Olympus Evolt Series

I bought my E-500 with the 2 lens kit. I'd be interested in hearing what else I might be able to purchase that would give me more zoon. Is the 70-300 that GatheringNoMoss mentioned above compatible with the E500?
here are some of the shots I took. I took about 3000. If anyone wants to see more I am doing a TR so just follow the link in my siggie. It is more of a photo tr. I don't like words that much.












Wilderness Lodge




So there are a few. I think I said I would post some when I returned and here a few.
Don't be too harsh. I still have lots to learn.
I bought my E-500 with the 2 lens kit. I'd be interested in hearing what else I might be able to purchase that would give me more zoon. Is the 70-300 that GatheringNoMoss mentioned above compatible with the E500?

Yes it is. All Lens' Olympus makes are 100% compatable(sp?) with all their Dslr's.
Wow! There's actually a board about this!
I just bought mine about a week ago at samy's cameras, but haven't tried it out that much yet because of rain and a busy schedule (school stuff).

I have a question about it. I went to a basketball game and tried it out there. I couldn't use the flash because I didn't want to hurt any of the players while they were going. I had to make the shutter speed at 1/50 to get any light. At 1/50, I didn't get any good shots...

This is my first slr ever, so I'm really new to it all. Can anyone suggest a good setting for this situation? Thanks in advance!
I have the Olympus E-500, i have had it for about a year and love it. My friend, she has the E-510 and they are for the most part.. the same camera, just a couple different things, but nothing major. Love this series of Olympus though!
Wow, Scottny, excellent shots!

I have an E-500 and am headed to WDW in 3 weeks. The crowds will be ridiculous so I will just relax and concentrate on the photography. I am actually looking forward to that aspect of this trip.

One question, Scottny, what lens and settings did you use for the night shots? I am wondering how well the kit lenses (f3.5) will fare for those types of things.
Wow, Scottny, excellent shots!
I have an E-500 and am headed to WDW in 3 weeks. The crowds will be ridiculous so I will just relax and concentrate on the photography. I am actually looking forward to that aspect of this trip.
One question, Scottny, what lens and settings did you use for the night shots? I am wondering how well the kit lenses (f3.5) will fare for those types of things.
thank you. Hope they are not to bad.
honestly for night shots i would put it on sports setting and hold the flash down with one finger and take a pic. Probably really wrong but it worked most times.

Scott you've convinced me (as if I needed any) to buy that lens! :woohoo:
Nice shots. Thanks for sharing.
i don't think I convinced you, I think your mind was made up. :rotfl2:
thank you.
I did have alot of fun with it this trip. I am looking forward to September for round two.
I worked a few extra shifts this month, I'm thinking about purchasing today. I started toying with the idea of waiting for the Canon XSi but I'm quite sure now I want the Olympus. I'm kicking myself because I saw it for $639 w/2 lenses on beachcamera the other night and by morning it was up to $672 again or something like that. I was also thinking of purchasing at Ritz camera in order to get the free classes, and they're out of them even in the warehouse. Anyone know of any good deals out there this weekend? (I deinitely want the 510 w/ two lenses.)
Circuitcity.com has it for $643.99 online and if you have one by you.. you can order it online and pick it up at the store, that is what i did when i got my E-500.

Good luck!
Thanks. They are out of stock online and don't carry the two lens kit in the stores. Still looking.
Sorry... didn't look at that before i sent you the link. I will keep my eyes open and let you know if i find anything. :flower3:


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