October 2008? Anyone plan this far ahead??


A Maelstromer From Way Back...
Jul 10, 2005
:wave: Hi there! Is anyone planning this far in advance??
We're heading to THE WORLD in October of 2008!!!
Not sure where we are staying yet! :earseek: I think we have to get past this years vacay before i can think too much about next year!

10/17-10/26 for us!! :woohoo:

How about you????
Meeee!! I was going to put a ticker up but it was too depressing!! :laughing:

I will post my 2 MNSSHP siggie pics I have for others to use too:



I have them both bigger too if anyone wants. :)
Going in Oct. 2008 for the Cliqueless meet, a few days at WDW and cruise!!!! Not sure of the dates yet. I can't wait!
Yep, add me to the Cliqueless meet crew! We haven't hashed out the details yet... gotta get through this year's trips first I guess. But we are very much looking forward to it and would love to meet as many DISers as we can - feel free to hop on over to our "not in a clique" thread and say hi so we can all get to know each other!

October 2008 -- here we come!!
now hurry up and get here!
yep, add us to the "cliqueless" meet for Oct. 08':woohoo: :cheer2: I can't wait!! I think we should go on a short cruise before this one to get the extra discounts:rolleyes1 :woohoo: :cloud9:
YAAAAYYY!! Welcome everyone!!!! :woohoo:

Jen i know all about the depressing Ticker! i figure a pic will work better until it gets closer :) :laughing:
Wait!!! no fast forwarding until AFTER MAY!! hahaah i have to go on my trip first!! THEN it's OFF TO October 2008!!! :yay:
Wait, does that mean I can't fast forward until after free dining? I know, how about if I fast forward after May, and then stop fast forwarding in September, and then fast forward again?
YES YES YES for us!!! we Love MNSSHP!!! Acutally DH and i can't wait to find out what the baby is going to be, so we can start planning our costumes!!! :woohoo:
lyzziesmom...you're cracking me up! you and your numerous upcoming trips! can't go too fast now... by then lyzzie will be on the phone non stop and Emma will have 1 more year before Kindergarten if I can add correctly:laughing: Kenny will be 7 1/2 by that trip:eek: can't rush that time away!

Michelle... that is too sweet your dh wanting to plan for costumes! I'll have to see what dates they have the MNSSHP... I've never been to it. I've done the P&PP and MVMCP... I let my ds dress up for P&PP so he'll probably dress up for this...but not sure we will:rolleyes1 we have plenty of time to plan right:woohoo:

Nicole...you're right... you all have trips before then to go enjoy first ;)!!:cheer2:

This was our door from last year, and we will do the same next year wherever we decide to stay!! sooo look for the crazy door and window!!
Sorry these pictures are enormous! i am too lazy to figure out how to and then to actually re-size! haah!


This is my DH Salvatore with the stroller at MNSSHP! him and I and DS were Pirates and the stroller was the Jolly Roger and our captive was Tinkerbell (DD) but of course it was after midnight and the kids were asleep in the ship! :lmao:

So as you can see, we LIVE for dressing up! hahaha!
Michelle: How fun! I never would have thought of decorating the door - I usually will arrange the kids' toys and souvenirs in the window, or let my DD8 work on it. I don't know if MNSSHP will be going on while we're there, because we don't know our dates yet, but I'd love to check it out, it looks like so much fun! Like Linda, I've never been. My first party was the P&PP in February and it was a blast, in fact I'm going again when they bring it back in September!

Linda: You're right, I'm not really wishing the time away, I just wish it would not feel like SOOOOO far away from now. I hate waiting!!


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