Is there a way just to get the lightsaber hilt? DH for some reason wants the hilt for luke's saber but doesn't want the actual blade :confused3
I emailed Disneyland and received confirmation that ROTR boarding groups are only able to be booked within Disneyland and NOT DCA FYI.

I would still take this with a grain of salt. Guests at WDW were also told multiple things by CMs that ended up not happening. I also think procedures may start a certain way and then will be tweaked and changed as they figure out the best way to handle things.
I would still take this with a grain of salt. Guests at WDW were also told multiple things by CMs that ended up not happening. I also think procedures may start a certain way and then will be tweaked and changed as they figure out the best way to handle things.

That wouldn’t surprise me.
I emailed Disneyland and received confirmation that ROTR boarding groups are only able to be booked within Disneyland and NOT DCA FYI.
Email and phone CMs are hardly a definitive authority. Email again and you can easily get a completely different answer. It is quite likely that frontline CMs don't know what the plans are yet.
Hello, I am going to Disneyland in October 2020 and am very excited about Galaxy Edge. My family: husband, son (7), daughter (5), are all Star Wars fans and are planning to spend a lot of money there. I've been reading a lot to know what to save up for. My husband and I are planning on building our own light sabers, and each kid will make a droid.

Some questions I have are:
- I've read that the droids we build interact in Galaxy Edge, but that is all I have read. Does anyone have a better explanation?
- A lot of posts I've read were back when GE first opened and reservations to get into the land were needed. I know we need reservations for the cantina, but I've read blogs that said they weren't seated even with reservations and had to stand at a bar with kids. Is this still true? I wouldn't want to pay so much money on drinks and not get to sit especially with kids.
- Do many people bring their kids into the Cantina? I imagine a lot of people do because if you are traveling with kids it is your only option. My kids are fairly well behaved in public, but it does seem weird to bring my kids into a bar, even a cool Star Wars bar.
- I've read lots of accounts of people flying home with their light sabers that they built. Some had no problems others had to check them in as extra luggage. If my husband and I are each building one, I wonder if we could tie them together so that would count as one carry on item? Does anyone have any advice about flying home with light sabers?
- What personally made me love Star Wars as a kid was the unusual animals in the movies. Tuan Tuans are amazing and tears were shed when one died from the cold. I've seen a picture of a stuffed animal Tuan Tuan at the critter store. Does anyone have an idea what this small stuffed animal costs? I'm guessing $20, but this is Disneyland so I could be way under estimating. I imagine I will want all the stuffed animal creatures and it will be hard for me not to spend my savings on all of them. Any info or tips about this particular store would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for and information or tips you can give about Galaxy Edge.
As far as reservations and "seating" at Oga's Cantina, there's standing tables and sitting tables. You don't get to choose--itçs whatever you are assigned when a table comes up.
you can bring kids into Oga's but I cannot recommend it as an experience. It was not great for us. We enjoyed our meal in docking bay 7 waaay more.
Oga's is a mixture of more secluded booths and standing tables and then the bar. The reservation is needed but it's not a reservation for a specific table size like your other ADRs. If you want guaranteed sitting down Oga's is not going to give that to you.

PP is correct you do just get led to whatever is available. In respects to the booths you would be seated with strangers unless your group was large enough to utilize the whole booth. We were led to a booth and the hostess cleverly said "well we're just going to meet some new neighbors who I'm sure will be friendly" or something to that effect as she sat us down (there was one seat left in the booth portion and then one seat on the outer portion of the booth). Once that group left we were left alone for a just a few minutes and then another group of about 5 or 6 ladies joined our booth.

If brought to the standing tables or the bar you would also be around strangers as well. They accommodate as much as feasibly possible and up to fire codes so yes it may be tight quarters at times.

I did see some kids in the Cantina but to my knowledge they don't allow strollers in there (just mentioning that because of your 5 year old if you were going to have one). Most of the kids I saw honestly were bored in there probably because most I saw were at the standing tables so their heights weren't really allowing them the best experience. I didn't see any ill behaved kids but it is noisey with club-style music pumping and a few other antics going on so you might consider that with your children and their tolerances.
I will say that while everyone is vying for a booth, my family really enjoyed being at the bar because you can really see the whole place better, including DJ Rex. They were all of the mind (two younger kids and two older teenagers) that being seated at the bar or standing tables was better than being in the booth. But with really little kids, maybe it wouldn’t be.
When they were originally released the Tuantuans were around $40 but I swear the prices have gone up since then. I know my Loth Cat was around $50 when I got it in August.

We flew home with 2 lightsabers as a carry-on and it counted towards our limit of 2 carryons. I don't think tying them together would make it count as only one item though. We stored them in the overhead compartment making sure the bags below them kept them even and there wasn't any issues. That was on an Alaska flight. There was even another passenger that had one so we stored all 3 together.

As others have said, Oga's you do need reservations for and you get whichever table is available next. Our first visit we stood at the bar and that was fine but we were just 2 adults. On the 2nd visit we sat at a booth with 2 other groups and had to basically shuffle down as each group left and a new group joined us. It was kinda fun.

Also, just because there are no boarding groups right now to access the land, no one knows for sure how the opening of Rise of the Resistance will change things in SWGE or in the park as a whole. The good news is you are going in October and so will have several months to see how things pan out.
I will say that while everyone is vying for a booth, my family really enjoyed being at the bar because you can really see the whole place better, including DJ Rex. They were all of the mind (two younger kids and two older teenagers) that being seated at the bar or standing tables was better than being in the booth. But with really little kids, maybe it wouldn’t be.
We were in the booth right by DJ Rex so it actually worked out great for us being on the edge of the booth in the location we could turn around and see enough or get up quickly and see but I did take the time to walk around for a moment before we left. I do think some of the antics are better enjoyed when you're out in the middle and can see more clearly.
Went with teenagers - loved Oga's. Kids will like it too with DJ and the ambiance. Take time to walk around to see all the stuff. It's pretty neat. Tried Google translate on the writings on the wall -- nope. Would be great if Google played along and did something on that. :)

The 45 minutes goes by fast. The company you meet is also fun. We rotated out three parties at our table during our visit -- kind of like speed dating I suppose!
Our kids are 4 & 5 and we will not take them there. It was too loud for us so it would just overstimulate them. Also, we had to wait in line outside for half an hour. Even with the ADR.
You could maybe detach the blade & be able to fit diagonally it in a checked bag, but it would need to be a very big bag. The blades are really long. And I would really hesitate unless you had a very sturdy hard suitcase as it could break. But, as the PP said, you can bring them on planes as your carry on.

When my son built his 1st lightsaber, we were in the very 1st building group on opening day of SWGE. I was so certain that we wouldn’t be able to carry it on, so I was determined to ship it back. The gift shop at GCH had already told me that they couldn’t ship it, so I’d have to do it from the park. We spent a good 45 minutes searching for the right shop in SWGE to ship from. There was only 1 shop in the land doing it &, with everything being so new, none of the cast members knew where. So, everyone kept directing us wrong. In the end, we were able to get it done. But, I was so annoyed with myself when on our flight home 2 people had lightsabers as carry on & had no issues.

Last time he built one, we did the carry on as well & it was no problem. It’s so much easier & less expensive that way.
Thanks! I guess that is what we will do then.
I think time of day also impacts the Oga experience with kids. We went twice on our summer trip with the kids in our group (7 and 9) and the first time was on day one around noon. The kids enjoyed it much more the first time around because they weren’t tired yet and didn’t mind standing. The second time was our last day of the trip around 8pm and the kids were sooo over it. They were just so tired and didn’t want to stand. Helps to keep that in mind!

My 9 year old and I went again in December and got a booth but we were seated with a pretty rowdy group of freshly 21 folks. They were nice but definitely not the most kid friendly group. It was fine but we didn’t stay long. I honestly preferred being able to stand and see everything better- like at the bar!
Our first time at Oga’s my son & I were seated on the stools at the 1st table on the left when you enter. We saw absolutely nothing. It was a huge letdown. Before we even left I booked another reservation for the last day of our trip. That time we requested a standing spot. Despite our feet/legs aching at that point of the trip, we enjoyed that visit much more.


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