OFFICIAL Avengers: Endgame Discussion Thread (will contain spoilers once the movie is out)

Bottom line though is it's a trailer approved by and released officially by the studio they must not think it's got spoilers.
After watching it frame by frame several times through I have to agree. To me, folks that are seeing nothing but spoilers are seeing stuff in that trailer with eyes that have seen the movie. If you view it without knowing what happened in the movie, it's taken quite differently (I asked a coworker who hadn't seen the movie).
Besides, it's 15 seconds long, and a 3 hour movie. Most of the 15 seconds have words/reviews flashing over the scenes. It can't reveal a wild amount spoilers when the only new things to reveal are the hammer and I guess transformed Hulk. I can't imagine either of those things ruined the entire movie for anyone. If they even spoiled something
I've yet to see overweight Thor in it. He's fully armored. This one is a good example of how anyone who's seen the movie sees something different than someone who hasn't. Those who have seen it know he's overweight and know he is it in that shot but those who haven't, can't see anything but Thor in is armor. It's on him for 2 whole seconds. Hardly long enough to determine he's got a beer gut. Long hair, sure. Not a spoiler to see him with long hair.
What spoiler does Pepper being in there reveal? Or Thanos with an army? That there's a battle? What kind of reveal is that? Who doesn't know there will be a battle? In the case of Thanos you don't even know from that clip it's his battle with the Avengers, just a battle.
It doesn't show who wins.
It doesn't show who lives.
It doesn't show how they got there.

My $0.02 worth,
I don't know how to devise exactly what counts as spoilers. But I am very very anti spoiler. So many trailers have so many details it feels like you know the entire movie plot before I show up. So for Endgame I avoided the trailers after watching the first one. So glad I did.

Take for instance Fat Thor, its great how its played in the movie, and I think even knowing that he gets fat isn't traditionally thought of as a spoiler, my enjoyment was maximized because I didn't know it was coming. If someone even said "Thor gets fat," it would have annoyed me. In fact, to me, knowing about Fat Thor is a bigger spoiler than saying "Thanos loses." Because there was no way Thanos wasn't going to lose.

All that said, if the marketing company is going to put out a trailer, its hard to say its not socially acceptable to discuss it.
I thought the Endgame trailers were good enough . .especially how they used clips from old movies more than from the current movie. I watched that one and then avoided any other trailers .. I didn't need them. I am going to see the movie and I was already hyped. Trailers are MAINLY for the people who are on the fence.

I went into the movie knowing they had "ant-man" like suits .. so I had my theories.
I had no idea how Thanos would be involved in the movie
I had no idea who would live or die (except Spiderman .. because .. well they have a movie coming out in a few months)
There was so many surprises (Fat Thor, Professor Hulk, Thanos dying in the first 15 minutes, Thanos attacking again with his big army, Captain America being worthy, etc.) that made the movie that more exciting for me.

Those were the things I wouldn't have wanted spoiled .. and they weren't.

So many other movies basically give you the ENTIRE plot of the movie in a trailer .. and frankly I don't have interest in seeing those movies because of it. Endgame did it well.
Gamora lives. She's just now has a 5 year gap in memories, as she came from 2014. So, to her, none of the events in any of the Guardians of the Galaxy movie happened to her. Where she disappeared to at the end of the movie is anyone's guess.

Thank you.

This is what I thought but I wasn't sure.
Gamora lives. She's just now has a 5 year gap in memories, as she came from 2014. So, to her, none of the events in any of the Guardians of the Galaxy movie happened to her. Where she disappeared to at the end of the movie is anyone's guess.
Okay, I have not had time to rewatch the movie, but I have to admit, I am lost on one point....

Nebula - so I know 2014 nebula moved forward and got 2014 Thanos moved forward.... Do they ever say what happened to current Nebula? Was she killed or left in past? If not, how can both be existing in current time and not cause a paradox? Unless 2014 Nebula got dusted.....which begs the question I guess if both did?
Okay, I have not had time to rewatch the movie, but I have to admit, I am lost on one point....

Nebula - so I know 2014 nebula moved forward and got 2014 Thanos moved forward.... Do they ever say what happened to current Nebula? Was she killed or left in past? If not, how can both be existing in current time and not cause a paradox? Unless 2014 Nebula got dusted.....which begs the question I guess if both did?

Our Nebula was at Tony’s funeral and with the Guardians at the end. The 2014!Nebula that our Nebula killed was from a different timeline/AU so it has no effect on our Nebula.
Okay, I have not had time to rewatch the movie, but I have to admit, I am lost on one point....

Nebula - so I know 2014 nebula moved forward and got 2014 Thanos moved forward.... Do they ever say what happened to current Nebula? Was she killed or left in past? If not, how can both be existing in current time and not cause a paradox? Unless 2014 Nebula got dusted.....which begs the question I guess if both did?
We know because in their version of time travel having 2 versions of yourself in one timeline doesn't cause a paradox.

Still the Nebula that came with Tony is the only version left
I thought that killing a past self would affect the current self? That's something that puzzled me.

As for trailers, none of them have given away much imo. I heard about fat Thor but this only bothered me because Thor has always been one of my favorite superheroes. At least he had his hair this time.

I had my own theories about the rates of the main characters. I knew that certain actors wanted out so it was easy in most cases. Only one loss surprised me.
Who grabbed Loki during the time travel scene? Did I miss something?

Also I loved seeing Jarvis. One of things I miss about the series Agent Carter is the interplay between him and Peggy. They were so funny together. I know the actors are friends.
I thought that killing a past self would affect the current self? That's something that puzzled me.

As for trailers, none of them have given away much imo. I heard about fat Thor but this only bothered me because Thor has always been one of my favorite superheroes. At least he had his hair this time.

I had my own theories about the rates of the main characters. I knew that certain actors wanted out so it was easy in most cases. Only one loss surprised me.
No, not in their version of time travel.
In other movies/stories yes. But Marvel has decided that in their world, time travel is different and that doesn't happen.
Seeing how it's all theory and not real, they do get complete liberty to do it however they want. The only thing really needed is consistency throughout their stories.
Who grabbed Loki during the time travel scene? Did I miss something?

Also I loved seeing Jarvis. One of things I miss about the series Agent Carter is the interplay between him and Peggy. They were so funny together. I know the actors are friends.
No one. He vanished all on his own, using/with the teserac.
We know because in their version of time travel having 2 versions of yourself in one timeline doesn't cause a paradox.

Still the Nebula that came with Tony is the only version left
Ah yes, that is correct, that totally left me for some reason, then again Current Cap fought Old Cap in hunt for the Tesseract - best line in that scene - "I can do this all day...... yeah I know..." :D
Saw it last night. People cheered and clapped during key battle moments (Spidey showing back up, Cap being worthy of the hammer). I some how avoided all spoilers but had an idea who had storylines that needed to wrap because of the end of their contracts. I actually found the big "spoilers" completely predictable. Didn't stop me from enjoying the movie and crying like a baby, but I thought it was pretty obvious what was going to happen to finally defeat Thanos pretty much from the beginning.
Thank you. I thought I saw someone pull him in the void but I guess he jumped.
Yeah, it was like he folded himself inside the tesserac or something, for lack of better words. At least that's what I saw. It appeared to me, he left alone.
One of the things that made me ecstatically happy. It seems to mean he's back in the movies. I didn't like the idea of having Marvel movies without Loki. He's simply too fun
Yeah, it was like he folded himself inside the tesserac or something, for lack of better words. At least that's what I saw. It appeared to me, he left alone.
One of the things that made me ecstatically happy. It seems to mean he's back in the movies. I didn't like the idea of having Marvel movies without Loki. He's simply too fun

I was wondering how Marvel was going to do the Loki miniseries on Disney +. Perhaps through this plot turn.

I am already planning to get Disney + for a year. I really want to see the Falcon/Winter Soldier mini thing. I love those two actors and want to see more of these characters.
Saw it last night. People cheered and clapped during key battle moments (Spidey showing back up, Cap being worthy of the hammer). I some how avoided all spoilers but had an idea who had storylines that needed to wrap because of the end of their contracts. I actually found the big "spoilers" completely predictable. Didn't stop me from enjoying the movie and crying like a baby, but I thought it was pretty obvious what was going to happen to finally defeat Thanos pretty much from the beginning.
Yeah, knowing what actors were done with the series pretty much set up who was likely to not come out the other side but it was still a journey to see how they did it all.
Showed a lot of growth for Tony to be the one to make the big sacrifice. Not sure Tony from Iron Man 1 would have made that same choice


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