New law, parents/kids sitting together

But here's the thing. Even if I flew the airline that charged different fares, I still stated I picked my seats. So I picked 2 or 3 seats that were empty together to sit, which means I would have paid the extra fare as well for the seating opportunity. So at this point those seats are my reserved location and if the airline chooses to put someone else in the seat and charge them as well, why should my family lose out on the money just because the airline decided to screw both of us? I would say both take it up with the airline and demand compensation.

I don't expect anyone to move just to accommodate my family. I do expect the airline to follow what it advertises. If it is a seating arrangement where I pick seats, and they choose to move me later, I expect at least equal seats and I expect them to be together as they were when I originally booked. If the airline has screwed themselves by overbooking the flight as the tend to do now days, then yes I expect them to move someone however I expect the airline to work with the individual and compensate them for the mistake.

What about you? You pay your extra 20$, select your seat, and then the airline moves you to a middle seat and has no aisle seats available. Do you expect them to move someone else who also paid that 20$ extra?

As I said, I do my darndest to make sure they put my family together and I am the one dealing with my own kids. If the airlines ignores this, they can either move someone or I will leave the diaper bag and you can deal with the crabby 2 yr old, because flying from Alaska it is always a red eye flight which always makes for a crabby 2 yr old :D
You lose all credibility when you threaten to leave your cranky child with stranger because they stay in their assigned seat. As a parent, I choose airlines that let me choose my seats and I check periodically in case I miss an email changing the seat assignment. If from the time I check in to the time I board the plane my seat assignments change I take it up with the gate agent. If it means they rebook for a later flight so be it. Throwing a fit and saying a stranger can deal with your child would never enter into the equation.
Btw if the cranky child doesn't belong to me, my noise canceling headphones and iPad full of movies works well. If they need a diaper change I'll press the button to inform the flight attendant. Repeat for vomit, spilled juice etc.
you want to know why people are sick of traveling on planes with families, because of the entitles few who feel because they chose to have children they deserve special treatment. You have managed to do something like 90% of the world has done. Not all the special
I just do not understand. Years ago we dined with my husband's cousin and his nasty wife and equally disagreeable daughter. My DGD had a dairy and egg allergy, so we understand that these allergies can be very serious business. Thankfully hers was not a contact or airborne allergy, but ER knew others who suffered them. Anyway, we sat stunned as thsi family grilled the server about food choices to indulge a picky child ( yes I said picky, only likes at jus with her fries, etc) and then about ten minutes later gave us their opinion of kids who are accomodated in school due to peanut allergies. I thought my mild mannered husband was going to explode, he was that angry. My daughter, whose drinking habit is limited to 1/2 on one mojito kicked mu under that table as she flagged teh server down for mojito number 2....leaving her to give up the wheel, which she never does normally. The whole evening was horrible.

I have never been able to understand how asking an accomodation that costs nothing is so disruptive to someone else. Cannot eat peanuts for a few hours? You will survive. No wipes? Sorry, keep you hands out of your mouth for the trip and you will be fine. I think that these accomodations are much different than asking airlines to absorb costs to ensure that a family who has an option to request and pay for a designated seat and chooses not to. Or chooses one designated seat, yet wants all the family to be seated there.

Personally I believe that common sense should be in play. If something unforeseen happens and passengers need to shuffle, I would be agreeable. But if a person simply did not wake up and check in at 6AM when I did, it is hard to feel sympathy. A flight delay and you got bumped and now there are no seats together? I'll move. But ask my husband to give up his aisle seat or comfort class seat that I paid for? That would be tough, he has had blood clots in the past and I would not choose to see any leg issues.
sorry but we will be sitting at the gate for medics to come get me as I can not breath and I need to breath to survive as you say. my allergy is air born. you could avoid my allergy by using unscented wipes and yes my allergy will be listed just like your peanut so which one comes first
You lose all credibility when you threaten to leave your cranky child with stranger because they stay in their assigned seat. As a parent, I choose airlines that let me choose my seats and I check periodically in case I miss an email changing the seat assignment. If from the time I check in to the time I board the plane my seat assignments change I take it up with the gate agent. If it means they rebook for a later flight so be it. Throwing a fit and saying a stranger can deal with your child would never enter into the equation.
Btw if the cranky child doesn't belong to me, my noise canceling headphones and iPad full of movies works well. If they need a diaper change I'll press the button to inform the flight attendant. Repeat for vomit, spilled juice etc.
you want to know why people are sick of traveling on planes with families, because of the entitles few who feel because they chose to have children they deserve special treatment. You have managed to do something like 90% of the world has done. Not all the special
Agree, we've managed to have four and never expect special treatment. I've never seen so many parents who feel as if they are owed the world because they have kids. Yes children are special but so is everyone else on the plane. Suck it up and buy the seats, it really isn't a problem.
But here's the thing. Even if I flew the airline that charged different fares, I still stated I picked my seats. So I picked 2 or 3 seats that were empty together to sit, which means I would have paid the extra fare as well for the seating opportunity. So at this point those seats are my reserved location and if the airline chooses to put someone else in the seat and charge them as well, why should my family lose out on the money just because the airline decided to screw both of us? I would say both take it up with the airline and demand compensation.

I don't expect anyone to move just to accommodate my family. I do expect the airline to follow what it advertises. If it is a seating arrangement where I pick seats, and they choose to move me later, I expect at least equal seats and I expect them to be together as they were when I originally booked. If the airline has screwed themselves by overbooking the flight as the tend to do now days, then yes I expect them to move someone however I expect the airline to work with the individual and compensate them for the mistake.

What about you? You pay your extra 20$, select your seat, and then the airline moves you to a middle seat and has no aisle seats available. Do you expect them to move someone else who also paid that 20$ extra?

As I said, I do my darndest to make sure they put my family together and I am the one dealing with my own kids. If the airlines ignores this, they can either move someone or I will leave the diaper bag and you can deal with the crabby 2 yr old, because flying from Alaska it is always a red eye flight which always makes for a crabby 2 yr old :D

If I get moved before airport check in, the airline would have to refund my $20. If I'm asked to move once on board, they will not. I expect them to not move anyone who paid extra.
sorry but we will be sitting at the gate for medics to come get me as I can not breath and I need to breath to survive as you say. my allergy is air born. you could avoid my allergy by using unscented wipes and yes my allergy will be listed just like your peanut so which one comes first

I don't know why you are snippy with me, I am in full support of you, as I posted. I do not understand anyone putting their want before someone's need. So no, you would not be needing a medic due to my upi use of any scented sheet.
Agree, we've managed to have four and never expect special treatment. I've never seen so many parents who feel as if they are owed the world because they have kids. Yes children are special but so is everyone else on the plane. Suck it up and buy the seats, it really isn't a problem.
You lose all credibility when you threaten to leave your cranky child with stranger because they stay in their assigned seat. As a parent, I choose airlines that let me choose my seats and I check periodically in case I miss an email changing the seat assignment. If from the time I check in to the time I board the plane my seat assignments change I take it up with the gate agent. If it means they rebook for a later flight so be it. Throwing a fit and saying a stranger can deal with your child would never enter into the equation.
Btw if the cranky child doesn't belong to me, my noise canceling headphones and iPad full of movies works well. If they need a diaper change I'll press the button to inform the flight attendant. Repeat for vomit, spilled juice etc.
you want to know why people are sick of traveling on planes with families, because of the entitles few who feel because they chose to have children they deserve special treatment. You have managed to do something like 90% of the world has done. Not all the special

Wow, Sorry to insult. In case the smiley face didn't give it away, I was joking about making you change my kids diaper. I wouldn't do that to her. Yeah I also have 4 kids all of who fly fairly frequently. I vote with my money by giving it to airlines that work to accommodate my families needs. and let me pick my seats. If they move me I make a stink about it. Know what? They have always been able to move someone else to put me back with my kids. I refuse to take a later flight that may take time away from our vacations just because the airlines failed to maintain their side of our agreement. They can fix it. We fly fairly frequently but for trips to places like Disney World, it is an entire day just to get there. Add on a few extra hours at the airport because the airline screwed up and that makes me miserable, let alone my kids. I am not putting them through that. If I am flying alone, and don't have a deadline, I am typically one of those that volunteers to give up my seat for other families, but you can guarantee I make the airline pay for the inconvenience. That is not a "parent" being entitled, that is a passenger being entitled to what they paid for.
and I am the one that causes you to not be able to use your wipes if they are scented because of my allergy to scents that I have listed. made one family very unhappy cause they could not use their wipes. they do take other allergies just as seriously

Always carry Huggies Naturals unscented!
It's "Be A Decent Person 101" to accept, "no" as a complete answer and not expect other people to move to accommodate you. People have reasons you don't know about and it's pretty awful to call a person with anxiety a "jerk" because you imagine that their need for an aisle seat (which they paid to get) is somehow lesser than your own need to take it from them. That's hurtful and ableist.

I've never directly gone to a person and asked them to move. The flight attendants have the complete information to make those informed decisions on whom to ask to move and should a person be afflicted with serious anxiety, the flight attendants would not ask that person to move. I have, however, had my almost adult children move to accommodate other passenger direct requests with permission from the flight staff. When a mother is standing there in the aisle with her nervous kids it is jerky to not volunteer to move if you can. Yes Be A Decent Person can be accepting NO for an answer, but it's not being a decent person to make up excuses for an entire plane full of people. If even 50% suffer from anxiety and had to secure special seating, the other 50% are just being jerks. If you're offended by that, you're the problem!
No one is charging MORE for a parent to sit with a child.

If the ticket option are:

A) $75 for an unassigned seat
B) $100 for an assigned seat

The parent CHOOSES the ticket they want. A parent can not choose all unassigned and expect to be seated together nor can the parent choose 1 assigned seat and 2 unassigned and expect to sit together. If the parent wants to ensure they sit together they choose all assigned seats and choose their seat location.

This is the option for all passengers regardless of traveling alone or with someone else (spouse, child, parent, friend, co-worker).

I just don't get how anyone thinks parents are charged more to sit with their child when the options are available to everyone.

I don't think anyone actually read this bill or the supporting evidence that got it passed before spouting off. I think you should read the backstory on airlines upcharging parents or inaccurately displaying available seats online to ensure high price seats would be bought by families, knowing that families would be more likely to bite the premium price. Pure discrimination. Interesting to find so many defending the airlines. Let's change the backstory to say airlines would gray out seats on purpose when the passenger searching for a seat identified as a female rather than a male, and showed her only certain seats at certain prices when others were available but they were saving those seats for single men. Same concept. Defend it.
I read the new law take affects July 2017. So it looks like I will have to pay extra to make sure my kiddos are with myself and DH.
I've never directly gone to a person and asked them to move. The flight attendants have the complete information to make those informed decisions on whom to ask to move and should a person be afflicted with serious anxiety, the flight attendants would not ask that person to move. I have, however, had my almost adult children move to accommodate other passenger direct requests with permission from the flight staff. When a mother is standing there in the aisle with her nervous kids it is jerky to not volunteer to move if you can. Yes Be A Decent Person can be accepting NO for an answer, but it's not being a decent person to make up excuses for an entire plane full of people. If even 50% suffer from anxiety and had to secure special seating, the other 50% are just being jerks. If you're offended by that, you're the problem!
Your statement though makes it as if there is only one solution which is to move to accomodate someone else. Regardless of the reason a person should be able to say no and not be considered a jerk or inconsiderate.

As a general rule I do consider other people but I am allowed at times to think of myself. If I paid to select a specific seat and actually cared about that specific seat then why am I not allowed to say no to moving and also be considered a normal person who isn't perceived as a jerk?

Same goes for a movie theater. If I arrive at the movie 30 mins before it started, selected my desired seat it does not make me a jerk to stand firm and say "no I will not move to accommodate a person"
Your statement though makes it as if there is only one solution which is to move to accomodate someone else. Regardless of the reason a person should be able to say no and not be considered a jerk or inconsiderate.

As a general rule I do consider other people but I am allowed at times to think of myself. If I paid to select a specific seat and actually cared about that specific seat then why am I not allowed to say no to moving and also be considered a normal person who isn't perceived as a jerk?

Same goes for a movie theater. If I arrive at the movie 30 mins before it started, selected my desired seat it does not make me a jerk to stand firm and say "no I will not move to accommodate a person"

Well Mackenzie we have to agree to disagree. In my scenario if you have no reason to stay in your seat other than personal preference, thinking of yourself etc to accommodate someone with a demonstrated need that's called being selfish. Which unfortunately I do agree is the American "normal."
Well Mackenzie we have to agree to disagree. In my scenario if you have no reason to stay in your seat other than personal preference, thinking of yourself etc to accommodate someone with a demonstrated need that's called being selfish. Which unfortunately I do agree is the American "normal."

I think expecting someone to move to accommodate you and your family's needs is pretty selfish.
Well Mackenzie we have to agree to disagree. In my scenario if you have no reason to stay in your seat other than personal preference, thinking of yourself etc to accommodate someone with a demonstrated need that's called being selfish. Which unfortunately I do agree is the American "normal."
That's totally fine to agree to disagree but please don't paint it as an "americans ugh" type situation. It's also not called view the situation and deem it selfish but others do not.

My whole point was really that a person who chooses not to move shouldn't be automatically viewed as a jerk. You want to tell my husband who is 6ft 5 1/2 inches he is a jerk for wanting an aisle row and thus doesn't want to move to a middle or window seat? You want to tell me that I'm a jerk because I prefer over the wing due to having sensitive ears and the engine noise causes me actual pain if I'm in the wrong part of the plane so if I don't move to accommodate someone else I'm a jerk even though I have reasons why I selected that seat?

To be perfectly honest "demonstrated need" is just like ignoring those with invisible disabilities.
Well Mackenzie we have to agree to disagree. In my scenario if you have no reason to stay in your seat other than personal preference, thinking of yourself etc to accommodate someone with a demonstrated need that's called being selfish. Which unfortunately I do agree is the American "normal."
Are you not also being selfish though? Since you want what is best for yourself, then you are simply doing the exact same thing.
That's totally fine to agree to disagree but please don't paint it as an "americans ugh" type situation. It's also not called view the situation and deem it selfish but others do not.

My whole point was really that a person who chooses not to move shouldn't be automatically viewed as a jerk. You want to tell my husband who is 6ft 5 1/2 inches he is a jerk for wanting an aisle row and thus doesn't want to move to a middle or window seat? You want to tell me that I'm a jerk because I prefer over the wing due to having sensitive ears and the engine noise causes me actual pain if I'm in the wrong part of the plane so if I don't move to accommodate someone else I'm a jerk even though I have reasons why I selected that seat?

To be perfectly honest "demonstrated need" is just like ignoring those with invisible disabilities.

Again, document it with the reservations and flight attendants if it's a quantifiable, qualifiable need and all of this he said she said me me me me me meeeeeeeee I'm better than you I need more than you I'm more important than you I'm taller than you simply...ends.
no Lily, just, wow.
Can you explain how it is not? You are saying someone should move in order to accommodate you and your needs. Thus you are putting your own needs and wants ahead of someone else with no consideration for the needs and wants of that person. That is the definition of the words.

Thus, both sides are selfish. The person who wishes to remain in their seat for whatever reason AND the person who wants others to move to accommodate them.
Again, document it with the reservations and flight attendants if it's a quantifiable, qualifiable need and all of this he said she said me me me me me meeeeeeeee I'm better than you I need more than you I'm more important than you I'm taller than you simply...ends.
I am not required by law to tell the airline what my disability is. Why should I be required to do that just to keep the seat I picked? That is a great violation of my privacy. No one needs to know that I have a diagnosis of anything and what it is.
Can you explain how it is not? You are saying someone should move in order to accommodate you and your needs. Thus you are putting your own needs and wants ahead of someone else with no consideration for the needs and wants of that person. That is the definition of the words.

Thus, both sides are selfish. The person who wishes to remain in their seat for whatever reason AND the person who wants others to move to accommodate them.

I'm not responding to questions that would be answered upon reading the entire thread.


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