PACKING TIPS-- Post yours here!

Does anyone use those spacesaver bags to pack their clothes in and then put in the suitcase? (The kind I'm talking about are the ones that you use a vaccuum to suction all of the air out of the bag). Okay, if you do then how do you pack for the trip home? I mean there aren't any vaccuums at WDW are there?
I just found super big bags at Wal Mart in the ziploc section!! been looking for more than 2 years
I really think this thread is great and wanted to "bump" it forward!
Don't know if anyone has mentioned this one, but for trips where you stay in one place for a longer period of time, we take an over-the-door shoe bag with clear pockets and unpack our toiletry items for the whole family into it when we arrive. The bag folds up flat in the suitcase for travelling, everyone can easily find items that they need once they are in the pockets, and it gives you more counter space. :sunny:
When I was packing for our return trip I said to my hubby that I would pack the dirty clothes in with the unworn ones , he looked at me as if to say " not my stuff" (you'd think that after 18 years together he would know me better than that) .So I clarified myself and told him that I bought those huge ziploc bags and would pack the dirty stuff in them (folded - to get the most in each & squeeze the excess air out)and the clean ones would be fine. It worked out well as we had an extra suitcase for the souveniers!
Wherever we travel, 1 thing I never leave home without is a spray-n-wash stain stick. It never fails that one of us or all of us seem to spill something.
So we treat it with that, throw it in a ziploc type bag, and it is good to go until we return home.
Miranda Danda, I have the Pink "He gives me Butterflies" tank too!! I got it for Valentines in 2004!! :)

My pack tip for Florida is:

A Swimmers Towel! They are very small and extremely absorbent...if you get rained on and are sopping wet, it's VERY nice to be able to go inside somewhere and DRY OFF with just a swipe of the towel. It never gets drippy or soggy and once it's wrung out it's totally dry and can go back into the pack even though they usually come with little plastic boxes. You can dry off wet drippy hair or just wipe off sweaty seriously is a lifesaver in hot humid hurricane prone Florida!!! I had one last time I was in Florida for a conference and we got caught in a rain storm. I dried off my feet and my sandals but my friend with me didn't want to use it and said she would dry off in no time...well her feet were squishing around in her sandals and she got a nasty blister. Not me, dry as a bone!! I never go to Florida without my swimmers towel!!
mickeyluv said:
Does anyone use those spacesaver bags to pack their clothes in and then put in the suitcase? (The kind I'm talking about are the ones that you use a vaccuum to suction all of the air out of the bag). Okay, if you do then how do you pack for the trip home? I mean there aren't any vaccuums at WDW are there?

I used the SpaceSaver bags when I was flying as part of a move a few years ago. I had the duffle bag packed to the max, only to have airport security open each bag individually to see what was in them. Re-packing was not fun, I would totally never use the space bags again to pack!
kikipug said:
Toiletries on vacation...

rule #1... everyone in the family uses what Mom uses... except for toothbrushes, razors, and deodorant.
rule #2... if you don't like what Mom uses, you are free to use the freebies that the hotel provides.
pezheadmeg said:
I used the SpaceSaver bags when I was flying as part of a move a few years ago. I had the duffle bag packed to the max, only to have airport security open each bag individually to see what was in them. Re-packing was not fun, I would totally never use the space bags again to pack!

I found that the space bags did not work. The items compressed nicely, but within a few hours the air had seeped in. I don't know if I had a bad batch or what. But I am using them now for general storage bags and not using the compression feature- that doesn't work on them anyway, for me.
If you buy the cheap toss away rain ponchos from Dollar Tree or any dollar store the 2 for a dollar type clear ones, put them each in a sandwich size baggie to carry around. If it rains you have something to put them back into and it keeps them from unfolding in your bag. I recommend the snap close type sanwich bag but ziplocks would work too.... :sunny:
Miranda Danda said:
Hello everyone! I decided to start this thread for everyone to post their own (or search for) packing tips for Disney (or any other trip, for that matter). I'll start:
I make a list of all of the outfits I am taking with me. An example would be...
(1) Black Express princess crown tank top, Dollhouse jeans skirt, black flip- flops
(2) Pink "He Gives Me Butterflies" tank top, Lilu shorts, pink Old Navy flip- flops
(3) Brown Wet Seal baby tee, One Tuff Babe shorts with brown belt, Brown AE flip-flops.......

I make the list and number each outfit. About 1 week before my trip I make sure each outfit is clean and ready to go. Rather than pack it immediately, I stack all my outfits on a shelf in my room. I put the list with it so that when I pack (all at one time) I can make sure I have everything I need to take. Also, I number each outfit on the list and then I pack each outfit in it's own Ziplock baggie and I number the baggie to correspond with the number on the list. This prevents me from digging through my suitcase. I also roll up and pair of socks, undies and a bra to match the outfit. Those go in the baggie as well. On my list, I also include whether or not I care if the outfit gets wet. Some of my outfits are fine to get wet, but I would prefer if others didn't. This makes it easier when knowing what to wear for which park(s) I plan to go to that day.

I hope all of that made sense. Now, it's YOUR turn. Post any helpful hints for packing! :wave2:

I LOVE YOUR LIST!!!! It looks just like mine - outfit FLIPFLOPS, outfit FLIPFLOPS!!!!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Hmn.. This is my packing tip..

I take everything I own.. DONT!

When I go to Disneyland later in the summer I am going to have my suitcase really nice with my sisters stuff in it as well. I am going to use the ziplock method again and it won't be as hard because I am not packing heavy clothing liike I did last april 2005. I really want to buy a couple more pair of flip flops and a pair of teva's so that I can wear them before the trip then I will have them broken in. I usually take 2-3 pair of shorts and switch between them and then 5-7 shirts and a skirt outfit. Right now I have 3 pair of flipflops. 1 black, 1 pink , 1 old navy lime greenish color i think. so I am hoping to get more. ALSO REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR TENNIS SHOES!
Great thread! I haven't had a chance to read all 12 pages yet, but I will! :thumbsup2 86 days to go . . . :banana:

One thing we started doing on a trip to Europe a couple of years ago was to make every family member bring a roller carry-on suitcase. They could also take a small tote or backpack.

In the one carry-on, we must fit everything we want to take, including shoes, toiletries, etc. In the tote/backpack, I put my guidebook and sunscreen, the kids put their toys and snacks, things they want to be able to get to easily.

We have used this method a few times since and it works great on trips where we travel by air. This way we have nothing to check and . . . drum roll please . . . everyone can wear their own small backpack and roll their own suitcase! Everyone knows exactly what he or she is responsible for and it is less likely that we leave something behind.

One time I really wanted to take my laptop computer, so that became my personal item and I stuffed my guidebooks and snacks in the side pouches.

Even on car trips, it works out. We took a minivan to Atlanta last week and there was limited luggage space. We are now a family of 5: me, dh, dd15, ds9 and ds1. Each of the 5 roller carry-on suitcases slid in sideways in the back next to each other perfectly. Each of the kids carried their own small backpack next to them in the car, except for the baby. I brought a diaper bag/purse combination, so we only had one tote between us. Won't be long before I will start making him keep up with his own personal tote!

Part of the benefit is that it really limits what each person takes, which is extremely important with a teenage daughter!!! :cheer2: It also keeps things organized so we know exactly what bag to look in to find what we are looking for!

The trick is making this plan work for longer trips (like our 2 1/2 week European vacation!) However, it forces you to really think about what you are going to pack and not to overdo it. It is harder in the winter, so wear your jeans and coat on the travel day, because they take up alot more room!
I pack two different ways. One way going and another way returning. For the trip going I spread out our things between all of our suitcases. (My mom, my DD6, and myself) I've never had a piece of lost luggage (knock wood) but just in case, at least everyone will have something to wear. I even spread out our panties and bathing suits.

Also, for the trip going, I'm careful about what I carry-on. Basically, anything I can't replace easily, goes into one of the carry-ons. This includes:
1. Makeup (I don't want to have to track down a Mary Kay consultant) including MK sunscreen (great for the face)
2. Bathing suit for each of us. I don't want to have to shop for one of those! :rotfl2:
3. Contact lense solution and spare contacts (I usually bring a few extra pairs-just in case)
4. Cameras-digital camera and digital camcorder. Also, I'll put the chargers for same in another carry on.
5. Portable DVD player and DVDs.
6. Snacks, cards, book, things to keep DD entertained for 5+ hour flight.
7. Medicine (if we are currently taking any.)
8. Panties

On the way home, all bets are off! The only must haves (in the carry-ons) are DVD player and DVDs, snacks-meal, DD entertainment items, and cameras. Everything else can go in the checked luggage. If it gets lost coming home, I know I can live without the rest for a few days or so.

As far as when I start packing, usually about a week or so I start packing the majority of items, leaving out the things to add last minute.

Yes, I do keep a box in my closet labeled vacation and this is where I put the items I only take on vacation and can use again. Also, thanks to tips read on disboards, I did buy an over the door shoe holder and a sweater holder (for the closet) and they help keep the room organized. :thumbsup2 3 people for 10 nights in one room less than 300 sq. ft. requires some organization. One thing we do is we designate one of the armoire drawers as our food drawer. It's where all non-perishable food items (inc. utensil) go. I bring chip clips and ziploc containers from home. We take the shelf out of the fridge so we can put tall items in. I put all my cords, chargers, etc. for my electronic equipment in the armoire, next to the t.v. I label my chargers, etc. so I know what goes to what (they all look alike). Also, another tip I've read was to bring a surge protector/multiple outlet strip from home. This is very handy when plugging in everything to recharge.

That's all I can write for now-we're leaving for Disneyland for the evening to see the fireworks, etc. :goodvibes
Good idea about the carry on's for everyone.. and a backpack !! But.. my question is this: Can I really do that, because that's what we wanted to do this year, but we figured it was not allowed.. you know the One Carry on per person rule, just not sure if they considered a backpack a carry on too ?? :rolleyes: advance for any advice :thumbsup2
When we've flown in the past we were allowed one carry on and one personal item. The personal item can be a purse, backpack, etc. I think they say you have to be able to keep the personal item at your feet. Hope that helps! :goodvibes


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