PACKING TIPS-- Post yours here!

Princess Glenda said:
I bought some packing cubes from to use this trip and I am really enjoying them. I also bought some of the 2.5 gallon zipper bags at Target. I am packing everyone's socks and underthings in these.

I agree with another poster--make sure all toiletries are in zipper bags.

I have a toiletry bag that zips open and hangs from a hook once you are in the hotel room--This works great for me.


I use the Eagle Creek packing system (cubes and a folder) and the same type toiletry bag you have. I also take a space bag to pack the dirty clothes I have to bring home.

The only thing I carry on is my prescription meds (in my purse), my trip binder and something to read.

Of course, I only have to pack for me. It makes things much easier :flower:
HenDuck said:
kpk89, I do the same thing! We always spread out all of our clothes amongst all our suitcases, just in case...good tip!

Fun thread. Thanks!

This is also a good tip for those of you that stay at more then one resort while you are there. That way you don't have to open up and mess all of the suitcases.

I just finished packing, we leave in 2 days. The clothes in the Ziplock bags is a wonderful idea, I have fit all of my families clothes for 11 days for 5 people in only 2 suitcases and still have room left in them for more things to come back home :cool1:
We are going for 16 days in July. We are a family of four so there is a lot of packing to do. I REFUSE to do laundry on vacation! My DH came up with a great idea (or a least I hope it's great) to use space bags. We got a great deal on QVC 12 bags for about $35. I called Disney to see if they would have a vacuum for use to suck out the air at check out and it was no problem. I have already packed one to see how much room it would save us, it shrunk down to about 1/3 of the original size. Has anyone else used these? If so I would love to hear how they worked for you.

P.S. Any ideas when the airline doesn't feed you? We only have 1/2 hour layover, just enough time to get from one plane to another with 2 kids. The bad thing is we are flying from 7 am to 4:30 pm, all the way from Washington.
What should we do so our kids don't starve, we don't want to just give them snacks all day.
:dancer: :cheer2: princess: :crazy:
Toiletries on vacation...

rule #1... everyone in the family uses what Mom uses... except for toothbrushes, razors, and deodorant.
rule #2... if you don't like what Mom uses, you are free to use the freebies that the hotel provides.
Hockeymommy said:
We are going for 16 days in July. We are a family of four so there is a lot of packing to do. I REFUSE to do laundry on vacation! My DH came up with a great idea (or a least I hope it's great) to use space bags. We got a great deal on QVC 12 bags for about $35. I called Disney to see if they would have a vacuum for use to suck out the air at check out and it was no problem. I have already packed one to see how much room it would save us, it shrunk down to about 1/3 of the original size. Has anyone else used these? If so I would love to hear how they worked for you.

:dancer: :cheer2: princess: :crazy:

I always take a space bag for dirty clothes on the return trip. I've found that actually packing in them gets stuff pretty wrinkled, especially if you're packing in advance. Ironing, for me at least, is a far worse chore than doing laundry! :goodvibes
Hockeymommy said:
We are going for 16 days in July. We are a family of four so there is a lot of packing to do. I REFUSE to do laundry on vacation! My DH came up with a great idea (or a least I hope it's great) to use space bags. We got a great deal on QVC 12 bags for about $35. I called Disney to see if they would have a vacuum for use to suck out the air at check out and it was no problem. I have already packed one to see how much room it would save us, it shrunk down to about 1/3 of the original size. Has anyone else used these? If so I would love to hear how they worked for you.

P.S. Any ideas when the airline doesn't feed you? We only have 1/2 hour layover, just enough time to get from one plane to another with 2 kids. The bad thing is we are flying from 7 am to 4:30 pm, all the way from Washington.
What should we do so our kids don't starve, we don't want to just give them snacks all day.
:dancer: :cheer2: princess: :crazy:

Although I don't use them, I have seen space bags in WalMart that don't require a vacuum. They have a one-way valve to let the air out but not back in, and all you need to do to get to the air out is roll the bag up, squeezing the air out as you go.
What are packing cubes?Where do you find them? TIA April ::MickeyMo
I used a combination of travel space bags and ziplocs last trip. I wanted everything to be in plastic in case our bags were inspected. An added benefit was the space it saved. I actually thought our stuff was less wrinkled than when we've packed without the bags. I'm definitely packing my kids' clothes by outfit next time. Sounds like it saves a lot of time.
mistyc said:
Do We really need to bring bug spray? We are going in 12 :cool1: days-
Are the bugs THAT bad?
Thanks for all the tips!!

Yes, you'll need it. Our last two trips were in May. The first year I got bit several times by no see um's...some sort of FL bug....took about a month for the bites to go away. Last year, used bug spray and no problem.
Atotty said:
Yes, you'll need it. Our last two trips were in May. The first year I got bit several times by no see um's...some sort of FL bug....took about a month for the bites to go away. Last year, used bug spray and no problem.

We were just there from May 4-10 and didn't have any problems with bugs. I had the bug spray ready to use and didn't even have to open it! Also, we packed the kids clothes in ziplocs and it worked out great! All I had to do was give a bag to each of my kids and they were set. It had shorts, shirts, socks and undies and they were good to go...
I love the ziploc method. It was the only way I was able to pack ten outfits(yes 10 full outfits) in a 22" upright with my toiletries, towel, swimsuit, shoes, sandals, pjs, and all. I had an extra duffel for souvenirs. It did get a little crowded as I don't think the ten outfits were needed(only wore 2 prs. of shorts) We were not at Disney, but the fact that everything was in its own bag, and I knew I had all my stuff made switching hotels every other night for 12 days a whole lot easier. For Disney I found packing light works great. You ALWAYS have access to laundry and you always end up buying stuff. (those Disney gift shops really work their magic LoL!)

Forgot to add:

My dad and I went to Disney in 2004.
I had one 22" suitcase that was half full
My dad had his 22", a duffel, and a big suitcase. The big one was like 60 lbs so we had to put water and even it out between our cases. Well, we got rid of all the water and snacks and ended up returning with one gigantic suitcase of souvenirs plus the duffle with toileries was half full with stuff, plus my dads suitcase. Try...WOAH. So, pack light I cannot stress that enougH!!!
and haven't read through the whole thread. But for my three boys I use one of those three drawer rolling containers (sans wheels) the drawers a large enough for a weeks worth of clothes for each (one drawer each). Of course we drive, that obviously wouldn't be an option for flying. Hubby and I use a large suitcase. The boys socks and underwear go into ziplock bags and into an additional suitcase with their shoes (and ours) Tolietries are also in a ziplock and into a carry on sized bag. I love the drawers because I fold the jeans/shorts with a tee and place it in the drawer, they grab the first thing on top and have a complete outfit (we do this at home too...LOL)
Watch out when packing film!!!! It will be zapped by the x-rays and ruined. Have it hand-checked at the security, or pack it in a lead bag (available at any camera shop).

Tip the backpacking store I bought 21-day dries super quick, so I only pack two pairs of underwear. I wash one pair in the shower in the morning and wear the other while that pair dries. Saves lots of room.

Tip #3...Just remember that you aren't going to Siberia! Most everything you forget to pack can be purchased if you REALLY need it.

I pack very lightly, using one carryon for a 14-day trip, and NO laundry trips during my vacation. (Except for the undies in the shower).
I got "Air-Compression" bags at Target. I got the large(2) and they are just like huge zip-lock bags. you put your cloths roll, it takes all the air out. just like the vaccum bags do. they work excellent and I use 2 of a 29' suitcase. and they are reusable...all for $4.99
Best tip -- I wish that I would have seen the post about packing one outfit per zip-lock bag, then repacking the same clothes in the bag that evening. It would have saved so much time when repacking to go home. Figure one outfit per day, plus one dressier outfit for dinners out. You can always wear something twice if it's not stained.

I've always been a zip-lock packer (20+years!), but have done the shirts in one bag, socks and unds in another, but not anymore!

Second best tip which many have stressed here: Pack everything, then take out half of what you've packed! Honestly, you won't miss it. And just think about how much lighter your suitcase will be!
My mom says the same thing pack everything the take out half she says it works great
Thanks for the info
We stay at Old Key West and therefore have a washer/dryer in the room. That helps a lot. I found that we would pack a lot but only wear the favorites. So I made a rule...the rule of 3.

Everyone can bring only 3 of anything...3 tank tops, 3 t-shirts, 3 shorts, 3 socks, 3 underwear etc. This works for us because we can run the washer when we leave in the morning and switch everything when we come back for our afternoon break.

Anything we forget or don't have, we get to go shopping :banana:

For the five of us (kids 17-13-12) this works great


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