New June - Team Hakuna Matata!

Thanks you guys for the well wishes, 10K was fun, I got a PR more than 5 minutes off my previous 10K, KEWL!!!!

Margie that is KEWL!!!!, the races here they do not seperate the walkers from the runners when it comes to prizes, Lynn did really well also, I am pretty sure she was the only walker doing the 10K.

There are way too many fast old dudes fro me to be in the palcing, but heck I did it. Nuff Said.

The weather was good. We got home and did some work on the basement. I took teh next week off to devote to that project.

OHHHH!!! I forgot the registration fro our race was $18 and we got tech shirts WOW that was really KEWL!!! I was very very surprised. I hope this is a trend for the future races here. July 19th is the next 5/10K. During Frontier Days, "The Grandaddy Of theem All" The Thunderbirds perform and that is way KEWL.

Have a great weekend one and all.
Congratulations, Lynn & Scott! Tech shirt - :thumbsup2 Mine was $20 and I got a T-shirt :confused3 But I did get a FREE massage! Wish we had a few 10k's but around here it is mostly 5k's.

vacation - I don't think so! I don't intend to do a thing for the next 14 days except train, cut the grass, clean the house, play with the dogs.

Another Thunder Storm coming in.
Diane I agree with Margie, that doesn't sound to vacation'y to me either!!! If you have any questions about the rules, please let me know!

Margie Hmmmm, 3.19 mile wet t-shirt contest??? through the lions and the hyenas. Sounds like at night on the town! :rotfl2: Seriously, though, you did great! Those are rough conditions! Congrats!!!

Scott and Lynn Great job! A tech shirt is pretty nice for just $18 entry fee!

I had a rest day. I did a real nice and fun 6 miles, yesterday! I had human company! That was so nice for a change. In preparation for our Independence day fishing trip.....we went shopping at Bass Pro Shop. It was pretty fun just being together and having a good day.
Oh I forgot, they had door prizes, Lynn won a private trainer session. and I got two breakfast burritos from Qudoba. not too bad.

I do make a pretty good breakfast burrito if I do say so.
We did have a good race, Scott neglected to add that I was dead last to finish - but he was right that I was the only walker who did the 10K! I was thinking about the W.I.S.H. shirt saying the whole second half! And I also got a personal best on the race. We had a good time hanging around the park afterwards. It is kind of like a mini fair, lots of booths selling lots of things.

The Cheeta Chase sounded like fun (except for the weather!). Good job.

Time for bed, we were up early, the dogs got me up at 4:30 this morning, and I never did get back to sleep.

Have a great weekend.
Darn I'm so jealous. The zoo thing sounded like a good time, I wish Erica and I could have done it with you. Erica would have been like a kid in a candy store she loves animals.

Scott and Lynn, same thing with your race the 10K sounded like fun, maybe after we retire we can meet for some interesting ones, even if there is no Mickey and fireworks.

Connie, I wanna fish!

Everyone have a wonderfull evening.

Sleepy Panda:hippie:
Dave that is a great Idea, will have to do. It is the people that make the race fun. Micky just add to the fun.
Good morning team.

Today is my sorta rest day. Like Scott rest from exercise day for me means doing things like mowing the yard. And getting a few things done around the house.

We are creatures of habit for Sunday. Erica finishes up her work week on Sunday morning and I go to the mall for some easy walking while I'm waiting for her to get off. Then we do breakfast at Bob Evans. I work while she sleeps and then we have dinner at Pepper's Mexican Restraunt. We are so predictable that they bring us our drinks when we sit down without even asking. Then we go home so I can get the yard work done. I know it sounds awefully dull but it works for us.

There is a construction project underway to build a minor league baseball stadium here then bringing in a home team. I personally think this is a bit ambicious since we don't even have any buildings over 3 stories except for a collage dorm at WKU.

Can you see why we like to get away to Disney and visit our friend Mickey and all our WISH buds.

Boring Panda:hippie:
Good morning guys.

Eva that's good that you have your furry alarm system. We have a totally non agressive chocolate lab and I'm not even sure it would even bark if someone broke in. But Erica is attack trained so we are fine.:)

I think today will be a pool day. I had good walks this week and I have a big case of lazy this morning. Nice thing about the pool is once you jump in you have to get moving to warm up. It's heated but the water is still chilly if you are still.

Denise, Erica and my anniversery present to each other is our trip to Gatlinburg Tenn for our last 20 mile walks on the forest trails. Then our Christmas present to each other is our January Disney trip. Of course being a pincess she has to have presents from Down Town Disney. The half or full is usually on her birthday.

Ok off to the pool.

Everyone have a great Saturday.

Swimming Panda:hippie:

Dave - Yes my dog is a big baby, but he can seem ferocious if you don't know him. The little one (our Basset) would prob cry to get let out of her cage before she'd bark. She looooves people!!!

Oh and about Gatlinburg!!!! I was just doing some research the other day about the cheap cabin weddings they have there. Jordan and I have thrown the idea around of a "location" wedding since we don't have a whole lot to spend (if and when we actually make it much as we've talked about it he hasn't quite proposed yet :rolleyes1 ). Anyhow...I just wanted to tell you how amazingly beautiful it looks there and I hope you guys take a camera and share all of the wonderful pictures when you go!!
Good morning Eva. Gatlinburg is an awesome place to do your final training for the January Disney marathon also. The second week of Dec is the slowest time of the year for them. The town is an awesome place to be in love and together. Lots of wonderfull restraunts and a rustic very old town. It loses the "Tourist Look" when there are not a lot of visiters and it takes on a whole different look, like you were back in older simpler America. We go and do a Sun to Wed quick getaway and get in a 5 miler on sun, a 20 miler on mon and a 10 miler on tues. The air is clean and fresh with a high concentration of 0xygen because of the trees and no polution.

We say at a Holiday Inn/Ramada class hotel for about $70 a night. Meals are very reasonable. Big country breakfasts for under $10 each including tax and tip, big Italian dinners under $30 for both of us including tax and tip. They have a cool theater with excellent comedy, wonderfull walking forest trails and lots of fun to do stuff.

Travel Loving Panda:hippie:
:lmao: Wet T-shirt thingy - Connie, I was a bit hesitant with the white shirt I had on so I grabbed a dark blue one to go over it before I left, sure was glad I did. :rolleyes1

:hippie: Wish you and Erica could have been here too...yes, it was fun even in the rain! Darn I'm so jealous. The zoo thing sounded like a good time, I wish Erica and I could have done it with you. Erica would have been like a kid in a candy store she loves animals. :cool1:

Need to find some local races, as I do not have anything on my calendar until October - The Detroit Free Press Half Marathon. :cheer2:

Home from church, eating my tuna, and trying to get out the door to the gym for at least a short workout. :thumbsup2
Lunch break from the basement project, got a loop in with the pups this morn.

Working on the bar area lots of drywall to cut adn fit in. No big runs where we can just slap up big sheets.

Enjoy the day kiddies, it's a jungle out there...
Good Morning: Wow those races sound like fun and prizes are always a plus. The Cheetah one sounds GREAT.

Lynn, Dead last well, you finished so that's what's important. Plus you got some fab miles in for the team, remember double for a race!

Off to work today. did 8 miles over the weekend and have started to do more core work for my PT and some upper body so I don't neglect my neck.

All in all it was a great weekend of NOTHING - what a break.

Plan on Wall-E on Thursday night to start the holiday weekend right.

Have a good one.

Good morning team.

Princess Erica and I are having a coffee then heading out for an 8 mile walk. It's an awesome pleasent morning, 64 degrees with a gentle breeze. Erica is getting used to her new feet and her new arches.

After the walk we have our marketing and lunch. Then I have to do the yard work I was to lazy to do yesterday so I'll have about 4 hours of exercise today. The princess will of course do her part, she is having her hair done while I do the yard work. Women:confused3

Everyone have a wonderfull morning.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Good morning team.

Princess Erica and I are having a coffee then heading out for an 8 mile walk. It's an awesome pleasent morning, 64 degrees with a gentle breeze. Erica is getting used to her new feet and her new arches.

After the walk we have our marketing and lunch. Then I have to do the yard work I was to lazy to do yesterday so I'll have about 4 hours of exercise today. The princess will of course do her part, she is having her hair done while I do the yard work. Women:confused3

Everyone have a wonderfull morning.

Walking Panda:hippie:

Now Dave: Don't get me started...............

Got a good bit doen yesterday, up early out for a run, breakfast is made, coffee on, catch the news adn then hit the basement again, at least teh basement will be cool.

Later better get after it.
All this talk of 10K's and zoo's and now I'm searching for a local race! Same as in your area Margie..only 5K's around here. Oh bother.

Just got back from my 8 mile LR...rain and all and I was loving it. I'm feeling a pull in my inner "passenger side" hamstring (yeah..don't laugh that's how I refer to my right or left side). I've been stretching it out a bit. Anyone know the best way to handle it? Icy hot? Advil? It's not that bad actually..I think I'm more paranoid than anything. I got my totals in to Connie and I'll tell you what, it seemed like a TON of miles!!! I'm on track with my set training schedule so I know I'm not over doing it but WOW...36 miles?! It just seems like alot with two LRs in there and the extra days. I've also started to ride the bike at the gym as my cross training. I think it'll be a bit safer than the Tae Bo when it comes to muscle structure. Anywho..I have to get going. I'm throwing a baby shower for my best friend next weekend and with the holiday and everything I need to use this day to it's fullest to prepare.

Happy training yall!!! :cool2:
Congrats. to this weekend racers. Awesome job!:thumbsup2

Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadian team members and Happy 4th. Enjoy the day and safe travels.

Putting in my time at work then off to the cottage for vacation.:woohoo:

Have a great week of training......Sue
All this talk of 10K's and zoo's and now I'm searching for a local race! Same as in your area Margie..only 5K's around here. Oh bother.

Just got back from my 8 mile LR...rain and all and I was loving it. I'm feeling a pull in my inner "passenger side" hamstring (yeah..don't laugh that's how I refer to my right or left side). I've been stretching it out a bit. Anyone know the best way to handle it? Icy hot? Advil? It's not that bad actually..I think I'm more paranoid than anything. I got my totals in to Connie and I'll tell you what, it seemed like a TON of miles!!! I'm on track with my set training schedule so I know I'm not over doing it but WOW...36 miles?! It just seems like a lot with two LRs in there and the extra days. I've also started to ride the bike at the gym as my cross training. I think it'll be a bit safer than the Tae Bo when it comes to muscle structure. Anywho..I have to get going. I'm throwing a baby shower for my best friend next weekend and with the holiday and everything I need to use this day to it's fullest to prepare.

Happy training yall!!! :cool2:

Villains_Rock: When in pain -I pamper-Epsom Salt soak, Advil, I prefer BioFreze, stretching, the stick, and if I can swing it a deep muscle massage! :goodvibes

Two little ones today...I made my goal this month but still hoping to get in another walk or bike ride tonight. So I am waiting until the last minute to PM you my Miles & Time, Connie!

:hippie: hope you & Erica had a great 8 miles and could just enjoy being out doors walking together!

Scott & guys are amazing! I know how much work and tiring this remodeling is. After all this time you are still going strong. :thumbsup2

Have a Great Vacation, Sue :goodvibes
Hi fellow teammates!!

Scott & Lynn, congrats on the PB's

Margie, that sounds like a fun race...except for the rain.

Did a really great 8 miler this morning with Dave. I managed to keep his pace reigned in.



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