Now I've seen everything: St Louis couple comes out of their house and points guns at protesters marching in front of their street

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If it was unlawful for the demonstrators to be there, is there some reason why the residents didn’t call the police instead if brandishing their weapons? :confused:
Not sure about the timeline, but there were police on the scene.
Arrested for what.? She has the right to defend her property from trespassers whether people "like" how she did it or not.
Her pointing of a gun at people is not defending her property. They were strictly on their way to where the Mayor of St Louis lived. Even if it’s a private community, it’s not their call to come out pointing guns. The police were eventually there and didn’t order anyone to leave.
Mo. Rev. Stat. § 571.030.1(4)

A person commits the crime of unlawful use of weapons if he or she knowingly:
(1) Carries concealed upon or about his or her person a knife, a firearm, a blackjack or any other weapon readily capable of lethal use; or
(2) Sets a spring gun; or
(3) Discharges or shoots a firearm into a dwelling house, a railroad train, boat, aircraft, or motor vehicle as defined in section 302.010, RSMo, or any building or structure used for the assembling of people; or
(4) Exhibits, in the presence of one or more persons, any weapon readily capable of lethal use in an angry or threatening manner; or For any violation which,for a class A felony.
I am by no means an epert, but doesn't stand-your-ground only apply if you are being threatened with imminent harm? People walking past your house doesn't rise to that IMO. As far as defending against trespassers, I could be wrong but I don't think you can legally shoot a trespasser (someone walking onto your property).
I am by no means an epert, but doesn't stand-your-ground only apply if you are being threatened with imminent harm? People walking past your house doesn't rise to that IMO. As far as defending against trespassers, I could be wrong but I don't think you can legally shoot a trespasser (someone walking onto your property).
Certainly fear of immediate physical harm. Typically if someone is breaking down a door that’s considered justifiable use of force. There was a case of someone drunk who mistakenly got off the wrong floor, couldn’t get into what he though was his apartment, and then tried to kick in the door. The resident there shot him and was never charged with a crime.
Were there people trespassing on their property? I thought they were walking down the street in front of their house
It’s a gated community. The road is private and I think technically the sidewalk is their property. No security guard at the entrance. The pedestrian gate may have been unlocked. Private roads/sidewalks are always weird as to what is or isn’t trespassing. If I use someone else’s driveway to turn around, I don’t think it would be justifiable for the homeowner to point a gun at the me. I grew up near a golf course. My school got notices from the management that it was private property and not to be crossed by students. It also had several ungated private roads. There were clear signs saying that they were private roads, but I doubt anyone could just come out and point a gun at someone who is just walking in the neighborhood.
Pretty hard to have a vibrant functioning police department with no funding.

Either we need police or we don’t. Without police, what you see in the video is going to be the new norm.

Personally, I would rather our cities be protected by fully trained and funded police instead of vigilantes.

I agree, and I want them to focus on specific things rather than be called for situations where their skill set is not the best suited to handled the issue. A situation like this, for example. Thinking the police should have money re-allocated so that certain departments are well-trained and funded and other areas are left to more qualified specialists does not mean "I don't want police at all."
I agree, and I want them to focus on specific things rather than be called for situations where their skill set is not the best suited to handled the issue. A situation like this, for example. Thinking the police should have money re-allocated so that certain departments are well-trained and funded and other areas are left to more qualified specialists does not mean "I don't want police at all."

Can you give me an idea of who would answer calls such as these then? Who would be the more qualified specialists and what would they do when called?
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