Olympus Evolt Series

No problem with Dell but DHL the delivery company it was another story. It took the local courier 3 days to find my house. For 3 mornings the online tracking said "out for delivery with courier" but then for 2 nights it would say returned for more information. I called and talked to a rep and he said I could pick it up but then he couldn't even determine where it was at. I finally got it about 5pm the third day.
I bought the Evolt 410 with the 2 lens kit on Black Friday at Sam's. I used it for the first time at WDW Dec. 12-16. Hoping to learn more about how to use the camera and see some other photos. I have been lurking here and occasionally posting with DW's screen name (jackskellingtonsgirl). Hopefully there will be more posts here from Olympus users.

I was somewhat disappointed in the quality of the shots I took. Not having a tripod was a large part of the problem, as well as choosing poor viewing spots for fireworks. I would like to get some tips to make sure my pictures next August are better!:rotfl:
Welcome, oogieboogieman. Congratulations on your purchase! Can you be more specific about what the issues were and show us some of your shots? I think you'll get more feedback that way. I have the feeling a lot of it is practice and just getting used to the camera, ie the learning curve. No doubt your shots next trip will be much improved. Just hanging out on this board you'll learn a lot. Hopefully on this thread we can share ideas specific to the cameras.

How has everyone else been doing with their Evolts? Any pictures from the holidays?
Welcome, oogieboogieman. Congratulations on your purchase! Can you be more specific about what the issues were and show us some of your shots? I think you'll get more feedback that way. I have the feeling a lot of it is practice and just getting used to the camera, ie the learning curve. No doubt your shots next trip will be much improved. Just hanging out on this board you'll learn a lot. Hopefully on this thread we can share ideas specific to the cameras.

How has everyone else been doing with their Evolts? Any pictures from the holidays?

I realize night shots are very difficult. I am still working on getting the minimum number of posts so I can post photos on the DIS.

Does anyone know offhand how many post I need?
I realize night shots are very difficult. I am still working on getting the minimum number of posts so I can post photos on the DIS.

Does anyone know offhand how many post I need?

I think you need 10 posts to post pics. I could be wrong though.
Here are a few pictures I took in my backyard with my 510.






Hope you guys like I will post some more soon:cloud9:
I am shooting with and E330. I hope to upgrade to the 510 soon. I love Oly cameras. Lots of photos on my website, with about 1000 WDW pictures I took last month coming soon.
Very nice shots, Easy Going. :thumbsup2 Great color and bokah. How are you finding the camera to use?

rgilreath, can't wait to see your pictures too!

Renysmom, glad you're joining in. As a longtime Olympus user I'm sure we'll want to pick your brain!
Very nice shots, Easy Going. :thumbsup2 Great color and bokah. How are you finding the camera to use?

rgilreath, can't wait to see your pictures too!

Renysmom, glad you're joining in. As a longtime Olympus user I'm sure we'll want to pick your brain!

I find it Hard but Fun to use (going from point and shoot to DSLR) but iam getting the hang of things slowly but it is fun to use. It is a great felling when the pitcures come out right but getting adjusted to the shutter speeds and other settings is rough but has been fun to learn from these fourms and magazines.The Evolt E-510 is a wounderful camera and I would not trade it for nothing....unless its the E-3.:cloud9:

Here are a few more pics.


Exposure Time-1/8 sec
Focal Length-171mm
Aperture Priority


Exposure Time-1/30 sec
Focal Length-180mm
Aperture Priority

Love the shots.. Great eye on the bench picture and I love the dogs :)

I haven't used my camera in a few weeks. I wanted to go this past weekend but I am locked in bed with bronchitus and sinus infection so hopefully soon. I start a class next Thursday as well that I am really exited about.

Love the shots.. Great eye on the bench picture and I love the dogs :)

I haven't used my camera in a few weeks. I wanted to go this past weekend but I am locked in bed with bronchitus and sinus infection so hopefully soon. I start a class next Thursday as well that I am really exited about.

Thanks...Sorry you are sick.....hope the class helps...I will post more pics ...hope you fell better.I was thinking about taking a class on Photography just don't have the time so books and magazines will have to do for now .....and they do help!:cloud9:
I have one too. I upgraded from the 500. I love it. my only complaint is sometimes the flash just keeps going off as it tries to find the right lighting and that is annoying. I am getting better though.

here is 42nd st in NYC at midnight one night.

christmas tree this year.

a fun shot

christmas eve tree at friends

I am still learning how to use it. I am going to use this upcoming trip to Disney as a teaching trip for myself. Then when I return in September I will be a professional. :rotfl2:

I have no idea what the exif info is. sorry
scottny said:
What - no TAD'S Steakhouse? ;) Love this picture! Looking forward to seeing more of yours. Glad to hear the flash is the only thing you find annoying.
What - no TAD'S Steakhouse? ;) Love this picture! Looking forward to seeing more of yours. Glad to hear the flash is the only thing you find annoying.

I have never been to one of those. I should try it someday.

I go to Disney in 2 weeks and have enough memory for 8000 pics so I will be clicking away.
Scott -

Love the 42nd Street shot.

Don't use all your time at WDW taking photo's, you miss alot. We went in December and I had to make sure I put the camera down and not just constantly shoot. Even doing that I took over 2300 photo's which was way too many. I just today got the last of them edited and uploaded to my website. I really tried to follow many people's advise and look up for interesting shots. Some of my favorites of the trip are from that view. Feel free to take a look if you wish. Link is below.

I wish we were going again in two weeks, October won't get here soon enough
Scott -

Love the 42nd Street shot.

Don't use all your time at WDW taking photo's, you miss alot. We went in December and I had to make sure I put the camera down and not just constantly shoot. Even doing that I took over 2300 photo's which was way too many. I just today got the last of them edited and uploaded to my website. I really tried to follow many people's advise and look up for interesting shots. Some of my favorites of the trip are from that view. Feel free to take a look if you wish. Link is below.

I wish we were going again in two weeks, October won't get here soon enough

I have 3 kids with me so I won't be taking pics all the time but I love doing it. I was just there in July and will be going again in September so I will take it easy as I have another trip ahead of me. I do love taking photos though.
Scott - have a great trip. Looking forward to seeing some of your photos here when you get back!


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