October 2013!

Just checked in for our flight tomorrow morning! Gotta make it thru work today!
Single digits today! We can say we're going to Florida NEXT WEEK!

Still haven't finished DD18's costume. I really need to buckle down and work on it tonight.
I'm single digits, too. Nine days. Woo hoo!!!:cool1:

It will be the first trip for my little DD and her cousins. DD1 is making trip number 7!
DD18's Rapunzel skirt is done. Need to decide this weekend if we're going to decorate the shirt that goes with it or not. Going to pack this weekend. Leaving a week from tomorrow! Yay!
Seven more sleeps! And so much to do before then, even for a five day trip. Ugh! But at the end of it all...DISNEY!


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