Nifty Fifty: The Great return of the Sauciers! - April 2022 TR

Very entertained by your recounting of your recent trip. Helping me pass the time as I get ready for our next time in WDW coming in Sept. I am from Jersey also, so I am appreciating the nods to the fickle New Jersey weather in the Spring time. LOL. So far it sounds like you had a wonderful trip (save for the intermittent crying). Looking forward to the rest.
So sorry the girls were still having snack issues. Seems like when one wins the other loses. I'm happy the CM at Casey helped to brighten Gwen's day. The break at GF is just what was needed. I really enjoyed all the eggs too.

Looking forward to your Egg hunt. I did this and enjoyed it.
Sugar, air conditioning, and retail therapy cheers me up too!
Yup! I think it is the answer to most girls! Ha.

ove that a cast member wanted to brighten Gwen's day. Those Easter egg creations are amazing -- such talent! I love the scavenger hunt challenges around World Showcase ... but availability of the prizes can be a challenge ... I hope your comment about maybe not having the cups isn't foreshadowing.
The CM was wonderful. And really did help Gwen's mood change. So, it was really nice.

You look great in the photo, and your whole family looks nice!
Oh thanks! We are always our worst enemy at how we look in picutures.

We usually drive to WDW, and if we get there in time before Jock's closes, we always go there! The outside seating by the lake is very pleasant in December--not sure how it would be when it is really hot.
Andy and I have sat outside before, in the evening and it is wonderful! I was going to suggest sitting in the boat but they wanted the Diving Bell. And I knew it is usually full. So, why not!?!

Ach I’m sorry that Gwen got upset but it was lovely that the cast member tried to help. Sounds like you made a wise move by heading to the GF and cooling down in the air con a little. Those eggs look really amazing! I’m hoping the rest will help everyone’s mood
It really was the best move. It's amazing how just relaxing for just a little bit can do wonders.

A cold drink, some A/C, and some shopping is really the way to cheer me up, too!
Me too, if I am being honest!

Poor girls, it's rough getting back in the swing of a Disney trip after so much time away.
This day really was, them getting there Disney legs back. That and the dreams of very specific treats... It was a bad combo but it def got better.

I loved hearing that story about the Casey's CM. Those CMs in that area are always lovely.
The CM really are great! And this one def enjoyed her job!

Very entertained by your recounting of your recent trip. Helping me pass the time as I get ready for our next time in WDW coming in Sept. I am from Jersey also, so I am appreciating the nods to the fickle New Jersey weather in the Spring time. LOL. So far it sounds like you had a wonderful trip (save for the intermittent crying). Looking forward to the rest.
Spring in Jersey is def fun! All the pollen, blek! Welcome!!! So glad to have you hear!!! It was a good day, we just were out of practice of park going!

Haven't been on much, but was happy to see your trip report is in the works! Looking forward to more
Glad you are here!!

So sorry the girls were still having snack issues. Seems like when one wins the other loses.
Ugh, when we have days like this, I wonder what it is like to have more than 2 kids. Is someone always upset?
Day One: On the Hunt for Eggs!

Finally decided to go to Epcot around 1:53. Which I have to say, I love the new security! It was so.... much easier that pre-covid.

We were excitied to be headed to EPCOT and to see our second park already!
EPCOT Flowers

I can't wait for all of the construction to be done with! But it was still pretty to see the flower beds for Flower and Garden.
EPCOT Construction
I mean look at all of it!!! Yikes!

I love seeing the construction and the new Guardians Spaceship.
EPCOT from Monorail
I don't seem to have a picture of the spaceship, for some reason. But Andy and Morgan were REALLY excitied to see it.

We were off the Monorail at 2:38 and made the girls stop for a photopass picture in front of the EPCOT ball.

EPCOT new fountain
Hello old Friend!!!

EPCOT PhotoPass Photo
It kind of came out weird, the photopass guy must of had some kind of fish eye lense on. Oh well. Andy was slightly disapointed with some of the photo pass photos. you could tell some of them are literally handed a camera and told take pictures. That said, we still got our money worth of photos!

Gwen needed to go to the bathroom, so Gwen and I went to the rest rooms (the ones to the right of Spaceship Earth) while I sent Andy and Morgan into the store right there to see if they had the egg hunt card. They did. But I forgot to mention to Andy to ask what the prize was before they bought the cards.
But we had 3 Egg Hunts for us, regardless of prize!

We headed back to world showcase, walking to the right since we were already on that side. And the had to go around the construction! We walked slowly because it was HOT! Checked out the topiaries as we walked.
Boo Peep Topiary

Woody Topiary

Figment Topiary

We got our first glimse at Stargate... Those things really are HUGE!!! Yikes! I don't like them but I am also not going to raise hell about them.

Girls wanted a drink. So, we stopped at the Bee-stro. They both got the Honey-Peach Freeze. 1 in the Spike Bee and 1 not in a bee.
Morgan and Buzz
Gwen liked the drink better than Morgan. But they both drank some and hit the spot of a little more sugar to fuel around the world showcase.

Gwen's Mood
Gwen did like it, I think she was just trying to decide if she liked it (and how tired she was)

Olaf Golden Statue

Pua and Hei Hei Golden Statue

Rocket Golden Statue
We were def trying to slow down and just enjoy the afternoon.

Andy said he wanted an Adult beverage and I am never one to say no to that! So we checked out the food booths as we walked by.

It was already 3:20 by now, we managed to waste an hour just getting into the park! Yikes. We didn't see any drinks we wanted at the booths, so we went into Mexico pavilion.

AND it was an Easter Miracle!!! There was barely a line for La Cava del Tequila!!! Like 1 couple in line!! I dont' think I have seen that, well, EVER! Ha! I said we HAD to get drinks.

So, While Andy and I got drinks the girls sat on the side where the pay phones are. Remember those things?!?! It was this small alcove just to the left of La Cava. So they were able to sit down, drink there Bee drinks and look at the egg hunt. It was another nice little rest, it was dark and cool.

I got the Black Magic Margarita created by Neil Patrick Harris. I have wanted to try it for awhile, but there is always too long of a line! So, I was very excited to get it.
Doogie Howser Margarita
I really liked the the Black Magic. It def has a smoky flavor to it. But not too over powering.

Andy got a basic Margarita.
Andy Margarita
Andy enjoyed his as well. They are really $$$ at La Cava, but you can tell that it is good tequila. Not that junk we drank in college and gave us hangovers.

The girls were able to finish most of their drink while they waited for us.
Line for La Cava!
This was the line as we left, it had "backed up" to 2 set of couples! Crazy!!!

I will say EPCOT was dead compared to Magic Kingdom. I had said at one point, we should have just come to EPCOT today.

With our drinks, we headed out and were finally ready to start the egg hunt!
Donald Mexico
We found Donald outside by La Hacienda restaurant.

The goal was just to walk around and complete the egg hunt, so we slowly headed to Norway next.
Troll Topiary
We did try and enjoy the topiaries too as we went.

We found Chip on top of the grass topped roof.

And then Chip's BFF, Dale in China.
He was hidden with the bushes so it took us a while to find. We walked all the way to the back end of China looking for him. And then I spotted a handful of people bunched around that area, and guessed that, that is where the egg was. Kind of cheating... but oh well it worked!

We played a game of guessing which character was in each country before we got there. Andy just kept saying Scrooge McDuck. Which the girls thought was hilarious. IDK.

Next up was Germany.
Pluto was in Germany on a railing and we spotted him easily.

Next was Italy.
Lady & Tramp Topiary
I totally got side tracked by this topiary, so pretty and prob one of my favorites.

Mickey was in Italy
Mickey Italy
He was perched above the Wine Cellar, so we had to walk into the pavilion. And I never realized how hot that area is!

Next was America, were we wondered around aimlessly, having no clue where to look, as there is barely anything in the America pavillion.
Minnie was in America. We walked right past it! But again I noticed a little kid who had found it. We noted that we were worse than a small child at this. Ha.

On we went, We were trying to pick up the pace just a little, as we also needed to get to Canada in time for dinner! Japan was next.
Figment was in Japan up on a rock. We thought Figment was a strange choice for Japan. But I guess there was no real reason for any of them in any of the countries, other than Donald in Mexico.
Figment Japan

Japan Koi

Saw the Lady Drummers which is always nice. And good to see them back!
Japan Drums
But we didn't watch for too long, as again, it was hot and we were on a mission!
Next was Morocco! Thumper was hiding on the water side of the pavillion, and thankfully we noticed him as we walked up.
Otherwise we probably would have looked forever in that pavillion!

Miss Piggy Topiary
Miss Piggy looked like she was greeting people at the bathrooms. Gwen decided to use the bathrooms based on Miss Piggy's greetings.

While we waited we say this stroller.
This is not the stroller you are looking for

By now, it was 4:06 and we need to get to Canada. So, we headed to France next.
Daisy Duck_France
Daisy in France on the way into Ratatouille. She was tricky. We walked all over that pavillion trying to find her. And we were starting to hit the wall, again.

We did walked back to check out the new area, VERY briefly. But the girls were just done.
Remy Topiary

We headed to England next. Where we found White Rabbit.
White Rabbit_England
I had guessed that right from the beginning! But the only one I got right....

Ironically, we never actually never found Scrooge McDuck... He was to be between England and Canada. But couldn't find him.

Last but not least we made it to Canada and found Goofy!

With our completed hunt, we went to redeem our our prizes at the stores. We went to the one as you walk into the World Showcase. They didn’t have any cups left so we had to get the little lunch boxes. Which was fine with me but the girls were a little sad about the cups. But I had said a few times that it might NOT be the cups, so I think they had time to mentally prepare for it. THANK GOODNESS!!!

We got a Figment box, an Orange Bird box and the Flower and Garden Bee box. Gwen uses them for lunch now, so they are getting used!

After that, we went to the bathrooms by the Starbucks (or at least where it used to be) We all changed into fresh shirts to get a nice picture. And headed back to Le Cellier for dinner!

Up next dinner!
LOL-I like how you think!
Reading your comment, I hope I didn't offend anyone! oops. It was a miracle that there was no line there!!! We were in EPCOT once and it just happened to be National Margarita day and the line was outside the Pyramid!!!

Love reading your trip reports!
Thanks for following along!!! I love sharing the trips. It helps fill the gap between trips!
I have been so busy and haven't been on the DIS for a little while. So excited to pop on today and see your TR! Looking forward to hear your thoughts on all the changes.
No line-up for a drink is the perfect reason to get a drink, always!!
That egg hunt seems fun! I like the idea, makes you wander around the countries most likely seeing things you've never noticed before.
They are really $$$ at La Cava, but you can tell that it is good tequila. Not that junk we drank in college and gave us hangovers.
I’m really enjoying your trip report (as always!). The egg hunt sounds like it was fun, and it’s exciting to see the topiaries, this year will be our first F&G festival. We’ve never had La Cava margaritas I’m kind of hoping we will make that happen this trip but will probably depend on the line too. I can’t wait to read more!
The scavenger hunt sounds like it went well overall, especially with a nice adult beverage in hand :-)

Your photo caption made me smile. I don't care how many season How I Met Your Mother ran. NPH will always be my first love, Doogie Howser.

But I had said a few times that it might NOT be the cups, so I think they had time to mentally prepare for it. THANK GOODNESS!!!

Good thing you prepared them! It sounds like that could have been a serious sticking point otherwise.
You finished the egg hunt much faster then me. It took me 2 visits to the park. I was also doing the Spike hunt too.

Love all the bright colorful photos in Epcot. Flower and Garden really makes the park so pretty. I'm hoping it's still pretty in 2 weeks.
I have been so busy and haven't been on the DIS for a little while. So excited to pop on today and see your TR! Looking forward to hear your thoughts on all the changes.
Glad you made it!!! I get very patchy when I have time to get on too. Work has been super busy for me but this has been my zen moments!

No line-up for a drink is the perfect reason to get a drink, always!!
Right! Especially at La Cava!

That egg hunt seems fun! I like the idea, makes you wander around the countries most likely seeing things you've never noticed before.
It def does. The eggs were mostly on the perimiter of each country. What really got you into the countries was the Perry Game that you did the scavenger hunt with. Hopefully some version comes back. It really directed you to different areas.

his year will be our first F&G festival.
YEAH!!! F&G always makes EPCOT so pretty. Kind of wish they just kept most of the flowers all the time.

We’ve never had La Cava margaritas I’m kind of hoping we will make that happen this trip but will probably depend on the line too
Yeah, with little ones in tow, it's hard to say, hey let's wait in this long line so, you get nothing. We did find out later that the MPH Marg was also being sold at the outside stand as well. Andy got the drink while I took the girls to get food across the way, so I am not sure what else from La Cava they had, but that is an option as well.

I am loving your trip report. I can't believe how big the girls are now - especially Gwen - she has gotten so tall.
Thanks for following along!!!! Yeah, they got big.... It's crazy.

The scavenger hunt sounds like it went well overall, especially with a nice adult beverage in hand :-)
The adult beverage def helped with wandering around! Ha. Scavenger Hunt is fun, but in order to complete it, you really have to focus on that only. Otherwise, you will need at least 2 trips.

Your photo caption made me smile. I don't care how many season How I Met Your Mother ran. NPH will always be my first love, Doogie Howser.
Yeah!!! Someone noticed! He has come a long way from Doogie Howser! But that will also always be my first love for him.

Good thing you prepared them! It sounds like that could have been a serious sticking point otherwise.
I SHOULD have waited to buy the trail WITH them and double check. We could have skipped it if we knew what the prize was. But it was fine. We were just EXHAUSTED after the day.

You finished the egg hunt much faster then me. It took me 2 visits to the park. I was also doing the Spike hunt too.
We literally didn't really do anything else. No shopping, no additional drinks or food, no rides. It was literally find the eggs!
At first when I saw Andy’s shirt, I thought, “Star Wars does Playboy?”

Then the Easter thing made the ears make sense and much less controversial. Also, we didn’t get out photopass photos from the Haunted Mansion either! I was so bummed because I bet the kids’ faces were priceless.
Hi Ariella! It's Cloe :)

I'm so bummed we never ran into you guys in April!

I can't believe how tall Gwen is now! Both girls are so grown up now!
Hey there!!!! Glad you are here!!! I know! I was really hoping to run into you guys but i think the times we over lapped we were on opposite schedules.... And the one day I thought we would see you, we had a last minute change of plans. Next time!

At first when I saw Andy’s shirt, I thought, “Star Wars does Playboy?”

Then the Easter thing made the ears make sense and much less controversial. Also, we didn’t get out photopass photos from the Haunted Mansion either! I was so bummed because I bet the kids’ faces were priceless.
Ha. I will have to tell him about the playboy shirt...

I think the Haunted Mansion photos was because it was the first day and everything is linked to my account. Later on, when Andy went with one of the girls and I went with the other we got both.. So, actually maybe it was something to do with a child's account verses an adults.
Hi Everyone!!! I have to say, I am starting to feel more and more like "normal" I am running around doing lots of stuff! All in a good way! So, sorry if I am patchy on these updates. I feel like i go through ups and downs of having time to post.

Also, if you have a report that I am reading, I will get back to them eventually! Andy and I also got sucked into Stranger Things and a stupid Warren Jeffs documentary that filled my evenings.

Any way, let's get back to our trip!!! I left us off heading to our Easter Dinner!

Day One: Easter Dinner... in Canada... In the dark!

I believe I left us off, with us changing into fresh shirts for dinner. We headed to Le Cellier Steakhouse right at 5 for our 5:05 reservation.

I tried to check in on the phone but the button wasn’t working (I found out on the VERY LAST day that it was user error on that).

I just went in to check in the old fashioned way, which was fine. There was a woman trying to get 2 reservations sat next together when I got there. She was being very nice about it.

BUT then there was another older couple that apparently didn’t have a reservation at all! Not sure how they got a reservation BUT they went to seat them, and the hostess asked if they were all there, they said yes. But when they went to take them back they weren’t. When the CM asked again, they said yes, but that they were just walking over… ok... that's not HERE.

Basically, CM need LOTs of patience!!!!

We were sat shortly after. They lead us to a table all the way in the back. It was one side against the wall with booth seating and the other side regular chairs. Which was fine, but we were in the middle and then there were 2 tables on the left and right of us for 4 as well. And we were REALLY close together. It just felt like we were to be all eating together. It felt a little weird.

We were so hot again, I didn’t even want anything to drink other than water. So, Andy and I just ordered water to start.

We ordered some apps.

Artisan Cheese and Charcuterie Plate
Le Celier Charcuterie
Selection of House-made Charcuterie paired with Artisanal Cheeses with Seasonal Accompaniments

We are actually not big Charcuterie people but I really wanted to try this for the beef fat candle! I watched Molly from All Ears try it and was dying to have it as well.

It was actually kind of fun as the meats were very different. There was a Blue Cheese with honeycomb, a Drunken Goat Cheese with popcorn brittle, and a Brie with balsamic Glaze. And then Duck Ham, a Bison and dark cherry sausage and a Pork Belly Pastrami.

I wouldn't say it was my favorite Charcuterie ever but it was fun to try some different things and combos. The Duck Fat Candle was ok... Again super fun but not as flavorful as I thought it would be.

We also ordered the Le Cellier Signature Poutine
Le Celier Poutine
Fresh-cut French Fries, Canadian Cheddar Cheese Curds, Truffle, Red Wine Reduction - $14

Everyone liked this. But I let the girls mostly eat this. I had also dreamed of that Red Wine Reduction sauce. This didn't disappoint.

I was practically full already! But we ordered our main meals and they came out before we were done with our apps. Now, I don't always care but here... You should not be rushed.

Morgan and I ordered the
Le Cellier Filet Mignon*
AAA Canadian Tenderloin, Mushroom Risotto, Asparagus-Tomato Relish, Truffle-Butter Sauce
This was excellent as usual and Morgan ate all of hers! But we must have hit the wall, because I have ZERO pictures at this point.

Andy got the
USDA Prime New York Strip Steak*
Canadian Cheddar Potato Au Gratin, Au Poivre Sauce, Crispy Onions

He really enjoyed his steak and the au gratin. He said that was really good as well.

And Gwen got one of the enhancements:
Bacon-Smoked Gouda Macaroni & Cheese. She is not a big meat eater, but loves her some mac and cheese.

I wasn’t sure she would like it since it was smoked Gouda but she loved it!!! And ended up saying it was the best mac and cheese of the trip. (Spoiler Alert she had a lot more!)

Dinner was excellent but very filling and we were ready to head back to the hotel at this point.

We all hobbled out of the restaurant and found more Easter bunnies!
Easter Bunny
We slowly made our way out of the park and to the buses. It was only 6:11 but we were done. How done?

This done....
Morgan Very Tired

I did catch a cute moment of the 2 ladies on the way out of the park.
Morgan and Gwen Leaving
Sometimes they do like each other....

We also saw rain in the forecast so we decided to head back and try and beat the rain.

We were at the bus stop at 6:29. There was only one family was waiting. And we were on a bus at 6:34! Still had to wear masks on the busses at this point. And Morgan was really detesting it today.

Bus Ride Back

We were watching a family with 3 little boys. And the youngest was just all over the place.I looked over and the little boy licked window! The mom kept scooping him to get him to stop, but she would put him back down. As I am sure he was heavy and he would just go and do it again. Oye! Gwen thought this was hilarious!

We were back at Coronado at 7:00 PM and were back in our room in PJs in no time.
Back at the hotel

It started pouring rain half an hour later! And it was a very heavy rain at points in time. It was def a good night to already be in the room. It pretty much rained all night. Gwen and I went downstairs at one point to check out the storm. But couldn’t really see any better.

Gwen's on site reporting of the weather.. It's rain folks!

Everyone just watched tv, the girls watched youtube on there ipads and we just relaxed and had some of the Gideons cookies for a late dessert.


It was a good first day but we were TIRED!!!! We def didn't have our Park legs and stamna like we used too.

Up next, we attempt to get on Rise without a LL. Will we be able to do it!


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