***Official November 2013 - Part II*** (that's right....we're that popular!)

DH is just as into Disney as I am. We have done 6 Disney cruises and have 2 more booked. We own DVC. We bought on a cruise Aug 2012 and added on our November 2013 cruise. He was the one who decided we needed DVC. I've lost count how many times we've been to WDW. We started going when our son was 10 and he is 26 now. He went about 7 times. His sister is 40 and has gone only twice. All the other trips it has been just DH & me. DH will be turning 70 this April and I just turned 60 on Thanksgiving.

Sounds like you really need a Disney Visa to get those rewards.
Love that you two are so into Disney. Oddly my sons are not all that excited about Disney. My big deal liking it is all about how great they take care of us in making things as easy as possible. Starting with Magic Express and then the on resort transportation. I prefer not to drive and figure out my way around places so this is all super important to me, especially if DH isn't there to navigate. It's a very self contained vacation for me.
Then the chance to just smile and be child like.

Ok yup looking forward to my vacation.
Hey y'all,

Just checking in. I haven't been able to read this thread but I have had a few people send me messages checking on us so I wanted to let you all know we are still hanging in there.

I really want to take Ethan to Star Wars Weekends this spring. Dillon really wanted to go (while we were planning our trip in November, he was all, "SO, we going in the Spring too? Huh? Huh? Huh?" ;-)). I sometimes have to be the practical one and told him to simmer down- let's get thru this trip first and see how it goes. Ha. Anyway, the part of me that realizes that next year may be completely different for us (I will, more than likely, have a full time job by then- where? how? I don't know) and he will be finishing up kindergarten. This year? I'm still ok not working for a little while and he is in pre-school.

Ahhh. But really. It's so expensive. Plus, we'd need to fly because I am not the driver in the family (although I'm about to trek back to Texas, driving us the 12 hours from my family's home in AL). If we go back, it will likely be just me and E. I'm not ready to invite the in-laws or anything like that.

Anyway, for those who pray, please keep us close and pray for clarity for me. I still don't know if I'll stay in Texas or move back to be closer to childhood friends and family in AL. E's cardiologist just moved to TN and has asked us to come live with them (they are expecting baby boy #2 in June and would love the extra set of hands). Crazy thought but it's a possibility... Then again, my in-laws will be losing their last piece of their son if I move Ethan out of Texas... :-(
I just changed the picture on my Disney Visa to Tinkerbell. I decided since my trip is a solo trip, Tink was the theme. Pixie dust pixiedust: come my way in 2014!!!!

We just signed up for a Disney rewards Visa because we got the offer in the mail, and the transfer rate was great so we put all our amounts on other cards with higher rates to that. We figured we can pay it off quicker and then we will be earning for Disney trips if I start putting the basics like gas and food that I usually pay cash for on it and then paying it off at the end of the month. Anyone else do this- does it pay off?

I also had to laugh because when they asked what design DH said "you can put Tinkerbell on there" and I said "but you'll have to have the same design" and he was like "that's ok!" He's so sweet! But I just picked the classic Mickey.

My DH would tell you he goes to Disney for me and the kids, yet at the Christmas Party, he was going on rides by himself while I stayed with the sleeping kids, and he got himself two t-shirts and Mickey pajama pants. Doesn't sound like its quite the hardship he wants me to think it is.

My DH acts like he doesn't like all the planning and stuff before a Disney trip, but turns into a big kid when we go too. OK, even at home he wears Disney ball caps and shirts, and even wore his red Mickey tie for Christmas this year. Just keep letting him think you don't think he cares.

My big deal liking it is all about how great they take care of us in making things as easy as possible. Starting with Magic Express and then the on resort transportation. I prefer not to drive and figure out my way around places so this is all super important to me, especially if DH isn't there to navigate. It's a very self contained vacation for me.
Then the chance to just smile and be child like.

Ok yup looking forward to my vacation.

I totally agree! You just know it's going to be a fabulous time and don't have to worry.

Hey y'all,

Just checking in. I haven't been able to read this thread but I have had a few people send me messages checking on us so I wanted to let you all know we are still hanging in there.

I really want to take Ethan to Star Wars Weekends this spring. Dillon really wanted to go (while we were planning our trip in November, he was all, "SO, we going in the Spring too? Huh? Huh? Huh?" ;-)). I sometimes have to be the practical one and told him to simmer down- let's get thru this trip first and see how it goes. Ha. Anyway, the part of me that realizes that next year may be completely different for us (I will, more than likely, have a full time job by then- where? how? I don't know) and he will be finishing up kindergarten. This year? I'm still ok not working for a little while and he is in pre-school.

Ahhh. But really. It's so expensive. Plus, we'd need to fly because I am not the driver in the family (although I'm about to trek back to Texas, driving us the 12 hours from my family's home in AL). If we go back, it will likely be just me and E. I'm not ready to invite the in-laws or anything like that.

Anyway, for those who pray, please keep us close and pray for clarity for me. I still don't know if I'll stay in Texas or move back to be closer to childhood friends and family in AL. E's cardiologist just moved to TN and has asked us to come live with them (they are expecting baby boy #2 in June and would love the extra set of hands). Crazy thought but it's a possibility... Then again, my in-laws will be losing their last piece of their son if I move Ethan out of Texas... :-(

I will definitely keep your family in my prayers. Just keep praying and God will help you answer your questions and make the best decisions for you and your son.
You mentioned that your DH wanted to go to Star Wars weekend. Funny thing is my DH did too when we got back from this last trip, and he is not usually one to be asking when we're going back again or talking about the next time. I am usually a pretty practical person, but I do think doing family vacations are important for the fun and memories. If anything were to happen to my DH I know the boys and I would cherish those trips together, and that makes it worth it. Hearing about your heartbreak makes me appreciate what I have, and I hope everyone you come in contact with for the rest of your life takes a minute to appreciate what they have as well, and that it brings you comfort a little at a time.
Hey y'all,

Just checking in. I haven't been able to read this thread but I have had a few people send me messages checking on us so I wanted to let you all know we are still hanging in there.

I really want to take Ethan to Star Wars Weekends this spring. Dillon really wanted to go (while we were planning our trip in November, he was all, "SO, we going in the Spring too? Huh? Huh? Huh?" ;-)). I sometimes have to be the practical one and told him to simmer down- let's get thru this trip first and see how it goes. Ha. Anyway, the part of me that realizes that next year may be completely different for us (I will, more than likely, have a full time job by then- where? how? I don't know) and he will be finishing up kindergarten. This year? I'm still ok not working for a little while and he is in pre-school.

Ahhh. But really. It's so expensive. Plus, we'd need to fly because I am not the driver in the family (although I'm about to trek back to Texas, driving us the 12 hours from my family's home in AL). If we go back, it will likely be just me and E. I'm not ready to invite the in-laws or anything like that.

Anyway, for those who pray, please keep us close and pray for clarity for me. I still don't know if I'll stay in Texas or move back to be closer to childhood friends and family in AL. E's cardiologist just moved to TN and has asked us to come live with them (they are expecting baby boy #2 in June and would love the extra set of hands). Crazy thought but it's a possibility... Then again, my in-laws will be losing their last piece of their son if I move Ethan out of Texas... :-(

Good luck in your decisions. Happy to hear you guys are doing good.

Happy New Year to everyone! Hope you are all well!!!

Anyone start planning this years trip yet? I am already in planning mode, which stinks big time. I usually give myself a couple months to recover from last trip, but I'm already looking forward to this November. Way too early to be excited...just don't want that excitement to burn out too early. Anyone else going in November again? It would be nice to see familiar faces on the 2014 board.
We just signed up for a Disney rewards Visa because we got the offer in the mail, and the transfer rate was great so we put all our amounts on other cards with higher rates to that. We figured we can pay it off quicker and then we will be earning for Disney trips if I start putting the basics like gas and food that I usually pay cash for on it and then paying it off at the end of the month. Anyone else do this- does it pay off?

I also had to laugh because when they asked what design DH said "you can put Tinkerbell on there" and I said "but you'll have to have the same design" and he was like "that's ok!" He's so sweet! But I just picked the classic Mickey.

Oh SYD!!! you were so nice to your DH but you can have a different design than DH. I have Tinkerbell this year and my DH chose Classic Mickey.
The first round we both had Mickey and friends but now we have two different ones. AND you can change your design at any time. It's one of the perks. :-) But I'm not sure if the old card is active or just the new design.

I do just as you said. Anything I have the cash to pay for, I use the charge and pay it off. Some times I come home and post a payment right away.
I hit big time this last semester when my sons college accepted the card for two payments (made one, posted the payment, then made another so not to go over the credit limit) of his college tuition. Gave me $120 of Disney rewards dollars. Wahoo. That paid for our "lunch with an Imagineer".

I did the same this semester to get Disney rewards and will be using them on my vacation. Just paid for groceries yesterday too. ;) DH pays for his lunch everyday. It's amazing how fast it adds up. And don't forget when you pay off your vacation with the card, you get points there too.

FYI, if you use your card to pay for airline, more points. And if you use jetblue, join the Trueblue program and you get double trueblue points if you book your flight via the jetblue.com website. It's all adding up for me and totally making me look forward to another trip.
I digressed....sorry

But yes if you want to frequent Disney, the Disney visa just makes sense.
Hey y'all,

Just checking in. I haven't been able to read this thread but I have had a few people send me messages checking on us so I wanted to let you all know we are still hanging in there.

I really want to take Ethan to Star Wars Weekends this spring. Dillon really wanted to go (while we were planning our trip in November, he was all, "SO, we going in the Spring too? Huh? Huh? Huh?" ;-)). I sometimes have to be the practical one and told him to simmer down- let's get thru this trip first and see how it goes. Ha. Anyway, the part of me that realizes that next year may be completely different for us (I will, more than likely, have a full time job by then- where? how? I don't know) and he will be finishing up kindergarten. This year? I'm still ok not working for a little while and he is in pre-school.

Ahhh. But really. It's so expensive. Plus, we'd need to fly because I am not the driver in the family (although I'm about to trek back to Texas, driving us the 12 hours from my family's home in AL). If we go back, it will likely be just me and E. I'm not ready to invite the in-laws or anything like that.

Anyway, for those who pray, please keep us close and pray for clarity for me. I still don't know if I'll stay in Texas or move back to be closer to childhood friends and family in AL. E's cardiologist just moved to TN and has asked us to come live with them (they are expecting baby boy #2 in June and would love the extra set of hands). Crazy thought but it's a possibility... Then again, my in-laws will be losing their last piece of their son if I move Ethan out of Texas... :-(

Prayers sent your way to know God's will.
I don't know if your inlaws are people that you can talk to and discuss the options but I also pray that they support you in the best solution for you and your son.

Good luck in your decisions. Happy to hear you guys are doing good.

Happy New Year to everyone! Hope you are all well!!!

Anyone start planning this years trip yet? I am already in planning mode, which stinks big time. I usually give myself a couple months to recover from last trip, but I'm already looking forward to this November. Way too early to be excited...just don't want that excitement to burn out too early. Anyone else going in November again? It would be nice to see familiar faces on the 2014 board.

We have a trip booked for November 2014! I've been on that board as well. It has been fairly active already!
We have a trip booked for November 2014! I've been on that board as well. It has been fairly active already!

November groups are much more chatty than February.
Even as close as people in Febs trip is coming, they still aren't super chatty.
Hmmmm trip for November 2014?? DH would shoot me if I even suggest it.

Just finally told some family I'm going on this February trip solo.
I feel better to not have to hold back completely on my excitement.

I think I should join November 2014 just so I can read everyone's plans. :lmao:
Joyce, just wanted to mention to you that Festival of the Lion King is now on hiatus for about 6 months while their new theater is built in the Africa section back behind Tusker House. The new Avatar Land is taking over the entire area where it and camp Minnie Mickey used to be located. I still love Animal Kingdom but will miss being able to see FOTLK next month; so glad that we just saw it again in November.
Will you post the link for the November 2014 board? I can't find it!

I only have my phone now and don't see how to link on it. They are overnight shipping a new modem so hopefully I'll have the computer running and will do it tomorrow. Otherwise, it's called November 2014 and the "header" is "Doing the Happy Dance" rather than "Countdowns and live reports" like this one is under.
Joyce, just wanted to mention to you that Festival of the Lion King is now on hiatus for about 6 months while their new theater is built in the Africa section back behind Tusker House. The new Avatar Land is taking over the entire area where it and camp Minnie Mickey used to be located. I still love Animal Kingdom but will miss being able to see FOTLK next month; so glad that we just saw it again in November.

I knew it was closing. We were told back in November at our lunch with the Imagineer that Avatar was taking the spot. But when I looked at the rehab dates I saw 1/5 and for some reason was reading it as 2/5, which I thought it was open the first couple days I was back. Now I can cross that off my list and debate if Nemo will be enough to make it worth going over there. ;) It was really good and I would like to see it. I'll see.

Guess now I have to plan a trip back to see the new one. ;)
I will definitely keep your family in my prayers. Just keep praying and God will help you answer your questions and make the best decisions for you and your son. You mentioned that your DH wanted to go to Star Wars weekend. Funny thing is my DH did too when we got back from this last trip, and he is not usually one to be asking when we're going back again or talking about the next time. I am usually a pretty practical person, but I do think doing family vacations are important for the fun and memories. If anything were to happen to my DH I know the boys and I would cherish those trips together, and that makes it worth it. Hearing about your heartbreak makes me appreciate what I have, and I hope everyone you come in contact with for the rest of your life takes a minute to appreciate what they have as well, and that it brings you comfort a little at a time.

That was beautifully said and the last bit touched my heart. Thank you.

Good luck in your decisions. Happy to hear you guys are doing good. Happy New Year to everyone! Hope you are all well!!!

Thank you.
Prayers sent your way to know God's will. I don't know if your inlaws are people that you can talk to and discuss the options but I also pray that they support you in the best solution for you and your son. hugs

Thank you. I'm not comfortable talking with them until I have everything figured out. My husband was always my buffer with them. We spent lots of time with them but I don't feel close to them enough to have a deep discussion. Having to make final arrangements for Dillon was tough.

It's going to be terribly hard on them if I decide to move.

I hate this :-(

Bah. I need some Disney magic. Can't I just move there??? ;-)
Word of caution!!!!!! Debit card compromised in Wdw in nov. my brothers was too but he thot it was related to the target issue. Both of our cards were attempted in Ocala fla on or around jan 8th thankfully our banks were on top of it and no funds were taken but we both are waiting on new cards. So I just wanted to make sure my dis board friends knew. Check your accts.
Word of caution!!!!!! Debit card compromised in Wdw in nov. my brothers was too but he thot it was related to the target issue. Both of our cards were attempted in Ocala fla on or around jan 8th thankfully our banks were on top of it and no funds were taken but we both are waiting on new cards. So I just wanted to make sure my dis board friends knew. Check your accts.

ugh! Well the only card I believe I used when there was my Disney Visa. So thanks for the heads up. I'll watch it even more now. I just was watching the target issue on the news. So frustrating.
Wow! I can't believe this thread is still active!! I haven't been on the boards for a while!

My trip in November was AWESOME!!!! So awesome I convinced my parents to do a family vacation to Florida (aka WDW) in November 2014!!!! And they put me in charge of planning everything!!! :eek: I just need to choose rides that my parents won't freak out on (LOL) and choose restaurants that they'll enjoy the food (I'm hoping to go when the free dining plan is on, which from what I hear it should be). And I've been seeing which resort to stay at too....I'm thinking POR or Coronado (I stayed at POR in November and loved it! but maybe a change for my parents?)...doing some research....
Wow! I can't believe this thread is still active!! I haven't been on the boards for a while!

My trip in November was AWESOME!!!! So awesome I convinced my parents to do a family vacation to Florida (aka WDW) in November 2014!!!! And they put me in charge of planning everything!!! :eek: I just need to choose rides that my parents won't freak out on (LOL) and choose restaurants that they'll enjoy the food (I'm hoping to go when the free dining plan is on, which from what I hear it should be). And I've been seeing which resort to stay at too....I'm thinking POR or Coronado (I stayed at POR in November and loved it! but maybe a change for my parents?)...doing some research....

Who will be going? Do you have siblings with families or just your family and your parents?
My dad mentioned a trip in 2015 with my family and my sister's family but honestly I'm not sure it's a good idea. My sister always tries to control everything and has to have things her way, and I will not compromise so easy when it comes to Disney.
Hi All.
Especially those of you living my vacation with me.
I just looked at my phone and it says 19 days to go. Yikes!!!!
It's sneaking up on me. I'm excited to go but I guess since I just was there in November, the worry about packing and all that isn't as strong.

Today my son has to get his stuff packed up to go back to college. I've really enjoyed having him home for Christmas break. He is so willing to help, if asked. I feel appreciated by him and that's really cool.
So back to packing, since I'm getting him packed up, I'm not in a hurry to look at my stuff, yet. But once his room is empty, and his bed stripped and made again, the suitcase will go on it and I will start the process.

This weekend I finally got my photobook from November finished. That's a lot of work thinking about where you want what and such. This next vacation would be nice to just let the software do an autofill. I'll have to at least try it.
After I hit send to print, my son came in from being at a friends house and noticed the one page I let the software align for me, cut off the bottom row of text. I was so bummed. I got in touch with costumer service and they said once the book gets to me, to contact them again and they will allow me to resubmit and fix the problem and a new book will be sent. Still disappointing since it was ok in the create mode and I swear I read every page, but that one was far enough into the book, and again I did the auto arrange so missed it. Oh well. Learned a lesson. Gotta have my son or someone who wasn't helping me create proof it before I hit send next time.

I saw Saving Mr. Banks on Saturday. We went with my husbands friend and his wife. They went to Disney in September, so for all 4 of us we walked away talking another vacation. I have new eyes of things to look at, especially since I went on the Keys to the Kingdom tour twice now. I don't know how much was movie vs truth, but over all the movie was great and just helped me remember that people are who they are because of their past. But that doesn't mean we can't rewrite the ending. And that is the message I'm taking with me this vacation. Because I will be alone, I can write the whole story for myself and change the things that I didn't do before and inside me the little girl is waiting to do.

I wish you all the chance to do this for yourself.
I know many of you talk about giving your children the best experience, well I hope you get the chance to give yourself those "best" too. It used to be important to me to give my children and husband great opportunities and experiences, but I'm finally ready to do that for me too.

But for today, it's :laundy: time and reality needs attending.

Grateful for the blessings in my life and for all of you that are still here to share my journey.


19 days to go! :woohoo:
Who will be going? Do you have siblings with families or just your family and your parents?
My dad mentioned a trip in 2015 with my family and my sister's family but honestly I'm not sure it's a good idea. My sister always tries to control everything and has to have things her way, and I will not compromise so easy when it comes to Disney.

My parents are in their sixties, and my brother who is older than I am. So just the four of us. We're all adults. My parents have been to Disneyland a few years back. It should be fun! Hopefully...lol....I think they'll enjoy the slower rides and shows, and food!

I'm trying to convince some friend to go so I can ride some of the faster rides with...lol


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