News Round Up 2018

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I've only been in the area for about three weeks now. We aren't actually in Kansas City, we are in the Lee's Summit area because I am working in the caves for DHS.

I'd love to meet up with some of you guys if you do another meet soon :)

I think it's mostly the price that gets me. For two of us that would be halfway to a Disney trip. At least enough to pay for flights and a few days at an All Star resort.

I guess you are paying for the Disney stories really, but for $275 per person you get breakfast on a bus, a picnic lunch, bbq dinner. Then you visit an elementary school, a post office, Walt's old farm (which would be cool). I just can't really justify that price, though I did want to go.

I'm up in the Des Moines area...did not realize there were so many KC folks on here. I go to KC quite a bit for work, including the storage caves.

At any rate, the Marceline tour sounds fascinating...not D23 gold anymore, and not sure I'd like being on a bus for 100 miles to and from, but it does still sound really interesting. The cost is a little high, but not horrible. I've seen 1 to 2 day scientific conferences cost similar. I'd definitely stay at the resort though, instead of driving back and forth to KC.

On a side note, was supposed to go to KC for work end of March, but the trip got cancelled. Kind of sad because I needed some more Q39 BBQ sauce ;)
Valuable real estate is something WDW has in spades. The campground is pretty much fully booked 365 days a year. Hoop De Doo and Chip and Dale's are both massively popular, and the amount of money they make renting golf carts is down right unbelievable. I don't think Fort Wilderness is going anywhere any time soon. I also don't think it will be expanded as it probably doesn't have the same profit margin as a full resort, but since it's already built and popular, taking it away would be counterproductive. The fan base is rabid.

Not a good enough reason?

Campgrounds capture a group that is unique. Build all the DVC resorts you want those people are not going that route. And they still have plenty of land to develop thanks to Walt.

Sure the group is unique--- does that make them a group disney wants to make sure they cater to? What happened to disney wants all deluxe resorts?

How many maids does it take to clean a camper?

Is this a joke? I love jokes ...... 4......1 to hold the dust rag and 3 to shake the camper.....
Seriously-- dvc members pay the cleaning staff.

They would really have a riot if got rid of the campgrounds. Plus everyone would have to start booking a night at an ASR for their throw away room.

And eliminate the throw away room-- which may add to the reason the campgrounds are always booked.....

But it sells. The cabins and campsites are quite popular. My mom camped there every year from about 1973 until she graduated high school.

Being popular isn't necessarily a quality that holds somethings place... how many popular things have been removed in the last few years? Sometimes "popular" can be exchanged with "cheap" or "affordable"...... words which are leaving the disney vocabulary....
Not a good enough reason?

Sure the group is unique--- does that make them a group disney wants to make sure they cater to? What happened to disney wants all deluxe resorts?

Is this a joke? I love jokes ...... 4......1 to hold the dust rag and 3 to shake the camper.....
Seriously-- dvc members pay the cleaning staff.

And eliminate the throw away room-- which may add to the reason the campgrounds are always booked.....

Being popular isn't necessarily a quality that holds somethings place... how many popular things have been removed in the last few years? Sometimes "popular" can be exchanged with "cheap" or "affordable"...... words which are leaving the disney vocabulary....

I think you are missing the point. If Fort Wilderness had never been built I have no doubt they would never create a campground. But since that capital expense was made and paid for long ago, and it continues to create revenue, it is among the most expensive, if not the most expensive, campground in the U.S., there is little reason to remove it. Has WDW ever scrapped a whole resort? An attraction sure, but a stand alone profitable resort? No. There are good reasons for that.
I think you are missing the point. If Fort Wilderness had never been built I have no doubt they would never create a campground. But since that capital expense was made and paid for long ago, and it continues to create revenue, it is among the most expensive, if not the most expensive, campground in the U.S., there is little reason to remove it. Has WDW ever scrapped a whole resort? An attraction sure, but a stand alone profitable resort? No. There are good reasons for that.

yeah, he missed my point too. Think about it, They get basically half a value room per night. They never have to buy hard goods (dressers, mattresses, carpet, doors, windows, air conditioners, etc). Maintenance dollars will always be low in comparison as they don't have to paint, re roof, etc. They also don't have to have a maid staff for all those camper spots. The campground, while in a prime spot probably has a great % of revenue vs expenditure.
I honestly can't believe the campgrounds are still there.... that's a big chunk of valuable real estate....

Campgrounds capture a group that is unique.

Like my dad. He is far from cheap. He'd buy all the extras (tours, experiences, merch, dining, whatever), yet there'd be no way he'd fly to Orlando and pay for a hotel. He'd rather hook up the trailer and drive down and camp.
yeah, he missed my point too. Think about it, They get basically half a value room per night. They never have to buy hard goods (dressers, mattresses, carpet, doors, windows, air conditioners, etc). Maintenance dollars will always be low in comparison as they don't have to paint, re roof, etc. They also don't have to have a maid staff for all those camper spots. The campground, while in a prime spot probably has a great % of revenue vs expenditure.
To some extent I agree but overall I disagree. I agree that per customer, the maintenance and cap ex costs are lower for the campground. But on a revenue basis, I'm going to say that the resorts win hands down. Fort Wilderness is well known for having people stay who don't buy park tickets, make their own meals, bring their own drinks, put more than 4 to a spot, etc. Revenue per guest for the campground is probably not very high compared to resorts. I'm amazed all the time that Disney doesn't take simple steps to increase Fort Wilderness's revenue. They seem fixated on raising prices when putting limitations on how long you can stay in any month and tying a stay to a certain number of park ticket days would increase revenue and help with the capacity issues. Not too mention dropping capacity from 10 to a spot to, say 6, would help with the fake spot reservations. I understand that these provisions would be a break from other resorts, but The Fort is very much the odd duck resort on property.
So, while I would agree the campground revenue per capita is not what one of the resorts is, if Disney were to close Fort Wilderness, it would result in them segregating a portion of the marketplace that would simply leave and go elsewhere. As others have said, while they would probably never consider building a new campground, I think it's one of those situations where there is enough of a revenue margin and the overhead is low enough that they have no reason to keep it going.
So, while I would agree the campground revenue per capita is not what one of the resorts is, if Disney were to close Fort Wilderness, it would result in them segregating a portion of the marketplace that would simply leave and go elsewhere. As others have said, while they would probably never consider building a new campground, I think it's one of those situations where there is enough of a revenue margin and the overhead is low enough that they have no reason to keep it going.

This is my point too. Fort Wilderness makes a lot of money. And it seems like they can basically charge whatever they want for spots and it will stay full. There is no way it's not revenue positive. Until Disney starts to run out of prime land, which is pretty much not going to happen, there is no reason to replace it with a higher revenue stream operation when it already generates a pretty solid stream as is. Now if maintenance costs go up, and we are starting to see some serious infrastructure problems, especially with the water lines, or if it gets flat out leveled by a hurricane, I could see a point where it becomes more hassle than it is worth. But right now? It's just an easy money revenue stream.
This is my point too. Fort Wilderness makes a lot of money. And it seems like they can basically charge whatever they want for spots and it will stay full. There is no way it's not revenue positive. Until Disney starts to run out of prime land, which is pretty much not going to happen, there is no reason to replace it with a higher revenue stream operation when it already generates a pretty solid stream as is. Now if maintenance costs go up, and we are starting to see some serious infrastructure problems, especially with the water lines, or if it gets flat out leveled by a hurricane, I could see a point where it becomes more hassle than it is worth. But right now? It's just an easy money revenue stream.

Plus there are some other positives for Disney - those sites seem to really get into holidays with decorations and they do the carriage rides and of course it all fits in with Pioneer Hall for the Hoop Dee Doo Review, etc.

Again, probably not reasons enough to not replace it if they were really feeling motivated to put in more hotels that per capita/per square footage brought in more $, but there are a lot of positives, they have plenty of other room, etc. to at least just keep it as is

Disneyland has been testing the new Together Forever Pixar Fireworks Spectacular the last few nights. Cars, Toy Story, Coco, and Up are for sure included. It is about 15 minutes long and includes projections on Main Street just like Disneyland Forever. The Up house "flies" by on the wire overhead. Concept art showed Buzz flying over as well so it is possible they will have both.
Just got home from 6 park days.
Did notice the new paper hand out at FOP, you turn it in near the last fastpass turnstile. FOP is amazing. We were in the park about 35 minutes prior to posted open time, and were no where near the first at the ride. The line moved quickly, but started at the split to na'vi and went all the way up to the bridge at africa before turning back around. We estimated that we waited 45 minutes or so. Did notice at least 2 different variations on film clips in the FOP linking chamber.
The big pretzel is indeed huge, bigger than my sons head. The green beer, was at least tastier than the average st patricks day brew.

Used the minnie van service twice. Worked nicely for us. One rumor from our driver(not sure how they rate compared to bus driver rumors), is that a Wreck it Ralph attraction may be delayed or scrapped due to licensing issues with the video games represented in the movie. Seems plausible. She was into the rumor thing, but said she had heard zilch for reasoning of the main street theater work stoppage.
Again, take it with a grain of salt. She said her roommate is/was on the opening team for Flight of passage, as well as previously on 7dmt. The continued success of FOP is still a surprise for them.

Looked hard around France, didn't see anything that impacted the guest with the construction. Only thing you can see is skyliner related construction if you are on the bridge.

Disney Springs seemed in good shape, and much better than our visit in 2016. Jock Lindsey's is pretty cool, and move the people through quick without seeming rushed.
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