Photo Sharing: Ultra Wide Angle

I took the Tokina 11-16 f/2.8 to my son's junior high football game last night. The coach knows I'm a photo junkie and lets me stand with the team...he know's he's gonna get a cool photo composite at the end of the season (LOL). I was standing about 2 feet behind my son. The UWA isn't great for action shots, but it does give an interesting perspective from the sidelines. :)

Put me in, Coach!
Nikon D300; Tokina 11-16mm at 16mm
ISO: 200; 1/160; f/8

My 11-16 rental came today. Much different shooting with something that wide compared to a normal or telephoto lens. I am amazed how close you can get to something and still have the entire thing in frame.
Great shots zackiedawg....;)

My 11-16 arrived on Monday but its been raining here for 2 days and I haven't practiced with it yet. Need to use it a bit before my upcoming trip.
It was woefully miserably hot and humid, so I wasn't quite inspired to take as many photos as I might have in a cooler season, but the parks were not crowded at all, so that helped. I didn't use tripod at all the whole trip - that was the heat's fault, as walking around with a full bag and tripod just didn't seem very I usually just traveled with my camera and mounted lens and one extra lens.

Great shots, Justin! We were there last week and I felt the exact same way about the heat... it just killed my photography mojo. I didn't take but a handful of tripod shots around our resort because I didn't feel like lugging it around, even leaving it in a locker to go back and retrieve later while we were in the parks.

I hear you about hot, we just got back last night and it was a challenge carrying much gear around in that weather.

I'm so glad to hear I wasn't the only one!

Clicking the picture takes you to its Flickr page where you can access my EXIF data, etc..

Great shot, Tom! I thought you guys left for another trip to the World yesterday? Did I read your flickr post wrong?

Here's my contribution (not the Tokina, but the Canon 17-40) that I've posted on a couple of other threads.
Great shot, Tom! I thought you guys left for another trip to the World yesterday? Did I read your flickr post wrong?

Here's my contribution (not the Tokina, but the Canon 17-40) that I've posted on a couple of other threads.

No, we were packing yesterday. We leave tomorrow. I don't use the internet at all while we're on vacation, so that's my last picture-update for a while...
Great shots, Justin! We were there last week and I felt the exact same way about the heat... it just killed my photography mojo. I didn't take but a handful of tripod shots around our resort because I didn't feel like lugging it around, even leaving it in a locker to go back and retrieve later while we were in the parks.

My worst "heat moment" last week was on a quick walk from Beach Club to Epcot's Fountain of Nations, carrying my camera, $4MDH with the 10-22, and a tripod. The UWA is a great way to get photos of the fountain without anyone in them since it allows us to get so close to the subject.

Anyway, I left Beach at about 8:00, quickly walked to the fountain, took some (ok, a lot of) photos, and got back to World Showcase before 9:00.
Fortunately I have been riding my bicycle in humid 90 degree weather all Summer for training, it came in handy at WDW! ;)

Clicking the picture takes you to its Flickr page where you can access my EXIF data, etc..


That shot is awesome! Did you do some hdr work on it to get that type of coloring of the palm tree?

Dave pirate:
thanks all on the compliments. It was nice to get a new perspective on Disney with the UWA. It is downright freaky how close you can get to things and still fit them in...I think people thought I was a little slow or something when I'm standing a foot away from my subjects and taking shots ("look at that guy with the camera...what is he trying to take a photo of...his friend's nostril?"). You can be standing next to someone with a 'normal' lens who is taking a photo of a door frame, while you're in the same spot taking a photo of the entire building. It came in handy both for avoiding people in shots, and also for giving me the opportunity to shoot some buildings I've never been able to squeeze into the frame because there wasn't any more room to back up.

That heat was just energy-sapping. Hey...I LIVE here - I've had these temps for the past 5 months without let up. There's not really any way to become totally adapted to it - even if you can function longer than others, or handle the sweat better, it still isn't lugging around big camera bags and tripods just never sounded all that enticing.

This December I'll be back up there, and hopefully accompanied by much cooler weather so I can really take my time and enjoy shooting all around the parks with the UWA!

That shot is awesome! Did you do some hdr work on it to get that type of coloring of the palm tree?

Dave pirate:


No HDR here. I just intentionally overexposed when I shot it to bring out the sky, stars, and the colors in the tree. It had the unintended consequence of blowing out the bottom of the tree a bit, but I think that's minor. I really had one heck of a time getting this shot in the first place...
Thanks jfinke.......

Can't wait to try mine out next week !!!:yay:

Does anyone think it will work well on fireworks...up closer to the castle??
Thanks jfinke.......

Can't wait to try mine out next week !!!:yay:

Does anyone think it will work well on fireworks...up closer to the castle??

Don't you steal my idea now!!! :rotfl: I honestly was thinking the same thing, that I would shoot HalloWishes standing behind Walt facing the castle and using the Tokina. I guess we'll find out! :thumbsup2
Don't you steal my idea now!!! :rotfl: I honestly was thinking the same thing, that I would shoot HalloWishes standing behind Walt facing the castle and using the Tokina. I guess we'll find out! :thumbsup2

Your idea works pretty well, just don't tilt the lens up or the distortion comes in.

Don't you steal my idea now!!! :rotfl: I honestly was thinking the same thing, that I would shoot HalloWishes standing behind Walt facing the castle and using the Tokina. I guess we'll find out! :thumbsup2

Sort of like this?

Clicking the picture takes you to its Flickr page, where you can access camera settings/EXIF data!


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