"Ooh, that's gertlush!" A Delicious February 2014 DDP Dining Report!


Starlight, starbright...
Mar 5, 2012

(Note: No offense meant to any people from the West Country)

Hi, and welcome to our February 2014 dining report. We were at Disney from the 10th-17th and enjoyed the regular dining plan whilst staying at CBR.

Cast members:
Me, 19. princess: Favourite food: Chocolate!
Mum, -AGE CLASSIFIED- :happytv: Favourite food: Crisps (chips in American terms), those big bags of peanuts.

So without any further ado, let us move forwards and start the reviewing! Each day will be contained in a new post.

The scoring goes as follows:

With Missable being the lowest and Gertlush being the highest.

Chapter links

Day -1/The Night Before
Featured- Hilton lounge

Day 0/Travel Day
Featured- Hilton Lounge, percy pigs, plane food, Old Port Royale at CBR dinner

Day 1/Shopping & Hollywood Studios
Featured- Old Port Royale food court breakfast, Studio Catering Co lunch, 1900 Park Fare dinner

Day 2/Epcot
Featured- Sunshine Seasons lunch, snack cart, Coral Reef dinner

Day 3/Animal Kingdom & DTD
Featured- Boma breakfast, gift shop pretzels, Yak & Yeti Local Foods Cafe, snack cart, Raglan Road

Day 4/Magic Kingdom
Featured- Crystal Palace breakfast, Old Port Royale lunch, The Plaza dinner

Day 5/Shopping
Featured- toast, Sweet Tomatoes lunch, Riverside Mill Food Court at POR dinner

Day 6/Epcot & MK
Featured- Old Port Royale breakfast, Sunshine Seasons lunch, cronut, Chef Mickey's dinner

Day 7/Going home :(
We didn't really eat at any restaurants today, plane food I guess?


Day -1/The Night Before - February 9th 2014

After checking into the Hilton Gatwick and accepting a (paid for) upgrade to access to the "executive lounge", we enjoyed a few snacks and drinks for dinner.

Sadly we do not have pictures, but be assured that I got my money's worth out of it in pastries, sandwiches, vegetable sticks, scotch eggs, fruit and other bits and bots. Mum pretty much had the same.

I loved the little glass bottles of coke that they had. Unfortunately we were not really supposed to take them out, though I managed to sneak a lemonade out later on to drink during Dragons Den on TV.

My rating?

It could have had more of a selection to be honest. There was one person who was a greedy gannet and took most of the buffet!

To Be Continued...

Day 0/Travel Day - February 10th 2014

This morning we enjoyed a cooked breakfast of eggs (undercooked and disgusting, how on earth do you mess scrambled eggs up??), bacon (YUM!) and baked beans. There was also plentiful fruit and pastries, plus juice to drink.

This is actually my Mum's plate, but I had pretty much the same thing:


At the airport we purchased some important travel loot: Sandwiches, some sweets and of course, Percy Pigs.

Gertlush of course!

The plane food was actually edible though! And had something I could eat! Mum and I had chicken coq au vin which was pretty good actually. I wanted the lasagne, but the cabin crew handed me the chicken when I asked for it. Thanks? It came with a small side salad, roll and a Gu Key Lime Pie pud for dessert. No pictures of the meal sadly.


After we arrived on the Magical Express, checked in and found our room, our first thought was of course, food.

I had the salmon meal with mashed potatoes and green beans (and cornbread, which wasn't as good as Sweet Tomatoes) and Mum had the chicken with rice..and more rice. We found both our meals good and a nice change from fried food. For dessert I had the monkey cupcake which I sadly never ended up eating, and Mum had...a pastry I think?

EDIT: I found a photo!



To be continued...
Haha, haven't even started reading yet but already loving the use of 'gertlush' as a rating :rotfl:

And I live in the West Country but not originally from here so no offence taken ;)
OK, so now I've read. I have to admit, I never have scrambled eggs off a buffet as they are almost always watery and often undercooked (and I'm fussy about my eggs as you can see from my tag).

Still got a good rating, though, so can't have been too bad. Was that the buffet at the Hilton? My DS loves that buffet - he can eat his own weight in chocolate croissants :rotfl2:

Sorry, I don't like Percy Pigs (I know, shoot me now).
We were there the same time frame! Can't wait to read your report. I just started one as well :)
I'm following, you had me at the marks and sparks pigs :cool1:

Welcome! I tried those beauties for the first time a few months ago and fell in love. At £1.60 a packet though, they're not everyday sweets. Sainsbury's do a Eric The Elephant sweet that's pretty similar and much more reasonable.

Haha, haven't even started reading yet but already loving the use of 'gertlush' as a rating :rotfl:

And I live in the West Country but not originally from here so no offence taken ;)

Welcome! LOL, it was Mum's idea. She started calling meals or desserts we liked "gertlush" and it stuck. :rotfl:

OK, so now I've read. I have to admit, I never have scrambled eggs off a buffet as they are almost always watery and often undercooked (and I'm fussy about my eggs as you can see from my tag).

Still got a good rating, though, so can't have been too bad. Was that the buffet at the Hilton? My DS loves that buffet - he can eat his own weight in chocolate croissants :rotfl2:

Sorry, I don't like Percy Pigs (I know, shoot me now).

Yeah, that's the trouble with buffet eggs.

Yep, it was at the Hilton. And I too managed to get my money's worth in pastries, lol.

It's okay, you're not a swine to hate them. To make a fuss over it would make me a large ham.

great start - looking forward to more :) and never heard of gertlush LOL

Welcome! Glad you enjoyed. :) It's a West Country saying that my Mum appropriated, lol.
please do tell , what are Percy Pigs?

They are a chewy candy found in the UK (at a Store called Marks & Spencers). They are strawberry flavour and consist of a half gummy, half foam (marshmallow-type) candy made into the shape of cute little piggies :)
They are a chewy candy found in the UK (at a Store called Marks & Spencers). They are strawberry flavour and consist of a half gummy, half foam (marshmallow-type) candy made into the shape of cute little piggies :)

Thanks, had never heard of them- do they sell them in Epcot? Might need to give them a try if they do.
I just knew someone was going to have to explain what Percy Pigs were!!!

Great report so far.
Joining in! I think this should be a fun DR! :woohoo:

Welcome! Enjoy. :)

This is gonna be a fun one! :goodvibes


I just knew someone was going to have to explain what Percy Pigs were!!!

Great report so far.

Thank you! Yeah, maybe they're the UK's best kept secret. :cloud9:

Percy Pigs sound yummy

They are! Super yummy. Perfect consistency of the gummy too.

Love your rating system. :thumbsup2
Can't wait to see the rest.

Haha, thank you. You won't have long to wait, I'm going to post more in just a tick.

Day 1/Shopping & Hollywood Studios - February 11th 2014

As soon as I got up and dressed, I knew what I wanted for breakfast: Mickey waffles. The big waffle meal was 7.79, but the kids meal, with two waffles, a strip of bacon, a pot of applesauce (which I had the next morning and declared tasteless) and a small drink was only something like 5ish dollars. it was the perfect amount of food and set me up well for the morning.


I sat outside by the lake to eat, however a seagull was so close to me I could have sworn it was eying up my breakfast. Still, watching people walk past on their quest for food was fun.


Can't beat Mickey waffles for breakfast on your first Disney day!

Lunch was at the Studio Catering Company at DHS. I chose a chicken Caesar wrap with fries which was lovely- nice and light and still with a lot of flavour. Mum had the spicy buffalo chicken sandwich without the spicy buffalo part, so basically just a chicken sandwich and fries, lol.




But the dessert was the best part. Oh yes. This was where "gertlush" was born. We had the seasonal cupcake which was gorgeous. Red velvet cake with a chocolate heart on top and lots of icing. Mmmmmmmmmmm.


Oh do I have to say it? Gertlush of course! This IS the original gertlush.

Dinner tonight was at 1900 Park Fare for dinner with Cinderella, Prince Charming and the Tremaines. The food was just okay. I didn't find much to eat that I liked, although I did like the beer stew and the corn dog nuggets on the kids buffet. But the company was fantastic! We enjoyed it for the interaction alone. The stepsisters were hilarious.

Our drinks. Mum chose a pomegranate lemonade which she really enjoyed. I kept meaning to try it, but never got round to it:

Not so appetising picture of Mum's plate, but that's buffets for you:

Birthday cupcake Mum was brought:


I was glad we used a TS credit on it not paid out of pocket, it isn't really worth it OOP.

To be continued.....


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