3 days!

We are all packed except for last minute items, bathing suits for DH & I, and the kids' shoes. Also waiting to pack DD's hairbows.

Today she said she wants to be Snow White for Halloween. Nope, we don't have that costume. :headache:

My in-laws should be here in about an hour. They are driving to Disney, so they are taking stuff in their car that we don't (or can't) take onto the plane. They are leaving early tomorrow morning to begin their drive down! :goodvibes

I almost had a biiiiiiig biiiiiig boo-boo today. I had a meeting at church this morning, so I took our park tickets and MNSSHP tickets up there with me to photocopy the backs. I went into my meeting room and put the tickets down to get a snack. Evidently two of our park tickets slipped out of the paper I had them in, and fell into my friend's purse! OMG that would have been soooooo bad! Thankfully she found them when she was packing up to go. :faint::worship:

I need to get off of here now to do DS's laundry and tidy up a bit (ok, a lot) before my in-laws get here.
:goodvibes YOU GUYS ARE ALL SO LUCKY ! :goodvibes:
:cool1: here's a shout out to my friend JayDoe, she leaves in
TWO days !!! :cool1:
:) have fun everyone, can't wait to read your TR's, when you return ! :)
Wishing all of you that are leaving soon a fantasmic time!!

My tips from our 10 days in the inferno last week:

Water/fan bottles were a life saver!

Take a wash cloth (keep in a zip lock bag) from the room to wipe your brow/face/upper lip...wet it in drinking fountain for a refreshing face wash.

Extra LATE magic hours were awesome! No crowds, short queues and NO SUN!

BUG SPRAY!!! We were eaten alive! Mostly our ankles, feet and elbows....not sure what was biting us...maybe "no see-ums"????? Not mosquitos.

At the water parks re-apply sunsreen often as it wears off quickly no matter how water/sweat proof it claims to be.

If you are renting a car, don't forget to have some small change/quarters handy for the toll roads.

Eeyoregon - thanks for the tip on change for tolls! I completely forgot about that! How were crowds for your trip?
Oh man stop rubbing it in! I STILL haven't packed a single thing and I'm at work until 4pm today and from 7:00-4:00 tomorrow before my 8am flight Thurs!!!! :scared1::scared1::scared1:

All I have so far is a list of stuff that SHOULD be in a bag by now. Oh yeah, and did I mention my house is a disaster as well?? Ugh, I'm such a procrastinator.

Here's hoping that you'll see a similar message to yours from me tomorrow morning!! :rolleyes1

-Sarah better get on that!! :rotfl: actually....i would probably have been the same way, but I had this whole week off of work! My vacation officially started on Monday!!!

Speaking of which......I am on this Twilight kick. And since I started my vacation on Monday and I have already cleaned the house and packed.....all I want to do is pick up that darn last book and start reading it!! I promised I wouldn't do it until I was on the plane!!! SOOOO.... I just read the first book again...just to take the edge off!! I'm pathetic! :rolleyes1 I can not wait until I am off this vampire obsession!!! :laughing:

by the way.....2 more sleeps for me!!!! :dance3:
I now have clothes packed!! toiletries or paperwork or anything else but I won't be naked :rotfl:

One more sleep! I can't believe it!

Now I just have to make it through work today and get my butt home to finish my packing!
still 3 more work days. leave for airport on saturday at 5:00. stop in detroit, then on to FLA. staying at the marriot royal palms. going to all disney parks (AK and DHS share a day) plus typhoon lagoon, and both Universal. The wife is taking daughter to MNSSHP, but I opted out. The princess breakfast on Sunday at MK will be enough for me. Question: Will the water at TL be pretty warm on these 78 degree days i'm seeing, or should we try and alter our schedule to go later in the week.

BTW, any recomendations for foods to try at F&W Festival?
2 days!

My in-laws packed up their car last night, and they are currently on the road to FL!

I have one more load of laundry to do, and one more bathroom to clean. I notified our alarm company of our vacation, and I gave our neighbors our itinerary.

Tomorrow I will clean & vacuum the downstairs and mop the kitchen floor.
3 days left for me! :cool1:

I couldn't be leaving at a better time...we're forecasted to get SNOW on Friday! That's just wrong since it's not even Halloween yet. :mad:
I bought a new purse yesterday for the trip so I can leave my nice purse at home, safe and sound. I also got cash today to put in the Mousekeeping envelopes.

Only a few more small items to pack and I'll be just about done with my to-do list! :dance3:
We're supposed to get our snow tomorrow night!!! Well, it's ok as long as we don't have to try and drive out of town/state in it. Traveling in bad weather is NOT how I want to start out our vacation! It's a bit too early for this!
13 sleeps! starting to feel the panic of packing and hoping i can remember everything i picked up here on the boards


Less than 12 hours ill be on a plane to disney! aaaaah! I have to be asleep in like... 3 hours :laughing:

SO EXCITED!!!! 48 hours we'll be in flight to WDW!

Of course, the packing has yet to start... good thing there are a few hours left tonight and tomorrow!
:thanks: Hi all....

I am not sure I will have time to get on the boards in the morning. But I just wanted to say Thank you!!!! I have learned so much on these boards, and I know my vacation wouldn't be as magical without all of your help!!!

Question: Will the water at TL be pretty warm on these 78 degree days i'm seeing, or should we try and alter our schedule to go later in the week.

You will be fine at the water parks. Even high 70's to low 80's is quite warm in the Florida sun and the water will feel great!!

You are sooooooooooooooooooo lucky to have those temps in your forcast!! Our highs last week were 95+ every day with a zillion percent humidity :rotfl:! Blizzard beach was our favorite day of the whole trip because the water was sooooooooooooo refreshing. We stayed until closing and they had to drag us out of the lazy river :rolleyes1!

Have a great trip!


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