW even if it's on the cheap. Bring on the cost saving ideas!

Hi fellow teammates!

Welcome Diane!!

V R please be careful!

Still waiting for the call that DD jeep is ready to pick up. Then I will know for sure how much it is going to cost.

Did a really hot 4 miler today... now it is off to the showers I go!

Good evening team,
Like you can guess , I live in the province of Québec and have been running for fitness for a lot of years. But before last year, when I did the Minnie's, my longest run was about 10k.
Next March I will turn 50, and I was hoping to return to Disney for a replay of The Minnie's marathon but I guess it will be the Princess, if everything goes well. Now I am training for a 10k in Montréal in September.
I'm pleased to be on a team where some of you live north of the border and others about 3 hours from where I live by interstate 91 and 93 if I am not mistaking. So I will not be the only one complaining about the weather next winter.
Excuse the mistakes I'm making with my english. Well I have 2 dogs who want to go outside before the thunderstorm(I hear thunder) so bonsoir for now. Oups today 4 km run in 28 minutes.
Thanks for the welcome
Good Evening, guys & gals.

Welcome, Diane.

Storming here in Southern Ontario. Extremely humid. Just made it home from work before storm 1. Couldn't get motivated to run on the treadmill so was putting it off until later to run outside. Now storm 2 has started.

Just out of sorts this week. Really busy at work. Humid running the last couple of nights.

Booked our flights for October TOT. Toronto is more convenient but went with flying out of Buffalo for the great price.

Good luck to this weekends racers and happy training to the rest of the team. I need to check the weather. I think were expecting more rain.

The rain is beating on the windows. I guess I better warm up the treadmill. I won't be running outside..Sue
You don't think someone planned putting all the northern folk together do you?

It would be just awefull if we decided to have some Northern gatherings.

Happy Panda:hippie:
Tried to post earlier but was getting board error - Dreadful!

Did the 4 miles yesterday morning for the team and then Miranda wanted to go out at night so I did another 4 miles last night at the trail. Smoked her in the walking program and she had to jog – poor thing. I’ll get her up to speed…..

Tonight will be a rest day full of Margarita’s, pizza or maybe some nice fresh fish for dinner.

Put on a pair of pants that have not fit for 4 years and a top too. I was thrilled and of course the look in Marks eyes was thrilling too……..

Have not weighed in but at this point I don’t care, my clothes are fitting and I feel great. I just need one skirt to fit for Miranda’s wedding in October and if things continue this way, not only will it fit, I may have to have it taken in!! La De DA!

More Food!

Fruit Tart

For those interested this is from that Weight Watchers book

5 Ingredients -15 minutes.

One serving is 5 points - cut in 12 servings
1 Roll of Pillsbury sugar cookie
1 Jar of Lemon Curd - I used Scotts and I can't remember where I bought it.
Jar of sugar free strawberry jam
Various berries - blue, ras,black and straw.........
Prehead oven to 375
Cut sugar cookies into slices - 16 about --place in Pizza pan that has been prepared with Pam, and wax paper and more pam for ease of removal --press cookes into each other to make one big cookie crust - to easily press, wet fingers with cold water and dough will not stick to your hands.
Cook for 15 min till golden.
Cool and remove from pan- carefully, spread about 1/4-1/2 cup of lemon curd - thinly over surface.
Arrange berries so they look pretty, melt 1/4 cup of jam(microwave) and brush berries with glaze.Cut and serve! Refrigerate any uneaten portions. This took exactly 15 min to disappear at my office a record for any food!

Happy Friday everyone! I have a couple of days off because Tuesday is a holiday (Canada Day). I decided to make it an extra long weekend by taking Monday off as well. Hoping to catch up on some housework, sleep and get in an extra run or two :)

I picked up a Forerunner 405 yesterday! It's a really big watch! Much bigger than anything else I own but it doesn't feel heavy at all. I took it out to try on my walk last night and half way through, it started to rain ... actually it poured! So I ended up running home. The satellite signal stayed even though it was cloudy and I went through a woody area. I can't wait to try out the interval programs and training partner... Of course I'll need to get some Jibbitz so I can dress my watch up like Scott's :)

I took a few minutes to chat with the staff at the running store. One person told me that she did the Goofy this year and is heading down to DL for the 1/2 there. I told her about WISH/DIS but she said she didn't know about us. She said she saw a lot of Team in Training people but couldn't remember if she saw the yellow/green shirts. Oh well...

Denise - The fruit tart recipe looks yummy! It seems really easy to make too! Food in my office goes really quickly too! Especially after breakfast or lunch meetings. The trays of food just seem to disappear :)

Diane - I'm hoping to go to the Princess marathon in March as well. I'm not 100% sure because it's still pretty close to the 1/2 in January. I have to see what DF will say because of the airfare and it will be peak season.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Sue, we have had the high humidity and thunderstorms's Yuck! :(
Did 3.3 miles last night at 8:30pm and the sweat was dripping.

Made it to the gym this morning :cool1: No walking tonight - just rest up for tomorrow morning. And the forecast is Thunderstorms.

Then off to the gas station...I must have chosen the most expensive at $4.14 per gallon! :eek:

Denise, that sounds like a yummy treat. Could you make your own cookie dough, using Splenda & egg beaters?

Have a great day everyone and keep hydrated! ::yes::
Denise, that sounds like a yummy treat. Could you make your own cookie dough, using Splenda & egg beaters?

Have a great day everyone and keep hydrated! ::yes::

I'm sure you could. That book is for 5 items/15 min so I guess if you make your own cookie or crust, it would add to the time for prep but other than that, have at it!

Wow, went out for lunch and was it hot! Unless it storms and breaks, I'm not walking tonight. Besides, we can always do it in the cool morning air tomorrow. The weekend outlook - NOTHING!!!! Ya hoo, no wallpaper removal, no painting, no sanding, no moving appliances - I won't know what to do with myself.

see ya.

Happy Friday. Finally able to login.

Denise, your recipe sounds delish. Unfortunately I could eat all 12 servings. I don't think 60 points would be a good idea. My downfall deserts. :lovestruc

Couldn't face the treadmill last night. Waited for the storms to end and headed out for a run about 10:30pm. Still very humid even with all that rain.
It was me and the road covered with toads.

Vicky, I'm jealous on the 405. I have the 305 just can't justify the upgrade when it's not even a year old yet.

Bummed al ittle about the holiday on Tuesday. I think I'm the only one working Monday. Then off to the cottage for the rest of the week. Didn't have enough vacation days but can't complain too much with 3 trips to Disney this year.

Always look forward to day....Enjoy your weekend....Sue
Good Afternoon Team!

Welcome Diane!!!

I also was thrown off the system as I was trying to post this morning! Did a short walk with the dogs early. Tomorrow is a race - only 10K, but a race none the less. I spent the rest of the day doing house cleaning, still have a bit to go, but thought I would see if I could get on here yet. Tonight is the beginning of a Celtic festival, and there will be a Celtic band playing downtown (free). With that and tomorrows race, basement is on hold for a day or so, but Scott is taking next week off, so we will have a whole week to work on it! Hopefully, we will get the rest of the drywall done in that week. We will work it in sections, so that we don't have to take a day off to wait for the whole big room to dry after mudding it.

Weather has still been nice, and it is supposed to be a bit cooler for tomorrows race, which will be really nice.

I have seen that same recipe with a cream cheese layer instead of the lemon curd. I made it years ago.

Well, better finish my house cleaning before Scott gets home! Have a great weekend, and extended weekends or weeks for those taking some time off around the holidays - both Canadian and US.
Hi Everybody!

Just a fast drive by today.

Did a really hot and humid 3 miler for Mike today!

Weeks total: 14 miles for me and 3 miles for Mike!

Have a great weekend everybody!

Erica, you are amazing princess. You worked a 12 hour shift had swollen feet, got a couple of hours sleep and headed out again to walk. You are going to blow those goals out of the water.

The above mentioned princess and I have really been eating well for a while now and getting our steps in. I think we are both going to a higher level this year and next year will be awesome.

Denise, yes it's how you feel and how the clothes fit. The scale is a tool not a master.

Margie, $4.14 a gallon, YUCK!

Everyone have a wonderfull evening and restfull sleep tonight. I'm off to bed mnyself.

Sleepy Panda:hippie:
Good Morning!

Lynn - Hope you have a great time at the 10K today!! I'll be cheering you on from my cubicle!!

Sue - Love the "It was me and the road covered with toads." :rotfl2: Good for you to get out there and run though...rainy day and all!

Denise - Did I know you were a point counter too?! I've been involved with weight watchers off and on since 2000. My mom recently told me that she didn't want to go any more so I'm back to self accountability. I seem to be doing well though. I save all of my activity points for a free night dinner on Sundays to carb load for my Monday LR. I know thats a no-no with the newer program, but I'm still an ol' skool player that banks my points. Wow..I'm rambling on aren't I. Anyhow..if you ever want to talk WW..feel free to PM me!!

Denise - The humidity and high gas prises have hit NE Ohio as well. Ugh.

To those of you that are Canadian...enjoy your holiday!!! :woohoo: for more weird happenings. I just realized we had left our front door unlocked last night. :worried: It doesn't look as if anyone was around though. Plus our combined 150 lbs of fur would have alerted us. :dog:

Training is going well. I haven't skipped a day yet. Just hoping I don't get an injury or something. I seem to be sprained ankle prone and they have been good for a very long time. I really need to run that half marathon in Sept to prepare me for January. Tonight will be a cross tomorrow..LSD on Monday. Keep on truckin!

Hope all of you have a great weekend!!!

Up early getting ready for teh 10K. Cool weather and looks like some clouds, this is a good thing.

Having a beautiful sunrise.

Long week, was going to get off early yesterday, but had a short drive of about 250 miles for an interview. OT will be nice.

As Lynn said off next week to work on the house, today willbe a fun day with the race and then Superday, a fun day more or less a mini Fair.

Need to get some hydration going this morn.

Have a great one.

You all are training fools and that is KEWL!!!!!

We also have a ton of fur to guard our house, sad part is they woudl help a burglar and show them all the good stuff.
Good morning guys.

Eva that's good that you have your furry alarm system. We have a totally non agressive chocolate lab and I'm not even sure it would even bark if someone broke in. But Erica is attack trained so we are fine.:)

I think today will be a pool day. I had good walks this week and I have a big case of lazy this morning. Nice thing about the pool is once you jump in you have to get moving to warm up. It's heated but the water is still chilly if you are still.

Denise, Erica and my anniversery present to each other is our trip to Gatlinburg Tenn for our last 20 mile walks on the forest trails. Then our Christmas present to each other is our January Disney trip. Of course being a pincess she has to have presents from Down Town Disney. The half or full is usually on her birthday.

Ok off to the pool.

Everyone have a great Saturday.

Swimming Panda:hippie:
Good Morning Team

I was awake at 4am - ya it's a menopause thing so I woke up Mark when I couldn't stand it anymore and we were out by 5:15 for our 4 miles. It's cloudy and humid so I'm glad we got it out of the way.

VR, yes Miranda and I have been on WW since January after the 1/2 since all that training did not budge all the weight I wanted. So far I love it, weight comes off slow but it's all real food. Right now in order to get our cholesterol down I'm avoiding all red meat which I love but the last time I avoided red meat my cholesterol was 149 so it's time to revisit that eating program as Mark's was just done at 238 and the Dr was none too pleased so now he'll listen to me and fix that. Love your name by the way, my favorite is Cruella DeVil. She's fab.

Well off to the shower as my body is a sweaty mess. I don't glow - I sweat so I'll sign off for now,

Home from the Cheetah Chase could still wring water out of my hat and some of my clothes 2 hours later!

In pouring rain – no not a sprinkle – pouring rain, hot & humid!

The course had a variety of surfaces including asphalt, brick, boardwalk, crushed rock, dirt, & grass. There was a lot of up hills, down hills, tight turns and flat stretches. It included a nice stretch through the woodlands with a panoramic view of the African savannah with herds of giraffe, zebra, & antelope.

Someone must have fallen as they did start sanding the really slippery areas.

The official timing (?) my Garmin said I did 3.19 miles in 44:32 – it was fast enough, in less than ideal conditions, for this Older Person to take ‘First Place’ in the walking division for all those ‘Over 60’; they grouped the men & women together (?) – cute key chain with a Cheetah Paw Print that will look nice in my scrapbook.

Then we got FREE mini massages – Oh So Nice :goodvibes
Well it's vacation time for me for the next 2 weeks and guess what it will rain till Tuesday. For the last 2 weeks it's been raining every day. What fun!!
I went to the bike shop this morning because Watson (bike's name) needed new shoes and a check up: I went for a nice 8 miles ride after and what a difference.
I don't intend to do a thing for the next 14 days except train, cut the grass, clean the house, play with the dogs.
I don't know anything about Nascar race but Patrick Carpentier (un Québé- cois) won the pole for a race in Louden, N.H. on Sunday. I guess it's a good thing.
Have a nice saturday evening


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