Ohhhh boy~ here we go again! Anderson/VanDamme Vegas/California road trip vacation!

congrats on the 45 pound loss! i am going to start my diet today :eek: and am hoping to lose 10 lbs before my trip. they have creeped on me the last couple of months. sorry to be :offtopic: but what diet are you on? i was thinking to cut out my snacking inbetween meals, lots of water, and cardio 3-5 times a week.
that pic of the shark and the surfer is creepy!
i love san diego and sea world is awesome! i went last december with my DS, and let me tell you....do not sit in the first row at the shamu show! we got drenched. but we had a blast.

Thank you!

Well for the most part I've just eliminated a bunch of bad habits. For one I don't drink soda anymore. I was drinking at least 6 cans a day. I don't drink my Starbuck Fraps anymore, I would have 1 a day, and I stopped eating fast food.

My daily diet normally consists of:

8 glasses of water

Breakfast: Fruit ((usually apples, strawberries,or grapefruit)
Lunch: .23 oz of Organic Chicken or beef and a veggie
Snack: Fruit
Dinner: .23 oz of Organic Chicken or beef and a veggie

Somtimes I subsitute my meat for Cottage cheese or eggs.

I also drink lots of herbal teas such as Yerba Mate, Wu long, and Green Tea.

--------------- I was bad again today though. :rolleyes1 I've been craving ice cream like crazy. I'm normally not a sweets person but I haven't had any in months. OH WELL!

I still have a bunch of weight to loose, but my goal was to loose 60lbs-65lbs before I got pregnant again. So almost there! :woohoo:
That stinks! I hope you get them! So far I've received 9 pins. I have two more coming though. It's an addiction...haha.

Very cute!!

All of your plans look great. Will the water be cold at the beach when you go swimming? I only swam in the ocean once while living in california. It was in the summer, and the water was still a bit cold for me (I'm used to warmer waters in florida and the florida keys.)

I've never been to Sea World in San Diego. Only the one in Orlando back in 1987. But those pictures make me want to go there sometime. That one ride looks really cool.
I'm hoping it's not too cold. If so we'll skip out on the swimming and just play in the sand and maybe look for shells.

Seaworld is awesome. I think I like the one better in SanDiego then the one in Orlando. Except the one in Orlando has a pretty cool Roller Coaster

A dolphin? Wow, it would still have freaked me out because it looks like a shark! :eek: Very cool shot though.

I love the dolphins too. So does my oldest DD. I'd love to be able to treat her to the trainer for a day program but it's so expensive!!!! :scared1:
When we went on our cruise for our honeymoon in the Bahammas we swam with the Dolphins. It was soooo much fun. I have a picture of me in the water with one and he/she is giving me a kiss on the cheek.
So, is anybody here an old 90210 fan?!? I'm watching the new one right now... I feel so freakin' old!! :(

Anyway.... Thought I would share the latest pin.

I wanted to watch the new 90210 but I forgot about it. So I set my dvr to record the replay of it on Thursday. Was it any good?
I wanted to watch the new 90210 but I forgot about it. So I set my dvr to record the replay of it on Thursday. Was it any good?

Not really. The original is much, much, much better. Watching it brings back memories though. Last time we went to LA we went to Torrance High School to check it out. ((Which is where 90210 and Buffy the Vampire Slayer was filmed)) I was also a very big Buffy fan. Anyway, I should post my pictures it was so awesome to see.

Anyway, I don't think I'm going to be a fan of the new show. :rolleyes1
Hello... Just wanted to let you know that I will be gone for a little while. Vacation plans are on hold until further notice. My Mother just passed away......... As you can imagaine vacation is the last thing on my mind right now. I'll be back soon though, I promise. Thanks in advance for your encouraging words and prayers. :hippie:
Hello... Just wanted to let you know that I will be gone for a little while. Vacation plans are on hold until further notice. My Mother just passed away......... As you can imagaine vacation is the last thing on my mind right now. I'll be back soon though, I promise. Thanks in advance for your encouraging words and prayers. :hippie:

OH, you and your family are in my prayers!! You were very comforting to me when I lost my grandmother last month and just know I am here for you!!:hug: May God be with you and your family!!!
Love ya...

Hello... Just wanted to let you know that I will be gone for a little while. Vacation plans are on hold until further notice. My Mother just passed away......... As you can imagaine vacation is the last thing on my mind right now. I'll be back soon though, I promise. Thanks in advance for your encouraging words and prayers. :hippie:

Oh no. I am so, so sorry. :guilty:

Hello... Just wanted to let you know that I will be gone for a little while. Vacation plans are on hold until further notice. My Mother just passed away......... As you can imagaine vacation is the last thing on my mind right now. I'll be back soon though, I promise. Thanks in advance for your encouraging words and prayers. :hippie:
I am so very sorry to hear about your loss. I know all too well the loss of a mother as I lost my mother earlier this year. It's is a very tough thing to go thru especially at this age (29). Feel free to PM me if you need someone to listen, I know it's not easy. :hug:
So sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you find love, comfort, and support among family and friends.


Hello... Just wanted to let you know that I will be gone for a little while. Vacation plans are on hold until further notice. My Mother just passed away......... As you can imagaine vacation is the last thing on my mind right now. I'll be back soon though, I promise. Thanks in advance for your encouraging words and prayers. :hippie:

I am sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Sending lots of support and :hug: your way!

Hello... Just wanted to let you know that I will be gone for a little while. Vacation plans are on hold until further notice. My Mother just passed away......... As you can imagaine vacation is the last thing on my mind right now. I'll be back soon though, I promise. Thanks in advance for your encouraging words and prayers. :hippie:

Oh my goodness, I am so very sorry. I am keeping you and your family in my prayers.
Thank you Everyone for your prayers and kind words. My mother and I haven't been close in a very long time, which actually makes this a little more difficult. There are so many things I would have said and done differently, but now it's too late. She never even had a chance to meet her grandchildren. It's so important to let the people you Love know it every chance you get, and holding grudges just isn't worth it.

Thank you Everyone for your prayers and kind words. My mother and I haven't been close in a very long time, which actually makes this a little more difficult. There are so many things I would have said and done differently, but now it's too late. She never even had a chance to meet her grandchildren. It's so important to let the people you Love know it every chance you get, and holding grudges just isn't worth it.

I'm so sorry to hear that. :hug: But hopefully your words will hit home with someone reading them right now and they will take the first steps to repair a damaged relationship.
Thank you Everyone for your prayers and kind words. My mother and I haven't been close in a very long time, which actually makes this a little more difficult. There are so many things I would have said and done differently, but now it's too late. She never even had a chance to meet her grandchildren. It's so important to let the people you Love know it every chance you get, and holding grudges just isn't worth it.


So true. My mother's side of the family has a rift between some of the siblings (there are 6 in total and it's pretty much 4 vs. 2..) which has been going on since 2003 when my grandad died and i've hinted a few times that maybe she should be the one to extend the olive branch as the whole thing is getting ridiculous and would seem even more trivial if something tragic happened.
Thinking of you and your family :hug:
Thank you Everyone for your prayers and kind words. My mother and I haven't been close in a very long time, which actually makes this a little more difficult. There are so many things I would have said and done differently, but now it's too late. She never even had a chance to meet her grandchildren. It's so important to let the people you Love know it every chance you get, and holding grudges just isn't worth it.

Reya, you can not get down on yourself for things you could/would have done different. My mother and I were bestfriends and I still think of things I wish I would of said more, or maybe she didn't know enough. Take the experience and learn from it. Best of luck.

I just wanted to let you all know that my vacation plans are still a go. I think I need a vacation now more then ever. Hopefully the Happiest Place on Earth will lift my spirts. We depart in 13 days.

I have another mission on this trip however..... I'm hoping to receive my Mom's ashes by the time we leave. Her wish was to have her ashes spread in Alasaka, Idaho, and the BEAUTIFUL Rocky moutains here in Colorado. Since we'll be passing through the mountains, I want to stop at few truely amazing places along the way to fulfill one of her final wishes.

Once again, thanks for all your prayers, advice, and kind words. It means so much to me!
I hope it will be cathartic for you all. Grieving is a very personal process. I hope you are well.

We've had two funerals this year.. one for my cousins baby and one for my boss' mom. Old or young, it's tough.

Take care,
I'm glad to hear your trip is still a go. I think it will do you some good. And what a nice thing for you to do along the way for your mom. :)


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