New owner question


<font color=darkcoral>DVC is the place for me<br><
Sep 18, 2000
Hi We have just purchased at WLV and are wondering our use year is April so we will have some points left over how long can they be banked for any and all help would be much appreciated.
Darren & Lisa
Banked points must be used prior to the end of the next use year. So if your use year is April, and you want to bank points from the 2001 use year, you must use them for a stay between April 1, 2002 and March 31, 2003. If you don't you lose them. Banked points also cannot be returned to their original use year.

With an April use year, you can bank up to 100% of your 2001 points as long as you talk to MS on or before September 30, 2001. You can bank up to 50% of your points up to the end of December, 2001. Up to 25% can be banked up to the end of January, 2002.

Banking percentages are based on the CUMULATIVE number of points that are banked as of the banking deadline. For example, let's say you have 200 points and in September, you decide to bank 125 of then. You would then NOT be able to bank any more points after the end of September because the number of points already banked would be greater than 50%.

Hope that helps. If not, just ask.

Congratulations on your purchase and WELCOME HOME!
Hi thank you for the help we will have only 22 points to bank so I don't think it will be a problem. We finally after many years and price increases decided to bit the bullet and buy. We should have bought in 96 or 98 I forget which it was but it was only around 7 thousand and we could have used our money we paid for our current vacation at the time towards the down payment which would have been almost half the cost oh well we have it now and there is no looking back.
Darren & Lisa
We are glad to be part of the family now
I think most of us have the same complaint--Why didn't we buy sooner! We thought about it way back in 1992, but didn't buy until 1997. What a waste! I just know we would have had a lot more money to spend if we hadn't spent so much on those vacations between 1992 and 1997!
Isn't it true how after you join you look back and say boy we should have done that the first time we looked at it. Oh well we are now proud members and have many years to look at and say are we ever glad we did it hehehe
Darren & Lisa


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