Nichole's Wishes PJ 10/24/2011 ~ WP/ADH/SCP ** OUR WEDDING DAY ~ The Reception

I think I've told you this before, but I love your engagement pictures, they album looks amazing! Those Cinderella music boxes are also awesome! You are getting so much done!
I think I've told you this before, but I love your engagement pictures, they album looks amazing! Those Cinderella music boxes are also awesome! You are getting so much done!

Loving all the updates!! What a great deal on the flasks!! :)

Thanks guys! I'm trying to get as much done now before things get crazy this summer! We need to go look at tuxes, but after looking at our calendar I realized I am out of town or completely booked for the next 3 weekends! :headache:
I finally finished my draft of the ceremony!! :woohoo: I'm worried it may be a little long (I would like it to be around 30 minutes). Let me know what you think!


Ushers seat guests
[Music: Romanza (#2), Adagio (#5), Rhapsody (#7) or Air (#9)]


[Music: Cannon in D Major (#24)]

-DF’s grandma
-DF’s dad and stepmom
-DF mom and stepdad)
-my mom and brother

-Rev. Jack

[Music: Rondeau Theme (#23)]


-Wedding Party


[All seated]

We are gathered here today to share one of the happiest moments in the lives of Nichole and DF, as they are about to become husband and wife. They are delighted you have chosen to share this very special time in their lives.


May I ask who adds their blessing to this beautiful wedding by presenting me to be married to DF?

Dad stands and says: Her mother and I


True marriage is more than joining the bond of marriage of two persons. It is the uniting of two souls already attuned to one another. We are here to observe the beginning of a new relationship between me and DF, these two friends who are already one in spirit. Let us pray.

Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing us the opportunity to be present in a surrounding . . . where dreams come true . . . Where couples unite in marriage and where others become closer friends . . . and, where others fall in love all over again. Thank you for me and DF as they begin their journey through life together. Please walk with them each step of the way . . . and give them the faith, and the wisdom, to face whatever the future may hold . . . In your name we pray, Amen.

And so, we have gathered in the presence of God, family and friends to share with me and DF a relationship, which embodies all the warm and precious values, which grow out of human companionship and love. My dear friends enter it reverently, discreetly, joyfully and with the approval of God.

[Introduce DF’s stepmom, who will be doing the reading]


If marriage is to last a lifetime, it must be built upon love. In the 13th Chapter of I Corinthians, the Apostle Paul gives a beautiful description of the type of love it takes to build a happy home.

I may be able to speak the language of men, but if I have no love, my speech is no more than a noisy gong or a clanging bell.

Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; Love is not ill mannered or selfish, love is not happy with evil, but is happy with truth. Love never gives up; and its faith, hope and patience never fails. Love is eternal ... meanwhile, these three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love: and the greatest of these is Love.


You, DF, and you, Nichole, have come to this hour signifying your desire to be united in marriage. You are to enter this relationship with mutual love: a mutual love for each other and a mutual love for God. It is therefore a decision, which is not to be entered into lightly but rather undertaken with great consideration, prayer and respect for both the other person and oneself.

Marriage symbolizes the intimate sharing of two lives, yet this marriage must not diminish but enhance each partner.

Deep knowledge of each other is not something that can be achieved in a specific time period. This wonderful knowledge of another person grows out of really caring for the other so much that the one wants to understand as completely as possible what the other is feeling.


Do you, DF, knowing of this woman’s love for you and returning it, realizing her strengths and learning from them, recognizing her weaknesses and accepting them, take Nichole, to be your lawfully wedded wife?

I do

Do you, Nichole, knowing of this man’s love for you and returning it, realizing his strengths and learning from them, recognizing his weaknesses and accepting them, take DF, to be your lawfully wedded husband?

I do


You are now taking into your care and keeping the happiness of the one person in all the world whom you love best. You are adding to your life not only the affection of each other, but also the companionship and blessing of a deep trust as well. You are agreeing to share strength, responsibilities, and love.

Nichole and DF, I ask you now to face each other and join hands.

DF, please repeat after me:

"All that I am and all that I have, / All that I've been and all that I shall be, / I share with you from this day forward. / I promise to love you / and stand beside you, / in the only way I know how, / completely and for eternity."

Nichole, please repeat after me:

"All that I am and all that I have, / All that I've been and all that I shall be, / I share with you from this day forward. / I promise to love you / and stand beside you, / in the only way I know how, / completely and for eternity."


May I have the rings, please?

I hold in my hands beautiful rings . . . made of precious metal representing two precious lives who stand before me. These rings have no beginning, no end . . . a circle of life and a circle of love. God bless these rings. May they be given, may they be received to remind you of the vows you have made this day.

DF, will you place this ring on Nichole's finger, and repeat after me:

"With this ring, I thee wed, / and offer a symbol of all that we will share / our hopes, our dreams, and our love."

Nichole, will you place this ring on DF'S finger, and repeat after me:

"With this ring, I thee wed, / and offer a symbol of all that we will share / our hopes, our dreams, and our love."

May you always need one another, not so much to fill the emptiness as to help each other know your fullness. May you succeed in all important ways with each other, and not fail in the little graces. Find things to praise, often say, "I love you"; and take no notice of small faults. May you have happiness, and may you find it in making one another happy. May you have love, and may you find it in loving one another.


As love is symbolized by light, may the light of this candle remind us of the estate of unity you are now entering. May the lighting of the candle by you together, serve as a witness that your lives are no longer parallel, but are now one. May the blessing of light, be with you always, light without and light within. May the sun shine upon you and warm your heart until it glows like a great fire so that others may feel the warmth of your love for one another.

[Music: Candle on Water (#32)]

[Nichole & DF move behind alter to light unity candle & return to front]


Let us pray.

Eternal God, without your grace no promise is sure. Strengthen Nichole and DF with patience, kindness, gentleness, and all the other gifts you so abundantly impart, that they may fulfill the vows they have made this day. Keep them faithful to each other and to you. Fill them by your word and serve you all of their days. Amen.


Nichole and DF, may your marriage bring you all of the exquisite excitement a marriage should bring. And may life grant you patience, tolerance and understanding.

Nichole and DF, you have pledged your lives and souls to one another in our presence; therefore, by the authority vested in me by the State of Florida, I pronounce you husband and wife.

DF, you may now kiss your beautiful bride.


[All stand]

Ladies and Gentlemen, with the greatest pleasure, I present to you for the first time as husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. DF ****.


[Music: Disney Medley (#38)]
The ceremony looks great! I think things always look longer on paper than they actually are! I am a teacher and I always think things are going to take forever and then they take like 5 minutes! I think it's a good length! Not to mention, for $3,000 for the WP, you might as well spend a little time there!
Oooooh, I love your ceremony! I'm trying to piece my together and may borrow bits and pieces of this (if you don't mind). Thank you so much for sharing! :hippie:
The ceremony looks great! I think things always look longer on paper than they actually are! I am a teacher and I always think things are going to take forever and then they take like 5 minutes! I think it's a good length! Not to mention, for $3,000 for the WP, you might as well spend a little time there!

Good point! I definitely want my $3k worth!!

Oooooh, I love your ceremony! I'm trying to piece my together and may borrow bits and pieces of this (if you don't mind). Thank you so much for sharing! :hippie:

Thanks! I took pieces from a number of places and tried to tie it all together. Feel free to borrow pieces :)
I went with three of the girls to get measured for the bridesmaid dresses this past weekend only to find out that 2 of them are planning on getting pregnant in the next couple months! Needless to say the dress I picked out will not work if they are 6-7 months along and the designer doesn't make a matching maternity style :sad2: So I am back to square one with the bridesmaid dresses :headache:

Now that I had my heart set on the one dress, I can't find anything else that I really like that either has a corresponding maternity style or an empire waist.

We will have to wait until late May/June to order the dresses also. I originally wanted to order them early so I could spread out the costs to my bridesmaids. If we order in June, the final dress payment will be due in September -- which I feel is too close to the wedding.

Wow ... I guess I really needed to vent!! Thanks for reading.
I wouldn't worry about the ceremony length!

To be honest, last week I didn't hear a word Rev. Jack said. I'm glad I read the ceremony beforehand. I was too busy thinking "Oh no....there goes a boat...I hope they don't honk....hey...check out the cake table...that looks niiiice...oh, crap, I better smile or I'm going to look angry in our pictures....oh my god, is my mom CRYING again?? Can someone get her a kleenex? Wait, what did he just say? Oops, my turn to talk. Man the sky is pretty today."

Seriously. And DH and I both messed up our vows at the EXACT same point. We couldn't get through without welling up and had to pause and breathe.

That stinks about your bridesmaids. It's too bad they didn't mention that beforehand. I mean, not that their lives should be put on hold, but the dresses are important and require a lot of though, so you need to know things like that. A little consideration I suppose.
I have been working on a couple DIY projects again. I want something very classy for our escort cards, but something people haven't seen a lot. I came across this photo on a Martha Stewart website I think. I was able to get the small votive candles on Amazon for a great price and the ribbon on super sale after Christmas! Once we get our final RSVP list I think they should be pretty easy to make -- just print out the names and numbers on vellum paper and put ribbon around it.


Nichole, I absolutely fell in love with your candles (saw them on another thread), and I am really thinking that I would love to do that as well. However, I have a few questions, and maybe you have already thought about this...

Are the candles going to have "real" candles in them? If so, are they going to be votives, or tea lights?

And since your guests are going to be carrying them from the placecard table to their table, are you concerned about the heat from them? I was thinking about having these as table settings (for seat placement) rather than having people carrying them to their table - my family is not the most graceful, and I'd hate to have someone get a hot-wax makeover!

And lastly, are you going to have them blow out the candles at some point, so they can take the votive holders with them? The wax will have to cool if I am using real candles, or I risk the hot-wax makeover again.

Like I said, I LOVE the candles, and if I could make it work logistically, that would be great. BTW, we're having our reception at ADH as well, and I think that room would look GREAT with extra candlelight.
Nichole, I absolutely fell in love with your candles (saw them on another thread), and I am really thinking that I would love to do that as well. However, I have a few questions, and maybe you have already thought about this...

Are the candles going to have "real" candles in them? If so, are they going to be votives, or tea lights?

And since your guests are going to be carrying them from the placecard table to their table, are you concerned about the heat from them? I was thinking about having these as table settings (for seat placement) rather than having people carrying them to their table - my family is not the most graceful, and I'd hate to have someone get a hot-wax makeover!

And lastly, are you going to have them blow out the candles at some point, so they can take the votive holders with them? The wax will have to cool if I am using real candles, or I risk the hot-wax makeover again.

Like I said, I LOVE the candles, and if I could make it work logistically, that would be great. BTW, we're having our reception at ADH as well, and I think that room would look GREAT with extra candlelight.

I am planning on using them as escort cards. I haven't worked out all the details yet, but I figured I would try them with the smaller votive candles and with the tea light candles to see how hot they get. I'm also thinking about is not lighting them before the guests pick them up from the escort card table. I would order some personalized match boxes and either place one at each table or in a basket on the escort card table so the guests could light them. If I opt for this I will probably have a little framed note telling them to light them when they sit down. Maybe I can have the waiters do this?

I haven't talked to my planner about it yet (our planning session is in April). So Disney may want the guests to wait to light them.

I think they would work great as place cards too! But, I don't think I'm going to have place cards, only escort cards.
I wouldn't worry about the ceremony length!

To be honest, last week I didn't hear a word Rev. Jack said. I'm glad I read the ceremony beforehand. I was too busy thinking "Oh no....there goes a boat...I hope they don't honk....hey...check out the cake table...that looks niiiice...oh, crap, I better smile or I'm going to look angry in our pictures....oh my god, is my mom CRYING again?? Can someone get her a kleenex? Wait, what did he just say? Oops, my turn to talk. Man the sky is pretty today."

Seriously. And DH and I both messed up our vows at the EXACT same point. We couldn't get through without welling up and had to pause and breathe.

That stinks about your bridesmaids. It's too bad they didn't mention that beforehand. I mean, not that their lives should be put on hold, but the dresses are important and require a lot of though, so you need to know things like that. A little consideration I suppose.

Thanks, I needed to hear that! It is the little mess-ups that become the best memories!!

I knew my MOH was seriously considering it, but I figured we could just get a different dress for her if need be and it would all look good. But with two now, I need to figure something else out :confused:
I have been out of town a lot the past few weeks, so I have not been too productive with the wedding stuff lately. We did find a couple of really cute white baskets that we are going to use to hold the tears of joy packets and the programs.


We also found this little Pluto figurine that we are going to use to take pics of our rings. I would love to have our Chihuahua Calvin as our ring bearer, but I will settle for pics with Pluto :)


We found some plain glass ornaments and intended to etch them with something like "N&D" and "10.24.11". Needless to say, this project was an epic fail! No matter how many times we tried it or how many different ways we tried it, the etching didn't appear dark enough. Oh well, can't win them all :sad2:


So now we have 40 of these really cute Disney boxes that I need to decide how to use.


I was able to finish the door hangers we are going to put in the welcome baskets. These were super easy and took almost no time (or expense). My kind of DIY project ;)


I am working on the invitations next and I need to prepare for our planning session. Hard to believe it is a month away!
Wow! I really love your door hangers! I especially love the back...I might have to steal that line "we had too much fun at the wedding" :lmao:
Those tear packets are too cute!! Where did you get that Mickey ribbon?!

I have seen that Pluto before!!! SOOOO Adorable!! :)
I was able to finish the door hangers we are going to put in the welcome baskets. These were super easy and took almost no time (or expense). My kind of DIY project ;)


Super easy and takes almost no time or expense and are super cute??? Sign me up! Can you please explain to me how to make them? Thanks!
Super easy and takes almost no time or expense and are super cute??? Sign me up! Can you please explain to me how to make them? Thanks!

Sure! I ordered 4x8" pre-cut curious metallic cardstock from and got a 1.5" punch from Michaels. I created the design in PowerPoint (changing the paper and print sizes to 4x8"). I also put a little "x" on the top center where I wanted to punch out the circle. I work on a Mac so I like to print out of iPhoto so I saved the PowerPoints as photos (.jpg). I loaded all the paper in my printer to print the front and then back in to print the back. Punch the circles and cut a little slit and I was done! The whole process took about an hour.

Those tear packets are too cute!! Where did you get that Mickey ribbon?!

I have seen that Pluto before!!! SOOOO Adorable!! :)

Thanks! I think I found the ribbon on eBay. It was a little more expensive than the plain ribbon, so I decided to do a set of each :)

Wow! I really love your door hangers! I especially love the back...I might have to steal that line "we had too much fun at the wedding" :lmao:

Thanks! Our friends and family like to have a good time, so I think they will actually need it ;)
Sure! I ordered 4x8" pre-cut curious metallic cardstock from and got a 1.5" punch from Michaels. I created the design in PowerPoint (changing the paper and print sizes to 4x8"). I also put a little "x" on the top center where I wanted to punch out the circle. I work on a Mac so I like to print out of iPhoto so I saved the PowerPoints as photos (.jpg). I loaded all the paper in my printer to print the front and then back in to print the back. Punch the circles and cut a little slit and I was done! The whole process took about an hour.


Great! Thanks!
Nichole, I just read your entire PJ and love what you have planned! We are getting married on the same day as you!!! Maybe we will bump into each other at some point! :goodvibes
Nichole, I just read your entire PJ and love what you have planned! We are getting married on the same day as you!!! Maybe we will bump into each other at some point! :goodvibes

That's awesome! I may sneak a peek at your ceremony while I'm getting ready ;)


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