Old news...But can we talk? Shrek was dreck!

Peter Pirate

Its not the end of civilization...But you can see
Dec 19, 1999
I just saw Shrek (it never came to our humble town) and I'm glad as I would have felt bad paying theatre prices for this piece of crap...Which could be construed as a compliment, I suppose, based on the enormity of "bathroom-low brow" humor in existence (16 jokes to my count) in this film.

Anyway, IMO, this movie serves to show that the media, hype & the general bad taste of the public is really all that is required to foster success (as exhibit A I introduce Pauly Shore, Daisy Fuentes & of course, Brittney Spears). The first hour of this film had me wondering what I was doing watching this movie. My wife, who IS NOT a Disney nut, asked me "this movie didn't do very well, did it?" When I informed her, she uttered a line she has picked up from me, "oh...We are very close to the end of civilization as we know it".

Midway there were two or three touching, fairy tale type scenes and the movie improved as Shrek was given feelings. The final musical scene was, IMO, the highlight of the movie.

As to the Disney references, they DID play into the plot so they weren't offensive to me. In fact the Robin Hood portion was very funny, indeed.

This film reminded me a lot of the Emperor's New Groove...An attempt a new kind of hip animation but it really left me cold and with no desire to watch it again. Further, the 3-D-ish animation was lost on me as it was too realistic...not enough "cartoon". The movie will have no staying power for future generations as such Disney classics have had and will seem amaturish in retrospect. Eddie Murphy was a joke, a shallow imitation of Mushu in Mulan & while I actually did like Shrek & the Princess, the story was so bad that I didn't care (however, I chortled at the resemblence of Shrek and Michael Eisner).

This movie in my eyes, was a step above Emperor's New Groove, although both of my kids liked "Emperor" better (while I liked Shrek a little better & my wife hated both). I can accept that Shrek is a "hit", but in no way does this signal to me that this is the beginning of anything new. Shrek two is bound to be a disappointment and then D'works will be back in the toilet where they belong. Road to El Dorado, Antz & Shrek show no body of achievment and will produce no "classics" & 'crapper' humor can only take you so far...

I haven't seen Atlantis yet, but I will admit to not liking recent Disney releases as much as the trend setters, Mermaid, B&tB, Aladdin & LK,but compared to Shrek I think Hercules & Tarzan look brilliant!

Surely not all DIS'ers found Shrek brilliant, did you?
:cool: :cool: :bounce: :cool: :cool:
Everything in life is timing. As it happens I too watched Shrek over the weekend. My wife suggested it as she had already seen it with the kids and everyone in the family agreed that it was the video of choice.

Peter!!! Again!!! You are wrong! It's not great cinema by any means, but it is 'good stuff'.

Man! I wish that some science fiction were really true. Cause I'd place my entire fortune (mortgage and all) on a bet. I'd bet the farm that, in this alternate universe, if Disney's name were on the label, we'd be hearing from the 'alternative pirate' what an absolutely charming film this was. And by the way, weren't you just blown away with the computer animation!!?? Sooooo life-like!! Amazing!! Gosh those Disney folks are geniuses!!! Let see the midget put something out like that!!!!
Agreed. Shrek was reasonably entertaining, but its success was more a function of Disney's recent inability to put out a quality animated film than anything else.

Bathroom humor produces hits. Combine it with the public's desire for a decent animated movie and you've got Shrek's success. But it does not produce a classic, and Shrek will not be a lasting favorite that our kids will share with their children. Had the release dates for Monsters and Atlantis been switched, Shrek would not have drawn as well as it did, while Monsters would likely have a higher box office total than it has managed in the slow November season. (slow until Thanksgiving...)

Dreamworks needed some kind of hit from their animated division, and they certainly deserve some credit for producing one. But they are hardly filling the void Disney has left with its lack of quality family-oriented animated films. It still appears only Disney has that ability. The Disney-Pixar collaberations have been great, but the Disney animated division needs to step-up.
People may or may not like the movie but the marketplace sure spoke loudly and clearly and the movie was a major commerical hit, and tottaly agree that potty humor sells very well with kids.
As to the Disney references, they DID play into the plot so they weren't offensive to me. In fact the Robin Hood portion was very funny, indeed.
...it's interesting that so many people have retroactively branded tales sometimes hundreds of years old as being Disney material. Shrek even made a point, in several places, to reference non-Disney adaptations of the classic stories.

What's even more interesting to me is that I've never seen anyone mention the most obvious Disney rip-off: that the dragon is Figment (now _that's_ a Figment worth building a ride around).
D'works will be back in the toilet where they belong
You know, a person might be more inclined to agree to disagree with you if you'd left those last three words off of there.
Surely not all DIS'ers found Shrek brilliant, did you?
I saw Shrek just this past week or so, while at a family function. Some cousin received Shrek as a birthday gift, and about ten of us watched it. I thought the story was okay, the computer animation was pretty good (very good in a couple of places), and that it was, overall, pretty funny. Not brilliant, no, but everyone seemed to enjoy it (although it's certainly possible that Grandmommie was just enjoying us enjoying the movie; not so much the movie itself... that's just the kind of woman she is).

Of far more interest to me than the actual topic of your post, were the curiously venomous tone of the whole thing and the reference to Disney's trendsetting films, like "Mermaid, B&tB, Aladdin & LK." To my mind, the musical love stories represent only one important trend in Disney's film history.

Pirate, you "homer" you!

I agree that Shrek shortcutted it's way to humor through the use of fart jokes. But, in all, we found Shrek to be very funny, very clever and has been watched over and over at our house.

btw, Emporer was a very good movie. I don't understand why folks don't like it.
Pirate, you "homer" you
OK, you guys caught me...Somewhat! Greg, you KNEW I was a "homer" and Landbaron, I do wonder if the Disney name wold have made a difference, but the fact is I'm really looking forward to Harry Potter...And Jeff, I was a bit negative I realize (but no offense intended), and as to those last three words, I agree but they were included as a little bathroom humor of my own (play on a theme sort of thing, you know)...

As to why we don't like Emperor, I think, for me, it was just the character development...As for Shrek, the story was ok, but like I said, to me the first hour was (IMO)...terrible, excrutiating, painful...get it?:D

Also, I don't think Shrek is the kind of movie they'd better hang their hat on for the sequel...Just not enough substance there, IMO, so there had better be another idea better than El Dorado on the drawing boards...Although, as Bob O points out, they certainly DID come to the first one...
:cool: :cool: :bounce:
I enjoyed Emperor's new Groove much more then Shrek.

I was impressed with the animation before I saw Monster Inc. and the Previews for Final fantasy.

I really don't see a story for Shrek 2, but hey who knows.

Hidden in between the Amayzing LotR Preview and the Forbidden Love Star Wars Preview (Boba Fett with Jet Pack and John Woo Style duel guns WOO HOO)
before Harry Potter was a Preview for the next Dreamworks Traditional Animation story. It supposed to be the Story of a Mustang (Horse not Car) I don't remember the name (AV?) It looked like it could be good. At least as good as Prince of Egypt.
I thought Emporer's New Groove was funny, but it didn't have any "heart". As somebody else said, there was a lack of character development, which left me feeling indifferent towards the characters, especially the Emporer.

As I said, I missed Atlantis. I would put Hercules above Emporer, were it not for the extremely irritating narrators. I liked Tarzan. Not Disney's best, but had the right idea.
Wow, I like this topic. I've seen Shrek & Groove, and "Groove" is much more funny IMHO. I agree with some of the above who have said that while Shrek is no alltime classic, it certainly is funny. It is no Toy Story 2 (which I watched again this weekend, and was blown away again at the visuals and the story), but the Robin Hood scene *has* to go down as a classic animated scene.

But to those Groove detractors -- I would love to hear AV's take on this, but Groove was the funniest, most different Disney film I've seen. Maybe 'cause I like ironic humor, but man this movie gets funnier every time I see it. What is sad about the movie is the utter lack of promotion Disney gave it. Here was a movie that every teen I know that has seen it says he/she liked the hip humor, and Disney sends it out like an American League pitcher in a interleague game against Randy Johnson -- with no expectation of a good result.

The directors and producers of this 'cult' hit deserved much better in my opinion. My wife and my family gave it two thumbs -- way up.

BTW: the next DW movie is "Spirit" I believe a movie about a horse.
Well, count me among the thousands with bad taste, because I thought it was hilarious... no maybe not for kids, but definitely for teens and adults! The humor flew right over my 7 yo's head, but she liked it. Into everyone's life some potty humor must fall!

I am unabashedly a huge Disney fan... but even I found humor in the sly jabs the movie took at Disney. It was all in fun!

Can't wait to buy the DVD!!!
Well, count me among the thousands with bad taste
Thanks eeyore0062, for the chance to catagorize that "bad taste" statement. I hope you know I'm not really being judgemental but only attempting to stimulate conversation with bombastic opinions only based on some demension of Pirate truth...No personal assualt intended...

I'm going to have to watch Emperor again as too many respected opinions have voiced praise for it. As for Shrek, I think what you see is what you get and I was stunned by two or three lines of sexual innuendo that I wasn't expecting. Don't get me wrong, the Pirate household is a liberal and open household, but these comments were unexpected and quite blatent...Not really Disney style...But with a midget, who knows???;)
:cool: :cool: :bounce: :cool: :cool:
After Some of the Scenes in The Road to El Dorado, I can't see how'd you be surprised by any of the Sexual Innuendo. that movie was practically offensive. My only hope is that DreamWorks can't think of a way to work it into a story about horses.
I too just recently saw Shrek---

I had heard about the adult humor and that was the reason I had convinced myself not to see it this summer, but my friend wanted to see it really bad, and I was kinda looking forard to renting it. We saw the matinee of Monsters and then rented Shrek that night. That wasn't a good idea. I kept comparing it to Monsters (which was of course, sooo much better). I don't know what it was about the animation, but it didn't seem real, or something......like the characters faces were weird. I especially didn't like the fact that they used a** a lot in a PG movie. Its technically not allowed in a PG movie, yet they strategically placed it where they were talking about the donkey, but was SOOOO taken the other way, and I kinda felt that was kinda underhanded. Then the story, I dunno what to say, but it didn't impress me much.

I LOVE New Groove (that's me and my friend's name for it, we talk about it so much). The last scene in it is THE FUNNIEST scene in a Disney movie that we have seen in a LONG time. We are constantly are quoting it "Is that my voice?!?!?" "Squeak, squeaker, squeakedy squeak" (BTW-we're 18 and 19)

One of the hardest lessons to learn about movies is that there is a difference between a movie you “like” and a movie that’s “good” and a movie that’s “popular”. Some of my favorite movies are both financial and box office flops; some of the worst films I’ve ever suffered through end up winning Best Picture. After a while you understand that people are going to like what they like and they’re going to see what they’re going to see. People have trying to figure out the situation since the ancient Greeks – and I’m not holding my breath that Hollywood is going to get it any better than the guys in the robes did.

Personally, I really liked ‘Shrek’. To me, it’s the a good old fashioned fairy tale – with an old fashioned morale and an old fashioned happy ending – that’s been wrapped in a package for a world drowned in media, marketing and hype. Yes, there are some disgusting scenes early on because Shrek is an ORGE and they’re not supposed to be pleasant creatures. It’s also a nice change from the stereotyped happy fluffy bunny “heroes” that are the subject of most “animated movies”. ‘Shrek’ is a grown-up film aimed at a grown-up audience. I think many people enjoyed seeing something familiar, but presented in a way that winked at all the clichés and conceits that don’t fit in the modern, adult world.

And as for the toilet humor, how come no one has complained about the very literal toilet humor in ‘Monsters, Inc.’? And how many times did the eyeball monster get slammed in his groin? No one seems to be complaining about that charming piece of physical humor. ‘Toilet humor’ is very much a personal viewpoint. For me, it worked in ‘Shrek’ because it was part of explaining the characters and wasn’t done simply for a cheap laugh.

On ‘Emperor’, I’m going to have to plead the fifth on that one for the time being. I know far too much about ‘Empire in the Sun’ to see ‘Emperor’ in an objective way. I would much rather Disney strove to be great rather than settle for the convenient. The one thread I think people can pick out of my musings here is that I’m upset that the company simply doesn’t try its best any more. ‘Emperor’ is okay, but ‘Empire’ could have been brilliant. I did laugh a few times at ‘Emperor’ if that’s any help.

As to which side of the toilet bowl Dreamworks belongs – I don’t care. I want to see good movies. If Disney wishes to try again then I will support them 100%. If good movies come from Dreamworks or Warner Brothers or Fox, then so be it.

It’s too hard to find a movie that’s worth $8.50 these days to limit my selection based just on a brand name.
AV, I hope you realize that I understand the subtlties of personal preference and this thread was intended to be a catalyst for subjective discussion among friends, nothing more...

I haven't commented on Monsters yet as I haven't seen it. I'd be interested to know why the "potty" humor in it hasn't been an issue, as well.

I agree that for me the movie is what is important (believe it or not). Certainly, I hope for Disney to succeed because I have this irrational feeling for a corporate entity - Maybe a movie in itself, but I too just want quality and I didn't get that feeling from either Shrek or Emperor...But I'm optimistic that better things are just around the corner (for you LandBaron).
:cool: :cool: :bounce: :cool: :cool:
Ya know, I've been waiting for someone to mention that Shrek just wasn't that great! Honestly, I wanted to really like this movie. Heck, I bought it on DVD before ever seeing it assuming that we'd love it because I heard so many people say how funny it was. I should have rented it first! It was an okay movie....the idea behind it was nice, but the animation did nothing for me, there weren't that many really funny parts, and well, I just can't see myself watching it again. I sure hope my kids like it more than me so it gets some use. And bathroom humor doesn't bother me in the least....I can't say it swayed me one way or the other. I do think it was better than Hercules (what were they thinking? that movie was terrible!) and about as good as Tarzan...okay, entertaining, but not going to see a lot of repeat play in our house (and yes, our Tarzan dvd is also collecting dust)

I am also suprised that the Emperor's New Groove doesn't have more fans. This was a movie I wasn't expecting to like a whole lot, and it surprised me. It was very funny. Of course I think Kronk stole the show! I'm curious about "Empire in the Sun".....was this what Emperor was supposed to be?

Now, Monsters had me worried. I was hoping I'd like it. I was hoping it would be great. But I'll admit I wasn't too sure about either. But, well, I think this is just about the best animated movie I've seen since....oh, maybe Alladdin? I mean, I really love this one and I wish I could see it again soon. But alas, I just don't have enough free time without my toddler (who sounds and acts quite a bit like Boo, but bears no resemblance otherwise). If I get any before Christmas I do want to see Harry Potter....if the screen version is as good as the audio book (if you have not listened to these....they are better than reading it! Jim Dale does such a great job with the reading!) it will be fantastic.
I've never seen Shrek, but I don't plan to. I know I won't like it. When I don't think I'll like something, I'm usually right.

But I LOVED the Emperor's New Groove. It was so hilarious! :D :D
There's something here that I just don't understand. I sense a current of disliking ANYTHING put out by a studio not run by the little tyrant coming from some people. Notice that I said SOME people not all. This is actually a lot more pervasive on other boards than here.

I feel real excited when another studio does something well because I think that this will hopefully motivate Disney to do better. I KNOW that Disney is capable of far better output than Atlantis and forgive me, Emperor's New Groove too. I would personally love to see another Lion King or even just a Tarzan come out of that studio again. Shrek being a good movie can only help that process along IMO.

I must admit that I am one of the ignorant people who truly enjoyed Shrek, twice in fact. So did my son and I've happily purchased the video. I personally thought that the potty humor was a minor part of the movie but used just for a silly bit of fun and also to set up the ogre character. After all, how should an ogre behave anyway? I love Monsters Inc. too but do I love it better than Shrek? Yes, but not as much more as I would have thought a year ago.

Also, keep in mind that most of the movie-going public probably isn't as interested in who made the movie as we are. They just want to spend an enjoyable few hours watching something different. I want that too but I want it to be Disney more often!


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